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USA Created Secret Treaty with U.N. to Disarm Every Citizen and Turn Over Military to U.N. Control. Every U.S. Police Officer can be Activated Under U.N. Peace Keeping Authority. US Citizens Were Classified As Enemies of the State in 1933

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USA Created Secret Treaty with U.N. to Disarm Every Citizen and Turn Over Military to U.N. Control

Every U.S. Police Officer can be Activated Under U.N. Peace Keeping Authority

US Citizens Were Classified as Enemies of the State in 1933


By @OratorBlog 3-10-2022




US Citizens Were Classified As Enemies of the State in 1933/Senate Report 93549

This is how The United States was Stolen. This is how they have Bypassed our Constitution and are Able to Illegally Surrender American Sovereignty to the United Nations.  (SEE BELOW)

The Fact is, The D.C. Federal Government is a Foreign Corporation. 

Every Member of Congress and the Senate has Sworn an Oath to Serve the Corporation.

Every State has FOLLOWED the D.C. Corporation by Incorporation Themselves. 

Every State and City IS a Corporation. 

By Placing these Fraudulent Corporations within our Constitutional Government they have Displaced our True Government and Subverted Constitutional Law, Replacing Lawful Common Law with Illegal Legal Law Based Upon Statutes.


JFK Surrendered U.S. National Sovereignty to the United Nations
World Governments Agreed on Disarming Their Own Citizens
All Nations Military to thus be Limited to a Minor Force
Every Nations Military to gradually be Surrendered to the Control and Authority of the United Nations  (SEE BELOW)

The United Nations Constitution Declares that U.N. Treaties Hold More Importance Than the Laws of a Nation and Take Precedence Over National Sovereignty

Ever U.N. Member Nation That Signs Any Treaty with the United Nations Has Surrendered Their National Sovereignty

The United Nations Genocide Treaty is More Important Than the Internal Laws of Any Nation

Deborah Tavares: Genocide Treaty (Convention) Explains Why So Many Are Sick and Dying  Nov 2, 2018

The True Mission of the United Nations Has Nothing to do With Peacekeeping, Defending People or Nations. The UN was Created as a Tool of Globalist Hegemony, Weaponized Against Humanity to Subjugate the World Under a One World Government Dictatorship.

The United Nations, The World Economic Forum and even NATO knows they cannot Force This One World Government upon Humanity if they are United Against them.

That is WHY they all Support the Plan to Eliminate 90% of the World’s Population… 


World Governments have All Declared War Against Their Own Citizens.

The United Nations is Involved in Every Part of the Plan to Depopulate the World of Billions of People.

(In Secret, the United Nations refers to themselves as “The United Nation” as in ONE. A One World Government) 

U.N. Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset Are the Systems World Governments Have Established to Enslave Their Own Citizens.

The U.S. Government has been Pushing Our Nation and We The People Towards This End Through The United Nations for Over 70 Years.


They are Bypassing U.S. Law by Operating Outside of our Political System to Implement Agenda 2030 Policies Without the Knowledge or Consent of U.S. Citizens. 

They have hired a Small Army of U.N. Operatives and Bribed Countless Politicians and Government Officials to Carry Out the U.N. Goals that are Leading us Towards the U.N. One World Government.
Below is just one such example:

The Department of Justice War Against American Extremists                                                                                                     (America First Constitutionalist Patriots)

US Attorney General, US Cities, Join UN to Create Global Police Force Initiative
Yesterday, Loretta Lynch announced before the United Nations that the Attorney General’s Office, in collaboration with several US Cities will for a global law enforcement initiative called the Strong Cities Network.  This is the implementation of UN rules and laws on US soil bypassing Congress and circumventing the Constitution.
Go to and join the fight for your liberty
Find the transcript here,


407,316 Americans Were Killed in WW2, 671,278 Wounded
58,220 Americans Were Killed in Vietnam, 150,000 Wounded
(VAERS Deaths are Vastly Under Reported. Actual Numbers  Estimated to be 10 x Higher) 
49,654 Americans Now Killed by mRNA Death Jab, Over 1,151,450 Adverse Event Injuries
Latest VAERS estimate, 3-4-2022: 49,654 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines when corrected is:  49,654 x 10 Equals 496,540
And the True Global Genocide Death Toll has Just Begun…

‘Killing Us Softly’ (2014) Kevin Galalae is author of ten books on deliberate depopulation Oct 16, 2018



US Citizens Were Classified As Enemies of the State in 1933
This is how The United States was Stolen. This is how they have Bypassed our Constitution and are Able to Illegally Surrender American Sovereignty to the United Nations.

“In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System.”

What is a 14th Amendment U.S. citizen?
The 14th Amendment was put in place during an extremely turbulent time just after the Civil War. It was supposedly passed to free the slaves. However, it made all Americans (“persons”) – who were at the time New Yorkers, Virginians, Pennsylvanians, etc – under the jurisdiction of a central Federal government for the first time.
Section 1. “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
Section 4. “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.”

“Since March the 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and… control the lives of all American citizens” [from Senate Report 93-549]
This situation has continued absolutely uninterrupted since March 9, 1933. We have been in a state of declared national emergency for nearly 63 85 years without knowing it.

“Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Congress hereby declares that a serious national emergency exists and that it is imperatively necessary speedily to put into effect remedies of uniform national application”.
This is an example of the Rule of Necessity, a rule of law where necessity knows no law. This rule was invoked to remove the authority of the Constitution.
Chapter 1, Title 1, Section 48, Statute 1 of this Act of March 9, 1933 is the exact same wording as Title 12, USC 95(b) quoted earlier, proving that we are still under the Rule of Necessity in a declared state of national emergency.
12 USC 95(b) refers to the authority granted in the Act of October 6, 1917 (a/k/a The Trading with the Enemy Act or War Powers Act) which was “An Act to define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other purposes”.

According to the current Memorandum of American Cases and Recent English Cases on The Law of Trading With the Enemy, we have no personal rights at law in any court, and all rights of an enemy (all American citizens are all declared enemies) to sue in the courts are suspended, whereby the public good must prevail over private gain.
This also provides for the taking over of enemy private property. Now we know why we no longer receive allodial freehold title to our land… as enemies, our property is no longer ours to have.
The only way we can do business or any type of legal trade is to obtain permission from our government by means of a license.

So, who initiated all of these emergency powers? Again the abominable Federal Reserve
On March 3, 1933, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York adopted a resolution stating that the withdrawal of currency and gold from the banks had created a national emergency, and “the Federal Reserve Board is hereby requested to urge the President of the United States to declare a bank holiday, Saturday March 4, and Monday, March 6”.
Roosevelt was told to close down the banking system. He did so with Proclamation 2039 under the excuse of alleged unwarranted hoarding of gold by Americans.
Then with Proclamation 2040, he declared on March 9, 1933 the existence of a national bank emergency whereas
“all Proclamations heretofore or hereafter issued by the President pursuant to the authority conferred by section 5(b) of the Act of October 6, 1917, as amended, are approved and confirmed”.

Once an emergency is declared, there is no common law and the Constitution is automatically abolished. We are no longer under law. Law has been abolished. We are under a system of War Powers.

Our stocks, bonds, houses, and land can be seized as Americans are considered enemies of the state. What we have is not ours under the War Powers given to the President who is the Commander-in-Chief of the military war machine.
Whenever any President proclaims that the national emergency has ended, all War Powers shall cease to be in effect. Congress can do nothing without the President’s signature because Congress granted him these emergency powers.
For over 60 80 years, no President has been willing to give up this extraordinary power and terminate the original proclamation.
United States [citizens] are all enemies subject to tribunal district courts under Martial Law wartime jurisdiction; a Constitutional Dictatorship.
Proof:  50 U.S. Code § 1701 – Unusual and extraordinary threat; declaration of national emergency; exercise of Presidential authorities

Trump renewed the state of emergency due to the “war on terror” on October 20, 2017 with Executive Order 13814.

(This is Why our Courts Do Not Follow Lawful Constitutional/Common Law. Our Laws are Based Upon Illegal, Unconstitutional Statutes)
Twenty years after the state of emergency was put in place, BAR attorneys managed to get state legislatures across the country to insert the Uniform Commercial Code into their statutes. “All this was accomplished by the mid-1960s.” — from attorney Melvin Stamper’s book, Fruit from a Poisonous Tree, page 62.
Today the UCC is the law of the land – not the U.S. Constitution.
The American people cannot alter this reality. Registering as a voter only signifies that you are volunteering to be an “enemy of the state”. The United States Federal corporation is run by its officers and we the people are not one of them.
The best we can do until a President cancels the permanent state of emergency is to extract ourselves from the status as enemies of this Federal corporation by defining our political and legal characters.
** From attorney Melvin Stamper’s book  Fruit from a Poisonous Tree, page 62.

How the USA Was Stolen by the D.C. Corporation-How Our Constitution and Common Law Was Replaced by Maritime Law and How Every US Citizen Was Enslaved. Hardcore Documented Proof

D.C. Corporate Law vs Constitutional Law. How Corporations Have Replaced Constitutional Government Courts Jurisdictions
Our Hidden History of Corporations in the U.S.
The Act of 1871 – Two Constitutions – The U.S. turned into a Corporation – District of Columbia 
USA Has Been Ran by Secret Corporate Masters Since 1933


Obama Justifies FEMA imprisonment of civilians!  Jan 22, 2011
The Obama leftists are retraining them and the police can’t breathe without asking their permission first. It not only puts a chill on actual policing, it is doing what it’s meant to do — nationalizing them.
From nationalized police, globalists like Obama and Hillary want to move towards a UN-dominated police force.
That is what the 21st century police task force is about and that is what Loretta Lynch’s UN global police network on US soil is about. It transforms the loyalty of police from the people to the central government.
Listen to constitutional lawyer KrisAnn Hall:
The process for the nationalization of police originally began with six volunteer cities who were bullied into it but it now begins with the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice filing a lawsuit in federal court against a city, county, or state, alleging constitutional and civil rights violations by the police or at a corrections facility.
They do this under a section of the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which grants the attorney general the power to prosecute law enforcement misconduct.
The local police department then agrees to the finding of the courts which means they must exist under a broad federal court order that imposes onerous regulations on local police, regulations that have little to do with policing and more to do with following leftist mandates, leftists who hate policing.
Documented Proof the UNITED STATES Government has Illegally Granted U.S. Military the Authority to Use Force Against American Citizens, to Police, Arrest and Imprison WITHOUT LEGAL CHARGES OR DUE PROCESS
Even Worse. Through “PROLONGED DETAINMENT” the U.S. Government can Arrest and Imprison Citizens Indefinitely Merely On Suspension for Crimes They May Commit in the Future. (Pre-Crime Imprisonment Without a Trial)
The Obama Plan to Create a Federal Police Force Still Haunts us. The Obama Agenda Still Lives Through the Biden Puppet Regime.
What he has in mind for police should terrify People, even those who hate the Police.
Police serve their localities and if push came to shove, they would support the People over a Tyrannical Government. If they are Federalized, the loyalty shifts from the People to Big Government. They become Big Government Enforcers.
Why do you think the Deep State Democrats have been Villainizing the Police? The Defund the Police Movement is all about Destroying our Police Enforcement System to allow the Complete Takeover by the Federal Government.

All of This, is of Coarse Part of the 16 Year Plan to Destroy America.

The United Nations Quietly Undermines America’s Police Force

United Nations Stong Cities are Directly Targeting America First Patriots-Named as Right-Wing Extremists and Racists by these Deep State Traitors


(Was JFK Really a Hero? This Alone Calls That Into Question. He was Handing America Over to The United Nations)

On September 25, 1961, President Kennedy unveiled at the United Nations a plan which was subsequently printed as State Department Publication 7277, entitled Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World
Freedom from War – 7277 
In the interest of peace, many Americans have been persuaded to support disarmament programs and to create as a substitute for each nation’s military a United Nations Peace Force. Most feel certain that their own rights and the independence of their nation would in no way be placed in jeopardy. But there is a vital question few seem willing or able to ask:
Who would be left to restrain the all-powerful United Nations?
For his Secretaries of State and Defense, President John F. Kennedy selected Dean Rusk and Robert S. McNamara. Each was a member of the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations, a private organization formed in 1921 for the purpose of bringing about a one-world government.
Only nine months into his administration – on September 25, 1961, to be precise – Mr. Kennedy traveled to UN headquarters in New York to present a proposal entitled Freedom From War: The United States Program For General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. The work of the Rusk-led State Department, with the willing acquiescence of the McNamara-led Defense Department, the proposal was published as “Department of State Publication 7277.”
In his remarks before the UN, President Kennedy asked for a commitment from all nations “not to an arms race, but to a peace race – to advance together step by step, stage by stage, until general and complete disarmament has been achieved.” He did not get any such commitment, yet the United States embarked on the Kennedy-launched program.
Freedom From War (or “7277,” as it is frequently called) proposes three stages of disarmament ending with the transfer of the armed forces of our nation to the United Nations. As Senator Joseph Clark of Pennsylvania approvingly reminded his colleagues in a Senate speech on March 1, 1962, this program is “the fixed, determined and approved policy of the government of the United States.”
A reading of the document itself confirms that disarmament “would proceed to a point where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force….” In other words, the only significant military power left in the world would be the United Nations.
The provisions of the treacherous proposal would actually leave our nation defenseless before the UN, and before any other nation that didn’t similarly disarm. And it would place the UN’s superior military power in the hands of the UN’s Undersecretary for Political and Security Council Affairs, the overseer of all UN military activity. This post, by virtue of a secret agreement concluded at the founding of the UN (an arrangement later confirmed by an astonished former UN Secretary General named Trygve Lie), has always been held by a communist. The man who holds it today, is Vasiliy S. Safronchuk of the Soviet Union. Unless our leaders are stopped, they will succeed in turning over our military forces to the United Nations where they will be controlled by a communist.
Subverting Our Sovereignty
Are our leaders really implementing this plan? Yes, they are! 

Freedom Fighter: How the UN, WHO, Soros, Fauci, and Gates Set the Stage and Captured the World…

Warning: we are now in the final stages of disarmament! If the police are eliminated, the United Nations (UN) will take over and call in their peacekeepers. They already have a standing army. Internationalists use events like this to advance their goals in a highly coordinated effort toward a one-world government. Again, if the police are eliminated, these will be some of the final stages needed for Stage III of the UN Disarmament process as is laid out in State Department Document 7277 “Freedom from War.” At the end of Stage III, the only people allowed to have arms will be the UN Peacekeeping Forces and possibly Homeland Security! The following is from State Department Document 7277 under Stage III:
In Stage III progressive controlled disarmament and continuously developing principles and procedures of international law would proceed to a point where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force and all international disputes would be settled according to the agreed principles of international conduct.
The progressive steps to be taken during the final phase of the disarmament program would be directed toward the attainment of a world in which:
(a) States would retain only those forces, non-nuclear armaments, and establishments required for the purpose of maintaining internal order; they would also support and provide agreed manpower for a U.N Peace Force.
(b) The U.N. Peace Force, equipped with agreed types and quantities of armaments, would be fully functioning.
(c) The manufacture of armaments would be prohibited except for those of agreed types and quantities to be used by the U.N. Peace Force and those required to maintain internal order. All other armaments would be destroyed or converted to peaceful purposes.
(d) The peace-keeping capabilities of the United Nations would be sufficiently strong and the obligations of all states under such arrangements sufficiently far-reaching as to assure peace and the just settlement of differences in a disarmed world.

go to these Internet sites for proof from U.S. Government sources.
The policy book published by the State Department that details this law is called Freedom from War — The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. It documents the elimination of our armed forces on a permanent basis. We shall have no more Army, no more Navy, no more Marine Corps, and no more Air Force! It also calls for the elimination of armaments of all kinds, and they do mean ALL civilian owned guns. Look for this booklet at:
IN SECTION 2571, you will find the Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency is authorized and directed, under the direction of the president, to achieve a long list of goals numbered from (a) through (m) which massively diminishes our defense capabilities, ravages our security, and obliterates our sovereignty. Elimination of armed forces and armaments is listed twice in this section. It also includes the requirement for elimination of conventional weapons. As we witness the conduct of public officials as they encroach upon the unalienable right of the people to keep and bear arms, and witness the disregard for the non-repealable status of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, it gives proof of the true intent behind the terms “conventional weapons“, and “general and complete disarmament”. The pursuit is for total and complete disarmament of the United States and its people, and for the surrender of U.S. sovereignty to international communist dominated organizations. State Department Publication 7277 makes these facts indisputable. Locate this Section on the Internet at:—-000-.html
IN SECTION 2573, you will find “Policy Formation”. It contains two prohibitions; one states, “No action shall be taken pursuant to this chapter or any other Act that would obligate the United States to reduce or limit the Armed Forces or armaments of the United States in a militarily significant manner, except pursuant to the treaty-making power of the President, or unless authorized by the enactment of further legislation by the Congress of the United States. Realize that the U.S. president and the Congress hold the power to activate their complete disarmament goals! Then it will be permissible for the United States to reduce or eliminate Armed Forces and armaments, and to prohibit individuals from the acquisition, possession, or use of firearms. The second prohibition is a swinging door. It was first added in 1963, at which time the federal government tried to silence the heavy public outcry when word got around that two years prior, in 1961, John F. Kennedy had signed the Disarmament Law: Public Law 87-297! That resulted in adding the following disclaimer: “Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to authorize any policy or action by any Government Agency which would interfere with, restrict, or prohibit the acquisition, possession, or use of firearms by an individual for the lawful1 
 purpose of personal defense, sport, recreation, education, or training.”2
 At times this disclaimer is removed; other times (for the convenience of the government) it is entered back again, depending upon the extent of the outcry. Locate this Section on the Internet at:—-000-.html
Note: Ever since Franklin D. Roosevelt encouraged enactment of a New World Order, and called it “The New Deal”, every United States president since has favored this General and Complete Disarmament Law, which is a component of global government planning.

Harry Truman officiated in signing the United States under the obligation of the United Nations Charter and began to implement globalism. The United Nations professes to be ‘peaceful’ and claims that “the use of force is subordinated to the rule of law”. It believes “international adjustments to a changing world can be achieved peacefully”. Has anyone ever heard of a workable law where there is no force behind it? The U.N. was built to have the only army in the world and all nations would have to give troops and access over their territory to the powerful U.N. Security Council.3  Neither the U.S. presidents nor the Congress are vested with the power to deprive this nation of its military; nor to prohibit the people from owning arms; nor to overthrow the Constitution! 
Meanwhile, the newly established Homeland Security (a militarized “agency” composed of un-elected persons over which the people have no power, have not voted for, nor have any way to remove them from office), is being given more and more authority and federal money to expand its control over the people of this nation. “Consent of the governed” has never been given to any president to engage in these pursuits. Whenever the current President George W. Bush4 speaks of “peace”, “freedom”, “a safer world”, and “a more peaceful world” — it is the 1961 General and Complete Disarmament Law to which he is referring. 

Freedom from War – 7277 booklet 23 Page pdf
The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. by U.S. State Department

Official policy of the United States, this alarming document reveals the plans of the American government to transfer its military forces to the United Nations
On September 25, 1961, President Kennedy unveiled at the United Nations a plan which was subsequently printed as State Department Publication 7277, entitled Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. The plan called for the “disbanding of all national armed forces … other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force,” and the “elimination from national arsenals of all armaments … other than those required for a United Nations Peace Force and for maintaining internal order.” According to the plan, once implemented, “no state [including the U.S.] would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force.” Now, get the explosive text of publication 7277 and read the plans for disarmament under the United Nations for yourself. (State Department Document, 1961)
The revolutionary development of modern weapons within a world divided by serious ideological differences has produced a crisis in human history. In order to overcome the danger of nuclear war now confronting mankind, the United States has introduced at the Sixteenth General Assembly of the United Nations a Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.
This new program provides for the progressive reduction of the war-making capabilities of nations and the simultaneous strengthening of international institutions to settle disputes and maintain the peace. It sets forth a series of comprehensive measures which can and should be taken in order to bring about a world in which there will be freedom from war and security for all states. It is based on three principles deemed essential to the achievement of practical progress in the disarmament field:
First, there must be immediate disarmament action:
A strenuous and uninterrupted effort must be made toward the goal of general and complete disarmament; at the same time, it is important that specific measures be put into effect as soon as possible.
Second, all disarmament obligations must be subject to effective international controls:
The control organization must have the manpower, facilities, and effectiveness to assure that limitations or reductions take place as agreed. It must also be able to certify to all states that retained forces and armaments do not exceed those permitted at any stage of the disarmament process.
Third, adequate peace-keeping machinery must be established:
There is an inseparable relationship between the scaling down of national armaments on the one hand and the building up of international peace-keeping machinery and institutions on the other. Nations are unlikely to shed their means of self-protection in the absence of alternative ways to safeguard their legitimate interests. This can only be achieved through the progressive strengthening of international institutions under the United Nations and by creating a United Nations Peace Force to enforce the peace as the disarmament process proceeds.
There follows a summary of the principal provisions of the United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. The full text of the program is contained in an appendix to this pamphlet.

Globalist Plan to Disarm America:
PL87-297 Arms Control and Disarmament Act /
State Department Publication No.7277
(This is Title 22 USC Section 2571 (a).

Public Law 87-297 is further explained in the State Department Document called Publication 7277. Your librarian can also furnish you a copy. Also ask the librarian to get you a copy of “The Blue Print for the Peace Race.” It is a 35-page booklet printed by the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as Publication No. 4 – General Series 3 – Released May of 1962. Publication No. 4 is the unabridged version of State Department Document 7277.
Both of these booklets explain how our military is to be reduced to 2.1 million men. China and the Soviets are to be reduced to that level also. At this point, we are at Stage I at which time we are to transfer (on a permanent basis) one-half of our armed forces to be merged with the Russian and Chinese armies. In Stage II, the remaining one-half of our armed forces is then turned over to this same Security Council of the United Nations. The person in charge of the merged armies must, by agreement, always be a Russian. The world’s smaller nations turn 100% of their armies over to the same under-secretary of the Security, Council in Stage II. President George Bush and Admiral Wm. J. Crowe [have referred] to this process as being “in transition.”
TURN TO PAGE 655. On this page in Volume 9 of the United States Code, read “Policy Formation.” The directives there (written in 1963 to pacify objectors) are supposedly to restrain anyone from disarmament, reducing or limiting our armaments, or taking guns away from the people unless it is pursuant to the treaty-making power of the president, or if it is authorized by further legislation by the Congress. (This is title 22, Section 2573.)
Every couple of years the House of Representatives votes to appropriate funds for this on-going program. Since P.L. 87-297 was first passed into law in 961, there have been 18 updates to it – all bad – with no deletions of these issues I lay before you now. The Congress knows that the plan includes the policing of the United States by foreign troops. (The world army they are forming in Europe.) The Congress is allowing our military bases to be closed down, except for those that will be used by the world army. You will find that plan in Publication 7277 and in “The Blueprint for the Peace Race.”

U.S. Military Civil Disturbance Planning: The War at Home

[Police; Military; Civil Disturbances; Garden Plot]
Under the heading of “civil disturbance planning,” the U.S. military is training troops and police to suppress democratic opposition in America. The master plan, Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, is code-named, “Operation Garden Plot.” Originated in 1968, the “operational plan” has been updated over the last three decades, most recently in 1991, was activated during the Los Angeles “riots” of 1992, and more than likely during the recent anti-WTO “battle in Seattle.”
Current U.S. military preparations for suppressing domestic civil disturbance, including the training of National Guard troops and local police, are actually part of a long history of American “internal security” measures dating back to the first American Revolution. Generally, these measures have sought to thwart the aims of social justice movements, embodying the concept that within the civilian body politic lurks an enemy that one day the military might be ordered to fight.
Equipped with flexible “military operations in urban terrain” and “operations other than war” doctrine, lethal and “less-than-lethal” high-tech weaponry, U.S. “armed forces” and “elite” militarized police units are being trained to eradicate “disorder,” “disturbance” and “civil disobedience” in America.


Lisa Haven: This United Nations Takeover of America Will Anger You to the Core! 
(The Systematic Destruction of our Constitutional Rights by Executive Orders)



(They have ALREADY Surrendered the Largest Naval Base in the World as a Gift to NATO/U.N)

The Pentagon Surrenders Norfolk Naval Base to NATO (United Nations) Not a Loan, a Gift Be Warned, Multilateral Globalization is the Great Reset NWO. Treason: The Pentagon Surrenders Norfolk Naval Base to NATO (United Nations) Not a Loan, a Gift
The Future of Multilateralism and Strategic Partnerships 12 Page pdf:
Globalization, Multilateralism and Regional Cooperation Effective multilateralism: how NATO adapts to meet changing security challenges
Keynote address by NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller, Chatham House, London

100 Years of Conspiracy to Destroy American Freedom / Reese Report 

Deborah Tavares – Depopulation & You – A MUST SEE!! Jun 22, 2013

United Nations Agenda 21-2030 and Sustainable Development. Deborah Tavares What’s happening in your town  May 10, 2019

Proof The US Government is Intentionally Committing Mass Genocide Against Their Own Citizens in Accord with Global UN Mandates
Tuesday, November 2, 2021 


In Addition to the Betrayal by Our Government in Surrendering our Sovereignty to the United Nations the Feds have Created a System of Absolute Tyranny.


(This is HOW the “Trading with the Enemy Act – or War Powers Act” has Progressed into a System of Complete Dictatorship)

Under this legislative proposal, once a public health emergency is declared, governors and state public health authorities would be granted greatly expanded police powers. Sue Blevins. June 10, 2002.
Under this legislative proposal, once a public health emergency is declared, governors and state public health authorities would be granted greatly expanded police powers. While a few other actions are enumerated, I want to bring to your attention 10 main powers conveyed into the hands of only a very few individuals by this model plan.
Under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, upon the declaration of a “public health emergency,” governors and public health officials would be empowered to:
Force individuals suspected of harboring an “infectious disease” to undergo medical examinations.
Track and share an individual’s personal health information, including genetic information.
Force persons to be vaccinated, treated, or quarantined for infectious diseases.
Mandate that all health care providers report all cases of persons who harbor any illness or health condition that may be caused by an epidemic or an infectious agent and might pose a “substantial risk” to a “significant number of people or cause a long-term disability.” (Note: Neither “substantial risk” nor “significant number” are defined in the draft.)
Force pharmacists to report any unusual or any increased prescription rates that may be caused by epidemic diseases.
Preempt existing state laws, rules and regulations, including those relating to privacy, medical licensure, and–this is key–property rights.
Control public and private property during a public health emergency, including pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, nursing homes, other health care facilities, and communications devices.
Mobilize all or any part of the “organized militia into service to the state to help enforce the state’s orders.”
Ration firearms, explosives, food, fuel and alcoholic beverages, among other commodities.
Impose fines and penalties to enforce their orders.
As you can imagine, citizens across the country–at least the ones who were informed about it–were quite concerned about this model legislation. The American Legislative Exchange Council and other groups immediately began tracking the issue and reporting on how such legislation could affect citizens’ individual freedoms and property rights. As Time magazine recently reported, gun activists were some of the strongest and most influential opponents.

The Assault On Civil Liberties In The Name Of Homeland Security and the Destruction of our Freedom and Constitutional Rights Has Already Happened. Dictatorship Only Awaits the Pen of a Tyrant
Saturday, October 2, 2021

United Nations Troops Training at a FEMA Camp-Martial Law Readiness Drills. The U.S. Signs The Kigali Principles Agreement Allowing U.N. Troops To Operate Within The USA. Jade Helm FEMA Camp Roundup Drills. October Is United Nations Agenda 2030 Indoctrination Month
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

National Guard and United Nations Forces Being Used as Federal Police State for Political Dictatorship and Weaponization Against U.S. Citizens
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 

Medical Martial Law is the Means to GENOCIDE

United Nations Police (UNPOL) Can be Deployed Within any U.N. Member State when Invited or BY FORCE when an International Emergency is Decreed by Member Nation Votes
Every day, around 9,000 United Nations Police officers from 94 countries help foster international peace and security by supporting countries in conflict, post-conflict and crisis situations. They reinforce and re-establish security through patrolling, community-oriented policing and other operational support, advising domestic police services, increasing compliance with international human rights standards, and restoring and promoting public safety and the rule of law.
As a United Nations systemwide service provider and the focal point on policing and law enforcement matters, the United Nations Police (UNPOL) contribute across the entire peace and security continuum, advancing the political, development and humanitarian objectives of the United Nations, including Action for Peacekeeping and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The breakdown of law and order often triggers United Nations deployments and, conversely, the (re)establishment of the rule of law contributes to long-term stability and allows United Nations peace operations to eventually withdraw. 
“Specialized policing assistance, as part of the conflict prevention toolbox, can help avoid the need for larger-scale interventions down the road.” — UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres prior to the second United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS) in June 2018.
Where requested and mandated, United Nations Police (UNPOL) supports Member States to realize effective, efficient, representative, responsible and accountable police services that serve and protect the population. UNPOL builds and supports police capacity to prevent, detect and investigate crime, protect life and property, and maintain public order and safety in adherence to the rule of law and international human rights norms. UNPOL also pursues community-oriented and intelligence-led policing approaches to contribute to the protection of civilians and human rights; addresses, among other things, sexual and gender-based violence, conflict-related sexual violence, and serious and organized crime; and conducts investigations, special operations, public order management and electoral security.

WTF??? United Nations FEMA Prisons Being Built Throughout America. This Should Scare The Hell Out Of You

Thursday, September 9, 2021


United Nations Cancelled Free Speech and Civil-Political Freedom of Expression. Article 19: Right to freedom of opinion and expression. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as Guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Friday, December 3, 2021 


72 Types Of Activities or Beliefs That Can Place Americans on The Dept. Of Homeland Securities Naughty List- Considered To Be A “Potential Terrorists”
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Non-Lethal Weapons (U.N. Authorized Harrassment, Tortute and Slow Kill of Civilian Populations)
Non-lethal weapons, also called less-lethal weapons, less-than-lethal weapons, non-deadly weapons, compliance weapons, or pain-inducing weapons are weapons intended to be less likely to kill a living target than conventional weapons. It is often understood that accidental, incidental, and correlative casualties are risked wherever force is applied, but non-lethal weapons try to minimize the risk as much as possible. Non-lethal weapons are used in combat situations to limit the escalation of conflict where employment of lethal force is prohibited or undesirable, where rules of engagement require minimum casualties, or where policy restricts the use of conventional force. Non-lethal weapons may be used by conventional military in a range of missions across the force continuum.

They may also be used by military police, by United Nations forces, and by occupation forces for peacekeeping and stability operations. Non-lethal weapons may also be used to channelize a battlefield, control the movement of civilian populations, or to limit civilian access to restricted areas (as they were utilized by the USMC’s 1st Marine Expeditionary Force in Somalia in 1995). When used by police forces domestically, similar weapons, tactics, techniques and procedures are often called “less lethal” or “less than lethal” and are employed in riot control, prisoner control, crowd control, refugee control, and self-defense.

Below are various documents and reports released under the FOIA regarding non-lethal weapons.

Declassified Document
Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, 1 July 1997 [97 Pages, 4.5MB] – The purpose of this paper is to promote an understanding of and research into a new category of weapons, designated nonlethal by military services, and less than lethal or less lethal by law enforcement agencies. The intent is to create an initial term and reference listing to help support joint force and dual use initiatives focused on identifying the potential drawbacks of integrating nonlethal weapons into our military services and law enforcement agencies. The paper is split into two sections: a list of terms that describes nonlethal weapons along with the concepts both surrounding and inhibiting their use, and a comprehensive listing of references to facilitate further research. Nonlethal weapons are listed under the categories of acoustics, opticals, antilethals, antiplant agents, barriers, batons, biotechnicals, electricals, electromagnetics, entanglers, holograins, markers, obscurants, projectiles, reactants, and riot control agents. Nonlethal weapons concepts are divided by the following categories: ethical, functional, operational, physiological, and theoretical.

(This is an older document. Since the writing of this document, it is now clear that the USA is no longer the choice for the Designated Super Power-Global Police Force. That Power and Authority is being Transferred to China and the CCP. As stated under the Directives of “Freedom from War – 7277″ Every Nation is to Surrender their Military to the Rulership of The United Nations)

An Analysis Of The “New World Order” And Its Implications For U.S. National Strategy by John T. Brennan, April 1993
Note: This is John T. Brennan, not to be confused with the more well-known John O. Brennan, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
An Analysis of the ‘New World Order’ and Its Implications for U. S. National Strategy [40 Pages, 1.91MB]
According to the paper:
The Cold War is over and the result is a transition from a bipolar world of US vs. USSR to a multipolar world or “New World Order” where the US remains the only military superpower. However, this status is tentative for the United States. Like all the great superpowers in history, the US is about to let the weight of its military establishment, drag its economy into collapse.
This paper looks at the implications of President Bush’s “new world order,” and the opportunities it presents the US to preserve a peaceful international environment with an open international market system while at the same time retaining its superpower status. The paper establishes that the “new world order” is more than just rhetoric or simple statement of fact, it exists but is ill-defined. As a result, the paper proposes to define the term as a democratic world where all nations join together in partnership and cooperation under the framework of the United Nations to establish peace, prosperity, and justice for all.
From a political perspective, this definition means a world where; the United Nations is the sole determiner of legitimate and illegitimate causes; we nurture democracies; and coalitions solve world problems. Today, it means a world where there is a united effort to solve the crisis in Yugoslavia. Where we provide help to the emerging democracies of the former Soviet Union.
Where we establish international committees to address the problems of AIDS, drugs, trade inequities, the environment, the development of the Third World, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and a multitude of other issues of international concern. In this light, the pursuit of a “new world order” as outlined above has profound effects on the national security strategy of the US.
In this “new world order,” the US needs to continue strong support of the United Nations and, where appropriate, regional alliances. As discussed previously, the United Nations is required to provide the framework for “peaceful settlement of disputes, solidarity against aggression, reduced and controlled arsenals, and just treatment of all peoples.”" The UN should provide the forum for the establishment of a worldwide consensus. This consensus should establish acceptable norms and then condemn and punish those forces, states, nations, etc. which step outside the bounds of these established norms.
“Military power has always been based on economic strength,” for this reason the military implications of the “new world order” are perhaps the hardest to define.5″ The end of the Cold War brought about the end of the monolithic Soviet threat and replaced it with numerous smaller, uncertain and ambiguous threats and an ailing US economy. However, the US, as the sole remaining military superpower, grossly out weighs any threat on the globe today.”8 As a result, it is time to rethink our military strategy. “Until a new hegemonic threat appears, for example, the nation can well afford to worry less about its physical security. In this area, a kind of layered strategy can be envisioned, one that could be conducted with a much lower level of resources than the nation spent during the Cold War.” ” This very issue is being seriously debated throughout the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Executive Branch and the Congress.
What is not being debated is the linkage between our vision of the “new world order” and the means to achieve it. As described by Colin Gray, “the weakness common to critics and officials is that neither has secured a firm grip on the principles, or the method for deriving the principles, that should guide US defense planning in a period of very rapid change.” 
Much of today’s debate on “how much is enough?” could be circumvented by responsibly articulating our vision of the future and a strategy for achieving it. In this light, we must acknowledge some fundamental truths. First, we still have a Cold War military. To date, with the exception of basing or force positioning, we have not done anything substantial to reduce our forces. Second, countries like Iran, North Korea, and China, continue to buildup conventional forces. Third, history has shown that when we drawdown too fast, other countries take advantage of the situation and the result is another war. Finally, as a government and a military, we need to ensure we provide for the security of our citizens yet still pursue a realistic drawdown of our military forces while at the same time improving our domestic economy. The way to do this is a responsible reduction in forces and funding rather than an emotional reaction to these issues which we see occurring in both the military and the Congress. Somewhere between the two extremes we can meet and accomplish the task responsibly without parochial interests.
However, doing this requires a commitment to the establishment of a “new world order” and cooperative security agreements both within the United Nations and regional alliances.
According to John Steinbruner, “the current defense program seeks to continue a strategy of active military confrontation against no one in particular and therefore against everyone in general. The more appropriate alternative would shift to a principle of cooperative engagement, in which the United States seeks to regulate, by mutual consent, the size of force deployments, their operational practices, and their investment patterns.” 6″ Embodied in this concept is the notion of collective security agreements. In General Galvin’s words: “our future lies in collective security… If we think that the future is going to be one of instability and that a lot of crises worldwide are going to be long and difficult–and all signs indicate that that’s the case– then we don’t want to be the only cop on the block. Because the block happens to be in a very bad neighborhood. 62 To do this means, “we have to risk establishing an architecture of security that includes not only the United Nations and NATO, but regional organizations and bilateral agreements.” ” The way to maintain our superpower status lies in our ability to lead the world in the quest of our vision. This quest enables the establishment of collective security agreements, within the framework of the UN, which allows us to drawdown our forces yet maintain a structure which balances quality and quantity
We lack an articulated strategy for how to reach our vision of the “new world order” and our place in it. In the words of Kermit Lanser, “it is a staple of all commentary on foreign policy these days that the collapse of the Soviet Union has left the US without a great organizing principle to substitute for the doctrine of containment that drove the American policy for some 50 years.” 67 To this end, I propose the US gradually ease out of the world policeman role and take up the role of “world conscience.” In this role, the US must step back from its traditional unilateral attitude and push for the establishment of a “new world order” and the continued support of the United Nations and regional alliances. If the US cannot achieve a consensus on actions it thinks needs to be taken it should not feel compelled to undertake them unilaterally.
The “new world order” President Bush made famous in his speech on 11 September 1990 became possible because of the eading of the Cold War in November 1990. The “new world order” is not rhetoric, and its development is evolutionary. In the process, there will be instability and the possibility of violence as we saw in the Gulf War. However, history shows that democratic societies do not normally wage war against each other, so as this “new world order” evolves, we look for a democratic world where all nations join together in partnership and cooperation under the framework of the United Nations to establish peace, prosperity, and justice for all. 
(Now we know the TRUE GOALS of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and WEF Great Reset. They Seek anything but Justice For All. The New World Oder is a Fascit Dictatorship.
The True Value of This Document is that it provides insight into U.S.Government/Military Rational for the Establishment of U.N. Authority and Surrender of National Power and Sorveignty)

Military Intervention in Civil Disturbances  JULY 18, 2017
The following documents have been released regarding how the military can “help” during certain civilian disturbances.
Operation Garden Plot
Operation Garden Plot is a general U.S. Army and National Guard plan to respond to major domestic civil disturbances within the United States. The plan was developed in response to the civil disorders of the 1960s and is now under the control of the U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM). It provides Federal military and law enforcement assistance to local governments during times of major civil disturbances.

 U.S. Army Field Manual 3-19.15 Civil Disturbance Operations, April 2005 [256 Pages, 5.6MB]

Operation Garden Plot, 27 June 1994 [146 Pages, 2MB]
 Domestic Support Operations, Department of the Army / United States Marines Corps, July 1993 [129 Pages, 1.3MB]
 – This manual provides the capstone doctrine for US Army and US Marine Corps domestic support operations. It also provides general information to civilian authorities at federal, state, and local levels involved in planning for and conducting such operations. It identifies linkages and defines relationships with federal, state, and local organizations
and with other services that have roles and responsibilities in domestic support operations.

 Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan (Operation Garden Plot) 15 February 1991 [253 Pages, 400k]

Rex 84 / Readiness Exercise 1984
Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a classified scenario and drill developed by the United States federal government to detain large numbers of United States citizens deemed to be “national security threats”, in the event that the President declared a “State of National Emergency”. The plan was first revealed in detail in a major daily newspaper by reporter Alfonso Chardy in the July 5, 1987 edition of the Miami Herald. Possible reasons for such a roundup were reported to be widespread opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad, such as if the United States were to directly invade Central America. To combat what the government perceived as “subversive activities”, the plan also authorized the military to direct ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, according to Professor Diana Reynolds.

 FEMA Documents Released on Rex 84, July 18, 2017 (Letter erroneously said June, but was sent to me on July 18) [129 Pages, 1.3MB] –

Other Related Documents
 Convergence: Special Operations Forces and Civilian Law Enforcement, July 2010 by Dr. John Alexander [123 Pages, 3.7 MB] – John B. Alexander’s monograph about the convergence of Special Operations Forces (SOF) and civilian law enforcement activities is timely considering the U.S. Government’s revamped strategies to promote more capable and effective governments and improve security in southwest Asia. The strategic concept includes fully resourcing security training for military and police forces. U.S. strategic objectives envision two outcomes: a) governments that can provide effective internal security with limited international support and b) military and police security forces that can lead the counterinsurgency and counterterrorism fight with reduced U.S. assistance.

 March 10, 2009, Alabama MPs were sent from Ft. Rucker to the streets of Alabama to assist after a murder spree [14 Pages, 479k] – Although not directly related to Garden Plot, I feel that this set of documents is best suited here.  Many have theorized this incident was a violation of federal law.  In a FOIA request to the Army, I was able to obtain all documents associated with this incident, along with the memorandum of understanding between Ft. Rucker and the Sheriff’s department of the area.

 Defense Support of Civil Authorities, 16 May 2008 [570 Pages, 41.2 MB] – Natural or man-made disasters and special events can be so demanding that local, tribal, state and non-military federal responders are temporarily overwhelmed by the situation. The Department of Defense (DOD) has a long history of supporting civil authorities in the wake of catastrophic events. When directed by the President or the Secretary of Defense (SecDef), United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM} will respond quickly and effectively to the requests of civil authorities to save lives prevent human suffering, and mitigate great property damage. The Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan 2008 (JSCP) directs CDRUSNORTHCOM to prepare a plan to support the employment of Title 10 DOD forces providing Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) in accordance with (lAW) the National Response Framework (NRF), applicable federal law, DOD Directives (DODD), and other policy guidance including those hazards defined by the National Planning Scenarios that are not addressed by other JSCP tasked plans. DSCA is a subset of DOD civil support that is performed within the parameters of the NRF.
 Military Police Internment / Resettlement Operations, FM 3-19.40, 1 August 2001 [235 Pages, 16.93 MB] – Army Field Manual FM 3-19.40: Military Police Internment/Resettlement Operations. Military Handbook for Police Internment and Resettlement Operations. Field Manual depicts the doctrinal foundation, principles, and processes that Military Police will employ when dealing with enemy prisoners of war, civilian internees etc. Provides that the provisions of the Geneva Conventions are applicable to captives and detainees from the time they are captured until they are released or repatriated. . . . Detainees receive humane treatment… captives and detainees are not murdered, mutilated, tortured, or degraded.”

 Civil Disturbances and Demonstrations: To Arrest or Not?, 28 February 1972 [57 Pages, 7.2MB] – Abstract: The central question is: What implications do recent mass arrests during civil disorders have for military forces? The criminal justice system has faltered during disorders with the result that the guilty were often acquitted and innocent persons were arrested. Arrests must be accomplished properly or the judicial process which follows will be adversely affected. Military policy emphasizes that civilian police should take custody of offenders. This is a proper policy; however, it has resulted in a paucity of guidance for military personnel to carry out this mission. The Army should: attach greater importance to the possibility that military personnel will be required to apprehend civilians; develop detailed procedures for the military to accomplish this mission; acquaint military personnel with offenses commonly committed in disorders, their authority to take action, and the degree of force permissible; train personnel in the care and preservation of evidence; develop a proper form for use in apprehending offenders; take photographs of offenders and the soldiers apprehending them; train teams in advance for mass arrest situation; and revise Army publications to implement these recommendations.

U.S. Military Civil Disturbance Planning: The War at Home by Frank Morales
Under the heading of “civil disturbance planning”, the U.S. military is training troops and police to suppress democratic opposition in America. The master plan, Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, is code-named, “Operation Garden Plot”. Originated in 1968, the “operational plan” has been updated over the last three decades, most recently in 1991, and was activated during the Los Angeles “riots” of 1992, and more than likely during the recent anti-WTO “Battle in Seattle.”
Current U.S. military preparations for suppressing domestic civil disturbance, including the training of National Guard troops and police, are actually part of a long history of American “internal security” measures dating back to the first American Revolution. Generally, these measures have sought to thwart the aims of social justice movements, embodying the concept that within the civilian body politic lurks an enemy that one day the military might have to fight, or at least be ordered to fight.
Equipped with flexible “military operations in urban terrain” and “operations other than war” doctrine, lethal and “less-than-lethal” high-tech weaponry, US “armed forces” and “elite” militarized police units are being trained to eradicate “disorder”, “disturbance” and “civil disobedience” in America. Further, it may very well be that police/military “civil disturbance” planning is the animating force and the overarching logic behind the incredible nationwide growth of police paramilitary units, a growth which coincidentally mirrors rising levels of police violence directed at the American people, particularly “non-white” poor and working people.
Military spokespeople, “judge advocates” (lawyers) and their congressional supporters aggressively take the position that legal obstacles to military involvement in domestic law enforcement civil disturbance operations, such as the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, have been nullified. Legislated “exceptions” and private commercialization of various aspects of U.S. military-law enforcement efforts have supposedly removed their activities from the legal reach of the “public domain”. Possibly illegal, ostensible “training” scenarios like the recent “Operation Urban Warrior” no-notice “urban terrain” war games, which took place in dozens of American cities, are thinly disguised “civil disturbance suppression” exercises. In addition, President Clinton recently appointed a “domestic military czar”, a sort of national chief of police. You can bet that he is well versed in Garden Plot requirements involved in “homeland defense”.
Ominously, many assume that the training of military and police forces to suppress “outlawed” behavior of citizens, along with the creation of extensive and sophisticated “emergency” social response networks set to spring into action in the event of “civil unrest”, is prudent and acceptable in a democracy. And yet, does not this assumption beg the question as to what civil unrest is? One could argue for example, that civil disturbance is nothing less than democracy in action, a message to the powers-that-be that the people want change. In this instance “disturbing behavior” may actually be the exercising of ones’ right to resist oppression. Unfortunately, the American corporate/military directorship, which has the power to enforce its’ definition of “disorder”, sees democracy as a threat and permanent counter-revolution as a “national security” requirement.
The elite military/corporate sponsors of Garden Plot have their reasons for civil disturbance contingency planning. Lets’ call it the paranoia of the thief. Their rationale is simple: self-preservation. Fostering severe and targeted “austerity”, massive inequality and unbridled greed, while shifting more and more billions to the generals and the rich, the de-regulated “entities of force” and their interlocking corporate directors know quite well what their policies are engendering, namely, a growing resistance. Consequently, they are systematically organizing to protect their interests, their profits, and their criminal conspiracies. To this end, they are rapidly consolidating an infrastructure of repression designed to “suppress rebellion” against their “authority”. Or more conveniently put, to suppress “rebellion against the authority of the United States.” And so, as the Pentagon Incorporated increases its imperialist violence around the world, the chickens have indeed come home to roost here in America in the form of a national security doctrine obsessed with domestic “insurgency” and the need to pre-emptively neutralize it. Its’ code-name: “Garden Plot”.
Recently, Pentagon spokesman Kenneth H. Bacon “acknowledged that the Air Force wrongfully started and financed a highly classified, still-secret project, known as a black program without informing Congress last year.” The costs and nature of these projects “are the most classified secrets in the Pentagon.”(1) Could it be that the current United States Air Force Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2 Garden Plot is one such program financed from this secret budget? We have a right to know. And following Seattle, we have the need to know.
As this and numerous other documents reveal, U.S. military training in civil disturbance “suppression”, which targets the American public, is in full operation today. The formulation of legitimizing doctrine, the training in the “tactics and techniques” of “civil disturbance suppression”, and the use of “abusable”, “non-lethal” weaponry, are ongoing, financed by tax dollars. According to the Pentagon, “US forces deployed to assist federal and local authorities during times if civil disturbance will follow use-of-force policy found in Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan-Garden Plot.” (Joint Chiefs of Staff, Standing Rules of Engagement, Appendix A, 1 October 1994.)


UN Global Police Network Has Been Launched on US Soil The program was launched without a word in the media. No citizen gave them the right to do this.
Independent Sentinel:  By M Dowling -October 3, 2015

On Wednesday, the Obama Administration, in conjunction with the UN, launched a Global Police Force Networking operation to fight “Extremism” in US cities.
US Attorney General Loretta Lynch told the United Nations on Wednesday that the Attorney General’s office, working with several US cities, will be pursuing a global law enforcement initiative called the Strong Cities Network (SCN).

They hope to involve the smallest levels of government.
(Bypassing Established Constitutional Political Process and Oversight)
the Strong Cities Network (SCN)  Are Model Cities that follow U.N. Sustainability Goals and the Implementation of Agenda 2030
A Global NWO Police State Established to Combat Extremism.
(As if those who are attempting to Take Away Sovereign Rights are not the Extremists)
The SCN press release quotes Governing Mayor Stian Berger Røsland of Oslo, Norway, a participant in the Strong Cities Network, saying: “To counter violent extremism we need determined action at all levels of governance. To succeed, we must coordinate our efforts and cooperate across borders.
According to their website:
The Strong Cities Network is the first global network of cities and other sub-national entities working together to build social cohesion and resilience to prevent violent extremism in all its forms.

Policing the New World Order: An Alternative Strategy. [32 Pages]

 – The United States responded decisively in the recent Persian Gulf crisis. The Bush Administration considered successful resolution of this crisis a precursor to the “new world order.” Many questions now confront policy makers as America approaches the 21st Century. A pressing question is the following: Can America continue to serve as the world’s policeman? America’s challenge for the 1990s is to avoid the trappings of world policing that past superpowers have experienced throughout history “a la Pax Britannica.” The United States can achieve this by, first, formulating its national security strategy to elevate the role of the United Nations as the world’s policeman. Second, the United States’ national security strategy should support the establishment of a United Nations standing peacemaking force. This force would provide the United Nations and international community a short-notice military employment capability during the early “warning period” of an impending crisis. Such a force would ultimately lower the United States’ profile as the world’s policeman in the emerging new world order. This essay addresses in five parts the establishment of a standing United Nations peacemaking force. First, it analyzes the circumstances and the international implications of America’s involvement in the Persian Gulf War. Second, it discusses the resultant new world order and the United Nation’s inability to enforce world order. Third, it highlights a deficiency in America’s emerging defense strategy for the new world order. Fourth, it presents a proposal for a standing United Nations peacemaking force that the United States would support in the 1990s. And finally, it concludes with a view of America’s future in policing the new world order.

The principal criticism of the new defense strategy  concerns a missed historic opportunity for the United States  to assert true leadership as the world’s pre-eminent  superpower by not correcting the United Nations’ shortcoming  cited earlier. Specifically, the criticism of the emerging  national defense strategy is that it lacks any provisions,  security arrangements or objectives which push the United  Nations forward as the world policeman. 
However, is it not a fair question to ask: Are alternative defense strategy frameworks permissible in a “different security environment” that the President so passionately speaks of as part of a new world order? 
There is an alternative to America’s traditional emerging defense strategy. The following proposal represents an alternative strategy and substantive commitment from the United States as the pre-eminent superpower. This alternative strategy takes advantage of an historic opportunity by meeting the challenge of a different security environment created by the new world order. 
Today, the U.N. lacks credibility in maintaining world order because it has no standing force for deterrence and enforcement of its resolutions. So, as we enter a new world order, a short-notice military employment capability is the most important option we want available to the U.N. and the community of nations during the “warning period” of any impending crisis. 
If one accepts this premise, then, logically the United States should expand its defense policy objectives for its new world order defense strategy to include advocating establishment of a standing U.N. peacemaking force (UNPF). 
This force would provide the U.N. a credible standing military arm to enforce world order.

The real difficulty in implementing this proposal is, however, how do you effect change? Undoubtedly, there are those who will outright reject this • proposal because it diametrically opposes the traditional U.S. philosophy which avoids placing U.S. forces under others, and the desire for a independent national defense strategy. They will argue that, historically, the forming of standing armies, their deployment and employment is at the basis of the concept of nation-state sovereignty. And to suggest surrendering uniformed forces to an international body adulterates this concept. 
By expanding this argument, one could assert that few matters exceed in import than that of a sovereign nation’s responsibility to ensure its citizens’ security by providing a standing army. Conversely, if one can accept that in some respects, world history and international relations follow linear and not circular logic, then America should exercise its pre-eminence to break the tradition of defense strategies built solely around its own standing forces to deal with conflict. 
Force has always been relations. And traditionally, a part of international six methods have been suggested for organizing and preparing for the use of force as part of international relations. These methods may be called (1) isolation, (2) self-help, 3) empire, (4) balance of power, (5) collective security, and (6) international police. 5 Historically, the international arena has witnessed varying degrees of successes and failures with each of these methods. However, world history has never been visited by any serious attempt to implement a standing internationalized force to police and enforce world order. 
In an effort to establish such a force, it’s important to note that the international legal foundation to use a U.N. peacemaking force already exists. It would be a procedural matter to establish a U.N. standing force by building upon the existing – U.N. Charter. Article 43 of Chapter VII sets forth the requirement for member states to support U.N. military force requirements by stipulating: 
1. All members of the United Nations, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake to make available to the Security Council, on its call and in accordance with a special agreement or agreements, armed forces, assistance, and facilities, including rights of passage, necessary for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security. 
2. Such agreement or agreements shall govern the numbers and types of forces, their degree of readiness and general location, and the nature of the facilities and assistance to be provided. 
3. The agreement or agreements shall be negotiated as soon as possible on the initiative of the Security Council. They shall be concluded between the Security Council and groups of Members and shall be subject to ratification by the signatory states in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. 
Article 43 requires U.N. member support for international military forces and not “internationalized” military forces. Internationalized forces would constitute military units under the U.N. flag on a permanent basis whether operationally committed or not. This is an important point in understanding the concept of a standing U.N. military force, because the proposal just made is for an internationalized peacemaking force. 
At the time of the United Nation’s founding, occasional official remarks implied that there was some “original” idea that the United Nations should have a standing force of some kind available to implement its decisions–presumably of the second sort[internationalized]. It may be useful, therefore, to note briefly that responsible United States and United Nations officials have never advocated a permanent U.N. force of that kind–at least not until the proposal in the U.S. Disarmament Plan of 1962. 6 
Although the U.S. Disarmament Plan of 1962 basically reconsidered many of the initial theoretical models of possible U.N. forces, there was some serious discussion of a permanent internationalized peacemaking force. The debate generated by the U.S. Disarmament Plan of 1962 identified many of the advantages and disadvantages of a standing or internationalized standing force. 
The U.S. Disarmament Plan of 1962 highlighted many practical questions concerning the operational viability of a standing U.N. military force. 
Understandably, as was argued then, the legal, political and economic difficulties of organizing security through an international police force cannot be minimized. 
Public opinion must be educated to realize that the sacrifices of sovereignty required by accepting an international police force will be less than the sacrifices of sovereignty involved in a succession of world wars 9 and regional conflicts. 




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Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, But it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.

Our Formula includes:

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity.

Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins.

Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system.

Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome.

Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function.

Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules. Today Be 100% Satisfied Or Receive A Full Money Back Guarantee Order Yours Today By Following This Link.

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    Total 5 comments
    • kilroy

      Largest freestanding army in the world lies within the boarders of The Free Sates of America! Take your corporation and shove it. Want to see a Truly United States, just try that nonsense. Any and every blue helmet will be leaking crimson red.

    • preyingmathis

      Well…….. Fuck

    • Slimey

      If this is true then your leaders have betrayed you but I think you already knew that and DID nothing so GOOD BYE! :lol:

      Next time get off your A SS and do something. :mad:

    • Justin Case

      Wanting and doing are very different. Americans are unlike any other population in the world. This country was founded with guns. The west was won with guns. Nobody will ever get Americans to surrender their guns. Just won’t happen…

    • Robinson

      Joe Rogan said his doctor, Pierre Kory, is part of a group that has used Ivermectin to quietly treat 200 Members of U.S. Congress for COVID19. Dr Simone Gold, from America’s Frontline Doctors, told that she has prescribed treatments for Congress. She still believes in her oath, but she is vocal saying she has been contacted by many in DC. Can you believe these demons? Healing for them are OK but not for us. Get your Ivermectin while you still can!

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