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We can’t fight internet liars with social media fires

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In this pivotal essay, The Slog traces the progress of the genocidal 0.3% out of the closet as the multinational digital ID launch goes forth with a degree of fanfare, and asks, ”Has blatant MSM and social media censorship rendered the sword mightier than the pen?” and ”What is the critical role of the writer now the genie is out of the lamp?”. Today’s post signals a radical change on content emphasis at The Slog….away from echo chambers and apathetic majorities and towards a closer examination of the real Future that beckons over the medium term, and the qualities we have lost from the Past

To kick the post off, here’s a brief Slog brainteaser offering eight claims to have genuine scientific provenance, some of which are genuine, and some are bollocks. I’ve deliberately chosen subjects unlikely to be easily Googled online, but equally, I’m relying upon you all not to Google, but to think purely based on your own knowledge, common sense and instincts.

Type YES for correct, NO for BS on the dotted lines….then please use your snipping tool capture gizmo to create a photo and email it to the Slog’s e-address, [email protected] . Here we go….

  1. Without our Moon’s gravitational pull, Earth oceans would have no tides at all…………………
  2. The Black Death pandemic killed roughly 1 in 3 humans of all ages ………………………………….
  3. The Covid 19 pandemic killed 9 people per 10,000, 70+% of whom were aged over 60………..
  4. The average human digestive system can dissolve a steel razor-blade………………………………
  5. CO2 is not a greenhouse gas, but it does trap greenhouse gases: NASA observation via satellite suggests that greenhouse gas escape is 9 times faster than earlier models suggested………………………..
  6. 50% of the world’s oxygen is supplied by the sea: half of the world’s oxygen is actually produced by plankton, seaweed and other ocean-based photosynthesis……………………………
  7. There are 1,000 times more trees on our planet than stars in our Galaxy: roughly 400 billion stars in the milky way vs 3 trillion environmentally correct trees on Earth………………………..
  8. 63,000 unexpected deaths in the 18-45 year old US age demographic is not unusual…………..

One preparatory step is to call out those from Davos to Langley (and not forgetting Beijing) who would have us eating le grillade de scorpion sur son lit de serpent de mer. The same unconscious Leninists who want to create more and more ”useful bourgeois idiots” to do their bidding no matter how insane the advice is. Former POTUS candidate John Kerry is in the vanguard of all this US Democrat drivel. The Irish have a host of unequivocally rude jokes about Kerrymen: in JK’s case, all of it is richly deserved.

But every journey begins with the first step, as Mao Tse Tung said…of whom, more later. His point was that – no matter how uphill a climb may seem – and no matter how outnumbered the minority may feel – every giant has a weakness that can destroy him: Goliath, Achilles, Caesar Augustus….all of them were (allegedly or mythically) the victims, respectively, of a sling shot into the brain via the eye, a poisoned arrow in the heel, and one Holy freak from Galilee.

So the second step is to trumpet better alternatives to a ”forever” status quo that overcomes an apathetic citizenry. So far, Western former democracies have been able to stop that tactic by ignoring the avalanche of facts we of the One in Eight keep on pouring out – in favour of the IABATO* pseudo facts emitted by the self-appointed elites.

*It’s All Bollocks And That’s Official

A correlation worth thinking about

In that context, I increasingly believe that we’ve been too focused on left hemisphere empiricism rather than persuasion of right brain hemisphere emotional intelligence. Empiricism is about Truth, but in 2023 Truth is a matter of the tangled branches of provenance. Ultimate success for every cultural radical (while recognising that empirical reality must be sacrosanct) is about taking The People along with you against not just a long established run of Establishment failure but also (for example) the corrupt, often perverted sexual depravity of that Establishment.

The correlation between First World power seekers and depravity is no invented smear: it is horrifically supported by the actions of those who suffer from the narcissistic and compulsive pursuit of naked power for its own sake.

As an observer disgracefully smeared by the Labour Party hierarchy during 2009-10 (all of them based on lies broadcast by Peter ”Mandy” Mandelson – a psychopathic pervert who used a surname coincidence to knowingly lie about me – and then used Guardianista dupe Alan Rusbridger to portray me as a feral fantasist nutjob) – I know more than most about the British Duopoly Establishment’s vicious use of lattterly awoken dogs to terrify the sheep. Mandy’s foul lies were in turn passed by Rusbridger on to the New York Times….whose lead the next day falsely asserted ‘HOW ONE OBSCURE BLOGGER’S WILD GUESS NEARLY BROUGHT DOWN THE UK LABOUR PARTY LEADER’.

Let’s start at the top, so to speak: Mao tse Tung was a known, lifelong paedophile.

The Tory right Monday Club organised regular Amsterdam junkets for the sole purpose of abusing child prostitutes. Peter Bottomley was a regular on these fact-finding missions [he was on the Tory left and yet the Club was clinging onto the cliff edge of the Tory neo-Nazi wing….go figure] and his wife Virginia was Health Secretary from 1992-95, where she cancelled several AIDS-care budgets – so their table-talk of an evening must’ve been, um, fascinating; when Virginia Bottomley retired, her constituency passed on to her cousin the one and only Jeremy Hunt, who had a long arm’s-length association with the Groucho Club – a den of blackmail using men’s room photography – because Jezzer’s Tory smoke-filled room sugar daddy was a shareholder there…and has been steering Hunt towards no 10 for nearly two decades.

Not unrelated to Senior Party proclivities was the inability of our former Prime Minister Boris Johnson to keep his tackle in his trousers. He also covered up for various colleagues who had been whoring their way around the notorious Elm House infant Bordello for several decades, thanks to plentiful supplies of young flesh from the local social services department. He saved the unpleasant neck of one such pervert (since deceased) and several handwriting exhibits were thrown into the nearest furnace – leaving one Home Secretary incensed and spitting curses.

Lest anyone be silly enough to imagine that decadent proclivities are a Conservative neoliberal monopoly, do not forget the copious amounts of dry ice hiding the earlier activities of Anthony St John Blair and his penchant for inappropriate loitering, Harriet Harman and her long-held views about “rainbows of sexual experience”, and Peter Mandelson’s active support for Jeffrey Epstein’s club – which for many years included the less than entirely trustworthy Jamie Dimon and other senior ex-Sovyets known to “Petie” and Soros in Hungary.

And so let us fly across the Pond to the Godly Blessed America (now Grossly Bidenised Amerika) where the Presidential Hollow-man trying to do a reverse Harriet Harman by repositioning the American daily showers fetish as a de rigueur opportunity for living out incestuous fantasies – thus rendering such things…here we go again – as part of the New Normal.

Sleepybye-Biden’s Veep [Kamala-you-Faithful] Harris piles in similarly to explain that the violent-fuck-whitey Take the Knee BLM victim tendency is wholly democratic and harmless, whereas the KKK is an up close and contemporary threat to the American Republic. Dahhling HarriStalin, Klansmen really are soooo last century: please do try and keep up. [KKK supremacists have killed seven US citizens since 1935]

Ageing Kennedy Democrats are fading away at an alarming rate – as indeed are well-travelled cosmopolitan Brits. So at times, it often seems like match-point and love-forty down to we who find DNC Moonies & UK Labour Party post-empirical goose-stepping ideologues repulsive – preferring as we do to think for ourselves about all social learnings – regardless of any pharisee-enforced inflexibility.

To quote Rocky Marciano, ”The bigger they come, the harder they fall”. And in that context, one wonders how far the Nazis would’ve got if powerful emotional intelligence had been applied to revelations about every senior NSDAP member from Hitler downwards.

Little Dolfi the Austrian and Anschluss creator of the GrossDeutsche Reich was himself a scatalogical and mictuarist pervert whose sexual humiliation needs drove his second cousin and lover Geli Raubel to suicide – and almost to the early end of Hitler’s mercurial rise from Viennese tramp to ”unser geliebte Fuhrer”. The Nazi leader was in turn surrounded by oddities who envisaged giant Reichstag buildings taller by 50% than the Twin Towers in New York; twisted medics obsessed by wiping out Semitic genes and cloning megalomaniacs; Luftwaffe leaders with serious pill habits and fantasies of having estates larger than The Ukraine; former chicken farmers with an unswerving belief in Aryan Herrenvolk supremacy based on almost no grasp at all of who the original Aryans were; and a Sturm Abteilung rabble of macho bullies many of whom believed themselves cleansed by sleeping with innocent pre-pubescent boys.

Are the contemporary New World Ordurists any less mad? I submit that if they were, they would not need any New Normal…any more than Blair and his simplistic guide Phil Gould would have felt the need for ”New Labour” as a Leftist Party in the UK. Gould – whom I knew slightly through copywriting genius Tony Brignull – was a likable but copycat thinker bereft of original strategic ideas of any substance beyond the soundbites to which Blair and Alastair Campbell were addicted.

In the 1960s – flower power or not – ‘normal’ was still firmly anchored in the reality that gangsters were appalling neighbours to endure, but MPs, police and judges were united in their fervent desire to put them behind bars.

To take one example, in the 1950’s UK Tory Party there was a bisexual sociopathic MP called Bob Boothby, who was having an affair with Prime Minister Macmillan’s wife Dorothy at the time (MI5 had given ‘SuperMac’ all the grisly details)….but at one and the same time was regularly investigating the dark passage that began with anus of notorious gay twin gangster Ronnie Kray. Boothby used his massive influence in the UK Conservative Party to persuade members across the House that Scotland Yard detective Chief Inspector ”Nipper” Read was pursuing both gay Ronnie and his bent [but in a different sense] brother Reggie because of a personal vendetta of some description.

When Private Eye and others gradually unmasked the real nature of Boothby – and the Truth filtered down to the MSM of the day – it was viewed by the vast majority of Brits of all classes as a unique ”cultural glitch” unlikely to recur.

Today, it would be seen as yet more daily evidence of ‘one law for them, another law for us’.

So whatever Tony Blair tried to insist between 1997 and 2011, he was as usual lying with his bare face hanging out: a gigantic mountain of evidence is there for anyone to see that UK politics is now peopled almost entirely by scammers, internet liars, 5th rate yes-people seeking only advancement, and other forms of unprincipled ne’re do wells whose loyalty has been bought and/or blackmailed by whips, central bankers, globalists, monied climate motives and tiny minority sexualities.

One thinks of Grant Shapps and Jeremy Hunt (online cheats), David Cameron (masturbating into a roast pig’s mouth), Michael Gove (domestic lifestyle of a pig) and of course Boris Johnson (burning 5-pound notes in front of vagrants). Across the corridor, we have Yvette Cooper (Westminster’s Gary Lineker), Ed Miliband (Net Zero Freak & Windpower idiot), David Lammy (racist and thick), Emily Thornberry (All Brexit voters are stupid), Hilary Benn (Cimate bonzo), Ben Bradshaw (Head Liar for the Mandy tendency), Keith Vaz (Renaissance crook) and Dianne Abbot (incompetent, muddled and sloppy embarrassment).

During thirty years of working for (and socialising with) UK MPs, I met just two people with all the skills necessary to be representatives, and the instincts of genuinely hard-headed caring common sense: one was John Redwood, and the other was Kate Hoey. Neither of them ever got remotely close to the core of power in my homeland. What a waste.

If anyone ever writes a biography of New Normality, they should probably start in Dealey Plaza Dallas, where magic bullets emerged unscathed and flying brain tissue defied every law of Newtonian mechanics; but for sheer way out there Planet Cuckoo abnormal loopiness, Biden, Blair, Kerry and Schwab are right off the scale of eccentric analysis and deep into the uncharted Bedlam of surreal mendacity.

Political foibles and potty ideas are irrelevant if your government has sold out to/been bought by globalists, warmists, closet communists, banking interests and the NWO megalomaniacs whose sole purpose is to create the circumstances for nation-State chaos as the rationale for World Government. My point is that the vast majority of First World electorates are hopelessly naive about the casual depravity of those ”in power” at a national level, and so another important task is to demonstrate how greedy and feckless those who have joined the scramble for top table places in the bloc/geopolitical stratosphere really are.

So anyway, here I am casually handing out uphill tasks…but is it either realistic or practical to expect a broader spectrum of our societies to begin to think ”These psychos have to be stopped” in heavily censored electronic media?

We all like to play to our strengths, and so as a lifelong writer at the beginning of the digital media age, I did the obvious thing and started a blog. I now realise I massively underestimated naive First World trust in those who really run their Governments.

The opening battle to prove the imbalance of Gordon Brown’s head was a week in the national limelight I could’ve done very well without. The next campaign to restore the disgracefully dishonoured 1950s women State pension promises also ended in a Whitehall farce of lies and missing money trees (while unelected bureaucrats were busy lining their own pockets with still unaccounted for pension increases). From WOMD, the risibly described Arab Spring, Barack ‘Where’s the beef?’ Obama, Cinton’s c**tstruck cigar, and Nick Cleggover the empty man – all the way through to obsessively persistent attempts to defy the British People and row us all back to the Eutanic, develop a Coronavirus in the lab to poison us and then a vaccine to kill us, and finally distract us with a war on the side of Ukrainian Nazis…we lost every single battle.

It ‘s not what you’d call an A1 track record.

OMG, whatever next?

The goals of top-down global totalitarian government are now apparent to those who are awake: surveillance, tracking of exact location, digitalisation of money to enable worldwide theft, control of all citizen movement, permawar against largely imaginary threats, and constant fear creation vis-a-vis pandemics, enemies, asteroids, climate catastrophe and biological warfare.

As I write now in mid November 2023, however, there is much speculation about what the next specific ‘demon’ tactic might involve – if anything – but very little in the way of hard evidence.

Well, what has happened over the last two weeks is that the reptilian elites have not quietly crawled out from under the cold, damp stones where they normally hide; on the contrary, they’ve employed a gigantic media megaphone to broadcast at a million decibels the truly astonishing hitech serfdom the Big Swinging Dicks have in mind for the Little Us who represent nothing more than irritating dog mess on their shoes.

No doubt there will be more distraction and demonisation, but the focus off-camera is, to simply get the job done in the near certainty that Citizen Apathy Rules OK: we have been shown the magic hitech lamp…now they’ve let the genie out, and he’s going about his work at a breakneck and brazen speed. (If you’re interested, Off Guardian appears to share this view).

The UN Development Programme last week officially launched their new initiative promoting “Digital Public Infrastructure” (DPI) around the world. No stealth here, folks: a big tub-thumping global media launch featuring Jeffrey Epstein’s favourite kiddy perv, Bill Gates. It will render 50 nations across the world fully DPI in five years [oh look, just in time for 2030] and the public project – not secret – is called 50in5. It will involve the creation of 50 “Data Exchange Systems” covering all worlds and national governments on every continent blithely sharing any citizen of one country’s data – public and personal – with another member of the Fascist Fifty in a sharing (and uncaring) tongue-twister of a euphemism, ‘interopability’.

Now take a look at the main underwriters involved: UNICEF, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. The dozen or so guinea pigs chosen for the scheme so far are Bangladesh, Brazil, Estonia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Moldova, Norway, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Togo. My cynical conclusion here is that the drivers are unipolar (Washington interlopers) but the nations involved are designed to make this Global Tech look multipolar.

Did anyone ask the electorate in these countries if they wanted this? They did not.

Off Guardian is smart enough to point out that – on the same day as the 50in5 launch – the European Parliament and Council of Europe agreed on ”a new framework for a region-wide European Digital Identity (eID) system”.

Already in and of itself an upside-down anti-democracy Gross Europeanische Reich, the Eunatics of course tell all their lucky citizens how blessed they are in that:

‘The revised regulation constitutes a clear paradigm shift for digital identity in Europe aiming to ensure universal access for people and businesses to secure and trustworthy electronic identification and authentication. Under the new law, member states will offer citizens and businesses digital wallets that will be able to link their national digital identities with proof of other personal attributes (e.g., driving licence, diplomas, bank account). Citizens will be able to prove their identity and share electronic documents from their digital wallets with a click of a button on their mobile phone’.

No cliche has been spared: the paradigm shift, universal access for the People, authentication, the click of a button on your Smartphone. It’s IABATO* on steroids, folks – nosey parkers able to read your personal bank account for crying out loud…

*It’s All Bollocks And That’s Official

But of course – while we’re in the NATO colony aka European Union, we mustn’t forget that the European Central Bank based in Frankfurt is also steamrolling forward with its Digital Euro Final Trial [DAFT] and getting tons of support from the IMF (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Langley Virginia Central Imitation Assholes or CIA).

According to former IMF leader and convicted but still free criminal Christine ‘Fru-Fru’ Lagarde, the digital euro will only have ”a limited control” over our spending. No shit, Chrissy – will this include your daily sunbed of Tanfastic carrotine treatment at the taxpayers’ expense? Why is how I spend my money anything to do with anyone except me and my long-suffering bank manager? LaGarde is a profoundly stupid woman.

Hello people? Are you awake, alive, aroused, anxious or just apathetic?

Do you think the 1in8’s predictions are consistently accurate, and do you accept that all your politicians and intelligence bureaucrats have been lying to you for decades…they being incorrigibly corrupt? Or have you merely pushed that useless face-nappy further north, the better to make it fit comfortably over your eyes?

Let me take you back to a long-forgotten Slogpost from 2012 in which I wrote, ”One day soon, you will wake up and switch on a flat-screen TV giving you clear instructions about the main consumption expenditure priorities expected of you over the next eighteen hours”.

Tell me, where are all those former friends who dismissed all that as ”silly conspiracy theories that are a waste of your talent”?

I haven’t heard from them in quite a while…I wonder where they are today.

But hang on….what is a waste of one’s talent?

It all depends on what you the writer think is your goal. Mine is to impart wisdom where before there was only unaccountable and unrepresentative élite IQ blinded by on-message ideology.

I have serially failed in that endeavour. This is the sole charge to which I plead Guilty.

OK, here is the final, final, final bottom line of this post: the dystopian future is here, and the pen is only mightier than the sword if people believe the output of the writer. The battle of the Pen is over….the battle to beat hitech software, sabotage surveillance hardware and give the self-styled elites a taste of their own fear medicine is about to begin.

We are all Blade Runners now.

And me? I’m going underground as a non-violent saboteur; above ground level zero, The Slog will continue – but with the accent on content (1) I enjoy creating about the past that never made it into the future – because lazy thinkers see it not as a relativist comparative, but ”nostalgia”; and (2) exploring a real future abundant with genuine metaphysical science that reveals just how braindead Bezos, Musk, Gates, Zuckerberg, Sunak, Biden, Macron, Dimon, Blair, Xi Ping, Khan and Jerome Powell really are.

The real defining features of 21st century futures are going to be Time and Space, the speed of Light and its everlasting Now, the reduction of mass to zero in order to release us from the trap of e = mc2, and the relationship between the People, God as the soul, and that miniscule percentage of wannabe Demigods who are – in their hearts – Godless.

Holiness remains a science to be rediscovered and thoroughly investigated. We won’t get any nearer to that by further engagement in the X cockfight, because Elon Musk is a clown with daft ideas about landing great chunks of steel on Mars. The problem is, most folks can’t see him for the naked con-artist and myopic CIA operative he is.

And therein lies the core of the problem.

We’re on the biggest mission in recorded history. I/We have not done well in the First Innings. We will only improve if we learn from mistakes

©Copyright John Ward November 2023


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