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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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COVID-1984: ‘A Global 9/11’

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Contrived to Lock Down Planet Earth,
Divide and Conquer Nations,
and Enslave Humanity

“Just like the state-sponsored 9/11 false flag operation was used
to create the American National Security State, COVID-1984 is
being carried out to foist a Global Security Superstate on the entire
planetary civilization as a precursor to a One World Government.
Every single move made by the New World Order globalist cabal
during the execution of this staged pandemic and global psyop
has been planned well in advance.  That’s because COVID-1984
represents the culmination of 100 years of biowarfare waged
against the human race.  It’s not just a depopulation bioweapon
as the 1918 Spanish flu was. Watch every twist and turn of this
classic Problem~Reaction~Solution operation, especially as it’s
falsely reported by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.  Clock every
NWO outcome, both big and small, as each piece fits perfectly
into the pre-planned COVID-1984 puzzle.  That’s why it’s been
memed the “Plandemic” … as well as a “Scamdemic”.

— Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Army Officer

State of the Nation

It’s of paramount importance for people not to get caught up in the details of COVID-19 as the ensuing debates will always serve to divide the Truth Movement like they did with 9/11.  The “Who, What, Where, When, Why and How?” where it concerns the ongoing COVID-19 bioterrorist plot are all incidental and quite insignificant when compared to the much larger and horrific reality of COVID-1984.

All that really matters
at this critical point of
the stealthy COVID-1984 implementation plan
are the immediate threats
to national sovereignty
and long-term consequences
to personal liberties
and citizen rights.

Truly, at this late date, it makes no difference exactly who is operationally responsible for the series of bioterrorist attacks carried out in China, Italy, Iran, Spain, South Korea, United States, France, Germany, United Kingdom, etc.  The true Zio-Anglo-American perpetrators have already floated so many fake conspiracies, in both the mainstream and alternative media, that it will be virtually impossible to identify the actual culprits.

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In point of fact, each of the aforementioned nations has a well-established and powerful Deep State capable of coordinating and covering up any act of terrorism, or wave of bioterrorism, as “Operation COVID-19” has continuously perpetrated around the world since the beginning of 2019.  Clearly, such a worldwide black operation could only be carried out under the rubric of Operation Gladio just as the 9/11 false flag terrorist attacks were. See: GLADIO BIOTERROR: ‘Biological Attack’ Against China Planned by NATO Decades Ago — UK Military Officer & Whistleblower

*Operation Gladio is the primary terrorist arm of NATO (aka the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization)

As for the true targets of this massive and complex conspiracy to bioterrorize whole nations into submission, that’s easy; just look at the countries that are at the top of the list below.

The American people were always the primary target of this false flag bioterrorist operation and overwhelming psyop.  The New World Order globalist cabal knows that the American Republic must be destroyed if they are to successfully form a One World Government.  The ruling cabal also knows that the Global Control Matrix (5G + IoT = Smart Cities) must first be fully functioning if the Global Security Superstate is to be efficiently established.

This is why the COVID-1984 perpetrators have so recklessly concocted this transparent scamdemic and staged panic. They are so desperate to roll out 5G so they can complete the planned build-out of the AI-run Internet of Things, which will then permit them to flip the switch on the Global Control Matrix.  Only then can the One World Government come out of the shadows since the emerging Global Security Superstate will provide the desperately needed police protections and enforcement actions for the power elite and their tyrannical technocracy. See: OPERATION COVID-19: Desperate Attempt to Deploy 5G Under Cover of Bioterrorism to Activate Global Control Matrix

As it stands, international career criminals such as Bill Gates, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Tedros, Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and many others are no longer safe.  Their multi-decade crime sprees have been exposed on the Internet which puts them all in grave danger.

COVID-19 & Coronavirus syndrome

Before we address COVID-1984, let’s first take a close look at COVID-19.

What in the world is it—REALLY?!

COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus syndrome, is a bioweapon that was meticulously bioengineered in a U.S. military laboratory (U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases lab at Fort Detrick) in collaboration with the American university system (e.g. Harvard and University of North Carolina) as well as other advanced bioweaponry research institutions throughout the USA.

  HARD EVIDENCE CONFIRMS: COVID-19 Bioengineered at Univ. of North Carolina

Coronavirus syndrome is the disease process that results when the complex COVID-19 bioweapon is both triggered and intensified by different components of a quaternary weapon system. See: QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion

What’s crucial to correctly understand by every person on Earth is that COVID-19 is the “latest and greatest” of numerous bioweapons that have been unleashed on humanity for well over 100 years.

Just before the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 was similarly bioengineered, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 set the stage for 100 plus years of unabated bioterrorism that has been carried out across the planet.

For example, every single major influenza outbreak that has occurred over the past century, to include the Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, Bird flu, Swine flu, SARS and MERS, was bioengineered by the Anglo-American Military-Big Pharma Complex.  Likewise, all the major epidemics and pandemics such as Polio, Smallpox, Measles, AIDS, Ebola, West Nile virus, Chikungunya, Zika virus were specifically bioengineered to produce specific outcomes.

Each of these successive bioweapons, as well as resulting pandemic and epidemics, served to expose virtually every person on Earth to the various cocktails of pathogenic micro-organisms that are purposefully put into each bioweapon.  As a result, every human being has become a repository for so many harmful, and sometimes latent, pathogens of every sort and kind.

Just because the ensuing acute disease or chronic illness is treated successfully does not mean it has been eradicated from the human bio-organism.  In fact, many of these stealth pathogens have been specifically bioengineered to retreat deep into the tissues only to manifest as a full-blown disease process later on in life.  In this way, the human race has been invaded by one wave of microscopic Trojan horses after another.

Where it concerns the advanced COVID-19 bioweapon, once it explodes inside of the human body, it has the built-in capability of retriggering the various latent infection agents lying dormant deep in the tissues.  Of course, COVID-19 is also programmed (Yes, it’s part nano-chip that can send out nano-bots to attack certain organs and/or tissues) to cause entirely new disease processes, some of which are dictated by the individual’s bloodline, genetic blueprint and/or predispositions.

KEY POINTS: There is both good news and bad news because of this unrelenting biowar against the human race.  The good news is that people everywhere have developed strong immunity to an array of sophisticated pathogens and newfangled diseases.  The bad news is that there has been so much exposure to these bioweapons that there are inevitable consequences to the physical integrity of the human body which inevitably take their toll in a cumulative manner.  For instance, both the microbiome and bioterrain will gradually change and morph in ways that are not in the best interest of the human bio-organism.  (The dark side deliberately created these adverse internal conditions humanity-wide for this precise moment in time.)

Because so many influenzas were launched as bioweapons against China by the West (particularly by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis), the Chinese people were compelled to comply with the notorious Super-Vaccination Agenda like no other populace on Earth. As a result, China is the most vaccinated country on the planet; therefore, the citizenry is much more susceptible to being triggered by the COVID-19 bioweapon, especially one that was bioengineered to target certain Asian bloodlines and gene pools.

This is why Wuhan was chosen to be the world’s epicenter for the novel coronavirus outbreak in December of 2019, which has spread all over China much more than the citizens are being told.  Not only are they being repeatedly chipped with each vaccination containing progressively more advanced generations of microchips, they were also set up for a major 5G experiment centered in Wuhan City.

Wuhan was quite suspiciously designated as an official 5G Demonstration Zone in 2019 and saw over 10,000 5G base stations constructed throughout the city.  Clearly, this intensive 5G roll-out in advance of the planned IoT build-out just prior to the coronavirus outbreak was no quirk of fate; rather, it was intentionally planned to precipitate maximum effect.  In retrospect, the overwhelming Wuhan outbreak was a carefully executed experiment by the very same tribe that has been using human beings as guinea pigs for many centuries.  See: The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America

Then there is the fourth component of the “quaternary weapon system” uncommonly known as chemical geoengineering.  Popularly known as chemtrails, these highly toxic aerosols are sprayed by specially equipped military aircraft into the troposphere in order to achieve various objectives.  One of those furtive goals is to permeate the ambient atmosphere with specific metals (aluminum), chemical compounds (barium salt), elements (strontium), microbials (pathogenic bacteria and mycoplasma), as well as a number of other toxic ingredients, so as to expose humanity to them over decades.

These ongoing chemtrail operations, occurring in plain sight around the globe, have contributed considerably to the poisoning of humanity and animals alike.  The entire plant kingdom is also being toxified by chemtrail aerosols, which end up further degrading the human body as much food and beverage has been rendered toxic to varying degrees. (Notice how hard and difficult to chew many fruit skins and vegetables are now given the incorporation of so much aluminum into the plant bio-structures.)

The crucial point here is that the global population has not only been exposed to a tremendous amount of industrial pollution, people everywhere have been the unknowing victims of relentless chemical and biological assaults from cradle to grave.  All of these daily assaults and yearly bio-attacks over the past one hundred years were launched with highly purposeful design—COVID-19, first, followed by COVID-1984.

KEY POINTS: Based on a plethora of scientific and clinical evidence, COVID-19 is a highly complex, painstakingly bioengineered, military-grade bioweapon.  The contagious and deadly disease that it causes known as Coronavirus syndrome is actually a quickly debilitating multi-infection syndrome.  However, Coronavirus syndrome not only has similar qualities to the HIV superinfection and AIDS multi-infection syndrome, it also mimics the well-known bioweapon created at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center—Lyme disease.  In fact, COVID-19 behaves so similarly to Lyme disease that it could be rightly classified as a Multiple Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome.

Welcome to COVID-1984

It doesn’t get more cold and calculating, conniving and contriving, crafty and cunning, cagey and canny than COVID-1984.

The perpetrators of this continuing series of bioterrorist attacks against nations large and small quite deliberately chose 2020 to launch COVID-1984.

But why 2020?

KEY POINT: There are actually several reasons for “2020” that are well beyond the scope of this exposé.  However, there is one extremely significant yet much overlooked reason that goes like this: 2020 VISION QUEST: A Global Movement Destined to Reshape the Planetary Civilization.

But why 2020 as far as the COVID-1984 perps are concerned?

Because the secret societies and their frontmen have been outed like never before.  The power elite can longer survive in a global environment whereby everyone knows the true depth and breadth of their multi-century crime sprees against humanity.  Hence, TPTB felt they had no choice but to attempt to lock down the whole planet until all of humanity is effectively incarcerated.

Very few medical investigators are yet aware, but COVID-19 was secretly disseminated around the world throughout the entire year of 2019.  This bioweapon was not just relaunched in December … after it was relaunched at the World Military Games in October in Wuhan; it was actually unleashed in several nations all year long during 2019.  This is just one reason why the outbreaks literally exploded in nations such as China, South Korea, Spain, Iran, France, Germany, and especially throughout the United States.

What’s the vital point?

The perps knew they had to unleash the weaponized Coronavirus syndrome well before Election Day—November 3, 2020.  Now that nationalist movements are gaining steam worldwide, the Deep State was ordered to sabotage the U.S. election cycle in a BIG way to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump.  Trump’s successful meming of MSM fake news has already destroyed — IRREPARABLY — the premier corporate new platforms (MSM).  However, it was Trump’s tweet storms against the primary seditious organs of Deep State — the Democrat Party, MSM, FBI, CIA, DoJ, CFR, etc. that also dictated the precise timing of this scamdemic.

The same can be said about the prospective re-election of Italy’s arch-nationalist and former Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini.  Italy was targeted with total societal destruction in an effort to keep the current Prime Minister of Italy — hardcore globalist Giuseppe Conte — firmly in power.  After all, Salvini shut down one of the main pipelines of unwanted immigrants into Europe via the Italian Peninsula.  By the way, there’s no question that Salvini was building momentum so quickly before COVID-19 hit that he was on the way to a landslide victory.

Then there is pro-Brexit, ultra-nationalist Prime Minister Boris Johnson.  Not only did the British globalist traitors make sure Johnson came down with a full-blown case of Coronavirus syndrome, they put him in an ICU where ANYTHING goes, especially the type of blackmail and bribery that ensures your total yet temporary recovery.  What better way to take the wind out of the sails of Great Britain’s zealous patriot movement than to totally incapacitate its fearless leader?!  Now that Boris is back home at 10 Downing Street, expect him to play the part of carefully controlled opposition.

Of course, Spain has also been unusually ravaged by COVID-19.  The Prime Minister of Spain – Pedro Sánchez – “has warned Catalonia’s government that he could deploy national police to the region, as tension flares up again between Madrid and Catalan separatists a year after a failed secession attempt”.[1]. Given the hugely disproportionate contribution to Spain’s GDP by the economic and financial powerhouse of Catalonia — the city of Barcelona — a successful secession from Madrid under the current PM would spell utter disaster for Spain during the rapidly unfolding global depression.  Also, look at what COVID-19 has ‘permitted’ the Spanish government to perpetrate against its citizenry: Spain “Authorizes” Military Planes To Spray Disinfectants Over Cities

Bear in mind that the preceding discussion only represents a fraction of the NWO goals being achieved by this scamdemic on the national level.  What follows is a partial list of many of the other desired achievements of TPTB.

(1) Foist a One World Government upon the World Community of Nations

(2) Accelerate the Inauguration of Israel as the World Capital of a Global Government Run from Jerusalem

(3) Ensure the Rapid and Widespread Military Deployment of 5G Globally

(4) Institute Forced Vaccination Programs Worldwide Mandating Coronavirus Vaccines

(5) Distract Humanity from Rampant Globalist Corruption and Criminality

(6) Foster a Conducive Environment for the Hot Phase of World War III and Trigger Event for Armed Conflict

(7) Fabricate a Pretext for the Controlled Demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System

(8) Effectuate a Genocide in China as well as Global Depopulation Event Threatening to Become an Extinction Level Event

(9) Fear-monger throughout the Planetary Civilization in order to Exert Draconian Controls Over the Mind-Controlled Masses

(10) Expand and Strengthen the UN Powers Granted to the World Health Organization Toward a Global Medical Tyranny

(11) Coerce China to Comply with American Economic Demands and Trade Policies

(12) Advance the Greater Israel Project by Disabling Chinese, Russian and Indian Support for Iran

(13) Establish an International Cashless Society with a One World Currency via a Single Digital Cryptocurrency

(14) Infect the Entire Global Population with the Coronavirus so That Future Outbreaks Can Be Triggered via Vaccines, 5G, Chemtrails, etc.

(15) Pose a Serious Threat to Trump’s Re-election with a Black Swan Event that Crashes the Stock Market and Collapses the U.S. Economy

(16) Promote the Build-out of the Internet of Things as a Solution to Future Pandemics

(Source: OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: 16 Reasons for the Deployment of this Devastating Bioweapon in 2020)

There are several other items on the NWO agenda which are still revealing themselves as we get deeper into the convoluted COVID-1984 conspiratorial plot.  Each passing week has been full of shocking revelations that alternately startle and stun because of the brazen criminality and sheer recklessness of the perps.  Clearly, TPTB are both desperate and frantic as never before.  And, that’s a good thing!

However, one of those COVID-1984 agenda items is way too consequential to ignore.  That concerns the masterful NWO application of Ordo ab Chao throughout this scamdemic with the explicit purpose of dividing and conquering the world community of nations.  This highly cynical ploy has several goals, but one reigns supreme—triggering the hot phase of World War III. See: THEIR FINAL SOLUTION: Market Crash, Dollar Collapse & World War 3

Where it concerns the American body politic, both the Obama administration and Clinton faction colluded to willfully restart the Cold War with Russia where relations are now worse than ever with the Kremlin.  Similarly, the Trump administration has worked overtime to alienate China with one provocative move or offensive maneuver after another.  What better way to kill the Sino-American relationship forever than to wage a full-scale biowar against China, which is exactly what the Neocon Zionists have done with COVID-19.

Not only that, but Neocon Zionists inside and outside of the Trump administration are now running a shrill propaganda campaign against China as they try to convince the rest of the world that China is solely responsible for COVID-19.  Isn’t this exactly what the perfidious Neocons did (first, warmongering propaganda; then, “shock and awe” terrorism; followed by armed conflict and finally war) in Chechnya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Venezuela and other countries that are not quite yet on the same global geopolitical radar screen?

The Neocon Zionist warmongers will do everything in their power to foment an armed conflict between China and the United States, just like they tried to do with Russia and the U.S.  They know that a world war has the potential to create so much conflict and chaos that they can then impose their New World Order in the wake of war’s predictable aftermath of disorder and anarchy.  They don’t even care that all the evidence points directly to a Zio-Anglo-American conspiracy to use bioterrorism against China using the U.S. Army

U.S. Military Planted COVID-19 in Wuhan, China via their Transparently Fake Military Games Team

Why, then, is the U.S. currently undergoing the biggest and most sustained series of bioterrorist attacks in the world today?

Short answer: the USA was always the primary target of COVID-19 so the globalists could much more aggressively continue the implementation COVID-1984 that began in earnest on September 11, 2001 (but really started with the Federal Reserve Act signed on December 23, 1913).

Everyone ought to understand by now that the Deep State of each of these powerful nations — United States, United Kingdom, China and Israel — are all controlled by the same clandestine powers.  Each of them is run by the same highly controlled Central Banks such as the U.S. Federal Reserve System.  All of the world’s central banks belong to the International Banking Cartel & Crime Syndicate (IBCCS) which have no loyalty to any country, or any cause, or any thing except to the acquisition of money and power for the banksters and their overlords.  Of course, the IBCCS fabricates fiat money out of thin air via a fractional reserve banking which is then utilized to systematically buy and manipulate each Deep State to implement the overarching NWO globalist agenda.

That extremely malevolent agenda is now being carried out at warp speed via COVID-1984.  As a matter of historical fact, the globalist cabal has realized more ambitions since January of 2020 than they did during any other year since the turn of the millennium.  Truly, Big Brother is right now standing at everyone’s front door issuing orders and mandating changes that were once as unthinkable as they are unenforceable.

KEY POINT: The globalists conjured up the perfect bioweapon by which to hold humankind hostage.  There have been numerous news reports that say COVID-19 re-infections are the new normal; others that state future vaccines may never be effective; and still others insinuate that social distancing is here to stay.  See how easily the global population can be corralled into the NWO pen of compliance when multiple COVID-19 re-infections have become a fact of life.  Not only that, but the British medical establishment is now advancing the absurdity “that a vaccine-induced immunity could last longer than the infected-induced immunity”. See: Why are the Bloody Brits always the first to disseminate such ludicrous falsehoods about COVID-19?

That “Key Point” says it all, folks!

TPTB intend on using COVID-1984 to shut down life on Earth as we once knew it, any and every way they can.

They will milk this manufactured global scamdemic until they have achieved every goal on their long list of nefarious intentions.

And, they really don’t care how they’re perceived anymore.  All their dirty laundry has been flung out of the closet never to be concealed again.  They believe they have nothing left to lose so why not make life miserable for everyone else.  At the very least, they will attempt to forever shut down free speech on the Internet.

KEY POINT: Since any digitally connected person can read their lengthy and shocking rap sheets with just a few keystrokes on their IT device, TPTB figure they no longer have anything to lose … … … EXCEPT THEIR LIVES.

Indeed, every Illuminati family, Bilderberger and Neocon Zionist is now moments away from a “torches and pitchforks” moment.  So, too, is every Democrat U.S. congressman and congresswoman, Technocracy tyrant and CFR type a minute away from citizens showing up with “axes and hammers”.  Some social commentators are even calling for group gallows to be shown live on the Internet as a deterrent to future war criminals and menaces to society.

5G & 4G

Clearly, the military deployment of 5G was a necessary prerequisite to trigger the outbreaks in places like Wuhan, Milan, New York City and the Seattle area.

The four cities listed above are not only 5G hotspots, they also harbor extremely perilous venues which are considered 5G super-hotspots. Wherever intensive 5G power grids have been activated, that sufficiently support the build-out of a fully operational Internet of Things, it inevitably becomes a 5G super-hotspot. See: 5G Super-Hotspots: You better know where the “kill zones” are located!
(Source: OPERATION COVID-19: How 4G is also being used to trigger Coronavirus Syndrome)

As the source article above indicates, it’s now critical to comprehend at this pivotal point of the wholly manufactured pandemic that 4G also plays a central role in triggering the COVID-19 disease process.  The rapid spread of COVID-19 across the USA, particularly in rural areas with no 5G but which have had 4G networks in place for years, stands as a testament to this stark reality.  This data point reflects that a test is being conducted by the ruling technocracy to swiftly determine the extent to which the supporting 4G weapon subsystem is effective in creating a conducive environment for bioweapons to inflict damage to the wireless IT-bound populace, particularly smartphone users.

Most importantly, what every resident of the planet needs to understand is that the various national and state lockdowns are being surreptitiously used to expedite the 5G military deployments wherever and whenever they can get away with it. Schools, government buildings, corporate offices, malls, convention centers, stadiums, etc. are all being equipped with the necessary 5G technology.  Likewise, the build-out of 5G network infrastructure has been greatly accelerated across the USA to include the macro- and small-cell base stations with advanced edge-computing capabilities.

Novus ordo seclorum = “New Order of the Ages


People, it does not get any bigger than COVID-1984!

They have fastidiously planned this out for well over a century, if not much longer.  COVID-1984 is the fear-mongering scheme that will allow TPTB to position the capstone of their notorious pyramid of worldly power and control (see preceding visual).

However, this exceedingly preposterous scheme requires a critical mass of consent from We the People.  Where there’s not sufficient consent, there’s no New World Order … except one that is willed into manifestation by the collective agreement of communities the world over.

Really, how do TPTB expect to lock down the nearly 7.8 billion inhabitants of planet Earth?! 

That’s right—they can’t!  Unless we let them.

Please know that there now exists a window of opportunity to resist and overcome the in-your-face tyrannical technocracy that globalism requires if it is to predominate across the land.  However, that window is closing very fast.  Nevertheless, 2020 is the year to terminate this prison planet project.  Otherwise, COVID-1984 will be insidiously foisted on the four corners of the realm one tyrant’s diktat at a time.

After all, who has not already seen or felt the quickly evolving totalitarian order administered by the tyrannical technocracy.  We all know who they are — Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Tim Cook, Jack Dorsey, Susan Wojcicki, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt, Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai, Ajit Pai and all the other highfalutin technocrats who exert total command and control over cyber-space.  Now, let’s go get ’em. Before they get US!

CAVEAT: What, pray tell, is more life-threatening to the human race than COVID-19?  Not only is it being used as a genocidal bioweapon in different countries, it’s also aimed at the elderly with underlying conditions to terminate their lives under cover of a contrived pandemic (i.e. a devious depopulation scheme).  However, the silver lining in this dark cloud is that the novel coronavirus has given the entire planetary civilization an extraordinary opportunity to terminate COVID-1984.  This final phase of the New World Order agenda to lock down the planet was previously run under the radar for well over 100 years.  Now the globalist plan is out in the open for all to see, but We the People must respond accordingly… … …or else!

State of the Nation
April 19, 2020

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    Total 2 comments
    • Dave Stephens

      Even Bill Gates isn’t a match for the genius anonymous hackers who truly control the internet. True genius comprehends the stupidity of the NWO agenda. Why these ultimate-best hackers allow a little censorship is not the main concern. The main concern is they keep articles like this visible to the general public.

    • Fake News = The False Prophet

      Questioning Covid –

      We believe this crisis represents a world-changing opportunity to expose and transform antiquated ideologies that restrict health freedom. Germ theory is a scientifically bankrupt paradigm based in warfare models of pathogenic invasion. This theory has been leveraged as an instrument for geopolitical and social control – largely in the form of a vaccination agenda – to subdue the populace through coerced and forced bodily penetration and associated disability, mortality, and surveillance. As a result, conventional Western medicine functions as a sort of religion based on consensus assumptions and dogmatic medical monotheistic posturing. At its core, this approach is not salugenic or scientific and thus violates its stated ethical parameters around informed consent, beneficence, and an uncompromised evidence base.

      We believe that citizens should be free to exercise their natural right to practice medicine as they see fit – in retention both of bodily sovereignty and civil liberties. To that end, we orient ourselves around the foundational premises that the body is inherently wise, that symptoms are meaningful, and that radical healing is eminently possible when we align with the earth and honor our place in the natural world.

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