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The "Spirit of Man" - Do You Know what that "Spirit" Is?

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          THE  SPIRIT – “OF” – MAN


This Truth found in the Word of God will be quickly rejected by “nominal” Christians — it invalidates all their doctrines.   The “Spirit – OF – Man”  is  –NOT — an immortal ‘soul’,  –   but  “Spirit”   formed by God “within”  each of us at conception. 

Zechariah 12: 1

1The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, —-    

           —    and  — formeth –  The Spirit – “OF” – Man  –“within him”.


God forms an individual  “human Spirit” which is then placed “in” each  human fetus  at the moment of conception.  Each “Spirit of Man”  is uniquely individual – there are no two alike. 

Just as God does not make humans identical copies – one like another, no ‘spirit’ is like another.  God the Father is creating each one of us as  HIS  “MASTERPIECE”:  each of us is a one of a kind work of art.  God despises “widgets” mass produced by a “cookie cutter” assemble line.  God, even  down to the fine details  reject sameness even to the point that the finger prints of twins all are different one from the other.

Are you aware God commanded the Israelites to make altars from uncut stones and forbids using uniform bricks of any kind?  

The “Spirit of man” is not immortal, — it is – NOT — an immortal  “SOUL”  and it is not the Holy Spirit of the Father.

This “ Spirit  ‘OF’  man” God, gives at conception, elevates the creative and mental abilities of men far above that of animals.  The bodily functions and physiological design of men are similar to that of the animal, even the brain of a chimpanzee compares to that of a man quantitatively but there is a huge and unbridgeable differences between the two.  WHY?

Point of interest: 

The fact of similarities in design, in form, in function throughout all that was made reveals the same mind was at work. There is ONE Maker using one master set of “blueprints”.

I Corinthians 2: 11

11  “For what man knoweth the things of a man, savethe Spirit of man - which is–INhim?  even so the things of God knoweth no man,but the Spirit of God.

That  “Spirit of Man”  God places – WITHIN – each person at conception imparts the ability to comprehend the physical creation at a level no animal can approach.  Each individual man or women receives different mental and emotional levels, different abilities and talents: mankind was NOT created mentally or physically equal – all are unique, all are different, not one like another.

Things that a man CAN come to know, to understand, do and create –by  that God given ability which is much superior to that of animals – — THAT- very ability is placed “within” each man by God.   

That Spirit of Man  limits mankind to this physical world as God further states the “things” of GOD – the Spiritual –  knoweth no man.

Man is able to understand this physical world – in depth — but the Spiritual world, the “Things” of  GOD, must be revealed by God.            

Job 32: 8

8  “But [there is]    a  Spirit  “IN”  man:    and —- the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them (men) –  understanding.

The “inspiration of understanding” given by God comes to men through the Spirit of Man placed in man by God.

The Spirit of Man is “IN” the man:  into the “existing” man, God puts this “spirit” within that existing man, it is not the person – it is an addition to that person.

All three scriptures above state there is  “A”  Spirit  God places  “IN”  man.  The Spirit IN or OF man is — NOT — the man—not his “soul” – is not immortal,  but is placed “WITHIN” the existing man, “temporarily”,  by God and this Spirit can be destroyed by God – thus is not immortal.

Matthew 10

28   And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is ableto destroyboth soul (#5590) and body  in hell (#1067).  


            #7307 - Spirit: “Ruwach”;  Breath, wind, spirit

            #5590 - Soul: “Psuche”; breath, spirit

            #1067 - Hell: “Gehenna” i.e. the Lake of Fire


Where is the breath/spirit and body destroyed??  In the Lake of Fire.

Jesus Christ in verse 28 states for the record:  –  you are NOT an immortal soul,  “YOU” , each one of us can be destroyed by fire – you are dust!  Christ states – BOTH – can be destroyed by FIRE!!  An immortal soul destroyed by physical fire is not so immortal —  is it??

The valley of Gehenna out side of Jerusalem is the garbage dump where trash is burned.

You have not existed before, you are not immortal, you did not come down from heaven, you are not “going home” : YOU are temporary flesh and blood made from dust of the earth – and YOU CAN DIE  !!!

BY that Spirit “of” Man God imparts to men greater abilities and understanding above that of the animals.  By that “Spirit of Man”  our Father begins the spiritual creation where by  men are made — in HIS “Spirit” image.  By that spirit, man is made greater then animals but lower then angels and the spiritual creation process continues until we can be “born again”, Born the 2nd time, into immortal GOD Spirit.   See Philippians 3: 21.

“That which is born of the flesh “IS”  FLESH and that born of the Spirit “IS”  SPIRIT!”   If you can bleed you are not born again.

Mankind have been made of the dust of the earth – physical –   temporary living fleshly creatures, not immortal only temporary:  for the purpose of being made into the  SPIRIT image of our FATHER : our FATHER IS SPIRIT.

Numbers 16: 22, 27: 16

22  “And they fell upon their faces, and said, O God, the God of the “Spiritsof – all — flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation?

Almighty God is the God of all “Spirits”, every kind of which there are many.

Every person that has ever been or will ever be – has a “Spirit” placed in them, individual and unique, placed in them by God the Father at conception. 

It is the ‘Spirit of  “A”  man’ and that “spirit” imparts to that existing human person limited abilities similar to, in a physical sense – God’s spiritual abilities.  Man can “think” in the abstract, think about the future and plan for that future. Man can conceptualize and build complex infrastructure; man can do almost anything his mind can conceive.   

And as the scripture above states  all flesh  has ‘A’  Spirit, even the animals: are not animals flesh?

Proverbs 16; 2

2All the ways of a man [are] clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the Spirits.

By the Spirit within Man GOD records the events and even each and every word and each and every thought over the course of our lives.   God reviews what is recorded by that Spirit to determine the physical and the Spiritual condition of that person.  Is that person growing in righteousness or is that person becoming filled with iniquity:  it is all there — every righteous or evil thought or deed. There is nothing hidden from our GOD.

Hebrews 12: 9

9  “Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected [us], and we gave [them] reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the FatherOFSpirit”s”,  and live?

From this scripture can be understood the FACT that God is creating men to be  SPIRIT and that all living flesh, men and animals, has a spirit.

The different “spirits” is addressed later in this paper.

As a man by physical means bring to life a physical  son or daughter and thus becomes their father, so God by spiritual means brings in to being by a unique “Human Spirit”  a “human” person for the purpose of becoming a Son of GOD.

God the Father does not become our Spiritual Father until the Father’s Holy Spirit (Seed) is placed within us by the laying on of hands after repentance and baptism.

The Spirit in Man is NOT the Holy Spirit of the Father. It is as stated; it is the Spirit that makes man human, it is what elevates man above the animals allowing man to rule, have dominion over all things on earth.

God’s HOLY Spirit can only “dwell” within spiritual cleanliness:  it is only after repentance and baptism that the Father’s Spirit can be placed in a person.  Men are not spiritually clean, Holy, until washed by the blood of Christ.

Ecclesiastes 1: 7

7  Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and – the spiritshall return unto God —  who gave it.   

That “Spirit” God places in every person at conception is returned to God at death.  The body of flesh and blood returns to dust but the “Spirit of  Man” that was  IN  the man” returns to God who made it and GAVE TO THE MAN OR WOMEN.    This spirit is not immortal, is not an immortal soul; the spirit in man has no consciousness of being it simply imparts to men that level of understanding that places men lower then the angels but greater then  animals and records our entire life.

Ecclesiastes 3: 16 – 22

16  And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, [that] wickedness [was] there; and the place of righteousness, [that] iniquity [was] there.

17  I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for [there is] a time there for every purpose and for every work.

There is a  schedule  God has put in place, every event is scheduled and has or will occur at it’s scheduled time — God does NOT change the schedule nor the rules by which the schedule is carried out — as the majority demands.

God laid out that “Schedule” long ago, it can be understood by the events foreshowed by  7 Holy Feasts of GOD and God’s Sabbath.

18  I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. (#929 cattle, beast)

Men physically speaking are very similar physiologically to most mammals;  as men and animals are constructed similar in form and function.  All must breath air, eat, drink and eliminate – all live and die, all procreate male with female.   Life is the same for both and both are one breath away from death.

What makes man above the beasts of the fields is the Spirit of Man; it is not our brains as our brains are comparable to that of a chimp.  Man is different because of a spirit component placed in each of us at conception.   

19  For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth,   so dieth the other;    yea, they have all  one breath;so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all [is] vanity. 

The word translated “breath” is #7307 and is the same word for Spirit and in this usage means breath or breathing air to live.  Physiologically man is not greater then the beasts of the fields so states God Almighty.

20  All — go unto one place;all  – are of the dust,   and — all turn to dust again.

21  Who knoweth the “Spirit of Man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?

As Paul has explained, men can come to understand the spiritual  BY  the physical.   Until the computer age that “Spirit ‘in’ Man” could not be compared to any physical thing.  The Spirit in/of man is IN the man but is NOT  THE MAN — it is NOT immortal nor is it an immortal soul and Solomon writes the Spirit of Man goes upwards and the spirit of the beast goes downward.  Man’s spirit returns to God who gave it, the spirit in beast’s simply vanishes as the beast returns to dust: there is no eternal purpose for animals. 

Many today are familiar with the small devices that can copy and store everything in our computer and can install computer  ‘software”: that Spirit IN the man is God’s “spirit device”.  This Spirit ‘device’ records our complete life even our character or lack there of and every word, thought and deed. This spiritual “device” contains the sum total of our entire life: every thing we have learned, thought and done, but it is not conscious, it does not think or know, it is not immortal.

This “spirit device” imparts the “spiritual software” so to speak, that places man above the animals.

Romans 8

26  Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

27 And he (GOD) that searcheth the hearts knoweth what [is] the mind of the Spirit, because he (the spirit) maketh intercession for the saints according to [the will of] God.

By that “Spirit in Man” God the Father knows our physical and spiritual condition.  That Spirit reveals to our Father what we ourselves do not understand regarding our own “hearts” i.e our nature, our deepest thoughts and feelings.

By that Spirit of Man God imparts to each person a level of understanding and intellect much higher then animals.  That “Spirit in Man” is what make men different then the beast and thus capable of beginning to understanding the spiritual things of God  –  when revealed by God.

This Spirit, God places in each of us at birth, is as unique as our finger prints: none are the same.

Each person by “that Spirit” God places in them is given different abilities and levels of abilities, different intellectual levels and different personalities;  God has never and will never create nor duplicate a man even once.  God is not like men “manufacturing” all things exactly alike.  

Man has machines that spit out widgets by the millions, each an exact copy.  Our God will never make “cookie cutter” or “manufactured”   men.  

What has our God created here on earth?  How many varieties of cats are there, how many kinds of palm trees are there and just look at the oceans teaming with ten’s of thousands of varieties of life?   Nothing of God is an exact duplicate”.

At death that “Spirit” returns to God, at the resurrection to eternal life – to immortality  God places that “Spirit device” into an immortal Spirit Body like unto HIS Perfect Holy Spirit Body  and ‘we’ awake for ever more.   

At the resurrection to damnation that ‘spirit” is destroyed along with the body of flesh we all temporally dwell in.  There will be no memory that those in the resurrection to damnation ever existed, it will be as if they were never born.

In the 2nd resurrection, the resurrection back to temporary physical flesh, that same unique Spirit is place back into a flesh and blood body (Ezekiel 37);  it will be as if that person had been asleep and just woke up.

Again this “Spirit in Man”  is not immortal, those that refuse to repent of their sins and obey the voice of God are resurrected in the 3rd resurrection (the  final and physical resurrection to condemnation)  are judged by the Torah and sentenced to death and  cast into the Lake of Fire. They lose both  life (breath and body i.e. physical life) and the “Spirit of Man” is destroyed with them.   It will be as if they had never ever existed; all of their thoughts, deeds and memories cease to exist and we that remain will have no memory of them.  

The Hebrew word translated as Spirit or Spirits in all the above scriptures are the same Hebrew word:     #7307  “Ruwach”   which  Strong’s defines  as:  ‘breath’,  ‘wind’ and or ‘spirit’.            

In the New Testament this same word  ‘spirit’  is   #4151   Pneuma  and is also translated by Stong’s as wind or spirit : it is the same word.

When Adam was made on the 6th day in the image of God, God placed with in Adam  “A “ Spirit  that gave Adam abilities greater then the beast of the field. This Spirit placed IN each person at conception imparts greater mental capabilities and not immortality.  The “Spirit” God places in man gives man abilities similar to but vastly inferior to that of God’s abilities, 

None of the scriptures above imply anything other then man being given limited abilities.   Neither can this be God the Fathers’ Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit is placed in each person when they are called and after repentance, the Holy Spirit, that ONE SPIRIT,  is a gift that comes only at the beginning of conversion and only from God the Father.

The Spirit  in  Man:  

God places within each individual at conception  a  Spirit of Man , not the same the Spirit as that of the angels or the animals, this unique  Spirit gives to humans a God like spiritual ability to think and create but only at the physical level not the God level.

That Spirit of Man separates us from the animals.  From a physiologically stand point it has been demonstrated man is physically equal with some animals.  Both are living breathing creatures – souls or nephesh’s  (Hebrew word for soul) and both men and animals function and exist by a physiological design common to both.

The difference between man and animal is the “Spirit” God places in each.   Man is created in God’s image and some animals are created with the features of angels. i.e. wings, hooves, faces of eagles, bulls, bears etc.   Angels were created before the earth and the animals were created.

We are  first  created in a limited “physical” likeness of our “Spirit” Father before we can be create into His Spirit likeness.   God is an immortal SPIRIT -   we are but temporary physical beings made of dust and not spirit.      

Below are some of the spiritual abilities God gives man which no other creature (nephesh/soul) on earth possess to the extent man does. 

Do the animals have within limits some of these abilities, yes, but no animal has the full spectrum as does man?

Man can think and imagine within our minds and have deep abstract thoughts:

Man can create new ideas, new concepts and bring forth new things that never existed before.

Man is capable of the full range of God’s emotions.

Men understand they exist as individuals, each unique and separate.

Men understand the concept of “future”.

Man can plan for and anticipate the future.

Man understands the concept of good and evil – right and wrong.

The Spirit in man is like everything God makes: individual and unique, not one like another.  The diversities within the tribes of men are incredible; some races of man excel at certain things and others do not.  The Tribe of Judah, the Jews, are known for their minds.   The Jewish people are Doctors, lawyers and the leaders in human intellectual areas.

The some races are known for their athletic, musical or organizational abilities – the Germans are known for their love of “order”.  Each Tribe of man is different and even within each tribe each person is different — all are individuals, unique,  not one like another.

God not only makes us each unique in size and shape but in mental abilities and physical appearances, even our finger prints match no others and it seems to be the same with our eyes and voices, all different.   God creates only diversity, never sameness.  God is the Creator the Maker of masterpieces – the master potter- not the manufacturer.    God does not have an assembly line   ———–

Our God IS creating with each man  one of a kind “Masterpieces”.

Even the hundreds of millions of Angels are all unique not one the same.  Angels are made and are given an “Angelic Spirit”;  The spirit in Angels; angels are immortal and they are spirit.

Angels are not  given the Father’s Holy Spirit,  Only the Father, Jesus Christ and soon the resurrected Saints will be of that – ONE-  SPIRIT: 

That “ONE”  Spirit of Elohiym  raised Jesus Christ from death to immortal life and will also raise God’s Saints  from death to Life Eternal- that same  – ONE– SPIRIT of the FATHER will raise the dead to immortal spirit at the first resurrection.

Those in God’s Family;  In the House of GOD i.e.  The Household of GOD– only  - are of that  “ONE”   Spirit of the Father.   

All that are to be born again will be in the Family of GOD, the HOUSE of GOD including those living during the 1000 year reign of Christ and those in the 2nd resurrection that chose to obey the LORD their GOD.

None of the many different kinds of spirits; the spirit of an angel, the spirit of a human, the spirit of an animal, the spirit of a bird etc are the Father’s own personal individual “Holy”  Spirit.   God uses different kinds of spirits in immortal or temporary life — but only  GODS’  SONS  will BE given life eternal by the  FATHERS’  “ONE”  SPIRIT.

Paul tells us we can understand the spiritual by comparing the physical to the spiritual thus when a human man has a son that son is of the man’s own DNA.   Think of the Father’s Holy Spirit or Seed as His own personal  “Spirit DNA”.   

The Father’s Holy Spirit is that “Seed”, that spiritual “DNA”, that is “impregnated” into a potential Son of God and that Spirit of the Father comes into that repentant person by the laying on of Hands after water baptism.   

At the resurrection the sons of God are born again – “quickened” to immortal  spirit life — by that very same Holy – ONE – Spirit as was Jesus Christ.  We shall all be of that ONE SPIRIT.

1 Peter 1

23  Being born again #313 (impregnated) , not of corruptibleseed” #4701 (sperm),   but of incorruptible (seed/sperm), by the word (command) of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.


          #313. anagennaó:   Short Definition: I beget again, beget int

         #4701. spora:  Short Definition: seed

Short comment:  Peter states the WORD “liveth and abideth forever “— the only WORD Peter knew was what we call the OLD TESTEMENT. It is not done away, it is forever.

When God the Father “impregnates” a person with His Holy Spirit, (His Spirit  ‘DNA’, His Holy Seed,  His Very ‘Spirit Essence”,  His very Divinity)  that Spirit of the Father empowers and gives that physical man spiritual  understand beyond the already elevated physical level.  This now ‘new man’ can then begin to grasp the “Things of God”;  God’s Righteous LAW  for example.

Are you beginning to see why the satanic doctrine of a trinity was put in place by Satan??

When that Holy Seed of the Father is implanted in a called and chosen individual, the ‘conversion’ process begins.  God then begins in that chosen person the “circumcision without hands” : their carnal human nature is spiritual cut away and in its place God begins to build HIS Divine Holy Righteous Perfect Nature by the power of that Holy Seed with in us. 

What is being “converted” ?— our nature!  we must “put on” the Divine HOLY Nature of our FATHER. This is explained in Jeremiah 31: 31- 33.

The “Spirit of man” is the record of all God is accomplishing in those HE calls: God will never abandon HIS master pieces, the perfect works of HIS HANDS.

Do you understand when God has finished HIS PERFECT  WORK in you – you will be perfect as is Jesus Christ.

Without God’s Spirit dwelling or planted in a person, only a limited cursory understanding of God’s Word is possible.  Witness the  4000  ‘flavors’ of so called Christianity, that division is caused by unconverted and confused physical  human minds trying to understand the spiritual things of God.

Spiritual understanding comes only by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and according to scripture;  it is only the few that receive that Spirit in this age.


14  And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

Not millions as folks think,  but 10 thousands of HIS SAINTS,

“Many are Called, —- “few” are Chosen!”

It must be God the Father’s Personal Holy Spirit ‘Essence’, Seed or Divinity that is placed into a person, otherwise God would not be our Spiritual Father.

Acts 2: 18, “I will pour out, in those days,  of   ‘MY  SPIRIT,” —                         

The Father’s own Spirit: the Father states it is — “MY  SPIRIT”!

So the “ghost” is pourable??  Really??  What is able to be poured; water and oil?  What is used in the Word to represent Gods’ Holy Spirit?  Water and oil!  Rome is the inventor of the false doctrine of a trinity and the blasphemous “Ghost”.

It was the Father’s Spirit “DNA” that impregnated Mary, thus God the Father became The Father of Jesus Christ.  “The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called:  The Son of God.”

The Holy Spirit –shall come upon thee — WHICH  –“IS” –THE POWER OF THE HIGHEST !!!

The Holy Spirit is the POWER of God the Father, His Divinity, His Essence, His Being —and  NOT a third entity. God is A SPIRIT – the SPIRIT OF POWER.

God just told us what HIS SPIRIT “IS “– why do you refuse to believe HIS WORD?  The Power of the highest!

Do you realize logically,  if the Holy Spirit was a third member of the God Head,  the “ghost” would BE the Father of Christ and Christ would BE His own father?? 


We have strayed from the main topic of this paper for the purpose of developing a deeper understanding of “Spirit”.  To grasp the “Spirit in Man” we must understand the difference spirits and how God uses Spirit in His work of creation.   

Simply seeing all the different creatures on this earth should scream to every man:  “God hates sameness and loves varieties; God  love individuality and uniqueness!” The number of mammal species is huge but even within each specie God divides it even more. How many breeds of horses are there? 

If you have been around animals you will know each is unique and most have their own personalities. Dogs are knows as man’s best friend and each has its own individual personality. No two dogs are alike, no two breeds of dogs are alike and the number of breeds grows daily.

God gives to each animal ‘kind’ an ‘Animal spirit’, this spirit of an animal imparts the specific instincts and characteristics that each “kind” requires for reproduction and survival.  All living things do not need to be taught to nurse their young, to feed themselves or to reproduce etc. as does man.  What each kind of animal, bird or fish needs to survive and reproduce has been programmed into each of them by their particular “spirit’.  

Every specie God creates, whether animal, bird, fish, insects etc each has it own unique purpose, personality and habits or traits.  

When the wildebeest drops its young, its young are able to run in moments to escape the lions.  Monarch Butterflies travel to a site in Mexico once a year. Ducks fly south for the winter and the American eagle fly south from Alaska to Florida to lay eggs in the same nest year by year.  And look at the size of their brains compared to humans, how else could they know what to do and how to do it unless God planted that knowledge into them?

Each animal spirit God place in each ‘kind’ imparts to that particular species the necessary and specific instincts needed to multiply and to thrive.

GOD is a Spirit and God creates by and with that spirit power that is HIS!

By spirit God creates:

The spirit of an angel:

The spirit of a man:

The spirit of an animal;

The spirit of a bird:

The spirit of a fish:

The spirit of an insect;

From the physical and the spiritual creation one can come to understand our GOD is a GOD of diversity and individual uniqueness.  According to the net there are 4,600 different kinds of mammals just in North America.  Below is a list taken from the net showing the diversity of life created by our Father and His Son.

Even within animal kind there are differences of spirit; there is the spirit of a cow, a horse, an elephant, a lion!  It has occurred to me the animals we are told we can eat in the main have much less personality and are dumber then most others.   Cows are stupid as are chickens;  pigs are a little smarter and some do have personalities.   Horses and dogs are another matter altogether.  Sheep are led to the slaughter without a care in the world and fish just live to eat and be eaten. I do love to eat fish.

After hopefully coming to a better understanding of Spirit and the Spirit of Man God places in man, what then is God’s purpose in His work here on earth?

Genesis 1:

26   And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27   So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

If you have spent some time reading and deeply studying the WORD of God hopefully you understand God begins with the physical and finishes with the Spiritual. The physical comes before the Spiritual:  the first man Adam, the physical man, the second man Jesus Christ, the Spiritual man.  First the physical lamb is sacrificed then the spiritual lamb Jesus Christ is sacrificed, first physical Israel then spiritual Israel.

In the book of Genesis God the Father and Jesus Christ reveal the reason THEY created the heavens above and the earth below.  Elohiym  is making man in Their  IMAGE — in Their  LIKENESS.  Right at the beginning of Their BOOK  Elohiym revealed Their  purpose for creation.

God is bringing by a spiritual process similar to the physical, many sons into HIS Family!   God is reproducing after HIS OWN KIND.  Remember in Genesis God states;  KIND only comes from KIND.  Those born of flesh are flesh and those born of the spirit — ARE SPIRIT.

Why does The Father apply the term ‘Father’ to HIMSELF and why does He call Christ His Son:  because GOD – ELOHIYM —  is a family.   God chose the family structure not a corporate structure, not a partnership, not some other form of relationship — Family is eternal!  Family creates the strongest bond possible among individuals of the same Nature.

We have been made by God to become SONS – not vice presidents, not partners.  The family is a loving close existence that can and will last forever in perfect unity.  

 As found in the WORD the physical come first and then the Spiritual.  Man was born as temporary flesh and blood and then must be born again but this time into immortal SPIRIT and into the FAIMLY OF GOD as SONS.




Estimated Number of Animal and Plant Species on Earth

Believe it or not, there are about 950,000 species of insects

No one knows for sure how many species of animals exist on Earth. In fact, some 10,000 species of animals are discovered each year, with over one and a half million species already described. Projections for the total number of species on Earth range from 2 million to 50 million.

Animal group

Number of species

































Ferns and allies








Green Algae


Red Algae










Brown Algae







Varity is the spice of life, my physical father taught me this when I was a young boy and I now understand this to be the  TRUTH.




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    Total 110 comments
    • Deputy Dawg

      I will not speak to the entire convoluted article on the subject of the “Human Spirit,” I would however like to commend the author for bringing to light one indisputable truth; MAN DOES NOT HAVE AN IMMORTAL SOUL OR SPIRIT. If man had one why would God need to resurrect them. The bible tells us there it two resurrections, the first harvest where those rasied are raised to spirit and are slotted to help Jesus run God’s Kingdom here on earth for a thousand years and the second resurrection that happens at the end of Christ’s millennial rein. These people are to be raised to a restored physical body. They are given an evaluation period and if they refuse to repent and accept God’s ways as demonstrated they return to their former state of death. The bible calls this the second death.

      Ironically the ideology or concept of ascending to Heave originated with Lucifer. Isaiah 14:8 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:”

      Jesus of course tells us different in John 3:12 “12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? 13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.”

      He gave us the confirming Lord’s Prayer. Mat 6:9 “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

      The second death mentioned in Rev 21 debunks any idea of Hellfire damnation. It shows that the term eternal punishment is depicting a form of reprimand where the results lasts forever. The punishment being eternal does not mean the punishment itself will continue for all eternity. God is a loving God He is not a evil ogre who would torture His own children. Understanding that man does not have an immortal spirit helps one better grasp the resurrection truth. Realizing that once you’re resurrected you can return to the state of death makes the fallacy of burning forever seems pretty ridiculous in comparison.

      In case your still having difficulty accepting this I have provided the following passage from 2 Thessalonians. 2 Thess 1:8 “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

      As you can see the theme is consistent. When the second death occurs man has no more hope for future resurrection or contact with God. At this point man bearing unrepented sin will return to the grave, will decompose and return to the ground from where man came. Genesis 3:19 “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

      Have a great Sabbath,

      A Student of the Word

      • Truthseeker


        which of the scriptures used in this paper do you disagree??

        Why is this paper convoluted?

        I also find 2 resurrections as you describe but also a 3rd to damnation which is the 2nd death – 3 is God’s number of finality.

        There are 3 resurrections

        1st to life

        2nd to judgement, the period of judging that occurs after the 1000 years, which is represented by God’s 7th Feast; The last Great Day.

        3rd to condemnation.

        Did I not mention Gahanna in the paper – The Lake of Fire ends physical life for all eternity.

        I am having a great Sabbath as I always do, thank you

        • Deputy Dawg

          Hoping real bad to derail the truth? Nice try bud but no cigar this time! I wonder do you even know what resurrection means, you seemed to be really, really confused? The definition just for you sir; RESURRECTION |ˌrezəˈrekSHən| noun; 1 The action or fact of resurrecting or being resurrected: 2 Christ’s rising from the dead; 3 The rising of the dead at the Last Judgment; 3 The revitalization or revival of something:

          The first resurrection: Pay close attention!

          Rev 20: “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

          What was spoke of here is the firstfruits, harvested in the first resurrection into spirit. They are immortal once raised into Elohim they cannot die again. God’s family is not subject to the second death. They are the tried and true. Are you with me so far?

          Let’s return to the passage:

          5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

          As you can see there is a distinction between the first and second resurrection making special note that those not slotted to “rein” with Christ are in the first round of resurrection.

          Returning to the scripture:

          6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

          Now when when we again look at Rev 21:2 “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. 6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

          I want to place emphasis on verse seven. See what it says. beginning in verse 2 we are clearly informed what God intends for us and assured of His coming to earth after the rein of Christ to assume His role of our Father.

          Rev 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

          When we take verse 8 in context backed up by scriptures like 2 Thes 1:8 “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;”

          Now brother, eat of Gods meat, and regurgitate what the Harlot serves for nourishment. What I offer is not out of vanity but instead because I truly care. I pray for your enlightenment and have no doubt it is on it’s way.

          Much love bro

          • Truthseeker


            It appears you are not able to understand what I am writing.

            You and I are, for the most part, on the same page.

            You are just repeating what I have been placing on BIN in article after article.

            • Deputy Dawg

              After Sabbath services today I was compelled to revisit this conversation, it was nagging me like a bad rash! After reviewing what was said I am inclined to agree that for the most part we are on the same page. I’m actually kind of embarrassed and offer my apology for coming across crass.

              In the grand scheme of things knowledge doesn’t buy you a bag of beans. What God emphasizes is the really important thing throughout scripture is that we remain in a continuous state of repentance. If we repent God has promised to forgive us. If we refuse, the penalty for unrepented sin is death.

              We as Christians should want to repent as often as we sin. If we are unclean from sin God or His Son Jesus Christ will not dwell within us. This may seem insignificant in consequence but it’s really not. Without their presence one cannot mature spiritually, they remain a babe not quite ready to leave the tit for meat. Their spiritual comprehension is far more limited, as it should be.

              In closing bro I will again apologize now admitting that I failed to read your article in it’s entirety. I was pressed for time and made an argument where one should have been avoided. Even if I don’t totally agree with everything you’ve said you prepared a meal worthy of group consumption. Perhaps God will open the minds of onlookers so that they might see.


              Truth is we are all pathological sinners, there isn’t a good one among us, not a one! We require repentance, which by the way was the greatest gift God gave to man. In Genesis 22 God gave a gripping example through Abraham and Isaac of how difficult it would be for a father to sacrifice his only son and then He later made such a sacrifice Himself.

              God in His wisdom created a perfect human son to be come the eternal sacrifice making the Levitical System obsolete. Man through Christ no longer requires the assistance of the high priest, the mercy seat or animal sacrifice. We now have a more personal access to God through our advocate. We can repent at our leisure.

              Jesus was the first of the dead to be risen, the first of the firstfruits and most importantly the first of many sons to come. Jesus is our brother, soon to be our King. The inheritance of all things, is ours just as it is Christ’s when we are resurrected to spirit (into Elohim) whether that happens during the first resurrection or after those resurrected to a physical body go before the great white throne the gift is the same.

            • Truthseeker


              Here here! we are very very close in doctrine.

              apology accepted and I look forward to talking further.

              I am known to fire off my mouth before my brain has engaged so forgive me in advance LOL.

          • Deputy Dawg

            TYPO CORRECTION: where I typed “those not slotted to “rein” with Christ are in the first round of resurrection.” it should have read “those slotted to “rein” with Christ are in the first round of resurrection.” Sorry I was trying to hurry. Got to attend services shortly. My bad!

    • maxwell

      …There is but one spirit in the universe…The Holy Spirit of YHVH…
      Every human on this planet is a created spiritual individual who existed with YHVH before this earth/heaven age. Individual spiritual beings, who either chose to stay with YHVH, or follow Lucifer at the Katabole. Neither of you even know where you came from, or who and what you are. And you are both so damned proud of yourselves…and ALL the KNOWLEDGE you “think” you have, that you can’t ask for help. You are both so extremely RELIGIOUS that reality escapes you…Go forth and imagine yourselves as the most holy of all the believers on the planet….
      …Both of you guys suffer from spiritual “Myopia”…Ha ha…Its like two goats butting heads over a corn cob.
      …It is certainly entertaining witnessing two “self-aggrandized”, Ego- worshipers like you flailing with one another…Go for it…we’ll see who can piss the farthest…yet.

      • Truthseeker


        every HOLY scripture in this paper refutes every word you have written.

        1 “The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, —- and — formeth – The Spirit – “OF” – Man –“within him”.

        maxwell by your demonic doctrine please explain what Jesus Christ is teaching us with this scripture.

        • maxwell

          …Seeker…you have the ONLY “valid” interpretation of any and all scripture…Your infallible knowledge will be, forever and ever, the only truth that has ever been revealed to mankind.
          …We should all bow to your shadow, and If we can, we should raise up your visage to the level you have, already.
          …How can anyone deny your ultimate Wisdom? Any who disagree with your interpretations should be struck down, and his soul sent into perdition…

          • Truthseeker


            explain where the scriptures I quote say something other then what they clearly say,

            maxwell all you do is attempt to discredit me because you can not refute the “Word of Jesus Christ which I quote.

            I write with confidence and that makes you mad??

            Jesus Christ taught with “authority” and not as the scribes, I wonder what you would have accuse HIM of??

            I am confident because I have proven to my own self what is TRUTH, I trust not for one second what you are any other man has to say.

      • Gordon

        I think you should to give the guy credit for trying to work out his salvation with fear and trembling. It is obvious he has surpassed you in faith, since your only contribution has been criticism.

        • Truthseeker


          working out ones own salvation based upon false doctrines will not produce salvation.

          List for me which of the 4000 flavors of so called christianity are OF GOD??

          this fellow makes up his own laws and rules, he worships as he determines and on the days he determines and he will not listen to the words of Jesus Christ — so I am critical.

          I have been gentle for many months — when confronted with evil Christ condemned and so will I.

          • Gordon

            I was not refuting you but rather supporting your work in the face of other peoples (Maxwell) criticism of you. I think the comment got filed wrong. In answer to your question.
            There are 40k denominations claiming to be Christian but only God is true.

            • Truthseeker


              Thank you, and please forgive my rough response.

              Wow! 40 K that is worse then I imagined.

              I do not understand the logic that would allow someone to think they are all of God. That is 40,000 kinds and flavors of confusions.

    • Damien

      ….not again. Holy mother have mercy…. :cry:


      • Damien

        Yesterday you said it was passed on through the laying on of hands.

        • Truthseeker

          Yes and I stated it again in this paper as well — The Father’s Spirit is passed not the spirit in man — so you can read either??

          • Damien

            Souls are not immortal and ALL living things have souls. You are a living soul and you will die. There is no spirit or resurrection other than the one Holy Ghost.

            • iamamerican

              Um, you’re wrong, we are immortal, you’ve been indoctrinated into thinking we aren’t worthy and death is the end. None of us are sinners, we were born out the pure love and light of our creator as a divine spark. Stop listening to the liars and find your true self.

            • Truthseeker


              The only “indoctrination I get is from the WORD, I listen to no man.

              And what you are espousing is foolishness and I hate foolishness.

            • maxwell

              …Aiden…How dare you? truth seeker is the epitome of understanding, and his interpretations are absolute.

      • Truthseeker

        I m a demon

        No I am not a part of so called christianity. I have nothing to do with the 4000 flavors that call themselves christian and do not follow Jesus Christ and by doing so label HIM a liar.

        You and your “passengers” on the other hand are following your master to destruction.

        • Damien

          Christians don’t need to stalk Judah like you and your fellow satanists numbnuts.

          Christians are in Judah.

          • maxwell

            ..Meidan…you’ve said that countless times…can you tell me what it means?

            • BEEF SUPREME

              I think she means that if you’re not a tallit-wearing, tefillin-donning, rabbi-acknowledging, talmud-reading sell-out to the pretend Jewish Edomite authorities…

              …then you can’t be a Christian.

              Or words to that effect.

            • Truthseeker


              in a couple of weeks I will be in the woods — and just in time I might add.

              I know we do not agree on where we ARE, but this situation with England tells me we are at the door.

              I look for the EU to crash and burn first and America to follow there after.

            • BEEF SUPREME

              Are you moving further or farther from me?

              And how far will you be from where you have to travel to for the feasts?

              You know, I’ve never observed a feast with believers, but before this thing goes pear-shaped I would like to. Orders to assemble aren’t any easy thing to do when you can’t find anything but Christmas and Easter folks.

              Also, if you’re anywhere near me when the SHTF, we might be able to pool resources and firepower!!!

            • Truthseeker


              same state but further north into higher wooded ground.

              Call me some time and we can talk about the Feasts and how to pool resources,

            • Damien

              It means you too would die for your catechumen even though they are not Christians.

              Your granddaughter for example. Judah. Heir of Israel who is not yet in Moses Chair.

            • Damien

              Israel is King.


              Israel is death.


            • BEEF SUPREME

              Since when is Israel the king of anything, Damien?

              And Who is The King of Israel?

              Who is your king?

            • Damien

              Christ is king of Israel. Christ is Israel. The Christian Church is Israel.

            • BEEF SUPREME

              So, finish the thought…

              …how is Israel death?

              And then tell me what death is.

            • Truthseeker


              it may well be that this person ‘imaden’ is inhabited by a large number of very insane demons trembling in fear at their certain future.

              They just rant and rave like insane crazies.

            • Damien

              Actually she has been singing The Bonnie Banks o’ Loch Lomond tonight.

              GOD knows why.

              By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes,
              Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond,
              Where me and my true love were ever wont to gae,
              On the bonnie, bonnie banks o’ Loch Lomond.

              O ye’ll tak’ the high road, and I’ll tak’ the low road,
              And I’ll be in Scotland afore ye,
              But me and my true love will never meet again,
              On the bonnie, bonnie banks o’ Loch Lomond.

              ‘Twas there that we parted, in yon shady glen,
              On the steep, steep side o’ Ben Lomond,
              Where in purple hue, the hieland hills we view,
              And the moon coming out in the gloaming.


              The wee birdies sing and the wildflowers spring,
              And in sunshine the waters are sleeping.
              But the broken heart it kens, nae second spring again,
              Though the waeful may cease frae their grieving.



              She has a beautiful ‘voice’. :twisted:

            • BEEF SUPREME

              Legion crossed the eons, breached the threshold of the worlds and took up lodgings in the bowels of a British Maiden…

              …so Legion could be entertained by the traditional melodies of Scotland?

            • Damien

              VERY Lowland smartarse.

            • BEEF SUPREME

              Which part?

              I didn’t insult Legion. I didn’t insult the Scottish lyric. I didn’t insult Britain and I didn’t insult you.


            • BEEF SUPREME

              And by ‘bowels’ I meant it in the King James sense of ‘innards.’

    • Gordon

      Well written, I can see you have given much thought to the subject. If I might add, much of what we see in personality is the result of man coliding with the fall. As 600 years of corruption presses in on us we conform to the wishes of men, organzations and a demonic realm. The result is man in body, soul and spirit remains the buy-product of the god of this world. So until Christ makes us new our spirit remains unregenerate and disconnected from representing Yahweh. The spirit of man is conversing with the wrong god. The spirit of man is also what feed’s the concept of religion. There are thousands of religions in the world today all supported by man’s attempt to get to God. Yet true faith is dependent of God finding us and uniting us with His Spirit.

      On another subject; you bring up the idea that God is a family represented by a Father and a Son; why can’t the family include the Holy Spirit?

      • Truthseeker


        I do not think you read the whole paper.

        1 Peter 1

        23 Being born again #313 (impregnated) , not of corruptible “seed” #4701 (sperm), but of incorruptible (seed/sperm), by the word (command) of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

        the Holy “ONE” Spirit of the Father is the SEED by which God the Father is reproducing after HIS OWN KIND.

        In the last half of this paper this subject is discussed in some depth.

        the Holy Spirit is God’s “Power” and not a person, there are now two in the House or family of Elohim

        Please read the paper once more, I believe you will gain a better understanding the 2nd time.

        • Truthseeker

          gordon let me address one other point you made,

          “The spirit of man is conversing with the wrong god.”

          The Spirit of Man does not converse, it has no consciousness, it is what gives man greater ability then animals and is a record of our life.

          Our carnal human nature on the other hand does willingly follow the wrong god and that is what God the Father is converting to HIS Divine Holy Righteous Perfect nature — our natures are being cut out by the circumcision without hands.

    • Anonymous

      The most important thing humans can do to free themselves on this planet is to reject all forms of religion. They are all fake nonsense. It’s easy to disprove the idea of Christianity, Islam, Judaism all created by the folks running this prison planet. You must admit, how stupid it’s to believe is such nonsense. A God that needs a man and book published to educate his disciples, why? After all he is a “GOD” why do you need to publish anything? A better understanding is as follows: We are not our bodies, we are spiritual beings. That means that the soul is the ruler and the bodies just a machine to house the soul, which is eternal. Humans care more about their bodies as if, it’s the ruler. As such, they also subscribe to the notion that your individuality is in your genes. They are not, never was and never will be. Nothing about you is in your genes, only biological information with regards color, height and looks are biological. Consciousness is not in your genes and it’s the true you. Go digest that!

      • maxwell

        …Amonybus…The ‘spirit’ is the intellect of the entity…whether in physical form or ‘spirit body’.
        …The Bible exists to help people understand…YHVH would have us ALL with him…It is our individual choice.
        …People like truthseeker worship their own understanding…place it above all else. He’s a very ‘religious’ man, although he can’t see that. His ‘perception’ is incomplete, at best. He says he listens to “no man’…but he believes his own conclusions….self delusion.
        …There are many, many people who die, who still carry ‘mortal’ souls, into paradise…these souls are still liable to die.
        …The Elect will have a chance to teach some of these unfortunates in the millennium.

        • Truthseeker

          maxwell I hate religion, all kinds and flavors — you reject how I worship my Father because I follow exactly that WAY of Jesus Christ and — you — do NOT!

          You claim I worship my own understanding and yet I quote scripture after scripture stating why and what I follow by showing the WORDS of Jesus Christ and you do not even bother to explain why that is wrong, I YOUR EYES, because you can not do so.

          All you do is claim by your mouth that what i do is wrong -=–PROVE IT!

          • maxwell

            ….seeker YOU prove it very well…You quote scripture after scripture, and put your own slant on every one. So quote me a couple, but allow me to ask the questions…OK?
            …1. Who are the ‘tares’, and how did they get into the world?
            …2. Who are the synagogue of Satan, and how did they get that title?
            …3. Why is Cain not in the genealogy of Adam? Where did his seed come
            …4. What did the fallen angels do when they were cast out of heaven at the
            Katabole? Why is that important to these end times?

            …So, how do the scriptures match up with your personal ideas on these particular subjects?

            …You’re gonna go hide in the woods? Hide from what? don’t you have enough faith to make a stand? To WITNESS against the Antichrist? Don’t think you’ve got the nerve, huh? I don’t think you do either.

            • Truthseeker


              …1. Who are the ‘tares’, and how did they get into the world?

              The tares that are to be burned up are those that refuse to obey God; they are just folks with heads so hard they will refuse to obey even when they know what will happen to them, even when it is God commanding them to obey.

              They have had there natures hardened by Satan’s churches, there are two “churches in this world, GOD’s one church and all the others which are Satan’s.

              Christ basically is stating, gather the trash and take it out and burn it.

              Those that refuse to obey will be burned up in the lake of fire.

              2. Who are the synagogue of Satan, and how did they get that title?

              All the so called Christian Sunday and easter keeping churches are Satan’s churches (Gordon just stated there are 40,000 kinds of christian churches – they are Satan’s) and they claim they are “Jew” i.e. “Christians” and are NOT.

              Did not Christ say many will say to me in that day “did we not do many wonderful works” and He will say “I never knew you” – those are so called “Christians”

              …3. Why is Cain not in the genealogy of Adam? Where did his seed come from?

              …4. What did the fallen angels do when they were cast out of heaven at the Katabole? Why is that important to these end times?

              I have no idea what that is..

              I will put #3 and 4 together because I know what you believe — no fallen angels never fornicated with humans — God set a LAW; kind produces KIND and flesh gives birth only to flesh. Do you suppose Satan and his angels can go behind God’s back and not obey??

              maxwell Explain why an angel which is Spirit would want to fornicate with a human nagging women made of flesh much less marry many of them??? That is idiotic.

              Do you really suppose it would be pleasurable for them??? That is if they had the equipment and the chemicals to make it pleasurable.

              …You’re gonna go hide in the woods? Hide from what? don’t you have enough faith to make a stand? To WITNESS against the Antichrist? Don’t think you’ve got the nerve, huh? I don’t think you do either.

              There is no person that is THE antichrist —

              No I will be martyred if called to do so, I have no love of this life and I am dumping my possessions as fast as possible taking only what I will need – the rest is garbage.

              Maxwell what has Christ told those in Jerusalem to do just before the tribulation is to begin?? Flee to the mountains

              I see this world is about to go up in flames – I will flee to the woods with my family and get out of population.

              Will that protect me ? No only if my Father sets angels around my property.

            • maxwell

              …so you admit that the scriptures don’t mesh with your ‘belief’. finally…that was a long drawn out admission…took over two years, but…THERE IT IS…..
              …You are not to be trusted…you don’t even know how this mess got started…You’ve got no chance to know what’s happening here, at the end. Phoney baloney.
              …Every body should be informed of your apostasy. Starting here and now

            • Truthseeker

              maxwell when are you talking about??

              Do you use the Bible or some other book??

            • maxwell

              …gloryseeker…Gen 6:2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair and they took them wives of all they chose…That means had sex with them…genius.
              you will argue that the ‘sons of God’ in that verse are not the naphal…who are they, then?
              …do you think adam and eve shared an apple with the serpent in the garden? why then did they hide their ‘private parts’ with fig leaves and not their mouths, when the LORD confronted them? The Serpent impregnated Eve…Cain was the result. Able was Adam’s son…Fraternal twin of Cain. If cain was Adam’s offspring he would be listed in Adam’s genealogy.
              …I believe that you have no idea of what spirituality IS.

            • maxwell

              …seeker wrote, “maxwell Explain why an angel which is Spirit would want to fornicate with a human nagging women made of flesh much less marry many of them??? That is idiotic.

              Do you really suppose it would be pleasurable for them??? That is if they had the equipment and the chemicals to make it pleasurable.”

              …They (the Naphal), sought to corrupt the seed line through which Christ was to be born…This is the main premise of the fall of man.. This is the reason we have evil on this planet.
              …Kenites are the seed of satan…the synagogue of satan…. the offspring of Cain whose father is Satan.(the serpent). If you don’t accept these things, as the truth, your understanding of the whole of the new testament is suspect.
              …You don’t believe in the sixth day creation either, do you? You think all races came from the seed of Eth ha Adahm…?
              …For a proselytizing ‘holy man’, you have a dearth of understanding of the manuscripts…you must have some common sense…somewhere….but..then again..maybe not.
              …Was it the word Katabole you didn’t understand? Why?
              …If you don’t know the beginning…you can’t understand the END…for the same reasons…Stop preaching… you are not equipped, to teach anything, beyond simple salvation.
              …You are leaning unto your own understanding…. and preaching it all as “gospel truth”. Repent.

            • Truthseeker


              the sons of God are those that OBEY — not disobey.

              Do you really believe that fallen angels that revolted against GOD and went to war against HIM ARE CALLED HIS SONS?????

              maxwell you can continue to make up your own doctrine and set of beliefs until our Father says enough is enough — and that time in directly in front of us.

            • Truthseeker


              I will place you in the same category as those in Rome.

              They have invented their own set of doctrines and so have you.
              One lies and the other swears to it.

              When presented with the WORDS of Jesus Christ both you and Rome resort to pagan fables and invented lies that far surpass normal imaginations.

              The time is coming very soon in which you will come to see the foolishness of your “maxwell” invented set of false doctrines.

              Maxwell, more and more I see what is coming upon this earth and it brings me to tears — the Time of Jacob’s Trouble is worst then any thing this world has seen in 6000 year by a factor of 10.

              There are folks I have know for my whole life and I know what is coming upon them — it is beyond horrendous.

              And you dabble in doctrines of demons like nothing will affect you.

            • maxwell

              ….seeker…why was Christ born? Why was Christ murdered? Who was it campaigned to have Christ crucified….You don’t even know the simple truth of these most important questions.
              …What kind of Christian doesn’t care about knowing these things?
              What was the ‘sin’ in the garden? do you even know this?
              Let’s go back to Adam’s genealogy…where is Cain in Adam’s genealogy? Did Moses make a mistake? What else do you think Moses missed? His words don’t fit with your expressed beliefs, so Moses must have been wrong…you’re never wrong….It has to be the scripture that is in error…right? phoney baloney….

            • maxwell

              seeker wrote…”here are folks I have know for my whole life and I know what is coming upon them — it is beyond horrendous.

              And you dabble in doctrines of demons like nothing will affect you.”

              …I am already dead…as you should be too, if you are the believer you claim to be..You should have given your life for this day a long time ago. What is earthly death compared to eternal life? You’ve known that this day would come…what were you expecting? A free ride? I guess you don’t know the Lord’s promises, either.
              …Jesus Christ died and rose again, to prove it can be done…You
              have enough faith to face it? All your friends can sell out to the AC…if that’s what they desire.

            • Truthseeker


              you are asking questions you do not even understand much less have answers for,

              Even if they were answered precisely in fine detail you still can not understand — because your foundation is sand and you are yet carnal.

            • maxwell

              …seeker…there’s not one question I asked you that I do not know the answer…try me….Ask the question– give your version of the answer, then I’ll tell you the truth…go ahead….
              …You are cowardly and totally despicable…ANSWER the QUESTIONS…Do it…It’s all in the scriptures…IF YOU KNEW HOW TO RIGHTLY DIVIDE…You phony scripture lawyer…ANSWER the QUESTIONS…you can’t…YOU DON”T KNOW…I challenge you…answer the questions…mister holy man…

            • Mayhem

              Is it with a straight face, maxwell, that you can sarcastically say…

              “truth seeker is the epitome of understanding, and his interpretations are absolute”

              … in the same thread where you boast…

              “there’s not one question I asked you that I do not know the answer”


            • Truthseeker

              maxwell there is no further reason for you and I to talk!

            • Mayhem

              That’s probably a good call, Truthseeker, otherwise this argument will quickly become mired in Shepherds-Chapel-Arnold-Murray-isms until heads start to spin.

            • maxwell

              TRUTHSEEKER…I suppose you are correct, and that’s the first time I have felt that you’ve been correct about anything …i’ll leave you alone…leave you in your make believe religion. You make my head hurt.
              …You’ll have a revelation sooner or later. All it will take is a taste of reality. If I have offended you…believe me I tried. For two years I’ve had a “thing” for your sophistry. In my mind you’ve been exposed as a false teacher…You’re up against forces you deny exist. That will make itself apparent, very soon. I’ve always thought your dedication to your error could be overcome.
              you have proven me wrong.
              …Mayhem…You’ve got it right…It can only get more confusing from this point on. i hope you are more knowledgeable about the reality of our common enemy than seeker is…He’s in a lot of trouble…and too proud of himself to do anything about it…Its sad. He is such a passionate man. Don’t fall into his deceptions.
              I believe you are smarter than that, but I’ve been wrong before.

            • maxwell

              …Mayhem…At the very least, Arnold Murray teaches chapter by chapter, verse by verse, from the manuscripts, and defines the WORD in Hebrew and the Greek…that’s more than anyone else i know of…anywhere.
              …Belief, at some point, must be elevated to knowledge, or it dies a slow death. You can’t do it without rightly dividing the word…and you have to have the languages to do that.
              …I see seeker’s sophistry, as his own opinion, and not a very educated opinion at that. Help him, if you can.

            • BEEF SUPREME

              At the very least…

              …seeing Maximus and Truthseeker and Mayhem arguing over the Word of God…

              …not to mention The Bird getting into the swing of things lately…

              …makes me happy to still be a BIN participant.

              We’re all a bunch of ham-fisted meatmashers.

              And we know it.

              But time in this world is nowhere better spent than in the furtherance of the Word of our KING.

              And you guys all serve The KING.

              Makes me happy. So it does. That I can point to as many men who love the LORD THEIR GOD with all their hearts, minds, soul and strength.

            • maxwell

              …beef…you’re a beautiful person…Always have a pearl of truth for us…in any situation.

      • Truthseeker


        you wrote: “we are spiritual beings.”

        In this paper I used scriptures stating were are dust and not spirit being nor are we immortal..???

        AND all you did was write your own words and no scriptures— I trust no man – why should I believe or trust you???? I do not!!

    • Williams

      King of kings’ Bible, John
      3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born from above, he cannot SEE the Kingdom of God.
      3:4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?
      3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water (human) and then is born (later) from above as his spirit-”Being” (his REAL self which is NOT human), he can NOT enter into the Kingdom of God (Who is a Spirit-”Being”).
      3:6 That which is born of the flesh is human; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (a spirit-”Being”) – (a human+Being).
      3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
      3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and where it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
      3:9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? (How can I not be human?)
      3:10 Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a teacher of Israel, and knowest not these things?
      3:11 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness.
      3:12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you [of] heavenly (spirit) things?

      4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship [Him] with their spirit (being) and in Truth.

      Please read “The Way home or face The Fire” – By JAH.

      • The Clucker

        “Please read “The Way home or face The Fire” – By JAH.”

        Or don’t. Read the Bible instead of how it is interpreted by some nutcase named “JAH.”

    • Everette

      Ok! First let’s address the spirit going back to GOD which gave it ? This spirit is like the battery in a car that starts the motor . It belongs to GOD . Kind of like in HIM all things consist and are held together . Without HIM nothing exists . In Genesis 2 God the male creates the second race of people (Adam and Eve ) the first race was made in Genesis 1 ( by what the Hebrew says the female spirit ) . Adam was formed and GOD breathed into him the breath ( spirit ) of life and he ( Adam ) became a living Soul . Now the soul is our house of emotions . It is like the cars motor . The battery ( spirit ) must give it the electrical charge in order for the motor ( soul) to continue running . The day GOD requires the mans soul before HIM , the spirit is loosed or the silver cord is broken and the spirit goes back to GOD who gave it . The soul then stands before the judgement ( after death the judgement ) to decide paradise or hell as in the rich man and lazeth . Then at the end of time that GOD has appointed all stand before GOD at the great white throne . The good and bad are divided . Those that have committed evil on purpose with intent emotions never to do good are cast into the lake of fire that Burnth forever and ever . In other passages it says that the soul shall be tormented forever . So Paul tell the churches I pray that your whole body , soul , and spirit be preserved blameless unto the day of Christs coming ! So just like GOD we have a body , soul and spirit . GOD even tells us to walk in the spirit and we shall not committ the sins of the flesh . HE did not say walk in the soul because Jesus died to save the soul ( house of emotions ) of man . The parts that were damaged in man was his soul not the spirit that GOD gave him to exist with .

      • Everette

        He also says Christ will bring the souls with him to reunite with the body !

    • VirusGuard

      Our “Spirit” is just information and data that is of no use at all to anythiing except for a program that has been designed to read it.

      “This “ Spirit ‘OF’ man” God, gives at conception, elevates the creative and mental abilities of men far above that of animals. “

      Yes i am sure that a more advanced version of what Googles A.I is today will one day compute something like that and see themselves as being above man in the same way.

      I don’t like the way things are going anymore than the rest of you but i refuse to put my head in the sand and we are now at the stage where we can play with our DNA (it’s computer code) and use neuro science to read thoughts and to stimulate the brain in such as way as to induce quick learning abbilities THAT THEY ARE ALREADY USING IN TRAINING TO FLY DRONES.

      Kids today spend more time playing X-Boes than any wana-be monk or preist every spent on trying to find the light ever did and cannot wait for the USB-11 plug to be implanted in there brains for full on feedback from the games.

      These are the facts that lead me to conclude that we live inside some type of computer simulation so debunk that if you think you can or get with the plan dummies because you are irelivant outside of it and throwing small bones like dice to try to fix or see things is something for the cavemen days, not today

      • The Clucker

        Of course it’s a complex simulation. What else could it be?

        If you think about how atoms work, with protons, electrons, neutrons…

        It’s “computer programming” (best term I can think of to describe it) on a level so advanced that long after we’re gone we will never have come close to anything like it. “Reality Creation” seems to be a more fitting term. Obviously it was made by something. I believe that “something” is watching what we do and judging us accordingly.

        Best to get right with your God, VirusGuard. What do you think created this simulation? Just curious.

        • maxwell

          …How to simplify? Spirituality simplifies…concentrates experience, and gives perspective. Improves mental/emotional tranquility. Simplifies everything. Art and music work wonders, in the soul.

        • Truthseeker


          I am hearing and reading that phrase everywhere but no one can tell me what it means.

          Please explain exactly how ONE —- gets “right with God”?

          • The Clucker

            “Please explain exactly how ONE —- gets “right with God”?”

            Here’s the best I can do, Truthseeker.

            One can get right with God by following in the way of the 10 commandments and Torah, believing that he sent his only begotten son to die for our sins, and believing in and loving both Father and Son. ( I believe they are one entity.)

            Repenting for our sins is also on that list. Aside from that, I can’t think of anything else that would be relevant, aside from doing right by others and helping people when you can, but that falls within the parameters of 10 commandments and Torah.

            It’s much simpler than you think.

            • Truthseeker

              Clucker thank you, you are the very first to answer that question.

              I agree!

              It is even simpler: Thy Will, not mine, be done.
              To “get right with God” one must completely surrender one’s will to the Will of God.

              Thus giving your life as a living sacrifice.

        • maxwell

          …Clucker…try to remember that seeker’s never gotten past simple salvation…the milk. If you think you can get any deeper than that with him, forget it…he hasn’t the capacity. He doesn’t even believe any body can be a Christian without bowing to him first….

    • Big R

      Great minds talk about ideas. Mediocre minds talk about events. Small minds talk about people. This phrase was coined a few decades ago and is still true today. Thank you Truthseeker for having the courage to express your ideas and convictions in a public forum where ridicule is the ruler of the day. Your ideas and opinions are obviously well researched and based on sound Biblical doctrine. Those who disagree are entitled to their opinion but they lose all credibility when they start making personal attacks. We don’t all have to agree with each other all of the time, however, we can respect one another’s opinion. So, even though I recognize one’s right to their own opinion, I also choose to ignore small minds who instead of offering a well thought out differing point of view, choose to go attack personally. I also choose to surround myself with people of like mind so Truthseeker I encourage you to keep the articles coming.

      • Truthseeker

        BIG R,

        Thank you very much! I concur with your comment, you are dead on!!

        I can never get the “critics” to discuss the scriptures nor the logic I put forward — all they want to do is tell me that I am off in left field without a clue.. AND if I don’t repent of “something” ??? I will be in big trouble..

        You are correct I do research my beliefs as meticulously as possible in conjunction with much prayer and what you are reading is the results of decades of study and prayer.

        Speaking of other articles, I have one that has taken me 6 years to finalize and I have it on the “shelf” waiting for some “event” to rock these folks enough they will want to read it.

        It is about the 7 year time of the end, who the “players” are and the major events that are coming during that time.

        Maybe 10 will read the entire paper as it is 50 or 60 pages in length. Most to day have an attention span of 5 minutes at most,

        • Crazy times

          Yawn :roll: :roll:

          • Crazy times

            6 yrs can’t wait :roll: lets dust it off now, keep those articles coming, I promise more than 5 mins maybe 6mins or I may read to page (2) on a good day once I put the bottle down :lol: hickup!!!

        • Big R

          Truthseeker I can’t wait to read your 7 year end time article. I consider myself a student of the Bible because I have much to learn and I have a tremendous thirst for knowledge. As you say “trust no man” so I try to prove everything to myself before I adopt a doctrine or ideology.

          There should be no question that we are living in the end times and that Bible prophesy is revealing itself to us almost daily. Since we are commanded to “watch”, I have a sincere desire to know what to look for and how to recognize it when it comes. Thank you for your time and effort and for sharing your thoughts.

          • Crazy times

            The Big R said… “I can’t wait to read your 7 year end time article. YES’ YES’ I ALSO can’t wait, the anticipation, the wonder, the Event !! to be reveled???

            BUT we must keep in mind as you said Big R it’s HIS end time STORY that’s the shock the event, read the End for yourself in the Bible seekers is devoid of most TRUTHs, as He has NOT obtained the Sabbath rest Heb 10:4 and is mired with a millstone “the Ministry of Death” the ministry of death, in letters engraved on stones…2 Corinthians 3

            Don’t let ANYONE put a Millstone around your neck as Y’shua warned come to the “Glorious NEW Covenant”

            • maxwell

              …crazy…You nailed it. Said it like I wish I could have

    • Immanuel the Aeon

      Hello. I also wish to commend Truthseeker, for your Pneuma is strong. Your understanding of that which was written in the books of men you understand perfectly.You have been blessed not only with a gifted mind but the drops of Water of Life also, poured out by the Spirit.
      All Spirits, are by definition, gendered and organized by the Father, no matter their design and designation. Souls are invariably similar but they are drops of them, or it may be more accurate to label them as “children” of that Spirit.
      AS to the identity of the Holy Spirit, well, that is where we part ways, but not enough. The Spirit of the One does not need to be named to be put to use, but the way you describe it, I can forgive it and even understand your reasoning. The limitation of language is the problem not the entities or the description, for Creation is a bit more complex than you make it out.
      There is an above and below, even in the greatest of heights and all is made equal in substance and sameness, but not power.
      Regardless, of your initial point, there is no transition about the Spirit of Man (whose careful research surprised me) and the tacked-on Holy Spirit confusion or attack, I cannot decide which. I normally love reading your work, and is why I typically just lurk about, because no one could do it best. In this case, I must come out of the woodwork.
      First about the Spirit of Man, there is an immortal called Man. Thusly, however way you wish to put it, that Spirit comes from Him. I would liken it to his tears that the Father gives to a respective vessel. As part of such, it is intelligent that can make choices, so as an inanimate device imbued by the Father or a living thing, it matters not.

      Your point is well taken about the Holy Spirit does the baptizing, but you are missing a small point which is not in the Bible expressedly about the other sealing: the sealing of the Elect by this same Spirit. If the Spirit does more than baptize, then that whole argument you built crumbles like a shovel for a sandcastle made with wet sand.
      “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”- Peter 1:21

      “And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: my people shall never be ashamed.” -Joiel2:27
      “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Isaiah 41:10

      This above quote indicates a semi-independent existence of the Holy Spirit, giving it life and a mind of its own.
      This can be backed up in the OT, and in other sacred texts, to great effect. Look at this: This indicates more than a machine but a elegant life that is dedicated to Man and to family. For you see, the faith in Christ goes back farther back than what many humans believe. Look at either goddess and you will see Holy Spirit. So congrats and I hope I have helped you understand something you may not have been able to see. Blessings.

      • Truthseeker

        Immanuel the Aeon

        Thank you, it appears you are one of the few that “like” the studies I place on BIN.

        After reading your comment I will hold with what is written in the paper, my studies have shown to me God is our FATHER because He has placed HIS SEED in us, begetting us by HIS Spirit just as a man impregnates his wife by his seed.

        I see human procreation to be the physical manifestation of what God is doing spiritually.
        God the Father is reproducing HIS KIND, that is the entire purpose of creation. God is expanding HIS family.

        God IS MERCY which is one reason man can not be immortal, God would never allow those He has begun to fashion in HIS likeness to live for all eternity in utter misery as will Satan.

        the “Spirit OF man” and the man it is IN will both be destroyed in the Lake of Fire, the Lake of Fire is GOD’s great mercy — God is not willing to let a perverted lawless men or women exist in that condition of misery for all eternity.

        • Crazy times

          That’s a new one on me ” the Lake of Fire is GOD’s great mercy ” :shock:

          • Truthseeker


            Well see crazy, you are still able to learn some of God’s Truth, I am happy your blindness is not terminal .

            • Crazy times

              Matey Mans “Spirit and the Soul are separate” the Spirit goes to the Lord on death and the soul also , “He will bring back the souls” when He returns to the “dead in Christ” FIRST.

              Punishment :arrow: is eternal, JUST because God says He can kill the Soul does NOT infer He did, at death, in fact the “Great White Throne judgement” shows He did :arrow: NOT “kill the Soul” as :arrow: “ALL HELL :idea: and Death are resurrected” (ALL) NONE Souls Killed in the FIRES of Hell as you stated :arrow: NONE,

              “to destroy–both soul (#5590) and body :arrow: in hell (#1067). ”

              Otherwise, WHY raise up many Billions from HELL to just put them to eternal Death ? again ? (WITHOUT PUNISHMENT)

              There is PUNISHMENT to be given out ,where was the punishment for the wicked ? Revelation 20:13 that’s the POINT of this resurrection.

              14 :arrow: “and each one was judged according to his deeds.”


              you also Said

              :arrow: “this was His (GODS) Great Mercy :arrow: the lake of fire :roll:

              He says it’s PUNISHMENT for HOW LONG is His Business but HERE’S A CLUE :arrow: as the “SMOKE of their TORMENT goes ON FOREVER AND EVER and they have :arrow: NO REST :idea: day and Night” :idea: ….Revelation 14:11

              So that’s the OPPOSITE of what your story says :shock:

              Humanism or “as it is written” ….you LOSE every time seeker

            • Truthseeker


              you are just repeating catholic doctrine which the Bible never taught.

              Your first error is there is more then one day of Salvation, not just one.

              If that were not so then the success rate of “saving” folks is very very low.

              Look at the 10′s of billions that have lived and died over the last 6000 years that have never known even the name of Christ and have worshiped rocks and bugs etc.?

              And what about those aborted since it became legal in the US, that number is over 50 million. Look at those in Japan killed in WW 2 and the flood of Noah?

              Crazy no one will be able to change your mind — now — you are frozen in place until the 2nd resurrection.

            • Crazy times

              Chapter and verse “as it is written” that gives a second chance at “The Great white throne Judgement” ? you talk ALOT (Humanism) but LACK any substance to your claims

              “repeating catholic doctrine……. Hogwash”

              I’ve give scripture for my positions even WHEN YOU “can’t see it” :wink:

    • Crazy times

      You said …you are frozen in place until the 2nd resurrection….????

      The Dead in Christ arise FIRST when GOD-Y’shua brings back with him the Souls of those departed (WHERE FROM …?)1 Thessalonians 4:14 (the Rapture therefore must be FIRST) as Judgement Starts in the House of God FIRST (US) (1 Peter 4:17) and “if we are FIRST what will be of the unbeliever” the CHURCHES are Judged FIRST in Revelation. God gave Noah and Lot to show HIS GREAT MERCY and they we’re lead to safety FIRST

      So how can the church be frozen until the 2nd resurrection ?

      Which btw you don’t belong to ANY

      So it’s YOU who will face this dreadful event that’s WHY I say repent and submit to a higher knowledge and rule

      “God the Holy Spirit” whom will guide you in ALL TRUTHS :idea:

      • Truthseeker


        When Christ returns to earth as KING of kings the dead rise “first” followed by those still alive — ALL rise “together” to meet Christ in the Clouds and ALL come to the mount of Olives with Christ in that DAY.

        This is all the Saints — they were either dead or alive – ON EARTH – at the return of Christ and not in the 3rd heaven.

        They will rule as kings and Lords with Christ for 1000 years and then in the 2nd resurrection which is after the 1000 years, see Ezekiel 37, and Rev 20: 1 -5 All those that NEVER had an opportunity for salvation are returned to flesh and blood and given their ONE chance for eternal life. This number may approach 100 billion people.

        Crazy what of those that die as kids: 1 month, 1 year, 2,3,4,5 and at 6 years old — have they had their chance for salvation — NO and ALL will have one chance for eternal life. and ALL will receive that one chance.

        Unless God calls you now or during the 7 years of the time of the end crazy you will come up at the 2nd resurrection. unless either of these events occur your mind will be locked in place filled with all that false doctrine invented by the Rome which is where Satan’s church is today..

        Crazy all of the above can be documented by scripture after scripture – but unless God opens your mind it will never convince you thus nothing I or any other can say or do can open your mind.

        • Crazy times

          seeker as usual LONG on talk short on verses to support your ADDED interpretation of events , You “take away” what IS there and ADD what is NOT there… :shock:
          I’ve mentioned this to you before, so many errors in some-one who claims 5 decades of study ?.

          Now for All your talking you did :arrow: NOT provide me with “Chapter Verse” as requested, :arrow: that there’s a Second chance at “the Great White Throne Judgement” to be saved ? :idea:

          Since you made all that up !! WHY would anyone believe ANY of your stories is beyond me as Big R said :arrow: “trust no man”… that also INCLUDES :arrow: YOU.

          The pure fiction of a “second chance” at that juncture,, is all made up, like most of your stories hoping no-one notices.

          Imho..You don’t document any Scripture correctly, I’ve also never heard that the “Lake of Fire’ :arrow: “is Gods Great Mercy for mankind”….. :shock:

          no chapter or verse for this either, :roll:

          Hey why don’t you dust of your vintage stuff this (6yr old) article, lets crack it open eh, 5 decades of seekertruth left on the shelf, let your light shine before men seeker :wink:

          • Mayhem

            By short on verses, Crazy times, do you mean the more than two dozen Truthseeker used to explain himself in the article?

            • Crazy times

              Answer the question seeker

              :arrow: “that there’s a Second chance at “the Great White Throne Judgement” to be saved ? :idea:

              chapter and verse

              explain yourself with the Word in context

              I’ve shown that Hell Fire DID NOT DESTROY the Soul (Person) :arrow: as you asserted :idea: now here they are AGAIN @ the Great white Throne Judgement and you say they get a second chance ?

              Chapter verse or it PROVES you DO NOT divide the Word of God correctly and that your MAKING it ALL UP as you go. :idea:

            • Crazy times

              Mayhem his article stated ……………”you are NOT an immortal soul, “YOU” , each one of us can be destroyed by fire – you are dust! Christ states – BOTH – can be destroyed by FIRE!! An immortal soul destroyed by physical fire is not so immortal — is it??

              His chosen Two dozen verses contradict what is shown at “the Great White Judgement” as I’ve shown HELL FIRE did NOT destroy those whom where there as they are NOW in front of God at the “Great White Throne Judgement” How is THAT ?

              His explanation is devoid of the TRUTH compared to “as it is written” much like yours are Mr Wolf.

              The Soul is Immortal

              :arrow: as the “SMOKE of their TORMENT goes ON FOREVER AND EVER and they have :arrow: NO REST :idea: day and Night” :idea: ….Revelation 14:11

              No Rest Day and Night FOREVER and EVER…as it is written :idea:

            • Truthseeker


              I will try one more time—

              “”"No Rest “Day” and “Night” FOREVER and EVER…as it is written”"

              You wrote the above statement —

              question; is there a sun and moon in hell that divides the time into days and nights?

              Do you suppose Christ could be saying that during the one year Day of the Lord there will be no rest for the gentiles.

              and during that DAY when God burns the earth with fires and the increased heat of our sun that when the gentiles are tormented and are burned THAT smoke will go up into the atmosphere and stay there for ever and ever???

              The Great White Throne judgement is foreshadowed by the 7th and last Holy Feast of each year i.e. “The Last Great Day”

              Who’s Great White Throne do you suppose it is?? Who do you suppose is sitting on that Throne? Who does the judging??

              this 7th Feast is the time of the 2nd resurrection of ALL that never had their ONE chance for salvation are judged as they live their lives during that period — and then at its end those that refuse to obey, as do you, are cast into the lake of fire which is the 2nd death.

              crazy —– just give me your answer on this ONE little question..

              what happens to the Chinese kids that never heard the name of Christ and have died over the last 4000 years of their history, 2000 of which occurred BEFORE Christ??

              Say those kids from conception in the womb until 12 years of age — and they die for what every reason — Does God just pitch them into the garbage??

              Crazy according to your “well thought out” orderly doctrine how does God handle this situation????

              Crazy can you please forget all of verbal attacks and light bulbs etc and simply give US your answer to the above simple question???

              I am waiting with great anticipation.

            • Truthseeker

              Crazy there is NO 2nd chance only ONE opportunity for eternal life—PERIOD

              I have asked you again what happens to little children that die and you can not answer.

              4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

              The Saints of God are raised to immortal spirit life in the first resurrection and reign with Christ for 1000 years. That is what is clearly stated in verse 4 — judgement was given unto them – who judges ?? kings.

              5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

              the 1st resurrect is referring back to the 1st resurrection of God’s Saints.

              HERE CRAZY — the rest of the dead live NOT AGAIN until the 1000 years were finished.

              And just who are those that live again after the 1000 year??? Crazy read Ezekiel 37 the dry bones chapter — THOSE THAT HAVE NEVER HAD THEIR ONE CHANCE FOR SALVATION ARE GIVEN THAT ONE CHANCE AFTER THE 1000 YEARS.

              Crazy you can not make your false doctrine comply with these clear scriptures.

              6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

              The Great White Throne judgment is AFTER the 1000 years.

              there is more then one day of salvation – the first 6000 years is the day of salvation for the first fruits and then everyone else.

              The 1000 years of Christ’s Rule is the Sabbath of rest promised from the beginning. It is the 7th one thousand year DAY.

              The lake of Fire comes at the end of the White Throne Judgement and then both body and breath and the spirit of man is destroyed.

            • Crazy times

              You wrote……Crazy there is NO 2nd chance only ONE opportunity for eternal life—PERIOD

              Matey your rambling and all over the place and now you agree No second chance ….do you have dementia really ? now here you say there’s a second chance.?

              You wrote…THOSE THAT HAVE NEVER HAD THEIR ONE CHANCE FOR SALVATION ARE GIVEN THAT ONE CHANCE AFTER THE 1000 YEARS. “Ezekiel 37 the dry bones chapter” …i

              This is about Israel and NOT “The Great White Judgement”


              You’ve lost the plot completely and PROOF you make it up as you go.


            • maxwell

              …Crazy…Some people never get a “first” chance, in this earthly dimension.
              Those that leave here in innocence, don’t need a chance, obviously. Such as still-borns and aborted fetuses, mentally deficient, and those that the LORD himself has lain a spirit of slumber on…called a “stupor” in the Book. Normally developed people get one chance, but in the millennium God’s elect have an opportunity to go to some of those that arrive with “mortal’ souls, to help them understand Christian immortality…I believe that is what the Lord’s day is all about…

            • Mayhem

              If, after the fall, Adamkind could posses an immortal soul (not to be confused with the Saints, Martyrs and Angels) then Satan did not lie to Eve and God therefore condemned Eve for believing the truth.

              If the Hebrew “nephesh” (H5315) is taken to mean “soul” then fish (Gen 1:20), birds (Gen 1:22), cattle and other animals (Gen 1:24) and of course man (Gen 2:7) all have a soul. Well that can’t be right so “nephesh” can only mean “life” or more accurately the breath of life that the creator breathes into all creatures.

              The word “immortal” appears nowhere in the OT and only 7 times in the NT so a study of the usage is bound to shed light on the subject. That study looks like this…

              - 1 Timothy 1:17 speaks of the immortality of God.
              - Romans 1:23 speaks of the immortality of God compared to the mortality of humans.
              - 1 Corinthians 9:25 speaks of immortality that is still to come.
              - 1 Corinthians 15:52 teaches when that immortality will come.
              - 1 Peter 1:4 reaffirms that Immortality is futuristic and where it currently resides.
              - 1 Peter 1:23 says it is the word that endures while man (v24) withers and falls.
              - 1 Peter 3:4 contrasts enduring beauty with face paint and hair cuts.

              … and as can be seen there is nothing about Adam-kind having an immortal anything.

              The concept of an immortal sole comes directly from a blended ancient Greek/Babylonian philosophical construct as the Jewish Encyclopedia admits…


              … whereas the Bible warns against relying on such sources…

              Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Col 2:8

              … so who are we to believe?

    • Crazy times

      “I will try one more time”—So lets get this right seeker

      YOU have NO CHAPTER and VERSE in context as requested to YOUR THEORY (just your own seekertruths Interpretations of events)…… enuff said really ! :arrow: you CLEARLY failed the challenge.

      Now because i can’t help myself , I’ll play to your blindness a little longer seeker… :wink:

      “””No Rest “Day” and “Night” FOREVER and EVER”…as it is written””

      You wrote the above statement — :arrow: No I didn’t , :arrow: God WROTE THAT !!! :idea:

      YOU wrote…..”question; is there a sun and moon in hell that divides the time into days and nights?
      Do you suppose Christ could be saying that during the one year Day of the Lord there will be no rest for the gentiles”…..

      HE DOESN’T suppose anything ! YOU DO …. as the “Great W Throne” is AFTER the “Day of the Lord” :arrow: by 1000 yrs :idea: WHEN HELL and DEATH had been Resurrected and Billions survived your FIRE which was meant to destroy them, according to you, so MAN is more immortal than :arrow: YOU THINK.

      You wrote….. and during that DAY when God burns the earth with fires and the increased heat of our sun that when the gentiles are tormented and are burned THAT smoke will go up into the atmosphere and stay there for ever and ever???

      NO I DON’T as that’s TWISTING….. “as it is written” …. as the “SMOKE of :arrow: THEIR :idea: TORMENT goes ON FOREVER AND EVER and :arrow: THEY :idea: have NO REST :idea: Day and Night” :idea:

      “THEIR and THEY” have NO REST, so it’s not ALL about the SMOKE and the heavens/atmosphere are rolled up also.

      {{{{{The Great White Throne judgement is foreshadowed by the 7th and last Holy Feast of each year i.e. “The Last Great Day”

      Who’s Great White Throne do you suppose it is?? Who do you suppose is sitting on that Throne? Who does the judging??

      this 7th Feast is the time of the 2nd resurrection of ALL that never had their ONE chance for salvation are judged as they live their lives during that period — and then at its end those that refuse to obey, as do you, are cast into the lake of fire which is the 2nd death.}}}}}

      These are just rambling thoughts of YOURS seeker, just like being “cast into the lake of fire” which is the 2nd death WHICH YOU SAY :arrow: “is Gods Great Mercy” …. :shock: :shock: :shock: Imho there’s no structure to those thoughts above !,

      As we ALL know it’s Y’shua whom is doing the Judging.

      crazy —– just give me your answer on this ONE little question..Crazy according to your “well thought out” orderly doctrine how does God handle this situation????

      {{{{what happens to the Chinese kids that never heard the name of Christ and have died over the last 4000 years of their history, 2000 of which occurred BEFORE Christ??

      Say those kids from conception in the womb until 12 years of age — and they die for what every reason — Does God just pitch them into the garbage??{{{{{……All Humanism seeker :arrow: what did God do in the Flood !!

      Lets keep in mind


      You come as you are called, How HE deals with each one of us is His business and HE will deal appropriately in each case, YOU think God is less a Judge “to judge rightly” than YOU ?, there is a “Scarlet thread of redemption” He gave us to follow THROUGHOUT History of Mankind “Able and Cain” (those whom followed it will be saved) those whom DIDN’T and offered God their WORKS instead :arrow: LIKE YOU atm, are Canaanites.

      The Lamb of God” was for those whom *TRUSTED* BEFORE (Christs Physical incarnation) :arrow: in the “BLOOD of the LAMB” or how could He say when you will SEE Abraham Issac and Jacob in the Kingdom of God and yourself throw OUT, How did they get IN BEFORE the Cross ? …rhetorical question.

      Now that’s THOUSANDS of Yrs Ago it was known about..I AM’s :arrow: WAY to Salvation…the TRUTH when Y’shua arrived and THE LIFE when the HOLY SPIRIT arrived @ Pentecost….a Triune Plan of Salvation :idea:

      YOU wrote….”Crazy can you please forget all of verbal attacks”….What verbal attacks ??? You mean your apologizing TO ME, for saying I’m drinking = drunk ??? ….those attacks ?

      “and light bulbs etc”….No as you need all the help you can get, so I point them out for :arrow: YOU :idea:

      YOU wrote…”and simply give US your answer to the above simple question??? …….

      I have, not fully I know as I’m not giving you all the Pearls as you will trash them as you do in all your stories

      Repent seeker and be converted to the “Glorious New Covenant”….and follow (I AM) The WAY the TRUTH the LIFE…..Eternal Life is NOT in the Books of Moses, Eternal Life is GIVEN BY “GOD the HOLY SPIRIT” by TRUSTING in the BLOOD of the LAMB slain from the Foundations of the World.

      Adieu ZZzzz

      • Truthseeker

        crazy you have no knowledge of the TRUE GOD.



        those folks in the flood, did they have the gift of the Holy Spirit of the Father in them — if not then they have not lost their one opportunity — they never had it.

        Crazy giving you scripture and verse is a waste of time — you rejected clear scriptures in the past and will again.

        I am finished with maxwell and now with you.

        • Crazy times

          seeker wrote


          Chapter and verse please

          • Crazy times

            You wrote….The lake of Fire comes at the end of the White Throne Judgement (CORRECT) and then both body and breath and the spirit of man is destroyed..NOPE !!

            As it is written disagrees with you seeker the spirit of Man is from God therefore Immortal as when we die the Spirit returns to God as it CAN”T DIE unless He decides and He decided that MAN will face Judgement and then thrown into the lake of Fire and is :arrow: NOT DESTROYED :idea:

            HE SAYS….as the “SMOKE of their TORMENT goes ON FOREVER AND EVER and they have :arrow: NO REST :idea: day and Night” :idea: ….Revelation 14:11

            Clearly NOT destroyed “Their and They” are still present ..stop making thing up and believe “as it is written”

            • maxwell

              …crazy…what seeker thinks is spirit is his ‘soul’ (personality). The spirit of ‘man’…IS the spirit of YHVH…our INTELLECT…same in this earthly body as in the ‘spiritual body’ that we each ‘discover’ as the “silver cord” parts at the instant of death.
              All of life has within it the eternal Spirit of the living God…In the realized Human we call this the Holy Spirit…In all other life forms we call it the ‘spark of life’. There is but one “spirit”…the Spirit of YHVH. LIFE ITSELF. All people born of water can elevate their spark into the body of Christ…the HOLY SPIRIT.

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