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YouTube permanently censors FEDERAL PORN WARS 3-part series independent documentary (Frame ups, Judicial Corruption, Blackmail) over YouTube claiming that they had exhibited “harmful conspiracy theories”

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This is bad when YouTube accuses Brian D. Hill (formerly USWGO Alt. News) of inciting acts of violence against the corrupt U.S. Government. They knew that allegation was false (no evidence of that in FEDERAL PORN WARS documentary) when watching all three videos. So then they change the false claim of inciting violence to exhibiting “harmful conspiracy theories”. So they change the allegation when they are confronted with the truth. This is crazy. YouTube is a communist platform. Heck Google has business offices in CHINA, and so they are not a private company. They work with Google and YouTube works with the FBI and the DOJ. They all work together and that by definition is FASCISM, the merger of state and corporate power as Robert F. Kennedy had said.

YouTube permanently censors FEDERAL PORN WARS 3-part series documentary (Frame ups, Judicial Corruption, Blackmail) over YouTube claiming that they had exhibited “harmful conspiracy theories”

Author: Stanley Bolten

Note: We have two petitions on One requesting that YouTube reinstate the three part documentary series and another petition asking for TheStarChild2009 to be reinstated and returned to it’s rightful account owner Roberta. YouTube has wrongfully attacked and lied about Brian Hill and allowing hacking of the YouTube channel of his mother in the FBI/DOJ/CIA/NSA’s ongoing (criminal organizational) retaliation campaign against Brian Hill and his family.

YouTube denied all three appeals requesting undoing the censorship take-down of older Brian D. Hill (formerly USWGO Alt. News) documentary videos on the USWGO YouTube Channel. Without warning and out of the blue, three videos were taken down (censored) on the YouTube platform. The three videos which were taken down (censored) were of the Federal Porn Wars which is a three-part documentary series (part 1 link, part 2 link, part 3 link) (similar style to the Tucker Carlson multi-part documentary series). They originally claimed the documentary in it’s entirety was promoting or inciting violent acts (presumably they mean any claims made against the U.S. Government) which was a lie. Watching the very documentary series proves that YouTube defamed Brian Hill by giving these false allegations. So they upheld the censorship take-down of all three videos with facts and important information with a new accusation justifying the censorship. YouTube claimed that Brian D. Hill who produced the three parts of the documentary was uttering “harmful conspiracy theories”. Also for those who immediately argue that YouTube is only a private company and can do whatever they want, Twitter’s Elon Musk had revealed that these big tech social media platforms have a portal to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and different federal government agencies where they can request removal of published content from places like Twitter, and likely also happens at YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. So there is a chance that the U.S. Government was behind the censorship of the three part documentary. That itself does violate the First Amendment of the United States Constitution by prohibiting freedom of speech. What does the government not want people to see in this documentary??? Watch the three parts and learn what the government wants censored right now.

See If Twitter had a hidden portal to allow federal government agencies to request or demand taking down content on these platforms, then why stop at just Twitter??? I bet YouTube also receives requests from the U.S. Department of InJustice (DOJ) demanding taking down videos that the U.S. Government does not like. That is true censorship and communism. That is not a private company when they work with the U.S. Government. It is fascism (legally defined as FASCISM, marriage of state and private corporation) for a big social media platform to work with a government to censor content, content which broke no law (completely legal) but the government didn’t like it.

Files (Read the email for all three documentary parts, all were banned from YouTube video streaming platform for uttering “harmful conspiracy theories”):
Gmail – USWGO, we’ve reached a decision on your appeal.pdf




“a safe place for all”??? How exactly are all three parts of this documentary harmful to people to watch and harmful to society??? It doesn’t show porn on it. It doesn’t show sex acts or graphical violence, no. It just utters, oh, what they dub as a “harmful conspiracy theory”. That label can be placed on anybody criticizing the government, blowing the whistle on the government, or questioning the government. That is very communistic. According to YouTube, anybody criticizing the government or even documenting government corruption must be silenced for making society “a safe place for all”. Very communistic. Communism at play here.

The first part of the documentary was talking about frame ups of political activists and alternative media, framing them with heinous set up crimes of child pornography, first started with Brian D. Hill, then Luke Rudkowski, then Stewart Rhodes, Melissa Melton and Aaron Dykes, and eventually it went as far as Alex Jones. So Brian’s “harmful conspiracy theory” was claiming that he was innocent when the discovery materials in his federal criminal case vouch for Brian’s claims of being set up with child porn. Once the U.S. Attorney realized what was actually in the discovery materials, they admitted to destroying the certain specific criminal case materials under affidavit, they admittedly covered it up with some lame excuse as to why. They didn’t cover up all of the discovery materials according to the Vaughn Index but only certain discovery materials were destroyed (covered up) which expose that the whole child porn case was a FRAUD. YouTube considers Brian’s claim of actual innocence to his child porn charge as “harmful conspiracy theories”. Even serial killers and suspected rapists have a constitutional right to claim innocence even when it may be a bold faced lie. So now with Brian Hill, there is evidence suggesting or supporting Brian’s claim of innocence, and YouTube doesn’t want that in a documentary about frame ups of patriots. YouTube doesn’t believe in the constitutional right of a criminal defendant to proclaim innocence when accused of a crime. What happened to the democrats and liberals who were all about the wrongfully convicted and being against the tough on crime agenda??? Why is YouTube targeting a video about government framing innocent people??? See the video for yourself on Rumble and Internet Archive and you will find that it shouldn’t have been removed from YouTube. They didn’t stick by their original claim of Brian inciting violent acts because they knew that was not true, so they changed the excuse/reason to something totally different.
FEDERAL PORN WARS – Part 1 of Series – DOCUMENTARY at : Produced by Brian D. Hill, Directed by Brian D. Hill, Researched by Family, Released by Family : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
FEDERAL PORN WARS – Part 1 of Series – DOCUMENTARY at (Rumble)

The second part of the documentary which was banned had spoken out about judicial corruption and malfeasance. The U.S. Constitution under the First Amendment (Bill of Rights) gives people the right to criticize the federal and state courts, the judiciary of all levels of the United States of America. It is not immoral, wrong, or criminal in any way to criticize the courts. Only threatening to harm or kill judges or court officials is not protected under the First Amendment because threats of harming others is not peaceful. You have a right to peacefully criticize the courts. You have a right to peacefully criticize the judges and court officials. People on both the left and the right have criticized the federal and state courts, even criticized the U.S. Supreme Court for decisions. Historically, U.S. President and founding father Thomas Jefferson had a first amendment right to criticize the power of judges, and we all have a right to criticize the courts and the judges, and that keeps them in check. The First Amendment right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press keeps a check and a balance on the judges and the courts. Keeping the courts in check is very important for the constitutional democratic republic of the United States of America. We have a democracy in regard to electing our representatives. However, America is a republic with elected representatives. It is not criminal to criticize the courts, and it is not illegal to criticize the courts. Criticizing the courts for any perceived wrongdoing and malfeasance is not a “harmful conspiracy theory”. If we are no longer allowed to criticize the courts then we are in trouble. Why is YouTube targeting a video about criticizing the federal and/or state judiciary??? See the video for yourself on Rumble and Internet Archive and you will find that it shouldn’t have been removed from YouTube. They didn’t stick by their original claim of Brian inciting violent acts because they knew that was not true, so they changed the excuse/reason to something totally different.
FEDERAL PORN WARS PART 2 JUDICIAL CORRUPTION OF SERIES DOCUMENTARY With BOOK AD : Brian D. Hill, Distributed by Family : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The third part of the documentary was taken down, and that spoke about a legitimate subject matter of blackmail. Jeffrey Epstein was proven to have blackmailed people including politicians (Bill Clinton for example) and possibly John Roberts the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Jeffrey Epstein was proven to be real, a real conspiracy, a real true crime, not a theory, and yet a video simply documenting the blackmail scheme of high society politicians and other high people was taken down first for the false allegation of promoting and inciting acts of violence but then they backtrack on that allegation to claim that Brian Hill’s part three of the documentary on the subject of Jeffrey Epstein blackmail scheme was a “harmful conspiracy theory”. So YouTube has defamed Brian Hill and censored the documentary by taking a documentary video about issues involving a real true crime and labeling it as a “harmful conspiracy theory”. YouTube has wrongfully censored the subject matter of blackmail in the short-documentary. If we are no longer allowed to criticize the proven blackmail of high society by some international pedophile who was indicted for child sex trafficking or human trafficking, then we are in trouble. Why is YouTube targeting a video about a proven blackmail scheme when Jeffrey Epstein was indicted for his partaking in pedophile sexual blackmail??? See the video for yourself on Rumble and Internet Archive and you will find that it shouldn’t have been removed from YouTube. They didn’t stick by their original claim of Brian inciting violent acts because they knew that was not true, so they changed the excuse/reason to something totally different.
FEDERAL PORN WARS PART 3 BLACKMAIL OF SERIES DOCUMENTARY With BOOK AD : Brian D. Hill, Distributed by Family : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

So the censorship is happening, and it is not a coincidence that all three documentary parts were censored after the Stewart Rhodes sentencing letter was filed in the United States District Court in Washington, DC with a QR Code and short link to the FEDERAL PORN WARS PART 3: BLACKMAIL third part of the series. Because YouTube doesn’t want the blackmail scheme to come out when it affects their corporate controlled puppet politicians and puppet judges and puppet justices.

Again as explained in the last article, It should be noted that a link and QR Code to Brian’s “Federal Porn Wars” Part 3 series of the documentary about blackmail was filed in the sentencing letter for the Stewart Rhodes criminal case in federal court. It was filed publicly on PACER very close to around the time the YouTube video take-downs had begun. Could it be the U.S. Department of inJustice was angry at the certain things in the federal court document then the Feds were trying to censor and wipe away any YouTube videos or links referenced in that particular federal filing to make them dead links and meaningless??? Scan the QR Code during this censorship period. If it is restored then you will see the Federal Porn Wars part 3 of series: Blackmail. If not (if the link is still dead?) then the fact that Brian had a text link referencing this in a federal court filing in the Stewart Rhodes case could explain that the DOJ was unhappy that Brian snuck/sneaked this in his legal pleading and the Feds likely contacted YouTube to have it censored as a violence promoting video when in fact it wasn’t. False accusations are the new form of government control.

All three parts of that documentary were getting a lot of views on the controlled YouTube platform despite the shadow banning trying to curb the true number of views and likes to a video. YouTube was caught lowing the view counts in those videos out of fear that the video would show up more on people’s feeds and related videos feeds. YouTube even prevented comments from appearing on those three videos.

Federal Porn Wars Part 3: BLACKMAIL was uploaded on May 17, 2022, was censored on May 22, 2023. Had 12,988 views and 726 likes with no dislikes.
Federal Porn Wars Part 2: JUDICIAL CORRUPTION was uploaded on November 22, 2021, was censored on May 22, 2023. Had 11,736 views and 693 likes with no dislikes.
Federal Porn Wars Part 1: FRAME UPS was uploaded on November 13, 2021, was censored on May 22, 2023. Had 10,921 views and 672 likes with no dislikes.

No dislikes, had a lot of views, been on for about a year or longer, and yet they are now targeting an older video. So they may be planning to censor more videos at the USWGO YouTube channel because YouTube is now going after old videos uploaded to their platform, and they can target those videos at any time for no reason or whatever reason whether true or false. If the U.S. Government is behind these censorship operations then it does violate the U.S. Constitution and it’s First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Government does not have the legal authority or right to request removing a video off of YouTube, unless the particular video was illegal. Arguably, child porn is not protected under the First Amendment. Threat videos threatening to kill people is not protected under the First Amendment. Terrorism videos are not protected under the First Amendment. However, Brian’s documentary videos are not illegal and are protected speech under the First Amendment. A documentary is a peaceful documentation of information, a video discussing a particular issue whether political, or cultural, or societal or all of the above. Brian’s documentary is not illegal and isn’t criminal. It is protected under the Fair Use Doctrine of copyright law. So no laws were broken by Brian. It was censored by YouTube. If the U.S. Government is behind this censorship like they were conducting on Twitter (Twitter files), then YouTube has violated the civil rights and constitutional rights of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. YouTube has done what the U.S. Government wanted and they violated federal law. YouTube has violated the civil rights and constitutional rights of Brian D. Hill by engaging in acts of FASCISM, marriage of corporate and state power. Taking down videos (censorship) to protect the corruption in the U.S. Government is fascism.

Beware that now YouTube is targeting older videos now too. You may have uploaded a video five years go and never got a sanction, and now YouTube can out of the blue file a complaint against you, put a strike on your YouTube channel without warning, and accuse you of violating their terms of service whether your video was recently uploaded or uploaded a long time ago. They are targeting older videos now to purge history and purge older videos to control the narrative of not just now in the modern world, but to control the narrative of the future. Whatever the future narrative is which will be approved by the U.S. Government and World Government. As the saying goes: “know your place, shut your face”. The narrative can change as time goes on so the censorship will continually be ramped up at YouTube, eventually destroying many videos overtime.

YouTube censors three documentaries on USWGO Channel, LIES/falsely-accuses us of producing “Content that glorifies or incites acts of violence”, so we are being accused or promoting violence on YouTube

Now telling the TRUTH is considered “glorifies or incites acts of violence”. Telling the truth is now forbidden in the world of communism.

Author: Stanley Bolten

YouTube has now censored (since May 22, 2023) the Federal Porn Wars Part 1: Frame Ups, Federal Porn Wars Part 2: Judicial Corruption, and Federal Porn Wars Part 3: BLACKMAIL. Accusing Brian D. Hill (formerly USWGO Alternative News) and his family and friends of promoting content “…that glorifies or incites acts of violence”, according to YouTube itself. These are documentaries and they do not promote violence. The opposite, it wants peaceful justice by exposing these shadow operations of framing people and politicians being blackmailed. The documentary files were given to me from Brian Hill’s family to upload, who also watched all three parts of this documentary and none of them ever believed that it somehow “glorifies or incites acts of violence” or anything like that. So YouTube is lying about Brian D. Hill to censor the entire three part documentary/documentaries to cover up the fact that the Feds are framing people and are corrupting the judiciary (the judges). YouTube wants to cover up the Jeffrey Epstein blackmail. YouTube wants to cover up that the Feds frame people with child porn. YouTube wants to cover up criticizing the judiciary. That all peacefully complies with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, Brian broke no laws when he produced this documentary, three parts. So it is documentaries since it is multiple parts produced at different times periods. Still all three parts are of the whole series exposing corruption with the facts. Now it is CENSORED for telling the truth and bringing facts to the people.

We knew this censorship was coming.

See one screenshot and the rest are below a few paragraphs in this article.

Check out this documentary for yourself on Rumble and Internet Archive. Find out the truth. YouTube is lying about what was uploaded on the USWGO YouTube Channel. These documentaries do not incite or promote violence as that would be a federal crime. None of these videos are doing that. So watch what is being censored for yourself and find out what YouTube doesn’t want you to see. False accusations are coming to shut us down so that Brian Hill will never be acquitted in the corrupt judiciary. The corrupt CIA will make sure that Brian is never acquitted by any peaceful means by censoring, intimidating, and the threats against Brian Hill and his family. Brian’s only crime was running a damn blog from 2009 to 2012 fighting against the New World Order. The CIA Deep State is holding Brian Hill hostage, it is apparent. Anyways, see the documentaries videos, and you will see that Brian never promoted or glorified violence. So now the TRUTH is considered violence.

FEDERAL PORN WARS – Part 1 of Series – DOCUMENTARY at : Produced by Brian D. Hill, Directed by Brian D. Hill, Researched by Family, Released by Family : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
FEDERAL PORN WARS PART 2 JUDICIAL CORRUPTION OF SERIES DOCUMENTARY With BOOK AD : Brian D. Hill, Distributed by Family : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
FEDERAL PORN WARS PART 3 BLACKMAIL OF SERIES DOCUMENTARY With BOOK AD : Brian D. Hill, Distributed by Family : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
FEDERAL PORN WARS – Part 1 of Series – DOCUMENTARY at (Rumble)

Anyways here is the rest of the proof that YouTube is accusing Brian Hill of glorifying or promoting or inciting violence in simply bringing out the truth about feds framing people, judicial corruption, and blackmail.


Of course we appealed the decision, but this is not the first time that YouTube tried to censor one part of the documentary. See: YouTube almost censors: Federal Porn Wars Series 3: BLACKMAIL (involving Jeffrey Epstein blackmail) and then uncensors video allowing without restriction! – U.S. Marshals or U.S. Military should take note to arrest the Federal Judges engaged in child rape and murder; impeachment is not necessary as Judges should not rape children – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News. Now they are censoring all parts and based on lies that somehow Brian Hill is promoting or inciting violence. The new lie against Brian Hill being used as an excuse to censor his documentaries.

This is what we told YouTube in all three appeals: “This documentary doesn’t glorify violence. That is a lie. If you watch the entire documentary, it is about educating people about how the government frames people with crimes they didn’t do, about blackmail schemes going on. It is all documented with proof. This was allowed for years and now all of the sudden it becomes an issue.”

It has become an issue because more people want to find out the truth. The communists cannot allow that. YouTube is not entirely a private platform and we learn that thanks to Elon Musk. Government thugs tell these social media and video streaming platforms to censor content they don’t like. See article: 6 bombshell facts from Elon Musk’s Twitter Files you need to know – LifeSite. The government is working with YouTube and formerly Twitter or at least it is public knowledge that the government is controlling what is allowed on these media platforms. They are not acting as private companies in the way these censorship operations are being conducted. The first amendment applies when the government tells YouTube to censor our documentaries.





NOTE June 5, 2023 7:17 AM: It should also be noted that a link and QR Code to Brian’s “Federal Porn Wars” Part 3 documentary about blackmail was filed in the sentencing letter for the Stewart Rhodes criminal case in federal court. It was filed publicly on PACER very close to around the time the YouTube video takedowns had begun. Could it be the U.S. Department of inJustice was angry at the certain things in the federal court document then the Feds were trying to censor and wipe away any YouTube videos or links referenced in that particular federal filing to make them dead links and meaningless??? Scan the QR Code during this censorship period. If it is restored then you will see the Federal Porn Wars part 3 of series: Blackmail. If not (if the link is still dead?) then the fact that Brian had a text link referencing this in a federal court filing in the Stewart Rhodes case could explain that the DOJ was unhappy that Brian snuck/sneaked this in his legal pleading and the Feds likely contacted YouTube to have it censored as a violence promoting video when in fact it wasn’t. False accusations are the new form of government control.

The censorship war is ever increasing. The Deep State wants to KILL Brian Hill and any witnesses involved with him. That was the latest threatening email directed at Brian Hill and his family members. If anybody is inciting violence, it is the United States Government and it’s corrupt elements and criminals. The black hats are promoting and inciting violence. F**k the CIA, F**k the NSA, F**k the Feds. The threats against us do not deter us. The CIA wants us dead, and they want to censor us before killing us. Don’t let them do this. Make the censored material viral, share it, re-upload it, share it on BitTorrent or other platforms.

See what the lovely CIA wishes to do to us. They want us all dead.




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