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SOS: Huge False Flag Attack Planned for Syria! Neocon Zionists on the Warpath!

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today




SOS: Major False Flag Ship Attack
on U.S. Navy in Mediterranean
Planned as Pretext for World War III




ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR: View from Pier 1010 with USS Shaw and USS Nevada burning

TMR Editor’s Note:

Everything now points to a major false flag ship attack being staged by the Zio-Franco-Anglo-American Axis and NATO on the U.S. Navy in the eastern Mediterranean.

Nothing galvanizes the American public to war like a surprise attack on a ship.

History offers several glaring examples of where false flag and outright attacks on ships were set up by the Western powers to provide a provocative pretext to wage war. As follows:

“Remember the Maine” was used a pretext to start the Spanish–American War.  American yellow journalism began in earnest with the sinking of the USS Maine–an American naval ship that was sunk in Havana Harbor during the Cuban revolt against Spain.

The sinking of the RMS Lusitania in 1915 by a German U-boat was actually set up by Great Britain as a way of inflaming sentiments against Germany, which it did.  False information was deceptively back-channeled by British agents to the German navy about weapons being transported in order to draw the outrageous attack.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor (authentic US Gov’t documents have proved his foreknowledge) to guarantee U.S. military involvement in World War II.  While this was not a false flag attack, Roosevelt’s failure to prevent it worked like a charm.

The fake Gulf of Tonkin incident was used by President Lyndon Johnson to greatly intensify the Vietnam War.  US Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara admitted that the August 4 Gulf of Tonkin attack never happened.

There are other stealth attacks on prominent ships which have served to trigger specific outcomes, not necessarily armed conflict, throughout modern history. One of the most shocking demonstrations of the power of false flag ship attacks was the intentional sinking of the RMS Titanic.

Sinking of the Titanic: A False Flag Operation to Establish the Federal Reserve

Three Strikes

Quite unfortunately, President Donald Trump already has 2 strikes against him. He has shown a great willingness to go along with the transparent false flags in Syria. On two occasions (both conducted in the month of April) the whole world knew that the false flag chemical attacks in Syria were staged by the American coalition. Nevertheless, the POTUS trumpeted an entirely false narrative to the world, and then followed up with an unlawful missile attack on a sovereign nation in both instances.

KEY POINT: Trump also ‘bought’ into the patently false narrative surrounding the nerve agent poisoning of the Skripals in Salisbury, England. He then grossly overreacted — before any conclusive evidence was presented — by expelling 60 Russian diplomats and officers based on what has turned out to be a naked and quite deliberate lie. The world community of nations knew that the poisoning was carried out by the British intel community; why didn’t President Trump?

Where it concerns Syria, however, we can see Trump’s Achilles’ heel. He has shown no inclination to even ascertain the truth of the matter BEFORE LAUNCHING A MILITARY ATTACK. This illicit presidential behavior is not only unprecedented, it’s setting him up to have the same knee-jerk reaction when a U.S. naval vessel is sunk via a CIA-NATO coordinated black operation in the eastern Mediterranean. Such a cynical false flag attack by the Western powers could have the practical effect of starting the hot phase of World War III.

In all likelihood, this is exactly how the clandestine perpetrators will goad the United States and her allies into a full-scale conflict in Syria. They know that nothing assaults the American psyche like a U.S. warship going down in flames. They’re also aware that once this particular false flag trigger is pulled, there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle.

Nonetheless, both a wider war in the Northern Levant and/or a WW3 scenario can be averted altogether when a sufficient number of Alt Media outlets are collectively disseminating this critical information. The single best way to prevent these Operation Gladio attacks is to expose them in advance. Were the “global village” (i.e. planet made small because of the Internet) to have known about the 9/11 false flag operation well before September 11, 2001, the perps would not have conducted those US government-sponsored acts of terrorism.

Special Note:

It’s absolutely necessary to understand the highly deceptive strategy being employed by the Neocon Zionists.  They are implementing a joint CIA, MI6, DGSE, GID and MOSSAD black operation throughout Syria.  By utilizing the well-established Operation Gladio terrorist infrastructure throughout the Northern Levant,  these NWO globalists are planning a series of shocking false flags in order to advance their ill-fated Greater Israel project.  The major NATO military powers (U.S., U.K. & France) in collusion with various offshoots of the Al-Qaeda terror network (ISIS, Al-Nusra Front, & Syrian rebels) are setting up the Syrian battlefield to eventually “shock and awe” Damascus.  The reason why Saudi Arabia and Israel are have recently become allies in this Greater Israel enterprise is because both nations are run by the same crypto-Jewish Zionist cabal.  They are both deeply committed to Ersatz Israel and integral to expanding Israel’s borders throughout the Levant.  Because Putin’s Kremlin poses the single greatest impediment to the Greater Israel project, staging a false flag attack on a US Navy ship is the easiest way to blame a fake ‘act of war’ on Russia and/or Iran. This would in turn embolden the Christian and Jewish Zionists in positions of power throughout the USA and Israel to trigger their long-awaited Armageddon.

Neocon Zionists

The Neocons Zionists have completely taken over the Trump administration. These inveterate warmongers are determined to conquer Syria no matter what it takes.

The Syrian Holocaust: A Preplanned Genocide And Forced Exodus

It doesn’t get worse than the likes of Bolton (NSA), Pompeo (State), Haley (UN), and Haspel (CIA). A full-blown war cabinet was shoe-horned into place. The entire Trump administration is being furtively re-engineered in order to prosecute the planned wars.

President Trump will be used to sell the coming false flag attack(s) as justification for the U.S. Armed Forces to fully enter the Syrian theatre of war. He has been surreptitiously playing a game with the American people that he can no longer hide.  Either he is for peace, or he is for war. It’s now evident that Deep State has cornered him — inescapably — into a war posture.  Here’s how the Israeli Zionists are also backing him into a warmongering corner: Israeli Media Outright Lies About Iranian Admiral’s Alleged Threat To US Ships.

With each passing day, U.S. military involvement is being stealthily intensified with more boots on the ground, airmen in the skies and arms transfers to the so-called Syrian rebels.  However, it’s the raging proxy wars via the Kurds and Wahhabi terrorists that guarantee a protracted armed conflict in Syria. Even Turkish President Recep Erdoğan recently exposed the massive military buildup being carried out by NATO and the United States.

The Syrian War is the last one of the era.  It’s the BIG one…the real big one!  There are very good reasons why forces are stacking up on both sides of this epochal conflict.  The great powers of both the East and the West have been purposefully manipulated into their respective positions on the global, and especially on the Middle Eastern, geopolitical chessboard.  See: The Levant and Armageddon, Syria and World War III

KEY POINT: All of the recent cabinet appointments made by President Trump have been dictated to him by his masters in the Very Deep State.  He no longer has any control whatsoever over American foreign policy, if he ever did.  He especially takes orders from the same Neocon Zionist handlers regarding any political move or military maneuver made anywhere in the Middle East. Here’s why Trump was ordered to launch the Syrian missile attack

USS Liberty

There is no other cautionary tale as relevant to the current predicament in the eastern Mediterranean as the USS Liberty.  That false flag attack conducted by Israel on a U.S. warship during the Six Day War was the low point of the war presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson.

The Israeli Air Force is notorious for disguising its warplanes to appear as either (i) those of other nations or (ii) with no identifying markings at all.  They have used this deception on numerous occasions since they first acquired fighter jets.  The bombing of the USS Liberty is one time Israel got caught in the act of attacking its American ally in broad daylight. See: Why Israel Attacked the USS Liberty and President Johnson Covered Up the False Flag

Because of Israel’s close proximity to the present theater of war in Syria, it’s quite easy for them to send combat aircraft within firing distance of the U.S. naval fleet parked in the Mediterranean.  It’s also very convenient for the shell-shocked Israeli government to let loose a cruise missile or two at the same fleet.  The Likud Party is in very desperate shape right now with Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu facing multiple indictments.

The exceedingly brazen USS Liberty false flag operation, which involved both the US and Israeli governments, demonstrates just how far Israel will go to advance the Greater Israel project.  Simply put, there is nothing that the warmongers in Tel Aviv will not do in the interest of taking over the Levant.  The trademark treachery and viciousness of the Jewish Zionists has no limits as their savage attack on the USS Liberty clearly revealed (See preceding photo).


The recent spate of Operation Gladio false flag attacks executed by the Western powers is by purposeful design.  The world community of nations has been insidiously conditioned to reflexively believe the false accusations leveled at Syria, Russia and Iran.  Unlawful military responses by the Zio-Franco-Anglo-American Axis have likewise become normalized.  Continue reading HERE.

By routinely committing these naked war crimes against innocent countries, the NWO criminal co-conspirators have set a new and extremely dangerous standard for resolving international conflicts.  Hence, an Armageddon-type conflagration in the Northern Levant and/or hot phase of World War III now appears inevitable. See: The Neocon Zionist Plan for an Apocalyptic War in the Mideast

There are ways to short-circuit this inexorable push to war.  Nevertheless, the warmongering cabal needs to be taught a hard lesson, once and for all.  The apartheid state of Israel, in particular, is in great need of a serious smackdown.  Perhaps the only way this can play out — for the sake of world peace and global order — is through an armed conflict scenario which places Tel Aviv in serious jeopardy.

The Millennium Report
April 23, 2018

N.B. The hypothetical analysis below fleshes out the skeleton of this high probability scenario.

SITREP: A false flag attack on a USN ship next?

by Nick for the Saker blog

The USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group left the east coast Naval Station Norfolk, VA on 11th April.

The aircraft carrier is accompanied by the guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy, the guided-missile destroyers USS Burke, Bulkeley, Forest Sherman and Farragut, and the destroyers USS Jason and The Sullivans. The strike group carries 6,500 sailors and Carrier Air Wing One.

Recent announcements about Russia’s hypersonic Kinzhal (‘Dagger’) missile system having made these vessels effectively obsolete, this means that the ships and their crews are essentially being sailed into a bloody scrapyard.

Even without the recent upgrading of the Kinzhal system, the experience of the British fleet in the Falklands conflict illustrates the vulnerability of warships to low-flying missiles. In addition to the sinking of the HMS Sheffield and Sir Galahad, virtually every British ship was hit by at least one of Argentinian’s French-made Exocet missiles – a weapons system which was already 20 years old at the time.

Exocet missile sinks HMS Sheffield during Falklands War:

Reportedly the only thing that saved the UK force from obliteration was that the Argentinians had got their missile altimeter settings wrong. The Russians will not make the same sort of error!

These facts are of course known to the US military planners and – one would assume and hope, for it is duty to know – by Donald Trump. And yet the US fleet is now nearing the coast of Syria, where it will met up with American and other NATO warships already in position. Together, they will make one big flock of sitting ducks.

If the people pushing Trump manage to get him launch a new strike on Syria (and we must expect a new false flag attack) and if the massive increase in NATO firepower means that enough missiles get through to enough targets to kill Russians, then Putin really has no choice but to sink the US fleet.

No choice because, whatever the danger of doing so, failure to respond would signal Russian defeat and retreat in Syria, which would of course lead to a rapid escalation of military pressure against Lebanon and Iran, and mean that when the Empire then rolls on to strike Russia, her most reliable allies will already have gone and her ‘soft underbelly’ will be seriously exposed. 

So Putin orders the destruction of the US fleet, and an hour later all that is left is debris and mangled corpses in some oil slicks – and some ‘great’ photos and video clips to illustrate Trump’s declaration of war on account of “Russia’s deadly sneak attack on a US humanitarian force”.

Sounds familiar? It should do. Because we’re not just thinking here of the USS Maine, the Lusitania and the Gulf of Tonkin. The Washington habit of using sunken ships as the causus belli also of course included Pearl Harbor.

Just in case you need a reminder, here’s just one example of the many short videos out there on the truth about the Japanese attack on 7th December 1941 which explain how Roosevelt had advance intelligence of the planned attack, but decided not to pass it on to the anchored sitting duck fleet:

The more or less official excuse (the President’s guilt never having been formally acknowledged) is that to have alerted the fleet would also have tipped off the Japanese that their naval codes had already been broken. But the truth is of course that deliberately didn’t warn the fleet because he knew that the sacrifice would goad the American people into a war against Hitler to which he and those around and behind him were committed, but which the American people opposed.

The circumstances this time are of course somewhat different, not least that everyone with even a passing knowledge of the Russian missile capability already knows that 6,500 sailors are “on their way to Samara”.

Which makes Donald Trump either a criminally incompetent fool, a bad poker player or a wholly controlled puppet of the psychotic Anglo-Zionist elite. If he is one of the first two of these, then there is of course still a chance that he might respond to the disaster by blinking and retreating. In which case, the Beltway elite will use the human tragedy and his humiliation to remove him from office (not a bad consolation prize, from their point of view).

But if he is the third, then the ‘shock’ blitz on the US fleet will lead to the immediate declaration of World War Three.

Indeed, if things get that far (and we’re probably 48 hours and one White Helmets’ video away from it) then the only thing that realistically stands a chance of stopping the racist Anglo-Zionist psychopaths in their tracks is if the Russian attack and its result are such a devastating show of ‘shock and awe’ as to make it impossible for them to ignore a simultaneous public warning by Putin to Netanyahu that any further US hostile response will place Israel directly in the firing line as well.

That might JUST be enough to make the Neocons back off. If not, then World War Three it will be. It might not go nuclear straight away, but even while it is conventional EVERYTHING will change:

Dissident anti-war voices such as this will rapidly be silenced by blanket censorship and internment; your sons and daughters will be conscripted; your taxes will go through the roof – and you will have to live with the ever-present fear that, once China enters the war against Washington and its client states, the tide will run so fast against the ‘democratic allies’ that their ‘humanitarian missiles’ will end up with nuclear tips.

If that disturbs you (and it surely should) then all I ask is that you take the Pearl Harbor analogy and get busy spreading it on social media RIGHT NOW. Because once those young sailors and airmen have been sacrificed, the demand for a war of ‘revenge’ will be unstoppable. But if the warmongers realize that plenty of people have already understood the plan, it might just spook them into backing off.

In which case the fleet can do a few face-saving manoeuvres and then sail home again and we can look forward to a summer which may be warm, but not as uncomfortably hot as it could otherwise become!


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    Total 55 comments
    • CUB4DK

      You can count on President Trump, to do what’s right… for the American Sheeple :lol:

      • Equalizer

        George Soros is the “Globalist Nazi fascist liberal collaborator” Warmonger “Puppet Master”. Libtard love on a global scale.

        • Equalizer

          Follow the $.

        • Anonymous

          He is just a Marxist fascist (really about totalitarianism), still tied to socialism. I know Soros is not on the top of the Pyramid. I can tell you this if he was, he pushed Marxism (Nazism (just right of Marxism)) on the people and he would be the Ruler (The Anarchist). Marxism and Nazism is a Socialistic (Ant hill colony structure) warfare on the people. It is techniques you could call it Karate vs Judo and then you lost the big picture, too narrow sighted.

          In short they themselves do not live by what they “give” the people. A Marxist pusher want that on the people, not on himself.

      • Magmar

        According to McCarthy, The communists had been infiltrating the Democratic party for 20yrs, That goes back to the 30′s (Sen. Joseph McCarthy on Face the Nation). These communists originated from Germany pre ww2 at about the time Hitler got rid of the commies in Germany. Later from the USSR.

        Former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov tells us that these sleeper agents control the US thru subversion tactics and are embedded throught society.

        The reason for the sudden peace dealing in North Korea, is because there was a new CIA director installed, who met Kim several weeks ago in secret in Nepal. Remember that our gov had been almost completely infiltrated with communists. This guy isnt a commie.

        As POTUS rounds up and drives out the commies in the GOV. Russia loses its influence on our political system. As this happens, the heat will be turned up even more on Russia. When Russia loses Syria. (assassination of Bashar Assad). It is at that time Russia will lash out and Attack the US and its allies.

        This change in the guard, is all controlled and manipulated by the Vatican just as it was before and during WW2.

    • Ideas Time

      It is sad that so few people control way to much power and they can not be trusted at all as most of them lie every time about false flags. None of them in dc will even talk about it, they all know about false flags and pretend they do not happen which means they are all complicit.

    • Godspell

      Keep in mind Albert pikes three world wars he got the first two right .

      • CUB4DK

        WW3 might just be the War on OUR consciousness…

        • Man

          so they want to put you in a coma?

          • CUB4DK

            Don’t worry…I’ll take them out to the back 40 and use my chainsaw :lol:

            • wheeties

              you will be too drunk to walk out the door like you are now….

        • CUB4DK

          …since WW2 has been ongoing and has never really stopped. :smile:

    • Project Clarity

      You have it dead wrong! Start following #QANON posts and you will see that Trump is many steps ahead of the ZIONISTS…Deep State! He is holding most of the cards and the counter attack has begun! WAKEUP! WWG1WGA!


      • 2QIK4U

        If you choose to believe CORSI’S fantasy you haven’t researched who Q really is. Trump’s always going to win because of the Demoncraps Criminality.


      What to say about Trump? My gut tells me PUTIN is already prepared for war that he will win. Doubt not. Trump said he was leaving Syria then two weeks later bombs Syria not even waiting for the chemical inspections and this was deliberate timing
      because he damn well knew no chemical weapons where used in Syria. Short time ago Putin said in 18 days after the bombing in
      Syria the US would know Putin’s response. Putin has already placed his undetectable nuclear subs off the US coast. The first targets will be the underground missile silos hit all at once. Second will be the grid destroyed. I suspect Washington bombed first and then all government buildings and underground bunkers. China and Russia will work together to destroy the AXIS of evil. Trump is no longer a legitimate thinking person for the people. He has become a puppet, he is compromised. He is a fool. In the end Putin will
      stop the US. I believe he has compassion for the American people as a whole, but Putin and China must stop the US. Must. Dangerous times. Please pray for the good hardworking people who are the true fabric of this once great country.

      • Busta Myth

        If you type “Putin in Israel” in to Google images you will see by all the photos that Putin is in Israel alot, probably as much as Trump is

        Putin has just sold the SAUDIS a couple Billion Dollars in Weapons and has just granted the Saudis a license to manufacture Kalashnikovs and ammunition in Saudi Arabia

        Trumps first foreign visit was to Saudi Arabia, where he danced about, got a medal while doing a Curtsy (not as low as Obama did lol) and Trump sold the Saudis many Billions of Weapons (the Bushes, the Clintons and Obama also sold the Saudis many billions in weapons)

        So, BOTH Putin and Trump are Selling Weapons to Saudi Arabia (a long Term America ally and they are both in Israel as much as each other

        Surely that must say something about what is going on in Syria…don’t ya think ?

        Most Country leaders from China, Russia, Indonesia, Khazakistan all the way to America, the middle east, Europe and the Banksters are all involved in helping to build Chinas “One Belt One Road” program, which is basically the Old Silk Road that went from China all the way to Iran, Europe etc

        I personally think all the very “TOP” secret society elites (as in Country leaders) are all colluding with each other regardless of all the crap going on in the Media

        Take a look at this guys article, and you will see HOW they are colluding

        • Busta Myth

          Chinas $8 TRILLION “One Belt One Road”

        • 2QIK4U

          You make a great point there. Israel would be the safest place for them to talk without the world noticing.

    • 2QIK4U

      I’ve been saying this since they sent a Destroyer to Syria ALONE. Destroyer’s are NEVER ALONE!

      • wheeties

        Sober up 2slow…

    • Pink Slime

      One of the most egregious acts of MURDER was committed when the American President allowed nearly 2700 sailors to die to get the booty of Japan and Europe.

      Nearly 3000 died to destroy a country in the Middle East over a “daddy” issue of the President at that time and to have Americans fondled at airports.

      A usurper and sodomite RUBBISH Negro was installed FALSELY as your leader and he did extreme grave damage to the infrastructure of your military and government which is hampering the current and legitimate one when he put in many deluded leftist and communist in power now infesting Washington.

      We have a murderous lying government ruling us since about 1913 and probably started with a man named Lincoln. Trashing your Constitution and bringing about wars is what your government is about. Then taxing you for it to ENSLAVE you. When they trash your currency the deal will be sealed to OWN you.

      Do not be surprised if they sacrifice you somewhere over a nuke as an excuse to be raiding party again and the final nail on your g*ddamn Constitution they feel gets in the way of their putting that boot on your neck. Remember, they called you “deplorables”.

      Imagine that?? :cool:

    • DangerWillRoberson

      trump has always ben an illuminati plant, satan and his sons of Baal will destroy earth for their god the loser Satan!

      • 2QIK4U

        The Fixer…. Master of puppets has continued NWO lite, maybe he draws the line at children?

    • PV

      Any intelligence regarding evidence of this plan of neocons? They may not repeat the same thing again though. Last time I heard they were talking wars do not kill enough people, so they want to kill people through vaccines, viruses etc.? Neocons do want wars for sure though.

    • freedomfirst

      George Satanist Soros and NOW have war cra p and buildings/installations needed to keep their killings/wars alive in the middle East these sites could be what Pres. Trump and Generals targeted, this would begin a turning point of false flag attacks by Deep State war mongols their abilities to orchestrate casualties has been too easy for them and hard for the good hats to weed through for truth. I support President TRUMP it has been decades since we had a President who cares about the Constitution and her citizens he is also the first President in decades who is above qualified to run out country that fake low life berry sokolov/Obama never accomplished anything his whole life was a lie a two big lawyer for acorn anti America org. , was a homo slut, married a drag queen and show cases 2 girls as their own but real parents lived in white house

    • LindaJoyAdams

      Why are the rest of the JFK documents not to be released until after inauguration day of 2021?? What are we not being told that is planned? Coincidences do not seem to happen in these matters?Linda Joy Adams

      • unidentified

        because some of the behind the murder are still alive :mad:

        • 2QIK4U


      • 2QIK4U

        It’s 2022 and tells me that Trump is PROTECTING GEORGE BUSH SENIOR ! He knows he will have died in Peace by then. This is way bigger than people think

    • FauxScienceSlayer

      “USS Liberty – Loss of Liberty.flv” > LBJ pulls the Gulf of Tonkin trick in the Mediterranean…. for the few….

    • Searcher109

      The the thought police boot is on the neck. Why not ban ill thoughts about Russia, Ireland or Palestine?

    • truck driver

      Kraft Atlanta off of exit 66 off of interstate 85 behind Procter and Gamble people are saying at the DHL guard shack he’s a Jew I’ll get my Axe and he’s an airien I must kill him. He’s white. We’re not going to unload him because he’s White. We are not going to sign your bills until you leave and when you come back in to get your bills signed nobody will sign your bills . They hide somewhere. And tell you to leave. So I think they are going to nuke Atlanta Georgia. All these Africans brainwashed to kill Americans that are Jew or white live there

    • Anonymous

      I d9o9n’t know. Because I believe in Trump.

      • Anonymous

        What the h3ll it iis just part of who I am.

        • Anonymous

          No the first was subconscious, I try to be as correct and as good as I can, I call that Honour.

          • Anonymous

            Hmm what is negative 9o9 ?

            • Anonymous

              * I think you should stop that in its track, right away.

            • CUB4DK

              …I know what it means…hehehe

    • Anonymous

      That is true, but I hold Trump a different creed..

      • Anonymous

        Shoulder by shoulder.

        • Anonymous

          And that is how you win the next precedency. Mr President Trump.


      The attacks on Syria must stop, the US must leave and stop supporting the extermination of the people there, the US must give up trying to dismember Syria to give part of it to Israel, the plan for a Gas pipeline to the EU must be completely forgotten about, the US must leave Ukraine and forget completely about controlling the Gas pipeline through Ukraine from Russia to the EU. The US must give war reparations to all of the countries it has victimized. That they do not carry that out Jesus will make a war against the US by consequences of letting it happen from all of the countries of the earth for its crimes against humanity, those suffering will be the US, UK, EU and NATO and all other countries endorsing killing countries and their peoples for profit: Revelations of the Bible tell the truth.

    • CUB4DK

      ” Wodann Ister”…Wo dann ist er?? :grin:

      Cheers, Uncle Hexy

    • Daughter of the Church

      Two quotes from Niccolò Machiavelli which surely is happening now in the White House, and a hard reality of what might happen soon.

      “A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise.”
      ‘Wars begin when you will, but they do not end when you please.”

    • Daughter of the Church

      War is preparing. It is obvious. One of the potential war front of North Korea has suddenly been postponed this week with the peace between both North and South, so one front is left, which is the Syrian front. There is going to be a full war starting in Syria, which will turn into enormous losses.
      Then comes the biblical prophecies. I know no one wants to hear them, because we are all saturated with that stuff, but this is what will happen: WW3 where the block US/UK/Fr etc and the block RU/Iran etc will self destruct. Then China having stayed neutral so far, will enter into its own war. It will be the Armagedon told in the Bible.

    • CUB4DK

      I have a Confession to make here GUYS and We are All amongst Friends here in (da net)…hehehe

      I am a SUN worshipper.
      I smoke CANNABIS and TOBBACO
      I also love to Practice the Art of Shamanism

      Yours Truly, Your Uncle Hexy :grin:

      • CUB4DK

        My Typsy Lucy always says to me…”for You, any Hole will do”. I smile back at her and say “You Knpw me Well” :lol:

        • CUB4DK

          My Typsy Lucy gave ME a HALL PASS on Nov. 2016…and on that day…I think that I fell in LOVE with Her all over again!!… Of Coarse, I have to Confess that We LOVE to PARTY…and visit Louis and Mira at the ROOFTOP.
          Typsy Lucy and I…. LOVE da LFESTYLE!! :lol:

          Cheers, Uncle Hexy :lol:

          • CUB4DK

            TYPSY LUCY and I, will be seeing some SPECIAL Friends from Western,NY. We all decided to go see some Theatre in Buffalo this Week-End!!…I am sooo Exited :grin:

    • Jarheadusmc

      Firstly: Look for a nuke to go off in NYC and it will be blamed on Iran.

      Secondly: If anyone with even the least inclination to research the wars over the centuries and up until now – will discover that the Jews are behind near every warn and false flag. That’s a fact.

    • Anonymous

      First “retaliatory” attack hit Bush/CIA-faction and ISIS targets. Second provided “cover-fire’ for Special-Operators’ to surveil and sabatoge Iranian defenses at Iran/Bush-CIA Nuclear Weapons Facility. McCain had transported partial-U1 stock, for prep “Jericho” style False-Flag in U.S. (The Globalist’s Plan-A)
      U1 would be identified and Russia blamed. Israel dropped MOAB=2.6 Richter; disabled Iranian facility. POTUS declassified and shared with Macron and Merkel.

      You are late to party and getting bad intel.

      • CUB4DK

        Thanks for the info :grin: BillyP

        • CUB4DK

          And you have to remember BillyP…you have to be ABEL to TRUST your Dentist!
          After all…Hundreds of Millions of Patients trust their Dentists every year :smile:
          A Dentist always likes to Remove the Decay and Restore Everything to proper Form and Function.

          Yours Sincerely, Dr. Rexy Baumgartner…in the honour of my Mother and Grandfather :smile:


      Just before they crash the economy and you all wind up finding how much you have been screwed (government darlings stole 40 trillion) they will have a false flag to usher in martial law so that Mr & ms America do not take to the streets (because of martial law curfews) to roust the little devil thieving darlings out of office.

      • CUB4DK

        …and You can take that to the thieving BANKSTERS :grin:

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