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When a Person Is -- “Born Again” --??

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When a person  IS — “BORN AGAIN” –??

Do those “born again” remain  “corruptible” flesh and blood or are they  born “spiritually”  into — ‘incorruptible” — immortal Spirit  ??

When a person that has just been baptized rises up out of the water is that person then — “born again”?   Are we “born again” after being submerged under water i.e. water baptism?   

Is rising up from under the waters of baptism a symbolic birth or is it a symbolic resurrection from that watery grave?  

Many falsely believe they must only be baptized “with” the Spirit and the “proof” of that “baptism is speaking in unknown tongues.

Are God’s Saints to be “BORN AGAIN”  in a second but “Spirit”  Birth –  born again as incorruptible immortal Spirit or do they remain dwelling in corruptible flesh blood here on this earth? 

Many  “very” sincere folks believe they have already been, some how, “Born Again”.

Some just ‘know’ they are born again because they felt a sudden jolt of electricity others felt unbelievable ‘love’ flow through them, —some can now speak in ‘tongues’ and on and on.  

What is this term actually describing?   While the deeply sincere “born again”  folks remain in physical flesh and blood bodies, has some sort of a ‘birth’ or ‘change’ in body actually taken place and did that “birth” occur at a water baptism or while they just stood there loving Jesus?   

The majority of those believing they are “born again”  have overlooked one very clear fact of scripture —  the Holy Spirit comes through the laying on of hands.   

So the question remains,  how is it possible to receive the Spirit of the Father without the laying on of hands?

Are you “Born Again” when you proclaim  - out loud -  in front of others that you have “accepted Jesus into your heart”?   This now is a common practice  – “accepting Jesus in “to” ones ‘heart’ ” and according to many it is THE only requirement —  “The only  step” - necessary for salvation??  

This false doctrine is impossible to locate in the Bible and is another study.  Many claim speaking in the tongues of “angels”  is the only way one can know for certain they have received the “baptism of the Spirit”.

Are those “born again” a very special category of  ‘Christians’   - or – can any one of the 4000 flavors of so called Christians be born again?   Does it even matter what ‘flavor’ you are – ?

What is to become of those like myself that —  “do not agree”—with this false doctrine ?   Not all claiming to be Christians accept this – born again – dogma as truth.  Are they lost???

Here is what Wikipedia has to say regarding the widely held dogma of   “Born Again”.

Born again (Christianity)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“New Birth” redirects here. For other uses, see New Birth (disambiguation).

In Christianity, to be born again is to undergo a “spiritual rebirth” (regeneration) of the human soul or spirit from the Holy Spirit, contrasted with the physical birth everyone experiences. The origin of the term “born again” is the New Testament: “Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born again.’”[Jn 3:3 NIV][1] It is a term associated with salvation in Christianity. Individuals who profess to be born again often state that they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.[2][3][4]

Many historic church denominations understood being “born again” as spiritual regeneration via the sacrament of baptism by the power of water and word. This understanding persists in Roman Catholicism, in some parts of Anglicanism,[5] in Lutheranism and in Eastern Orthodoxy. However, beginning sometime after the Reformation, Evangelical Protestants have predominantly understood being born again[6] as an experience of conversion, and then symbolized by deep-water baptism, and rooted in a commitment to one’s own personal faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. This same belief is also an integral part of Methodist doctrine,[7][8] and is connected with the doctrine of Justification.[9]

So!  Many, but not all, of the “historic church” denominations or sects or divisions i.e. the 4000 flavors — understand born again to be a spiritual rebirth or some sort of regeneration while remaining in the carnal human physical  condition of corruptible flesh i.e. a human person.

The catholic’s  claims a person is born again at baptism (the sprinkling of water) and the Evangelical Protestants and others claim it is an experience of conversion that can happen with or without baptism.  

Most of us have seen the altar calls where the folks walk down the aisle praising Jesus and then are told they are “saved” as they walk on stage with everyone applauding.  They now have Jesus “in their  “hearts” – so they claim.

Why is it the majority ignore the words of Jesus Christ?  Christ came to REVEAL the FATHER.  Jesus Christ taught His disciples to worship the FATHER and Him only?  And yet most worship and look to “JESUS” acknowledging the Father in passing –– every now and then.

One problem right up front; how can this be a “rebirth” of spirit – a spiritual rebirth?  That would require a previous spirit birth.  “Re”  means again or an action done over, thus to claim a spiritual rebirth has occurred one must first show where and how it happened the first time.  And where is it explained that being born again is a rebirth or an experience of conversion?  Are there clear scriptures for us to study that show a re-birth and what is being converted?

There seems to be much confusion and more than a little disagreement among the untold thousands of divisions of so called Christianity, which regrettably is the norm.  The nominal Christian norm is  – confusion — so what are we to believe regarding this born again dogma??

Why not let the words of our Savior and Creator Jesus Christ explain clearly what He means when He uses the two words ‘born’ (gennao)  and  ‘again’  (anothen).   John 3  is the first time the term is used and its meaning is explained by our Creator Jesus Christ.

John 3

NIV translation is in   “BLACK”

KJV is  in  blue, with Strong’s #’s available when your curser lands on a word.

3 “Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can — see – the kingdom of God unless they are born again.a

3Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

What did Christ mean when He said only those born again can  ‘SEE’  the Kingdom of God?   “See” is #1492  ‘Eido’, This word “See” is used in John 1: 3 & 4: 29 and in both scriptures the intent is to actually view  something with ones eyes.  Thus Christ is saying unless a person is born again that person can not view or see the Spiritual Kingdom or government of God.  

So unless a person is “born again” the Spiritual Kingdom of God is not visible to the physical human eye –so states your Creator in verse 3 above.

Has anyone now in this age visibly seen with their physical human eye the spiritual Kingdom of God or the actual Throne Christ rules from?   In  all  the Word of God I can find only that some were given a glimpse of the Kingdom —  in  A vision.  Paul experienced a vision that seemed so real he could not tell if it was real or a vision.

Is Christ explaining the doctrine of salvation in chapter three —  Is Christ pointing out what must occur to be freed from your sins – OR – as Christ explains in verses 6 – 8 was Christ showing Nicodemus,  a master [teacher] of Israel, that to be  ‘in’  or to be a part of  that very Kingdom Nicodemus was expecting to come, a person must be  Born Again by a 2nd birtha spirit birth – INTO – Immortal  SPIRIT.  

This was not a lesson of how to become  “saved”  but of describing the results of the coming resurrection when the Saints are born again into immortal Spirit and into the spirit image of their Father.   Once born into immortal Spirit one can then -  SEE — Spirit — God is a SPIRIT.  Scriptures proving statements such as “God is a Spirit” will not be included as they are very basic doctrines.

Where is that Kingdom of God, also called the Kingdom of Heaven?  If you will review that model prayer, that prayer outline Christ taught the Apostles, you will find in that prayer Christ taught them to pray always;  “Thy Kingdom come”!    If Christ taught His Disciples they must continue always in asking the Father to SEND HIS Kingdom to earth- then it is still in Heaven today as Jesus Christ  has not yet come down to earth to rule with the ROD of IRON.   

If you have studied prophecy you have found all prophecy points to Christ bringing that Kingdom of God that Kingdom of Heaven — to earth.   Jesus Christ as King of the Government of God is bringing that Kingdom of God to earth with Him at His return.   And that Kingdom is a Spiritual Kingdom not visible to human eyes.

The question then becomes;   Has any person that believes they are born again actually seen with their own eyes that Kingdom  of which Jesus Christ  is King with their eyes of flesh??   That Kingdom which as yet can not be on earth as Jesus Christ has not yet returned?    No!   Christ stated clearly, “to see the Kingdom a person must be “born again” and since Christ has not yet returned to earth the Kingdom remains in heaven.  And the Saints of God are to continue to pray daily – “Thy Kingdom Come.”

Or can any say they have seen Jesus Christ sitting on the existing Throne of David ruling over the 12 tribes of Israel and the whole earth?   When the Saints are born again as immortal Spirit at the first resurrection which occurs at the return of Christ, they will not only see the Spirit Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ, a Spirit, sitting on His Throne in all GLORY   but they themselves shall be – IN – God’s Kingdom ruling as kings and priest.   Revelation 5: 10 and 20:  4 clearly state the Saints are given positions as kings and Lords and priest.

Those Born Again in the First Resurrection will not only see the Kingdom but will be sons of God and will be part of that Spiritual Kingdom, that Spirit Family of God the Father.

The word “again” (#509) also carries the meaning of “from above”, born — ‘from above’.  The word “born” is # 1080  Gennao,  meaning; to beget.  What is above or higher then man: God and His Kingdom!! And it is a Spiritual Kingdom and God  - IS – A SPIRIT.

Beget | Definition of Beget by Merriam-Webster to cause (something) to happen or exist. : to become the father of (someone).

God becomes our Father when HE places HIS Spirit in us through the laying on of hands.

Christ, in John 3, is teaching His Saints that to be able to view or see the “Spiritual”  Kingdom of God they themselves must be born again —  born – A – 2nd time and this time into incorruptible  immortal Spirit – not into corruptible flesh and blood.  

Verse 6 below clears up this question  “That which is born of the Spirit  IS –  SPIRIT”:  if you bleed when cut, you are not  Spirit.    If you can not walk through stone walls you are not Spirit! —  “IS SPIRIT” — no longer flesh and blood.

Another very important point that remains to be cleared up before it is possible to understanding the term born again ;  who was Christ talking about?

Was Christ teaching the   “unconverted”   must be born again and by that birth become “a born again Christian” 

OR   was Christ explaining the  final event  in the salvation process?    Just who is it that must be born again;   the unconverted  – or — those already converted?

This — is — KEY to understanding the term, “born again”:  who was Christ speaking of – the Converted or those not yet converted????

To see, to perceive, to be  IN  the “Spiritual”  Kingdom of God —  one must be Spirit.   Physical flesh and blood can not inherit the Spiritual Kingdom of God so states the Word of God in 1 Corinthians 15: 50.

Thus Christ is teaching “His” Converted Saints –THEY – must enter the Kingdom of God by a 2nd birth —  but this birth is a  birth into Spirit and not while remaining in the  flesh:       

A  2nd birth  into Spirit immortality which will place the Saints in the Spirit Kingdom of God, the Household of God the Father — into Elohiym.

4  “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

4   “Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born (#1080) when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? (#1080)

Strong’s Concordance

# 1080 -gennaó: to beget, to bring forth

Original Word: γεννάω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: gennaó
Phonetic Spelling: (ghen-nah’-o)
Short Definition: I beget, bring forth, give birth to
Definition: I beget (of the male), (of the female) I bring forth, give birth to.

HELPS Word-studies

1080 gennáō – properly, beget (procreate a descendant), produce offspring; (passive) be born, “begotten.”


For a clearer understanding of the word “begotten” we will go to John 1: 14  

14 “And the WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory the glory as of the only — begotten — of the Father, full of grace and truth.”   

The Word of God states when Christ was made flesh i.e. a human – He was   BEGOTTEN  and THE WORD became a flesh and blood man that came to earth to die.   The word translated begotten in John 1: 14 is  #3439  Monogenes and means ‘one and only’ or one of a kind.  Yes it is a different word then #1080.

Both #1080 and #3439 are translated as begotten; why?   Christ was the only one begotten of the Father by the Holy Spirit up to that time yet was a physical human man.   See 1 John 4: 9.    Christ walked the earth as a physical man not as a Spirit.    

The Apostle John did not use that term “born again” to describe the condition of Jesus Christ as He lived among us as a flesh and blood human man.

Jesus Christ came to show us that exact and narrow path to eternal life and the beginning step of that path to salvation is becoming a “spiritual fetus”.   

When the WORD became flesh and was placed in Mary, Jesus Christ i.e. The Word was filled with the Holy Spirit of the Father thus was the begotten “spiritual fetus” of the Father.  The Spirit of the Father begot Christ as HIS SON.

The Saints of God the Father are begotten by the FATHER in the same exact way.  Christ was born the first time of His mother Mary and was born again when His Father resurrected Him on the third day from physical death to immoral Spirit eternal life.  Christ was born again the 2nd time — into immortal Spirit and the Saints of God will follow that exact path to LIFE.

Christ in verse 4 above is not talking about being converted!  Nicodemus, by asking this question, demonstrated he fully understood the term “born” in the physical sense.   Jesus was describing a real birth from a mother’s womb in explaining the actual Spiritual birth of the Saints into immortality.  

Once the Saints are born again into Spirit immortality at the First Resurrection the Saints will actually SEE and inherit [become part of] the Kingdom of God.

Why would you suppose Nicodemus would then say;  ‘must I return to my mother’s womb?’  Nicodemus knew full well about being born physically from a mother’s womb but was chided by Christ for not understanding the spiritual things of God as he supposedly was a master of the things of God.

Now as our Savior begins to explain the need to be born again before any can actually SEE the kingdom of God: which of you can show exactly where or how Christ is explaining or describing a rebirth or a conversion, — where are those words?    

Rebirth carries the meaning of an action done over and ‘again’ can mean from above, Christ is explaining a new birth, not a rebirth, which comes or is given to us from above: from heaven.  The third Heaven is a spiritual realm and from this heavenly spirit realm coming first and only  to God’s called Saints —  a birth to immortal Spirit.

Read verse 6 below: “That which is born of the Spirit   “IS” SPIRIT.”   Those ‘born again’ in the first resurrection will not and can not remain as flesh, all of mankind is to be born the first time into flesh and blood, man was created for A Divine purpose — TO BE BORN –  again — but this   2nd birth  INTO   immortal Spirit.   

Remember the clear teaching of Paul in 1 Corinthians 15: 53,   “For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this ‘mortal’ must put on immortality”.   Read all of chapter 15, Paul knows where of he speaks.   Paul was taught in a vision so real he could not tell if he was on earth or in the third heaven – Paul was taught in person by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior so he could teach the Saints TRUTH.    Paul states first we are mortal flesh and blood and then we will “put on” immortality.  According to Jesus Christ spirit gives birth only to Spirit,  “after his kind” –into  incorruptible immortal spirit.


Realize this is “strong meat”; this is not to be quickly skimmed.   It is not meant for babes in Christ but for those skilled in the Word.   Every word was chosen to impart as much is possible in human language the correct intent; understand the writer is not yet perfect – not even close – and mistakes or misunderstanding can be found.      To understand this writer’s intent may require rereading a few times.

The Bible through out is duel; first comes the physical and then the Spiritual.  The first man Adam, the physical man  and the second man, Christ – the Spiritual man:  First the physical Passover Lamb then our Spiritual Lamb Jesus Christ.  The physical Jerusalem comes before the Spiritual Jerusalem from heaven:  this duality of the Bible is from beginning to end.   God uses the physical first as the precursor to the spiritual.   The physical is temporary and the Spiritual is eternal.

5   “Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one — can enter – the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. “

5Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born (#1080) of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

This scripture spoken by Christ concerns our entering into the Kingdom of God, becoming a part OF:  Is the Kingdom of God a physical or spiritual kingdom?   

The Government of God is a Spiritual Government of the Spiritual realm.   Does it also rule the physical realm, absolutely?   But, unless one is Spirit and no longer flesh and blood, that physical person of flesh and blood cannot enter into the Spiritual Kingdom of God i.e. the Family or Household of God.

Again flesh and blood can not inherit the Kingdom of God:  flesh is a physical temporary life form made of dust and a Spirit is immortal and — IS — Spirit.

How is this not clear;  flesh and blood can not enter the Kingdom — only Spirit can?   If you are breathing air at this moment to remain alive you are not in the Kingdom of God: yes accounted as a begotten son of God but not yet born again as  immortal Spirit.

When Jesus says “Except a man be born of water” what does this mean?   A Man is born of women and is carried before birth in the women’s womb — filled with water.    It is a rare person that does not understand; “her water broke”.   And what is man composed of –approximately 60% water.

First we must be born of a woman as a physical flesh and blood human made of dust and water and then after repentance and  baptism  into the watery grave from which we rise in newness of life  and after which we receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands — and then — after enduring until the end — we must then be “born again” the 2nd time:  our 2nd birth at the first  Resurrection into immortal Spirit — no longer filled with water but filled with and composed of Spirit.   Born of the Spirit.

That 2nd and Spiritual birth for God’s saints takes place at the First Resurrection.  For those that await a rapture what has been explained above clearly exposes this lie of Satan. The rapture is just another in a long list of satanic lies.

6  “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but –  the Spiritb  gives birth to spirit.   NIV

6  “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

How can this be misunderstood or twisted?

Flesh gives birth – only  TO — flesh:    [so much for angels fornicating with humans]

            Spirit gives birth  –  only   TO — Spirit: 

When you are  ‘born again’  of and  BY  the Spirit,,  born again OF  God’s Spirit — you will – BE –  SPIRIT,  no longer flesh and blood but incorruptible Spirit. 

When a person is born from above they are born into Spirit, they will  BE   A  SPIRIT an immortal Spirit as is Jesus Christ our elder brother. This birth occurs at the first resurrection.   Christ has clearly stated “ I will raise him up at the “last Day”, the last day of the Day of the LORD.

BY the laying on of Hands a repentant and baptized person is given the down payment,  the ‘earnest’, the contract deposit which binds the contract.              

See Corinthians 1: 22;  and that ‘earnest’ is the Holy Spirit of God the Father.  That converted person is given a small measure of the Father’s Spirit,        a Holy Seed,  a measure or small portion of God’s  Spirit and the full measure [immortality] when born again at the First Resurrection.

At the First Resurrection the corruptible physical body is discarded and the incorruptible Spirit  is ‘put on’ – the Saints will be born the 2nd time but this time as  immortal Spirit.   Born a 2nd time NOT into  flesh but into  Spirit –born again by that exact same ONE SPIRIT that raised Christ from the dead and THAT SPIRIT is   ONE.   And as describes in verse 8 below the born again Saints of God will be like the wind— Read it for yourselves:  

“So it is with everyone born of the Spirit”.   Invisible and without the limitations of bodies made of physical flesh. 

God tells us in chapter one of Genesis what the purpose of creation is:  “Let us make men in our image after our likeness”.  AND what is the image and  likeness of GOD –   SPIRIT.

7   “You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘Youc must be born again.’

7   “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Christ was not stating we must repent or be baptized or endure until the end, those events must occur earlier — those events lead up to being born again.  Those that endure until the end will be — born again,  go back to verse 3  “To see the Kingdom of God”  and verse 7 “ Ye must be born again”.   Now read what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:  50   “Now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God;  neither doth corruption inherit incorruption”.   Neither does nor – can – the physical inherit the Spiritual,  to inherit your position in God’s Family you must be born into Spirit.  If one can not inherit the Kingdom while in human flesh how can one SEE the Kingdom while in the flesh?

8   ‘The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with  everyone   born of the Spirit.”d

8The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born (from above) of the Spirit.

So, all of those that profess and insist they are born again, do they still bleed?   Do they require air to breathe and food and water to live?   Can they walk through stone walls?   Can they be seen and touched and are they visible to the human eye at all times? THEN —-They are not Spirit they are flesh so states Jesus Christ.

Would you like to read a scripture explaining what is going to take place when we — ARE– “born again”?

Philippians 3

21  Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like untohis glorious body”, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

And what “body” does Christ now have??

Jesus Christ was raised from death as immortal Spirit and WE also will be raise exactly as was Jesus Christ — our physical bodies will be cast aside and we will be spiritually – born again – with HIS glorious body  HIS exact Body KIND.

When the Saints of God, God’s First Fruits, are resurrected –born again- their bodies will be in the exact immortal spirit form as the GLORIOUS BODY of the Son of GOD —- Jesus Christ.

At baptism our sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ and with the laying on of hands we receive the Holy Spirit of God the Father; and at the First Resurrection and Christ’s return the Saints are  BORN AGAIN  as immortal Spirit and then those born again will fulfill Verse 8 above.

Many of us have talked with those professing to be born again, none were like the wind and I could easily tell whence they came and whence they went.

Satan is the inventer of the “CON”, the lie and Satan wants every one professing to be Christian to believe they are already born again into the Kingdom of God, “they have it made!”   They are saved now and forever and can never fall away — that is the exact lie many professing Christians teach. 

When the False Prophet begins to rise to power and all her ‘daughters’ return rejoicing in her miracles and her great words the whole world will worship the Beast and that Great False Church – Mystery Babylon.   It is possible all of those very sincere ‘born again’ folks will rush to this Abomination. 

If you believe, as many teach, you can not fall away — read Matthew 25; Christ give the parable of the 10 virgins half of which –FALL AWAY and are locked out right before the time of the end!

Here Peter uses a different word to describe a different event.

1 Peter 1:

22   Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, [see that ye] love one another with a pure heart fervently:

23   “Being born again (#313 Anagenno), not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.”   KJV

23   For you have been born again (#313), not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.   NIV

The two words used in verse 23 are not the same as used in Matthew;       Peter is describing a different event and uses a different word;  #313 Anangenno;   meaning “To beget again”.   Peter is talking about an altogether different spiritual event; this is not the 2nd birth to Spirit but the receiving of the Holy Spirit of God the Father at the laying on of hands:  receiving the Holy SEED of God the FATHER.  

The Saints are being  begotten  (impregnated) not of corruptible physical seed as in their mother’s womb but of the incorruptible SEED, the Holy Spirit of God the Father which is now in them and will bring them to full maturation and to the 2nd spiritual birth as immortal Spirit.

Peter uses the term ‘incorruptible  SEED” to describe the Spirit of God the Father. The Father’s Spirit is Holy and is placed in us at the laying on of hands as a SEED:  His Holy Spirit is that  Seed that spiritual - ‘sperm’ – that when placed in a repentant person must then grow and finally bring us to full term and to a spiritual birth  into immortal SPIRIT and into the exact image of GOD the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

If you claim to be born again are you “incorruptible” at this very moment?   No you are not incorruptible you are still flesh and blood otherwise how could Paul say those in the grave will be raised incorruptible?   

You;  your corruptible flesh and blood physical dead body will be buried and return to dust?   Verse 24 below is a perfect explanation of what you are at death.

24  “For all flesh [is] as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: .”

#313 &  #1080 are two different words.

Strong’s Concordance

#313 Anangenno – to beget again

#1080 gennáō – properly, beget (procreate a descendant), produce offspring; (passive) be born, “begotten.”

Yes these can be confusing words, but a women is either pregnant and with child or has given birth to that child, it is one or the other.  Our Father is bringing forth His Sons, Sons of GOD, from a temporary life form of flesh and blood.  From the dust of the ground and then by a spiritual birth God’s sons are being created in His Holy  image to join Him in His immortal Family.

The first step in the process of being born is the mother is impregnated by seed thus is with child and after 9 months gives birth. 

God’s plan of salvation is bringing many sons to glory and when those the Father is “calling” —  are impregnated with the Holy Spirit, impregnation by that  Holy Seed they become  spiritual fetus’s.  Those Spiritual fetuses will be born at the first resurrection into immortal Spirit, born again but this time in to eternity.

When a person, called by God, repents of transgressing the Commandments, is submersed into that watery grave by baptism and by the laying on of Hands receives the Father’s Holy Spirit that person is begotten (impregnated) with the Divine Holy Spirit of God the Father, The Father’s Divine Seed.

That person has becomes a spiritual fetus, the Salvation process begins and continues until that person dies or perchance lives until the return of Jesus Christ and is then is Born Again at the First Resurrection as a Spirit Son of God the Father.    God gave us temporary physical bodies and this temporary physical world that we may be taught and trained in HIS Perfect HOLY  WAY  that we may forever live in  HIS HOLY  FAMILY in perfect unity, in ONENESS.

Now John uses the single word Gennao, # 1080  and by not adding #509 ‘from above’ changes the intent.

1 John 2

28   And now, little children, abide in him;  that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.

29   If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born (#1080) of him.

29   Since we know that Christ is righteous, we also know that all who do what is right are God’s children.  NLT

The word John used is born or begotten and not ‘born from above’ and explains all those begotten by the Holy Spirit are doing or living in righteousness because they have the Holy Divine Seed, the Holy Spirit of God the Father, in them as Peter above states in verse 23.

1 John 3

8   He that (willfully) committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God [Christ] was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

9   Whosoever is born (#1080) of God doth not commit sin; for (God’s seed) his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot (willfully) sin, because he is born (#1080) of God.

9   No one who is “born” of God — will — continue to  (willfully)  sin, (they repented of sin) because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.” NIV

No one who has been impregnated with the Holy Spirit will continue towillful” – sin – knowingly sin!   Because the Divine Seed which is the Holy Spirit is now in them.   They will not continue — in willfully sin – because what they have in them is the Holy spiritual power of God’s Holy Spirit and that Holy Spirit can not dwell in an unholy sinful vessel.   

In our Father’s eyes His Saints are Holy because we have been washed with the blood of Jesus Christ.        If we — willfully  –sin  – after conversion we are aborted from the process of salvationfrom which there is no repentance.

Hebrews 10

26  For if — we sin wilfully —  after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth —-  no more sacrifice for sins,

I did not create nor make up the doctrine of “willfully” sinning, I learned it from the Apostle Paul.

Luke 24: 49  And, behold, I send the  promise  of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.” 

On Pentecost the Holy Spirit came on the Apostles and disciples for the first time.  Until Pentecost the Apostle and disciples were unconverted.   This was the promise of the Father to be clothed with power from on high.   Read Acts 2; 16 – 18, this was spoken by the prophet Joel,  “to pour out MY SPIRIT.”   The power from on high is not a third person –a foolish  ‘ghost’ – it is the very Divine HOLY Nature of God the Father,  His Divine Seed dwelling in us –  giving the converted Saints the spiritual Power to live by every WORD of GOD.

The Holy Divine Spiritual Nature of God the Father imparts the  Divine WILL  and the desire  to not continue in sin. The Circumcision without hands is removing our carnal human nature and the Holy Spirit of the Father begins the process of replacing our carnal nature with the Father’s Holy Righteous Divine Nature. This process is called the circumcision without hands.

10   In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

10   This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.

This it seems is foolishly or willfully over looked by all who hate the Law of God:  we are told we can know who the TRUE children of God are because they will be living in righteousness, and righteousness is living by God’s Law.    

Psalms 119: 172   “My tongue shall speak of thy Word:     for all thy commandments are Righteousness.”

1 John 4

7  Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born (#1080) of God, and knoweth God.

7  Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God

“Love”  is the keeping of the Commandments, see vs. 2 & 3 below.   The Spirit begotten Sons of God will be showing and demonstrating love by obeying the Commandments of God.

1 John 5: 1 – 4, 18

1  Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born (#1080) of God: and every one that loveth him that begat (#1080) loveth {5725} him also that is begotten (#1080) of him. 

2  By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.

3  For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

4  For whatsoever is born (#1080) of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, [even] our faith (trust in the Holy nature of God).

18  We know that whosoever is born (#1080) of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten (#1080) of God keepeth (to guard) himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.

Verse 18 states those begotten of God do not willfully sin but keepeth or watches out for themselves so the wicked one, Satan, can not tempt them and draw them in to sin.

All of the scripture above written by the Apostle John confirms every one that has been given the gift of the Holy Spirit of the Father is begotten or impregnated with that HOLY Seed which imparts the Holy Perfect Righteous and Divine Nature of God the Father by the indwelling of HIS Spirit.

The Holy Spirit, applying a physical comparison, is the Holy Divine Spiritual ‘DNA’ of the Father.  The Father’s Spirit  IS  life and  His very ‘essence’ in us imparts to us Eternal Life.   God is Spirit and so shall we be Spirit, we shall be partakers of that ONE SPIRIT.   There is only  ONE SPIRIT;  Ephesians 4:  4.

When Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist and His Father laid hands on Jesus by sending His Holy Spirit descending like a dove and lighting upon Jesus, was Jesus then “Born Again”?      Can you find one scripture stating Jesus Christ was ever Born Again?   Where does it say being born again occurs at baptism and if not at baptism, then when? The only uses of the term in the Word of God are shown above.

Christ, GOD, became flesh and blood and as such He gave up His physical life by shedding His blood to become our payment for our sins – to become our savior.   Christ also gave up the Holy Spirit and ceased to exist for three days and three nights so we could follow Him into eternal life and then at the First Resurrection be born again as His brothers by that ONE SPIRIT.

I realize if 100 read to this point, maybe one will begin to understand and begin to study to prove for themselves whether this is truth.  The Truth of Scripture can only come to those whom God the Father calls and open their mind by the gift of the indwelling of the Father’s Spirit.   I pray our Father will open your mind to HIS Truth.

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    Total 68 comments
    • jknbt

      John was talking about holiness, living the holy life, and living in the holy place where the great high priest Jesus dwells…you have to be born again before you can live the holy life….otherwise, you are just practicing vain good works for salvation

      • Truthseeker


        And what is “living the Holy LIfe” — exactly??? — Give us your “rules” that define “a Holy Life”"

        And where will our High Priest dwell?? The Word I study states He will dwell among men here on earth.

        You did not read the paper and if you did you did not understand it.

        Vain “good works” please explain how “GOOD WORKS” can be vain.

        Are you stating I have not murdered some poor moron to appear as a good person???

        By the Way when Christ returns He brings with HIM our rewards for “good Works”

        • Cintus Supremus

          “And what is “living the Holy LIfe” — exactly??? — Give us your “rules” that define “a Holy Life”…”

          #1. Eat lots of bacon.

          #2. Go to Sun worship on Sunday morning.

          #3. Spend lots of money on Christ Mass, and don’t forget to ignore Jeremiah chapter 10, verses 1-5.

          #5. Wait for the pre-tribulation rapture!!!

          • Damien

            Still whining after an understanding eh bucko? :twisted:

            • Truthseeker


              Yes when folks make illogical and non Biblical statements I love to hear how they explain it away

              As for you — I understand you!

            • Damien

              I tink the mouthpiece of Abraham above has already fully explained it to his own myriad of schizo selves in his previous posts so Ill wait for one of them to rip out of your stomach bearing the good news to you.

            • Cintus Supremus

              “Still whining after an understanding eh bucko?”

              What’s that supposed to mean, Damien? Use your words.

              Did you disburse some ‘understanding’ or other upon me? If you did, I must have missed it. But perhaps I wasn’t paying enough attention, so if you wouldn’t mind reiterating…

            • Cintus Supremus

              And while we’re all here, Damien…

              You wrote:

              “A persons (sic) ability to comprehend anything is not a counter argument.”

              Here’s your problem: You’ve mistaken criticism for a counter-argument. In order for me to level an effective counter-argument (or even an ineffective counter-argument) against your argument, I would first have to understand your argument. Now, I’m a reasonably intelligent man Damien, so I do not believe my inability to properly understand you is owing to any deficiency of my own. I believe your failure to properly communicate your ideas to others is a problem which finds its root cause entirely within your domain of transmission.

              Is it drink? Do you abuse other substances? Do you think in some language other than English? Something is amiss. And since you are not forthcoming with us in divulging just what that might be, we as your fellow conversationalists are left to our own devices and attempts to ascertain just what the nature of your malfunction truly is.

              I would be happy to have a frank and open conversation with you about this very topic, if you should like; either here, on some other BIN board, or in off-site communication:

              [email protected]

              And I am not patronizing you, Damien. I am being sincere.

            • Damien

              Gatekeeper: PLEASE hold poster while I put you through to our other department. :smile:


            • Cintus Supremus

              “PLEASE hold poster…”

              THIS, Damien. This is what I mean.

              Explain this to me. Because, in the absence of additional information, this makes no sense.

              The English phrase ‘please hold poster’ would only make sense in certain situations. And this isn’t one of them.

              Again — the problem does not lie with my understanding, but with your flawed transmission of information.

              while I put you through to our other department.

            • Cintus Supremus

              Speaking of incoherence,

              I did not intend to post the final sentence-fragment from your above comment. My communication to you was thus flawed and inviting of confusion.

              But now I have offered an acceptable correction to that flaw.

              Do you see how this works, Damien?

            • Damien

              The English phrase ‘please hold poster’ would only make sense in certain situations. And this isn’t one of them.


              What situation? An alAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArmist situation? :???:

            • Cintus Supremus

              I’ll have sense from you, Damien. Even if I have to squeeze you like a wet towel.

              Define poster.

            • Damien


            • Cintus Supremus

              Ahhh. Some clarity. So in other words:

              It is neither strong drink nor chemicals.

              It’s not a language barrier and it’s not mental illness.

              You have a passenger. One, if you’re lucky.

              Could be several.

            • Damien

              I actually have scores and scores of them.


              Started when I was 40. Same age as Muhammad.

              Like Muhammad and Joan of Ark i also get the pealing bells.

            • Cintus Supremus

              I don’t doubt you, Damien.

              If you ever want to talk about these things, you may find I’m an apt listener. Been known to render the occasional helpful tip here and there, too.

              You have my email, sister.

              Any time.

          • Truthseeker


            I knew something was very wrong — and now the “passenger’ has revealed the problem.

            I would think those from the middle east that follow that dead demon possessed petaphile would have a much greater occurrence of possession by “passengers’.

            • Cintus Supremus

              One would think, Truthseeker.

              But I’m given to understand those passengers really don’t like the way Mohammedans smell. What with sanitizing hand-wipes being outlawed by Sharia, and all.

              Go figure.

            • Truthseeker


              I have a relative that has been over there 4 times, they says the mandatory inbreeding has lowered the IQ to an average of 75 at best..

              And the stories are sad, the use of goats, sheep, little boys and 7,8, and 9 year old little girls is pandemic.

              I look for the kingdom to come — this insane demonic depravity must end and soon.

        • jknbt

          you should change your handle to “Truth-Avoider”….you ask lots of questions, but reject any answer but your own…marks of a true pharisee. Go to biblegatewaycom and look up holiness of holy in the Nave’s topical bible they have there..(study…topical)

          I decline to debate since I learned a long time ago not to cast my pearls in front of people like you…

          so have fun! I hope you can figure it all out!

          • Truthseeker


            A wise decision on your part.

            PS. I do not go to man to learn that WAY of my FATHER.

          • Truthseeker


            I will save you the effort, here are the only 5 verses in the Word where the term “antichrist” is used.

            1 John 2:18 N-NMS
            GRK: ἠκούσατε ὅτι ἀντίχριστος ἔρχεται καὶ
            NAS: as you heard that antichrist is coming,
            KJV: that antichrist shall come,
            INT: you heard that antichrist is coming even

            1 John 2:18 N-NMP
            GRK: καὶ νῦν ἀντίχριστοι πολλοὶ γεγόνασιν
            NAS: many antichrists have appeared;
            KJV: many antichrists; whereby
            INT: even now antichrists many have arisen

            1 John 2:22 N-NMS
            GRK: ἐστιν ὁ ἀντίχριστος ὁ ἀρνούμενος
            NAS: This is the antichrist, the one who denies
            KJV: is antichrist, that denieth
            INT: is the antichrist who denies

            1 John 4:3 N-GMS
            GRK: τὸ τοῦ ἀντιχρίστου ὃ ἀκηκόατε
            NAS: this is the [spirit] of the antichrist, of which
            KJV: is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof
            INT: that of the antichrist [of] which you heard

            2 John 1:7 N-NMS
            GRK: καὶ ὁ ἀντίχριστος
            NAS: is the deceiver and the antichrist.
            KJV: a deceiver and an antichrist.
            INT: and the antichrist

            5 Occurrences

          • Truthseeker


            Most that call me names never product a single scripture backing up their claims that I lie, avoid truth or what ever —

            I do not like debate either but i do love the TRUTH, If I have found an error in one of my papers please bring forth the scriptures that shows the error.

            I do make mistakes but correct them ASAP.

            What most find offensive is my boldness and confidence in the WORD of GOD.

            For that I offer no apology.

            • Truthseeker

              jknbt it has been a long week and I am tired — It should have read ‘ If “you” have found and error”, sorry.

          • Crazy times

            jknbt correct course of action, seeker thinks “my papers” (his papers) :arrow: are the Pearls :idea: and the world humbles to seekers truth which of course we know is not in him.

            • Truthseeker

              crazy the offer stands — produce scriptures — not vain words and name calling to counter the scriptures and logic used.

              But alias, you can not as your beliefs come from the words of men and not the WORD OF GOD.

              One other comment — why do you use the little faces and light bulbs and arrows ?? are they in the book you derive your “truths” from?? Me thinks so!!

            • Crazy times

              Repent seeker and seek first the “kingdom of God” “and the TRUTH will set you free”, “trust not in your own understandings”, “when your told earthly things you do not understand (HOW the “Churches have “ALL things in common” and are “HIS PEOPLE”) “then how are you going to understand HEAVEN LY things” ?

              most of my replies are Scripture but you don’t see them :shock:

              Name calling really, many imbibe on light banter :lol: even yourself, go ask destinedtobeforeverdesparagedbytruthseeker Hypocrite !! Hahaha

              The Scriptures you give are NOT the problem the problem are your OWN PAPERS, WHY on earth would you expect anyone to follow your papers when you’ve been going around the Mountain since 1968 and as YET are NOT saved,? and summer is nearly over.

              I use these :arrow: :idea: as You need all the help you can get :arrow: as Prostitutes ,Tax collectors, Jews for Jesus, and even little CHILDREN are entering into the “Kingdom of God” on a daily basis :arrow: AHEAD OF YOU :idea:

            • Truthseeker

              crazy I did not find one scripture as usual,

    • maxwell

      …We must be “born” of water…amniotic fluid. The Naphal refused to be born of woman… of the water. Instead they left their first estate and “seduced” woman. For this ‘sin’, they are all going to perdition. Can’t be saved, never became human…Like YHVH did in the body of Jesus the Christ. The ONLY begotten.
      …All of this charlatan’s contributions are meant only to lead the weakminded into confusion. You can’t trust anything he says.

      • Truthseeker

        AS — always — maxwell you come up with your own doctrines —-

        God put IN PLACE before creation began – A – LAW and that LAW states —- KIND BEGETS KIND

        human kind and angelic kind can not reproduce — PERIOD.

        Birds and fish to not reproduce, horses and cows do not reproduce and for that matter gold fish and trout do not reproduce together either——-

        And to top it off Christ stated those in the resurrection are like the angel they are neither male nor female—- angels to not have a gender> so states Jesus Christ.

        Please explain maxxy why would a spirit want to fornicate with a human women??? They do not have penises or testicles and even it they did — they are not flesh and blood they are spirits??????

        Do you just guess God the Father and His Son have nothing to say regarding this matter, Satan and his fellows can do as they please — read Job, they can only do what God allows.

        your doctrine is very very deficient as it does not balance with the WORD of GOD at all.

      • Truthseeker


        why do you bother?? the WORD always corrects the confusion coming from you, all one must do is quote a scripture or two and your false doctrines are seen for what they are — false?

        • maxwell

          You don’t even know the story of YHVH and Christ, and you are far from wanting to find out…You’re not trust worthy. You are a phony scriture quoting, egocentric fraud. You don’t know half of what you think you do. You have no authority.

    • Anonymous

      Truth Seeker and Maxy, Guess what guys, IMHO you are both correct in some of your points.

      TS, have u ever read the book of Enoch? Genesis Chp. 6?
      The oldest copy of Enoch that we now have is 300 years older than Messiah. But it was written long before Torah was given, at the time of the flood and Noah. It really does tell us much about why, and how we are all here in this life and there are over 500 direct quotes from it in the Word. The fallen angels wanted their own children, it is where all the Babylonian, Greek and Roman, mythology comes from. I am sorry that the church has not taught you this, but, I know you do seek and when you ask He is faithful to give us what we ask for especially Truth in His Word.

      And Maxy, I am sorry to inform you that Yahuah and not the church determine what is holy and what is not. Everything that Yahuah declared will come to pass and everything He said was part of a contract. His son did not end the contract, but as TS says gives us the spirit of TRUTH that helps us to transform, from the ways of the world to the ways of Yahuah and His son.

      Here is what Messiah said about keeping the commandments:( I use the literal version of the Word)

      Mat 5:18 Truly I say to you, Until the heaven and the earth pass away, in no way shall one iota or one point pass away from the Law until all comes to pass.
      Mat 5:19 Therefore, whoever relaxes one of these commandments, the least, and shall teach men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom of Heaven. But whoever does and teaches them, this one shall be called great in the kingdom of Heaven.

      I know that everyone can read and understand those Words. Problem is….do you really believe His Word or have you partaken of the wormwood promised to those who would not believe them? The Commands were given as both a blessing and a curse, you know.

      Deu 11:26 Behold! I set before you today a blessing and a curse:
      Deu 11:27 a blessing if you hear the commandments of Jehovah your God which I command you today;
      Deu 11:28 and a curse if you will not hear the commandments of Jehovah your God, but will turn aside out of the way which I command you today, to go after other gods which you have not known.

      Jer 23:9 My heart within me is broken concerning the prophets; all my bones shake. I am like a drunken man, and like a man overcome by wine, because of Jehovah, and because of the Words of His holiness.
      Jer 23:10 For the land is full of adulterers. For the land mourns because of a curse. The pastures of the wilderness are dried up. And their course is evil, and their might is not right.
      Jer 23:11 For both prophet and priest are ungodly; yea, I have found their evil in My house, says Jehovah.
      Jer 23:12 So their way shall be to them as slippery places in the darkness; they shall be driven out and fall by it. For I will bring evil on them, the year of their judgment, says Jehovah.
      Jer 23:13 And I have seen frivolity among the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied by Baal and led astray My people Israel.
      Jer 23:14 I have also seen a horrible thing among the prophets of Jerusalem; they commit adultery and walk in falsehood. And they make the hands of evildoers strong, so that not a man returns from his evil. They are all of them like Sodom to Me, and those living in her like Gomorrah.
      Jer 23:15 So Jehovah of Hosts says this concerning the prophets: Behold, I will feed them wormwood, and make them drink poisonous water, for ungodliness has gone forth from the prophets of Jerusalem into all the land.
      Jer 23:16 So says Jehovah of Hosts, Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you; they make you vain; they speak a vision of their own heart, not out of the mouth of Jehovah.
      Jer 23:17 They say to those who despise Me, Jehovah has said, You shall have peace. And they say to everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart, Evil shall not come on you.
      Jer 23:18 For who has stood in the counsel of Jehovah, and has seen and heard His Word? Who has listened to His Word and heard?
      Jer 23:19 Behold, the tempest of Jehovah has gone forth in fury, even a whirling tempest. It will whirl on the head of the wicked.
      Jer 23:20 The anger of Jehovah shall not turn back until He has executed, and until He has set up the purposes of His heart. In latter days you shall understand it perfectly.
      Jer 23:21 I have not sent the prophets, yet they ran; I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.
      Jer 23:22 But if they had stood in My counsel and had caused My people to hear My Words, then they would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.
      Jer 23:23 Am I a God near by, says Jehovah, and not a God from afar?

      Yahuah warned Israel that He would punish them if they did not keep His commands. Do you think He just changed His mind? He does not change. As Cintus points out :

      Jer_16:19 O Jehovah, my strength and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the nations shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, Our fathers have inherited only lies, vanity, and there is no profit in them.

      how many times have we all lit candles on our birthday and made a wish? who do you think those wishes are made to? The queen of heaven, thats who:

      Jer_7:18 The sons gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke Me.

      He says do not learn their ways, yet the churches teach us our traditions teach us and we partake in the things He warned Israel over and over that He would curse them if they did them.

      Be blessed guys seek the Spirit of Truth in both these things.

      • Truthseeker


        No I have not read Enoch and do not plan to read it.

        But I study the WORD and the WORD states over and over “Keep the Commandments” – on this you and I agree.

        • Anonymous

          what if it is the Word taken, hidden by the beast system in order to keep you from seeking all truth.

          I propose this: pray, put out a fleece and see if Yahuah wants you to read it or if some man has influenced you due to some other reason. Seek the truth, try all spirits.

          Joh_16:13 But when that One comes, the Spirit of Truth, He will guide you into all Truth, for He will not speak from Himself, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will announce the coming things to you.

          in the mean time look what the Word as you see it does say, literally:

          Gen 6:1 And it came about that men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them.
          Gen 6:2 The sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were good, and they took wives for themselves from all those whom they chose.
          Gen 6:3 And Jehovah said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man; in their erring he is flesh. And his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.
          Gen 6:4 The giants were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore to them; they were heroes which existed from ancient time, the men of name.
          and about penis’ and angelic host, how do you know that? where it that written? sure, it is written that Messiah said that there was no marriage in the afterlife, but in Genesis the Elohim made man “in His image”, why would that include adding an appendage that He didn’t have?

          you are seeking truth, seek all of it and do not let a false prophet steal it from you. think on this, if there were giants and Yahuah never created a giant that we can see in the Word, why, where did they come from?

          Praying for you to find all the truth that you can.

          • Truthseeker


            If my Father wanted me to read Enoch He would have placed it in His Word.
            Those Called by the Father are promised they SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH and I grow in understanding and Truth every day.

            My Father has guided me to His Word and He has opened it to me, do I understand all – not in this life time.

            My Father is making man in HIS Divine Holy “Spirit Image” of which physical flesh and blood is only a temporary dwelling place before we are changed from corruptible to incorruptible spirit with the same body as our Savior.

            If you think God the Father has physical “equipment’ similar to mankind – why for what purpose? God does not eat, breath, eliminate nor drink water to live as temporary man made from dust, thus has no need for such, but can enjoy the flavors etc that He had Christ create for our pleasure.

            Do you think after Christ was resurrected and ate fish with the disciples He then had to go potty?? Jesus Christ travels faster then the speed of thought, can walk through stone walls but must make a rest room stop??? LOL

            I ask daily for wisdom from above and for Truth and understanding and my requests are answered daily.

            Anonymous do you ask for healing from sickness, my family and I have for almost 50 years and we are healed.

            I seek my Father’s WILL and surrender my own — I am very blessed, I have more blessings then I can number,

            Do not misunderstand I am not on BIN seeking the TRUTH I found that TRUTH decades ago.

            • Anonymous


              Did you know that Enoch was in the Torah but was taken out of it by the Jews after being led to Babylon, after Jeremiah told that what was going on, they failed to keep Torah and the curse was coming down. What curse? WORMWOOD. The book of Enoch was taken from the Prophets and the sect of the Sadducees came to be. Those who did not believe in a spiritual realm.

              But Messiah’s mother’s son and His own disciple, knew it, quoted it and while I am not saying you are not seeking Truth at all. I just wonder if you knew that?

              Did you also know that Messiah, is clearly written in Enoch as the king of kings?

              Jud 1:14 And “the seventh from Adam,” Enoch, also prophesied to these men, saying, Behold, “the Lord came with” myriads “of His saints,”
              Jud 1:15 “to do judgment against all, and to rebuke all” the ungodly of them concerning all their ungodly works which they ungodly did, “and concerning all the hard things ungodly sinners spoke against Him.” I Enoch 1:9; 5:4; 60:8

              Did you also know that Messiah, is clearly written in Enoch as the king of kings?

              And can you show me the scripture that tells you spirit beings cannot reproduce with women ?

              Messiah is the result of a Spirit and a woman, so. That should tell you it can be done.

              When Sodom and Gommorah were sent two messengers, angelic beings. The men there were perverts who were very sexually aroused by them….. something in the sun worship always goes to that plane.

              But you have every right to not read what ever you want. I am ok with that. ok?

          • Anonymous

            oops left the Jeremiah part out:

            Jer_9:15 so Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel, says this: Behold, I will feed them, this people with wormwood, and make them drink poison waters.
            Jer_23:15 So Jehovah of Hosts says this concerning the prophets: Behold, I will feed them wormwood, and make them drink poisonous water, for ungodliness has gone forth from the prophets of Jerusalem into all the land.

            Oh and they wrote the Talmud right after that too.

      • maxwell

        …amonibus…the word I spoke, “authority”, has nothing to do with any church or anybody’s ‘interpretation’ of what is HOLY…This man’s lack of authority is his adamant stand against the Creator YHVH and His “PERSON” in the body of the Christ, Jesus. In my “opinion” nothing else he says about anything ‘spiritual’ can be trusted, without this realization.

    • Anonymous

      At birth, everyone learns from the outside in, rather than from the inside out. A long ones life path he or she will realize they have taken the wrong path. They will sing a little song ” Oh Lord its hard to be Humble ” and start learning from the inside out. Its called the rapture by some, the second coming, perhaps a near death experience, etc. I have personally experienced, life after death, and alive to witness.

      Be yourself everyone else, is taken.

    • maxwell

      …this contributor has no idea of the following biblical truths…

      …the eighth day creation of ‘Eth ha Adahm’…the progenitor of the race that produced the Messiah, Christ; YHVH in human form.
      …The origin of the tares, the Kenites…The hybrid “seed” of the evil one.
      …the origin of the “geeber” the ‘gibborim’…The giants of old, known in scripture as ‘men of renown’. The scripture says that the giants were the result of the fallen angels copulating with the daughters of Adam…This hypocritical contributor, denies these WORDS…in the scripture, as being impossible.
      … This, adamant, wolf in sheep’s clothing, seems to be doing exactly what he accuses others of doing–making up his own doctrine…Can’t trust him.
      …There is much more…lets let him chew on these topics…we’ll see what kind of arguments he can come up with.
      It will be copious…I am sure…but remember the simple topics, and see what sort of REAL information he can produce.

      • Truthseeker


        you utter many words but they are NOT from the WORD they are only from your mouth that speaks from the confusion of your mind — prove by scripture and logic! — BUT you can not do so thus you just keep mumbling confusion.

        Maxwell “real information – real truth” is found only in the WORD — you should try studying it some time.

        • maxwell

          …I knew you could not respond to these “simple” questions. Nothing is simple to you…If you could respond in simplicity, you would…YOU CAN’T…
          …The WORD of YHVH, in SIMPLICITY… puts you OUT OF BUSINESS…Keep mucking up the cool clear WATER of the Words of YHVH, with your ‘OWN UNDERSTANDING’, and don’t forget to accuse others of egregious sins that you, yourself exhibit…That’s a sure way to get the attention you crave. Ready for it?

        • maxwell

          …Danine…. all souls are YHVH’s. Nothing created has not been made by YHVH.

          • maxwell

            …Angels and humans exist in different dimensions. There are scriptural records of “messengers” appearing and communicating with humans, though. many.
            …YHVH is sovereign…You’ll find out what that means very soon.

      • Damien


        When ‘ha Adamh’ began to multiply the ‘SONS of God’ took the ‘daughters of MEN’ as wives.

        Are there angels here maxxy? Or just ‘Adamh’?

        Are you now arguing that all angels are the sons of God? That Jesus is therefore a fallen angel named Michael? Just as his brother Satan was a fallen angel? That as an angel Jesus had no gender?

        • maxwell

          …DAMINE…I’m going to treat your inquiry as an honest question….
          …Spiritual body has no gender, or ‘age’. The fallen angels no longer are allowed in the presence of the LORD….In HIS dimension…they just can’t fit. They are still of supernatural form and power, but not of God anymore…forever.
          There is no way we can assume to know what ‘form’ they have taken to live in this dimension…but, the scripture says they do exist, and did have sex with the daughters of Eth ha Adahm…and offspring were the result…Caine was the first of these “hybrids”.
          …All of Caine’s offspring are called Kenites, and are also known as the ‘TARES’…The SEED OF SATAN. If you have discernment, you can recognize them. You either believe the WORD, in totality….Or you don’t….there’s no middle ground to be found.

          • Damien


            There is no way we can assume to know what ‘form’ they have taken to live in this dimension…but, the scripture says they do exist, and did have sex with the daughters of Eth ha Adahm…and offspring were the result…Caine was the first of these “hybrids”.


            No maxxy. It is VERY clear about this. It says that the SONS OF GOD took the daughters of men as wives. That is all it says. So you have sneakily tried to avoid what I asked you first:


            Are you now arguing that all angels are the sons of God? Fallen and unfallen. That Jesus is therefore a fallen or unfallen angel named Michael? Just as his brother Satan was a fallen angel?


            FYI that is what you are arguing.

        • maxwell

          …Damine…There is NOT a soul in existence, that is not a child of YHVH…There is nothing anywhere, that is not HIS creation.
          .. As we each come into the light of understanding, as we all will..(some, not volutarily, to be sure), we will be asked to choose between seeing with ‘earthly eyes’; the four hidden dynasties of the “prince of the air”, which are politics… economics… Media… and last but not least…RELIGION…or seeing these things through the lens of the teachings of Jesus Christ…Emanuel, GOD with us.
          …It’s just a simple choice between The childlike qualities of pretty vs. ugly-pleasing vs. disgusting-loving vs. hateful….”good vs. evil”.
          …It is truly THAT simple…
          …The more ‘religious’ pontificators on site will tell you that it is “impossible” for it to be so simple…that there are scores of traditions and other earthly “commitments” that must be made and upheld…The truth of the matter is this: Its all about your heart, and there is pouring out on all the people of the world, The Holy Spirit of YHVH…let it purify your heart…YHVH loves you and WANTS you to know HIM.
          …In the end, its all up to you.

          • Cintus Supremus


            I was rather hoping you would answer Damien’s direct question with a direct answer.

            Direct answers to direct questions are always important — and never more so when the topics under discussion are related to the Scriptures.

          • Damien


            So basically it comes down to you really thinking (even if you do not know it yourself) that every single person is the same as the first born human Cain and an abomination. That as an abomination it is then quite natural for you to then irrationally claim that only certain others are (smearing people unfairly being a perfectly normal thing for a Cain like you to do).

            If you think about it this would actually fit with your longing to burn away all the filthy flesh of the nasty nasty world gnostic stoner’s dreamland logic. :grin:

            Burn Simples Burn. Ahhhhhhhh! Isss allll soooo boootifoool! :roll:

        • maxwell

          …for cintus…If you go back into the Hebrew, you find the “son’s of God’ that took wives of all they chose, are the Nephilim…not the offspring, the geber, but the real fallen angels….supernatural beings. Condemned, supernatural beings, to be sure, but POWERFUL, angelic beings under death sentence from YHVH Himself. Totally ruthless and murderous, formerly “spiritual beings” with chips on the shoulder and a great array of spiritual weapons. The most dangerous of which is the common disbelief in their existence and intentions.
          …YHVH is in charge of this operation. We will be rid of these snakes…and all their little “religious” helpers.

          • Damien

            And which side was the Little Midnight Blue Bird of All That Is Unholy’s Happiness on in this movie?

          • maxwell

            …cintgus…if you need more clarification, ask.

            • Cintus Supremus

              Maximus wrote:

              “If you go back into the Hebrew, you find the “son’s of God’ that took wives of all they chose, are the Nephilim…not the offspring, the geber, but the real fallen angels….supernatural beings.”

              That argument has merit and can easily be supported with Scripture.

              “…but POWERFUL, angelic beings under death sentence from YHVH Himself.”

              This leaves somewhat to be desired, in terms of supportability. What is there in the Word which says these entities are condemned to death? I guess it depends upon your definition of death. Aionian chains, is what Paul says.

              “…common disbelief in their existence and intentions.”

              Common indeed.

              By way of further clarification, here is what I would like to see your answers for, Maximus:

              #1. Do you argue that all angels are the sons of God?

              #2. Is Jesus is an angel named Michael?

              #3. Is Satan a fallen angel?

              (This calls for our definition of ‘angel.’)

            • The Clucker

              “(This calls for our definition of ‘angel.’)”

              Charlie would be upset to see your misspelling of the word “angle.”

          • Truthseeker


            so God calls powerful fallen angelic beings under sentence of death ( immortal beings sentenced to death) — sons of God???

            “formerly spiritual beings” formerly so now they are what half human?

            maxwell — you expects others to believe your confusion????

            I accept your distrust and dislike as a badge of honor.

    • Anonymous

      let us all learn the second most important of the commands,” to love one another as we love ourselves. ” That means, prayer, feeling sadness for what we see in another that is lacking due to not having the opportunities we may have had in learning, time, and experience. For all have sinned, and the hardest to overcome are the sins based in our ego, pride. Let us not take pride in what we know, but rather seek in every way to love one another, to edify and support each other, after all love is not just a New Testament commandment, Yahusha was quoting the law:

      Lev_19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am YAHUAH. ( Yod Hay Vav Hay)( Yahuah is the transliteration of those Hebrew Letters)

      And Paul reminds us that knowing isn’t everything, you can have knowledge of the mind and evil still living in your heart:

      1Co 13:1 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but I do not have love, I have become as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
      1Co 13:2 And if I have prophecies, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
      1Co 13:3 And if I give out all my goods, and if I deliver my body that I be burned, but I do not have love, I am not profited anything.
      1Co 13:4 Love has patience, is kind; love is not envious; love is not vain, is not puffed up;
      1Co 13:5 does not behave indecently, does not pursue its own things, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil;
      1Co 13:6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth.
      1Co 13:7 Love quietly covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
      1Co 13:8 Love never fails. But if there are prophecies, they will be caused to cease; if tongues, they shall cease; if knowledge, it will be caused to cease.
      1Co 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part;
      1Co 13:10 but when the perfect thing comes, then that which is in part will be caused to cease.
      1Co 13:11 When I was an infant, I spoke as an infant, I thought as an infant, I reasoned as an infant. But when I became a man, I caused to cease the things of the infant.
      1Co 13:12 For now we see through a mirror in dimness, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will fully know even as I also was fully known.
      1Co 13:13 And now faith, hope, and love, these three things remain; but the greatest of these is love.

      I know this for sure, after all these years of study I have still so much to learn.

    • Anonymous

      Truth Seeker, if you are having trouble with the fallen angels still, do this, ask Father to help you understand why and where evil spirits come from. That truth will help you if you seek it.

    • Big dog.../small fish...

      The only ‘born again’ that I met were ex-alcoholics and ex-addicts who had hit rock bottom and decided that the 2000 year old fairy tale was their new addiction.

      • Anonymous

        My “coming to Yahusha” meant a life time of learning.

        At age 5 I knew I was a sinner. Why? I was a victim of pedofiles, yes that is an s. I knew what was happening in my life was sin. I thought I was going to die and go to hell for it. I did not understand then that it was not my fault and therefor “spiritually” I was not going to be held to that sin. I just knew , and no one could have convinced me otherwise that I deserved to go to hell. And I didn’t want to go. I did it completely on fear and faith, no real knowledge at all. I walked the aisle in a little Independent Baptist Church in LA, Lower Alabama. I said a simple prayer. I am a sinner, I believe Jesus is the son of God. Save me from hell, please. Period. But He didn’t stop with me there. I waited til twelve to be Baptized.I left the church at 30. Did good deeds, instead for a while. Had a few real moments in my life, woo woo things through out the years. Those spiritual things that most people disbelieve when you tell them so why do it?

        I am 60 and one way or another Yahuah has been dealing with me almost constantly. I was almost forty the first time I kept Sabbath. I kept Christmas for 2 more years but weaned off of it keeping Channuka disguised as something it wasn’t. It was Christmas Methadone. All these year later and as we learned and read His Word, we acknowledge the day, Channukka and read the Maccabees or some other scripture about the temple, Kings maybe, or just something we want to read again. We don’t light candles any more. We used to eat doughnuts ( damn you gluten) We always study the portion of scripture that Yahuah tells us to in Torah for the feasts, we do it by the book, not the traditions, nothing that isnt’ written.

        Yahuah didn’t not declare that it if its not there. We do not keep any feasts that are not commanded in Torah so no Purim either.

        The thing is. Today I do not count my self as a Jew.

        Not in religion. Why? Because Jews and I both agree on some things and disagree about some major things. Namely how one should obey, who is qualified to teach and most of all that Yahusha was Messiah, Yahusha is Messiah , and Yahusha will be Messiah.

        But you can all go out and gather your pocket of stones when this next sentence goes out there.

        I am no longer a “Christian” either for the same reasons, well almost.

        I will not participate in the pagan rituals that the Christian church keeps. We do not agree on that. Hell, I tell my children if they cannot honor me every day of the week, please do not bother sending me any flowers once a year. Add in Christmas Easter and Sunday Worship Services thats a lot of disagreement, but then how many of you agree on everything?hmm?

        Secondly the hierarchy of many churches know that these things are pagan and are not teaching you the truth about it. I talk to a lot of ministers, they have to keep the doctrine of the church denomination. That can add to and take away from the Torah, and the New Testament as well. That is what Messiah said in the first Ch.’s of Revelation that he hated. NICO the kingship, Lay a tons( the lay people) division. I will not participate in it. People not being told the whole truth.

        There has lately another thing that is bothering me about today’s Christian churches. And its the name JESUS. Yeah I know about Greek and Latin and all that the ious and all that too. Heard that rejected it Why? because there is not Jesus book as the first book in the histories of the Word. Its Joshua and its the same exact Hebrew name Messiah was given. It has a meaning that is being most people cannot even know about . No one will tell them.

        It means Yahuah’s deliever.

        Since it is the very same name as Joshua, and should be the same transliteration. Not Jesus.

        If you don’t believe that the anti messiah is come,and took up in the churches, I have to wonder have you read what Messiah said to the churches just one hundred years after his death and resurrection?

        I have been a big sinner most of my life, I have gotten better doing better, the sexual pervert spirits the existed in my home from birth sure didn’t help me. People do, do things because of evil spirits. They are real. They led me on a life that I am not proud to remind myself of. I went willingly. But then, I fot control of my lust after a while. Father had to make me old and almost crippled to cure me of it, lol, but…. I am ashamed to have to say that.

        He is still working on me.

        I am still trying to learn all I can about HIM including how He said we are to live. Why? Because He made a deal with a child. He has not let me down. And He will not. Neither did He leave me without some measure of understanding. He let me sin, chastised me, helped me to repent and then taught me how to walk in His ways. I want to show Him as much as I am able that I love Him, Trust Him and believe in Him and His Salvation and Son, Yahusha the Messiah.

        I still have so much more to understand as well.

        • Damien











          • Cintus Supremus

            That was one of your passengers speaking, Damien.

            And that you found anything mock-worthy in the post you responded to, is a result of another of them.

            Do you know your demons by name?

            • Damien

              One of them.

              I don’t count Chesterton (as I only think the Holy Ghost looks like Him I don’t actually call Him that).

            • Damien

              That should be

              One of them (it’s private).

              I don’t count ‘Chesterton’ (as I only think the ‘Holy Ghost’ sounded like ‘He’ looked like a GK Chesterton but I’ve never actually used that in conversation with ‘Him’ or ‘He’ with me obviously).

            • Cintus Supremus

              Chesterton, eh? Maybe that’s why you’re so welcoming to them. Maybe if they called themselves Abezethibou, Semyaza or Gader’el, you would call on the name of our KING to throw them the hell out of your house.

        • Truthseeker


          All our Father requires is a willing spirit and if you ask He even supplies that.
          We must surrender our wills and only do His Will, over time you will come to know and understand and to love HIS WILL.

          We can do nothing of our selves.

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