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Why New Normality Will Never Be Anything But Old Artificial Reality

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“People seek out new values because they can no longer live up to their old ones” E M Forster

What began around 2011 as an idiotic “explanation” of why financialised neoliberal capitalism had faltered became, from 2014 onwards, a neoliberal New Normal economic ideology rationalising a neoconservative permanent war-driven foreign policy followed by the Eunato Alliance and led by the US State-within-a-State. False wars against Russia, Covid19 and African nationalism followed as a means of preparation for the final war of all: against Homo sapiens in favour of transhuman eternal obedience. The Slog asks us all if we are ready to call out the nonsense.

I wonder if – before apathy, silly denialism and flakey rationales wind up delivering us all into a massive NWO Snafu by the end of the decade – we should choose one big nobbled horse on the Merry-go-Round and focus on it?

This is not to underrate the banker>bureaucrat>pharma>spook>climate idiot >sexuality fantasist rainbow of monsoon doom put forward by globalists who so desperately want ‘World’ as a prefix to everything they represent. All in all, I still think that these unlikely bedfellows – unless opposed with far more vigorous physicality than we’ve seen so far – are odds on to achieve the dictatorial power they so obviously crave.

Whatever their final achievement is between now and the alleged target date of 2030, my starter-for-ten task is to evidence just how much of a total Horlicks these fourth-rate “thinkers” are going to make of the Blofeld role; and, at the same time, highlight the most glaring example of New Normality Nonsense being used to remove every last civil right we have left…..and then fight tooth and nail to get it reversed.

Hold that thought and read on.



Pretty much the entire array of cons, scams, fearmongering, digitilisation, blocism and sapienocide we’ve been living through for nearly ten years now is because Wall Street went to work on Ronald Reagan (with close CIA coaching) from roughly 1978 onwards.

Last March, former CIA officer Ben Barnes finally came clean and admitted what insiders have known for years: that the CIA and closely linked other political luminaries committed treason to get Reagan elected.

It was 1980, Jimmy Carter was in the White House, neutered by a hostage crisis in Iran that had paralyzed his presidency and hampered his effort to win a second term. Carter’s best chance for victory was to free the 52 Americans held captive before Election Day. That was something that Barnes’s mentor was determined to prevent.

His mentor was no less than John B. Connally Jr. – the same man who shared a deadly limousine ride with JFK in Dallas in November 1963. Connally resolved to help Reagan beat Carter and in the process, make his own case for becoming Secretary of state for Defence in a new administration.

He took Barnes along on a maverick mission to tell every Arab leader in the region with known links to the Iranian mullahs that if the hostages were not released before election day, “Governor Reagan and the CIA will ensure the Iranian leadership get a better deal than anything Carter could politically offer”.

William Casey (the Chairman of Reagan’s Election committee) was briefed verbally on their return. He became the CIA boss under Reagan. By the end of Ronnie’s two terms, George Bush senior – a CIA man since 1952 – and in turn his son George “Dubya” Bush had three terms between them in the White House from 1991-2009.

On January 20, 1981, just minutes after Reagan was inaugurated as 40th president of the United States, the 52 U.S. captives held at the U.S. embassy in Teheran, Iran, were released.

You see, being called a conspiracy theorist at the end of a watertight story like this one is very much what sticks in my craw.

Still, what we see here is an accelerating control over US government of the pernicious Unelected Corporacratic State…and how every selfish mistake the corporacrats made courted distaster for the real America.

Connally didn’t get the Defence portfolio he wanted….Reagan offered him Energy, and he turned it down. But Wall St and The Company weren’t so picky: they trained Ronnie up, down and sideways on Hyek, Friedman and all the other nutjob “philosophers” of neoliberal economic theory, and once he was in power Greed was good, Geckos were two a penny, regulators were out of the picture, and the banker/spook love-up had never been closer.

Just two years earlier, Reagan’s British equivalent Margaret Thatcher became the UK’s first female Prime Minister, fed a very similar line of socio-economic BS by Sir Keith ‘trickle down wealth’ Joseph, who was in turn a fan of blocist globalism and the ridiculous idea of the global village as posited by Ted Levitt. A late convert to mass privatisation as the cure for all ills, Joseph became Thatcher’s closest political ally.

In short, by 1982, on both sides of the Atlantic we had a former life guard and a grocer’s daughter of equal bigotry in thrall to advisers persuaded that not only did the future lie in financial services, it also lay in having faith in the human material involved, Homo sapiens. The increasingly close geopolitical relationship between a former wooden actor and a chemical science ‘swot’ led directly to the disastrous bourse Big Bang – and the idea that a mass production labour market was redundant and must be replaced by service-based monopolism….with only the gentlest State hand on the tiller.

It was the ultimate triumph of rigid Parsonian systemics over social anthropology, and you and I have been paying for it ever since. By ‘you and I’ I mean anyone the wrong side of being a multi-millionaire, and not working in the upper echelons of banking, investment services, diplomacy, pharmaceuticals, agro-chems or central government. Be you blue collar in Europe and the US or lower middle/working class in the UK, the figures are remarkably similar: not ‘making or growing anything’ (especially in Britain) handed key markets like clothing, electricity, hitech, automotive, housewares and small consumables to China, Korea and Japan….but it was the first of these three tigers that grasped the fangwoi by the throat bigtime, and it gave China power as a maker of things from ‘plastic pan and brush’ rubbish to hitech) a global clout and weaponry that, to be frank, flatters it.

But for the top level folks, it was the most perfect meeting of economic and fiscal convenience in recorded history: busily hiding (through bent stats under Clinton and leger de main in the EU) the degree to which lower income values had been hammered by 30 per cent, Western establishments were further able to disguise relative impoverisation by importing crap, giving Essex Man the ability to cover his house and garden in Christmas lights and solar lamps made in China for a pittance. By Christmas eve, of course, they had all but ceased to function….but there was always next year.

Once having gained a foothold in the UK, Chinese imports accelerated from 2012 by nearly 90 per cent, the latest estimate for end 2023 suggesting 95 billion pounds in consumer goods alone. As these items are increasingly spares in hitech and Smartphone telecoms, Beijing now holds all the technology cards to starve the West of replacements. It has not been slow to point this out.

As early as 1983, I wrote a short piece for Market Leader magazine pointing out Britain’s huge decline in agriculture and manufacturing, while stating the obvious: selling services was just fine, but a reasonably bright Vietnamese kid could pick up the model in an afternoon and then do it for himself. Every pleasing leap in the financial sector numbers killed off a customer – it was a sector busy eating itself.

Right across the Western world, from 1985 to 2016, EU and US citizens in the C1C2D social demographics suffered an astonishingly similar devaluation of thirty per cent in their disposable income. Consequently, they turned to plastic credit as never before, while “smart” more upscale white collars jumped on the property balloon, thus feeling well off each time they had the house valued.


Intra-bank trading (and neglect of the banking sector’s traditional mission) was another gift that Big Bang brought with it. Pitifully dodgey packaged “sub-prime” (euphemism of the century to date) investment parcels changed hands at prices to make a mockery of the original derivatives idea – a good one in my view – until eventually a few genuinely smart people realised that the king’s willy was clearly visible, so they began shorting the housing market. To bale out bankers reverting to type under the ‘light touch’ regime is estimated to have cost the global economy US$30 trillion by the end of 2010. Most people still can’t really tell you where it went. Perhaps, like Time, it was an illusion.

By this point a differently challenged gnat could have discerned that the game should have been up for the Banksters; guru Will Hutton was permanently on television predicting a rolling of heads and sweeping global reforms. None of it happened.

What happened instead was Quantitative easing, a means by which the financialisers got the government to bail them out by hoovering up all the welches, bad debts and ‘non-performing loans’ of sales targets set without reference to quality. Money printing to do it made our Pounds worth less abroad and increased our tax burdens still further.

By 2011, bankers reverted to paying monster bonuses, and life continued with barely a ripple.


This seems to have been the moment at which the BSDs decided attack was the best form of defence, and elected politicians were mere rabbits in the headlights. The collapse took place at exactly the moment when Jamie Dimon hired Tony Blair, and not long afterwards Moral Tone began muttering about new normals, building back better and meeting the challenges of a changing world order. It was also around this time that both Lloyd Blankfein and Dimon began pushing the need to “strengthen” the central banking system….ostensibly to keep an eye on ‘bad’ banks, but in reality of course to increase their own powers of intervention (size does matter) and start a process of banking size consolidation. Last but not least, both the CIA and the Pentagon were quite happy to have it known that they were cuddling up closer to the beleaguered gamblers, because “Globalism is here to stay and money is a weapon like any other”.

The CIA and the Pentagon had in turn for some time seen digital social media as an important sector to be close to. Zuckerberg, Gates and Musk were keen to respond; some sources maintain that Obama firmed up the introductions, others still that Jeffrey Epstein was a prime mover via Gates. I doubt if it matters: the point is, all the new Powermen of the new century in finance, tech, surveillance and permanent war were now more or less on the same page. In his role as “philanthropist”, Gates was also now well in with Big Pharma. It was all coming together….as the next nine years made very clear.

The Quadrumvirate of banks, military/spooks, hitech and pharmaceutical biodevelopment was in place.


They made one disastrous policy error after another.

It began with the 2014 cease-fire between Ukraine and its Russian-speaking nationals….probably the first move in a Pentagon/CIA/Pharma caper to supply Ukranian neo-Nazis with fire-power and technology to wind up the pro-Russian sector (there were some 2,300 cease-fire violations in the region over the following seven years). At this point, Gates appears to have been a prime mover in some of the tech, but more crucially in the area of bioweaponry, and so the flagrant cease-fire abuses acted as a distraction from the rapid construction of 46 biolabs, built and funded entirely by the US military. But not until June 14th 2022 did the Pentagon finally admit to this.

A big part of the unspoken Grand NWO plan was, naturally to sow as much social, fiscal, economic and internal war anarchic chaos to suggest that individual nations’ “problems” could only be solved via a higher authority at World level. It would be hard to dismiss the increasingly high profile during this period of World EF, World HO, World BIS, World Bank, and of course, the international IMF under close control of US Allies.


When Britain tired of being a cash-cow for the multiply corrupt European Union after the turn of the century, UK PM David Cameron gambled on holding a Final referendum on membership. To the surprise of many, the Leave campaign won the day…..which, from the NWO viewpoint was a disaster. Events since then have proved to my entire satisfaction that, by this stage, the Warrior mavericks were happy to interfere blatantly to crush any nation daring to oppose Global Corporacratic Control.

Recall what happened: within four days, Cameron left office against his will, having two days earlier promised to “see Brexit through”. Home Office MP turned pro-EU spook Theresa May announced her candidature, as did the far more popular Leaver MP Angela Leadsom. Suddenly, Leadsom hastily withdrew. May won by being there, not in an election. After May there came Boris, cornered, threatened and infected with covid19 under odd circumstances. Then Truss, who was immediately torpedoed by the loathsome europhile central banker Andrew Bailey.

And now the UK has Sunak….unable and unwilling to stop the migrant dumping, and postponing the repeal of any element of legislation still tying us to Brussels.

Democracy? No, certainly not. Unelected Secret State interference? Hard to see it as anything else.

Since when, there has been digitalisation (Why?) A lab created virus first patented by the Americans in 1969 and then refined in the Wuhan biolab (Why?) before being relaunched in 2019 (Why?) and then vaccines that do not immunise or stop infection spread (Why?) but do raise unexplained deaths by 63 percent among those aged 15-50 (Why?) and then finally, global arson as a pathetic attempt to convert us to the idea of Global boiling during a year of largely normal temperatures (Why?).

The answer is straightforward: because confusion and fear dilute already questionable levels of Homo sapiens’ ability to discern the difference between alchemy and science, black hats and white hats, Russian patriots and New Hitlers, goading and defending, actor hams and heroes, uranium and freedom, or even disguised dictators and nationalist coups.

The rotten core of the Big Global Apple today is the attempt by a legion of Caligulas to depict cool heads as incandescent purveyors of wild guesses based on nothing more than ultra-vivid imagination. The smug and the apathetic are persuaded that every suspicious revelation of planetary genocidal activities can be ignored amid gales of laughter. Maybe the soon-to-be-revealed Ukranian and African meddling will probably carry with it some immediate US electoral influence….but I’m not betting the farm on it.

What we do have at the end of this long takeover is one blindingly obvious stupidity in the “logic” of the neoliberal capitalism that the banks have managed to get away with.

And it is staring us in the face.



The mainstream of central, investment and retail banking has, over time, managed to achieve a level of monetary transubstantiation to make even the Pope blush. Indeed, the international banking rules betray an almost religious tone as they state:

“…..the funds in a general bank account do not technically belong to the depositor. At the moment of deposit, the funds become the property of the depository bank….”

The body and blood of Mammon, as it were. Still, the bank also agrees…..

“…as a depositor, you are in essence a creditor of the bank. Once the bank accepts your deposit, it agrees to refund the same amount, or any part thereof, on demand.”

Which, if you think about it, is very decent of them – given that, technically, by then they’re giving you their money back.

But hold hard for a second, hearts: on demand?

Read on….

Very probably you hadn’t noticed, but there’ve been, um, a few updates of the banks’ rights of protection in recent times. Not that you’d think they need any more, but here we go….

Use the establishment search engines and/or browsers, and you could easily be excused for thinking that governments and legislators generally are pounding the bankers near to death with new pro-customer rules. But as ever, that’s an incredibly biased and laughably censored picture.

In the US, the Bank Secrecy & Patriot Act is not all it seems at first sight, viz “to make banks better equipped to know their customers”. Frankly, that’s an insult to your intelligence: how, for example, are these reptiles going to know their customers better as individuals if they are consolidating bank sizes upwards and turning individual transactions into AI can’t-say-yes-or-no electronic synapses?

The reality is more surveillance of what you spend and where rather than better customer service – more CIA data gathering, to be used when the digimoney-through-smartphone takeover is Go for Lift-off.

For example, “…requires every national bank to file a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) when they detect certain known or suspected violations of federal law or suspicious transactions….where the transaction involves $5,000 or more….where there is no identifiable suspect and the transaction involves $25,000 or more.”

Is this Orwellian enough for you? What business is it of the State how much money goes in and out of your account if no registered CIA or FBI criminal track record has been established? How long is it going to take these cheats to drive the Deadwood stage and four horses through that one?

This is detection of Resistance and protection of the totalitarian State, not help and service for innocent customers: more and more surveillance data for the Globalatarian demigods to know you as only God should.

So it is that we read more and more American bank depositors asking on related websites, “Why is some two-bit teller asking me personal questions about why I want the money?”

It is, after all, a pertinent question in ‘the free West’.

In the UK, the same persistent questions crop up. I could give you five examples of Brits this weekend who have emailed me asking the same question: in Australia, one comedian Jon-Bernard Kairouz has exposed Australia’s Big Four banks by showing their tellers repeatedly asking him to explain why he needed the cash he was withdrawing. (In Australia, banks are mandated to report any cash transactions of more than $10,000 or more to AUSTRAC, a federal government tracking agency).

What are they tracking? Is the Oz banking system now fully signed up to track & trace as practised in the EU and UK medical services sector as regards Contrick19 and vaccine vapours?

See what you see and say what you think: there is no citizen protection here, only paranoid detection.

And heading back a few paragraphs, can you get your bank deposited money back on demand? Er, um….this can now take ‘between two and five business days, but it can take up to 30 days depending on the company issuing the refund’.

The answer is “No”, now what’s the question. Face it people: banks are above the law. They can call your money their money because they want to, and they can stop you having it if they feel like it because of a hundred yards of flyshit in the legislation to do with “exceptional circumstances”…like, for instance, Jamie Dimon needing to get Tony Blair out of a blackmail pit in order to recruit him for banking respectability and NWO purposes.



I can’t demand you don’t pay your taxes, because oddly enough the recipients of our own money have made that illegal.

But I am well within my rights to suggest you take a good long look at where all the money power is.

There is a wide open goal to be scored here, and the original assist player in this golden chance was the one and only genius footballer Eric Cantona who tried to organise everyone to withdraw their bank deposits on the same day. Sadly, he was laughed out of court. Time has since shown us that he was right….but nihil desperandum, there are still ways to finesse this approach – despite the increasingly uphill nature of the playing field our spineless politicians have bequeathed to us.

Those who want to discuss this further are as ever invited to email me at [email protected].

Broadly speaking, what I have in mind is a cross-Party Citizens’ campaign to get the law changed as to whose property deposited money is, and vote tactically at all elections to disenfranchise any candidate who refuses to accept this obvious principle….as opposed to believing in 14th century Papal nonsense about bread flakes becoming the Saviour’s flesh.

I have other ideas taking place on my head. but they’re not for discussion in this medium.

Enjoy what’s left of your weekend

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