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Was the TORAH abolished ? -- Are you risking your life on what others have told you??

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The Law i.e. THE TORAH – was it abolished at the death of Jesus Christ?  Are you willing to “risk” your life that it was? Do you really know? Have you proved it for yourself or just taken the preachers word for it??



Jesus Christ bluntly made the statement   “but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.”


The vast majority (99.5%) of the “Many coming in MY Name – and — deceiving the MANY”: rejoice and eagerly embraced that   satanic   “LIE”:


That Satanic lie is:  “Christ had to come to earth to remove that harsh and back breaking burden of the Father’s unjust Law from off of His people”. 

AND who else desperately wants that “harsh” law abolished –the one that transgressed it for the very first time – Satan the devil – our adversary.

That “harsh law” had to be removed before Christ could establish the new Covenant doctrine of  LOVE -- IS -- that satanic doctrine the majority of so called Christians have embraced with great joy.

SO — The  SON  had to “rebuke” the Father, reverse His mistakes and then correct the Covenant ???   REALLY  ? ? 

AND that is “your” mental picture of the God family —- Two entities that do not agree — that are not  -  “ONE”?

Knowing that “Vail’ is still blocking the 99.5% from understanding  the WORD of GOD, this paper will documenting scripture by scripture and point by point -    the HOLY LAW of GOD — His TORAH – which Christ taught, has been in place from before the beginning and will always EXIST!

If only one has their eyes opened, is called by God the Father into His Ecclesia and that Vail is removed  – this paper will be a success.

Note: Due to the vast numbers of scriptures available on the Law

            this study must be limited to a few scriptures and points.


           As Jesus Christ used the “logic” of scripture to confound the

           “wise” so will this writer. The Pharisees hated Christ for using

           logic and Scripture together to destroy their laws and doctrines,

           laws and doctrine  “they”   had created.

Some will comment, please do, but please do not bother to denigrate the writer–the writer did not write the scriptures — he is only quoting them!

If you will comment, use logic and scripture “factually” to refute.  Translations are opinions of men as to what was said thousands of years ago and according to some “experts”  20% or more of the words in the bible can not yet be translated.  Fact: the Bible was not written to be easily and broadly understood – witness to that fact the 4000 flavors of so called Christianity.

In other words; Do not use the word “FULFILLED” to prove to everyone the law was completed i.e. “ended” in and by the life of Christ –that false doctrine is refuted by Christ Himself in the same set of scriptures.

We begin in Genesis;

Genesis 3

21  Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

Jesus Christ covered the “nakedness” of Adam and Eve:  some will understand there is a great spiritual significance in this event described in 18 words.

At the beginning of this paper it was stated logic is very important to God and logic can and should be employed to understand the deep things within GOD’s WORD.

The fact the two wore no clothing is understood but what else occurred? The fact of their sin against God was uncovered and was “exposed” to God – they had no means of hiding their sin – they were “spiritual naked” – their sin was fully exposed.

What did the WORD then DO, He covered their sin with the slain lamb’s skin: their spiritual nakedness was covered, hidden in Jesus Christ. To make coats of skin an animal had to be slain, I believe logically it must be a lamb.

What this short 18 word scripture reveals is the first Passover.  Here at the very beginning of the Word of God, God is showing man He is going to send Jesus Christ to die in our place for our sins.

The Passover is commanded and taught throughout the Torah.  Jesus Christ is our Passover — not our easter.

The next Passover is clearly revealed when Abraham is commanded to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering.  God stopped Abraham and supplied a Ram for that sacrifice, that Ram represented Jesus Christ. Isaac was saved from death by our Passover –  That event was a Passover.  

As Paul stated, before creation began, Christ was slain for us. The Passover predates that Passover in Egypt before the Exodus.


Genesis 26

5  “Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my — law”.


torah: direction, instruction, law

Original Word: תּוֹרָה
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: torah
Phonetic Spelling: (to-raw’)
Short Definition: law

Within the Torah is found God’s Commandments, Statutes and Judgments, Abraham kept them ALL — Abraham obeyed My Voice– Abraham obeyed the Torah — so states God.  All of the men chosen by God lived and governed their lives by THE LAW.

As documented by Maras Barzel in his book; ”The House of Israel returns” , everything Abraham did was Torah compliant.  Only one example from Mr. Barzel’s 26 examples will be used in this paper, 

  1. Sarah’s right to keep Gentile servants. A Gentile servant is considered Lawful property: Gen 16:1-­6; Torah Instruction—Lev 25: 44-­‐46

Abraham and his son Isaac and his son Jacob all lived by God’s Torah,  God does not change – but man “demands” God change: man has always rebelled and refused to obey the Voice of God — to this very day.

Man has even created a word that “allows” God to change, to move gracefully from one set of laws to the next, it’s called: “dispensation’.

In Leviticus 11 is found the Statute of clean and unclean meat.  God – did not give –for the first time, this Statute to the Children of Israel after the exodus;  it has been in effect from the beginning.   Did not God tell Noah to take into the Ark seven pair of the  clean animals??

And is this Torah Statute still to be obeyed by the People “OF”  GOD today??  What facts regarding this Torah Statute do we find in Acts?

In Acts 10 and 11 God is revealing to the Apostle Peter the gentiles are now no longer to be considered “common or unclean”!

To demonstrate God the Father and Jesus Christ have now, as was foretold from the beginning, finally opened the kingdom to gentiles, Jesus lowered a sheet filled with unclean creatures to explain to Peter what was about to take place with the Roman Centurion, Cornelius.

Peter, when told to kill and eat, protested “ Not so LORD for I have NEVER eaten any thing that is common or unclean”!  Please bring to the fore the scripture or scriptures stating any of the Apostles or disciples from that day forward  – ate unclean meats. Or ever!

Long after Christ had returned to the Throne of God the Father, long after the 3 ½ years Peter had spent with Jesus Christ learning this PERFECT “WAY” —- Peter still obeyed the TORAH Statute of clean and unclean meat!  Oh oh Christ forgot to explain to Peter that meat thing.

Please do not attempt to use these scriptures to demonstrate Christ abolished the Statute of clean and unclean meats.

Did not Peter state “he doubted to himself what this vision meant?”

And did not Christ take those unclean creatures in that sheet BACK to HEAVEN? And then, did not appear immediately at Peter’s door the answer to the question Peter had in his mind?

The Statute of Clean and unclean meat remains today for Christians to obey. Or did Peter and the other Apostles “misunderstand” their Savior?

Genesis 14

13  But the men of Sodom [were] wicked  –and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.

SO!  Unless there was something else that described point by point what SIN IS — how can this statement be understood?  How could God make the statement; the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinners?

1 John 3: 4

4  Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law:  for sin is the transgression of the law.

When John wrote this letter what we call The New Testament writings did not exist and John did not state: “for sin is the transgression of the NEW LAW OF CHRIST!”  The only law was the TORAH!

As shown earlier Abraham understood and obeyed the Torah, the Torah defines SIN — specifically:  thus the men of Sodom “sinned” by transgressing God’s Torah, God’s LAW! 

Was there a specific law they transgressed?  How about Leviticus 18: 22?

22  Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.

1 John 3

5  And ye know that he (Jesus Christ) was manifested to take away our sins;    and in him is no sin.

Verse 5 was included just to make clear what Christ came “to do”



To become our Passover no blemish –NO SIN – could be found – Christ obeyed the Torah to perfection and thus was accounted worth to be OUR PASSOVER.

Genesis 39

When Joseph was taken into Egypt and sold to an officer of Pharaoh and the officer’s wife found Joseph attractive and proposed adultery, what was the response of Joseph??

9  [There is] none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou [art] his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness,and sin against God?

The above example with Joseph is just one of many proving long before Moses was 40 days and nights with God on the mountain writing the Torah, the TORAH LAW regarding adultery was KNOWN and respected by the men of GOD.

ALL sin is against GOD!

When Jesus Christ negotiated the Covenant with Moses on the mountain, the existing Torah Law  – was included  in that Covenant as the “consideration” or the contract obligation due from the children of Israel.

In Leviticus 26: 1 -39 Moses gives us the complete contract i.e Covenant and verses 1 – 3 reveals the  “consideration” or the contract obligation the children of Israel had to perform before God would deliver the “Promises”, the Promises are God’s contract obligations agreed to under that contract.

The TORAH LAW was not created — for  – the Covenant, the Torah is an indispensable component of the Contract that existed even before creation begin:  how else could Jesus Christ call Satan a murderer (#6) and a liar (#9) from the beginning?

John 8

44  Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.   He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode  not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.


In the Book of Matthew Jesus Christ is  very  very  clear concerning THE LAW.  

Matthew chapter 5

17  Think not that I am come to destroy the law , or the Prophets:           I  am  not  come  to  destroy, but to fulfil.   (fulfil, # 4137, make full)

I am not come to destroy  — but to –fill — the LAW -to -the -full!   To make it complete.

18  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.  (#1069 come into being)

Christ is stating not even one iota of the Law  ‘can be removed’  until  heaven and earth can pass away – and  until that “can”  happen –all will come into being – to the full i.e. The Law and the Prophets will be in full force and effect.

19Whosoever thereforeshall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so,  he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven:

but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

I have placed verse 19 in front of many who teach against the law and teach it had to be abolished  – and it is as if  Christ in this verse  was says the very opposite — “those who teach against and break one are called great in the kingdom?????? 

I can only assume they are spiritually blind and that Holy of Holies “Vail” has covered not just their eyes but their whole head.

And upon reading these 3 verses most “ministers” still cry out – “Christ nailed the Law to His ‘cross’ stake and we are no longer “under” that cursed Law! “ 

And by that statement “Christians” and “ministers” are calling Jesus Christ a  liar and they continue to teach men that “burdensome and harsh” Law is abolished and thus they become the “least”.  That  Number 7 is so so harsh!


Chapter  8

12  Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them:   for this IS — “The law and the Prophets.

The term “The Law” in this statement refers to the Torah, the 5 Books of Moses.  Jesus Christ states “The Law and The Prophets”  i.e. the OLD Testament teaches — we are to do unto others as we want them to do to us.

Many “Christian” folks today claim Christ taught  “the New Law of Christ” which they claim is  — The law of love  - BUT – according to Jesus Christ that “new Law”  — IS — the Old LAW —– The TORAH.

Christ taught only from “The LAW, the Prophets and the Psalms”.  “The Law i.e. Torah, the Prophets and the Psalms”  WAS,  – IS  -  and will always – BE – THE WORD OF GOD — that Word, that same WORD we are commandment to live by every word of . 


Chapter 12

12  How much then is a man better than a sheep?  Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days.

IF the Torah was to be done away at Christ’s death and the Sabbath is found and taught throughout the Torah and the entire Word of GOD — why then did Christ continue to teach His disciples how to lawfully KEEP the Sabbath – if it was soon to be abolished?

Please let us all know why Christ bothered to instruct His disciples regarding the Sabbath and why HE used the Torah to do so???

Here is another example of Christ teaching the Pharisees and His Disciples how to keep the Sabbath Holy.   Why did Christ bother if it is to be abolished?

Continuing in chapter 12

1  At that time Jesus went on the Sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat.

2  But when the Pharisees saw [it], they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the Sabbath day.

3  But he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungred, and they that were with him;

4  How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests?

5  Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the Sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath, and are blameless?

6  But I say unto you, That in this place is [on] greater than the temple.

7  But if ye had known what [this] meaneth,  I will have mercy, and not sacrifice,”  ye would not have condemned the guiltless.

Notice Christ is teaching from Hosea 6: 6,     Christ did not and was not creating new and contrary doctrine.   Jesus Christ for 3 ½ years taught from the TORAH, the Prophets and the Psalms!

Christ was teaching the Pharisees the Law is not harsh, is not a heavy ridged  burden, the Law is a blessing not a curse and when events beyond ones control occur it is within the Law to do good and to do what is necessary for survival.

            Hosea 6

6  For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

8  For the Son of man is Lord even of “The” Sabbath day.

When and where did Christ ‘ever’ state “He” was lord of the “first day of the week”? —  Bring it forth!

When did Christ or His Father ever bless the 1st day and make it HOLY – ever set it a side for Holy use??   Produce the scripture~!

When and where is it written or foretold that Jesus Christ or His Father rejected the Sabbath and removed it from being  HOLY Time or  rejected it as the 7th act of creation?   Impossible!

When did Christ keep the 1st day Holy, His custom was to teach in the synagogues on the Sabbath, and Paul as well?

NONE can refute or prove otherwise any of the Sabbath questions above !


Chapter  15

3  But he answered and said unto them,Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God  — by your tradition?

9  But in vain they do worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men.

Jesus Christ states in unassailable, unmistakable terms;;  Some will in vain worship  HIM! 

Does that infer at the very least —  some of the 4000 flavors are not in accord with the Doctrines of Jesus Christ? 

Does this NOT mean some that have “believed” and allowed “Jesus into their hearts” ??? What ever that means — and have done so— IN VAIN?

Jesus Christ taught -  IF – you transgress the Commandments of God by following false doctrines or traditions of men you are  — worshiping in vain.

Thus it can be –  logically concluded according to the Words of Jesus Christ — if you are not following the Commandments of GOD — but instead are transgressing the Commandments of God — by any method or means -  YOU– are — worshiping in vain.

Using logic — prove the words of Jesus Christ above are not the TRUTH!


Chapter 19

9  And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except [it be] for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

Christ clearly states:  “And “” I ”” say unto you” — The 7th Commandment is to be obeyed!  Thus those that transgress the 7th Commandment are committing adultery  – Christ confirmed in verse 9 adultery is a sin now and forever as He set no time limit, the 7th did not end at His death. 

Jesus Christ confirmed the 7th Commandment is The  LAW.   But according to some that old adultery problem is gone – abolished!

Of those that I have asked – none - would answered this question:

“Why is the law against adultery harsh and a curse?”  Why do you want this law to be abolished?   None have an answer.  

Do you?


Still in chapter 19

16  And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do,—– that I may — “have”  — eternal life?

17  And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? [there is] none good but one, [that is], God:  —– but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

How can this not be clear??   “If you will enter into Life – keep the Commandments.”  Really — how much clearer must Christ state this FACT?

18  He saith unto him,Which? Jesus said, (#6)Thou shalt do no murder, (#7) Thou shalt not commit adultery, (#8) Thou shalt not steal, (#9)Thou shalt not bear FALSE witness,

19 (#5)  Honour thy father and [thy] mother: and, (# 5-10) Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

20  The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?

21  Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go [and] sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come [and] follow me.

Please take “careful note”: Christ did not say “Just believe”  Christ told the rich man to FOLLOW HIM.  We are to follow that WAY that Christ pioneered for us to follow.   Christ never said;   do not do as I do – only do what I say.

22  But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

Here is an absolutely clear statement by our Savior Jesus Christ:       If you want to enter into eternal life – Keep the  10 Commandments!

Christ  did not say – KEEP MY – ‘NEW’ – COMMANDMENTS  but instead listed 5 of the 10 Commandments that are written on two tables of stone by the finger of God that are kept in the Ark of the Covenant which is under the Mercy Seat i.e. The Throne of GOD which is in the HOLY of HOLIES.

Christ did not mention the first four Commandment as these are the Commandments this rich man was transgressing, his wealth was his god and he would not leave it — he put his wealth before God breaking the First Commandment and if you break only one you have transgressed them ALL.

The Christian world hates the very thought of a God that demands obedience  to LAWS: they demand a god of – “love” – that does not judge – that does not condemn –a god that is gentle and mild and loves you — “just as you are”.

“Christians” demand a god that gives them a “get out of jail” card called “Grace” and ALL that is required is to just “believe”.

And that hatred of obedience blinds 99.9%  of what is called Christianity to the point they can never grasps the clear fact:

Jesus Christ just told them – point blank –   in Chapter 19 – THEY MUST– Keep the Commandments if they want to enter into  LIFE!    Life Eternal.


Chapter 22

34  But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together.

35  Then one of them, [which was] a lawyer, asked [him a question], tempting him, and saying,

36  Master, which [is] the great commandment in the law?

37  Jesus said unto him, — “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is a quote from Deuteronomy  6: 5  i.e. the Torah, the “OLD” LAW.

38  This is the first and great commandment.

39  And the second [is] like unto it,Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

This is a quote from Leviticus 19: 18  i.e. the Torah, the “Old” law.

40  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

These two precepts are  “The  Foundation”  of  THE LAW and THE PROPHETS.  Everything found written in the Torah is derived from these two Great Commandments, these two Great Principles.  

The 10 Commandments are the two “Great Commandments” expressed in detail.

The Statues give us the law in finer detail and the Judgments are how the Law is to be adjudicated and all are found in the Torah.

So called Christianity accepts these two precepts for the simple reason they do not explain how they are to be accomplished.  THUS “Those” calling themselves Christian believe “they”  now — have the right to –“love”–         in what ever ways they themselves determine.  

They are now “Freed” from the Authority of God the Father and His Son; they are now freed from that “cursed law”, freed from its harsh burden!

Do these folks ever stop to consider Satan also demands to be freed from the Authority of God and His HOLY LAW?    God’s WAY is LAWSatan’s way is lawlessness.


Chapter  23

1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,

2  Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat:

3  All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, [that] -observe and do;   but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.

Is it clear to you – Christ just told His disciples to obey the Torah!

For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay [them] on men’s shoulders; but they [themselves] will not move them with one of their fingers.

The scribes i.e. attorneys, and the Pharisees i.e. the priesthood, sit in Moses’s seat i.e. in Moses’s seat of judgment  ruling by the Torah — thus Christ just instructed  His disciples –to obey the Torah — but not to follow what the scribes and Pharisees themselves –DO- because they themselves — do not obey the Torah.

Please notice Christ never taught the sacrificial law, Christ came to “become“ what that sacrificial law pointed to — by His one sacrifice on the stake. The sacrificial law was our schoolmaster showing us the need for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The “Works” of the Law i.e the sacrificial Law,  led us to Christ.


King David,  a man God states has HIS  ‘heart” i.e God’s Divine nature ,  wrote the following in Psalms 119:

172  “My tongue shall speak of thy word: for  —–all  thy  commandments  [are] righteousness.

And yet comments will follow explaining Jesus Christ came to abolish the Law which in effect means;  the Righteousness of God is also abolished.

Isaiah 51

6  Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever,—-and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

7  Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart (nature) [is] my law (torah); fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings.

8  For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool: but my righteousness shall be for ever, and my salvation from generation to generation.

I Samuel

22  “And Samuel said, Hath the LORD [as great] delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,    —–as in obeying the voice of the LORD?—-

 Behold, to obey [is] better than sacrifice,   [and] to hearken than the fat of rams.

23  For rebellion [is as] the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness [is as] iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from [being] king.

“YOU”   that demand the HOLY LAW of GOD be abolished -are you accusing Samuel, Isaiah, David and all the other men of God of  being deceive — of follow a  WAY that Christ later abolished ???

How else can your false doctrine of abolishing GOD’s LAW and in effect the entire Old Testament be understood??

I will finish this paper with a few quotes of Jesus Christ and His Apostles which reinforces what has been presented above.

John 7

16  Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but   “his” that sent me.

Does verse 16 not clearly state what Jesus Christ is teaching His disciples and all who will hear — IS – HIS FATHER’S DOCTRINE! 


Christ is NOT teaching   NEW DOCTRINE !!!

Jesus Christ is NOT TEACHING A  NEW  LAW !! He and His FATHER are ONE.

17  If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or [whether] I speak of myself.



18  He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is TRUE, and no unrighteousness is in him.

19  Did not Moses give you the law, and [yet] none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me?

20  The people answered and said, Thou hast a devil: who goeth about to kill thee?

Please read verses 19 and 20 once more;  Christ accused the Pharisees of NOT keeping the Law of Moses and they responded by accusing Christ of having a demon..

I have been pointing to and proclaiming with all that is in me – that” HOLY LAW of GOD”   for a few years on BIN and most think I have lost my mind, “Some day you will know the truth” they tell me.  “We are “under” grace”!

Those that love the HOLY LAW of GOD with all of their might – will be looked at as being demon possessed. –

I will only obey the voice of my  Master, Jesus Christ.


John 8

29  And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.

All things Christ did were His Father’s WILL.  The Father’s WILL can be understood clearly as the Torah teaches our FATHER ’s WILL.

30  As he spake these words, many believed on him.

Here IT is “ many believed”  I wonder if they “allowed Jesus into their hearts?

 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, [then] are ye my disciples indeed;

To those that “believed”, what did Christ tell them?  “If you remain or continue in “Doing” what I am telling you — TO DO  – you are My disciples indeed!”  Jesus Christ wants “action” not words!  If you believe – act on that belief.


To all those that have accepted the lie of Satan that the Torah, the Law of Moses was abolished by Jesus Christ including the Sabbath day and all 7 of GOD’s Holy Feasts – what do you then make of this prophecy from Zechariah?

Zechariah 14

16  And it shall come to pass, [that] every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.

ALL of the gentile nations that are to come to that battle of that Great Day of GOD ALMIGHY will finally keep the Feast of Tabernacles in God’s Holy City of Jerusalem during the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ, yes this can be proven by scripture as fact.

17 And it shall be, [that] whoso will not come up of [all] the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

And if the gentiles refuse to come — Christ as King of kings will punish them.

18  And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that [have] no [rain]; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

Christ will send plagues on the “heathen” the gentiles if they refuse to keep the Feast.

19  This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

20  In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD’S house shall be like the bowls before the altar.

21  Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.

I would love to continue to expand this paper further but most will not make it this far.  Only a few of the thousands of scriptures have been touched upon, the Word of God is THE treasure of knowledge and understand and wisdom from above that few bother to even open.

And finally here in the last book in the Old Testament in its last chapter the prophet Malachi tell all who will read and all who are “willing” to understand to remember the Law of Moses which the LORD GOD commanded unto him for Israel. 

Our LORD GOD, OUR CREATOR  through Malachi tells us all who do wickedly shall be stubble and ashes under our feet.

Do you from your deepest innermost being believe God is telling us those that – generally – “do not love their neighbor”  are to become ashes??

OR   do you understand God is warning – ALL — if you murder, fornicate, lie, steal, cheat, use MY AUTHORITY in a worthless way, worship Idols and humans and animals and wealth and things and if you profane MY SABBATHS

I will return and cast you into the LAKE OF FIRE and you will be ashes under the feet of MY SAINTS —- forever.

That Time of Jacob’s Trouble  followed by that dreadful   Day of the LORD       is directly ahead: 90 percent of the 7 + billions alive today will have violently perished by the end of that dreadful DAY of GOD’s Wrath!

Malachi 4

1  For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

2  But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.  

3  And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do [this], saith the LORD of hosts.

4  Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, [with] the statutes and judgments.

5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:

6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

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    Total 59 comments
    • Truthseeker

      Maxxy, Gordon, Daniel Jackson, desitned2B

      Please do your best to refute — the scriptures are clear and the logic is sound!

      I truly wish I could add 50 points and scriptures — which can be easily done, but most will not bother to read what is written already, most don’t even read 10% of what our Savior taught.

      Here is a short but powerful statement by our savior which I included — So, Christ taught His Father’s doctrine — and then it all changed at the Stake??? REALLY ? NOPE !

      John 7
      16 “Jesus answered them, and said,— My doctrine is not mine, but “HIS” that sent me.”

      • Maxxy

        …seeker….do you perform ANY blood sacrifices? Then you’re not following the Torah…
        …The modern calendar does NOT coordinate with the ancient one….how do you know what day is which?…YOU DON’T…Were talking ordinances and statutes…THESE are not “LAW”. The ten commandments ARE…the LAW. These are forever and ever…These LAWS are what we are all MADE for.
        …YOUR traditions, one by one, diminish Jesus Christ’s SACRIFICE…Its like you are worshiping the traditions rather than the LORD.

        All that is necessary today, is BELIEF in Christ, and HIS resurrection….Reread John 3:16….and show me where it says that ANYTHING else is “required’, for salvation.
        …Your traditions are still in place in your life…because you really don’t believe THAT CHRIST HAS DONE ENOUGH…That YOU, in your “earthly wisdom”….. have got to make up the ‘shortfall’.
        …I think your manner of worship is shameful, and you need a 2×4 across your melon…just to save YOUR own soul.
        …(There are, PROPHESIED, spiritual events happening, right now, that your adherence to to these “ORDINANCES, and STATUTES”…is hiding from you…..)
        …I pray for your enlightenment. And you are not, the only one, I remember.

        • Truthseeker


          The sacrificial law is the school master that was added because of transgressions, it was never a part of the Covenant; Lev 26: 1 -39. Show me where it was a requirement of the Covenant— you can not!

          The sacrifices all pointed to the coming of that one sacrifice of Christ.

          Maxxy, do yo not realize more is required then BELIEF — how about John 6

          52The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us [his] flesh to eat? 53Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, —– Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, —- ye have no life in you. — So belief with out eating His flesh and drinking His blood means — you are not going to receive eternal life! and it can not be done in a unworthy manner.

          Are you aware of Paul’s statement? ‘Show me your faith with out works and i will show you my faith BY MY WORKS! — Faith without works is dead.’

          Maxxy i keep not one tradition and neither did Christ.

          maxxy must I continue to quote scriptures from the mouth of Christ telling you, you must DO the WILL of God the Father and every single thing Christ taught and did was in accordance to the Father’s doctrine, the Father’s Will.

          maxxy are you afraid to read the article?? Yes It contains powerful scriptures that refute your beliefs and powerful logic that also refutes your beliefs. Paul tells us to Prove all thing, how else can we prove anything other then by logic?

          All you have ever said is — T/S you are wrong and some day you will be enlightened!

          Maxxy — I should believe you and NOT Jesus Christ??

          • Maxxy

            …Seeker…believe this:
            the Holy Spirit is “sealing”, the elect, as we sit here, talking about the traditions that got you here…now take the next step and step away from traditions that are keeping you from this reality….
            …I believe you are one of the most prodigious bible ‘quoters’ in the history of this site. and still you don’t “PUT IT TO WORK”.
            …Why should I care? I care BECAUSE you are so dedicated and passionate about your faith.
            …You have at least a dozen, honest and learned, individuals trying to plant the seed of the “freedom” of Jesus Christ….who has redeemed the faithful, WITHOUT ANY TRADITION…gained from the Torah ..but the ten commandments. If you dispute this, you are not really worshiping Jesus Christ.
            …YHVH and Christ ARE the SAME individual…if what you give to Christ is real…it is real to YHVH, also….both at once…they are the same person…who share a soul.
            …That, I believe IS the difference, between you and myself. You, in ignorance, have not elevated, Emmanuel, to his RIGHTFUL place in your Heart….
            …If it does not happen very soon…Its’ll have a thousand years to figure it out.

            • Crazy times

              Maxxy …I believe in, You come as you are called, truthdeleter will come as a Gt Tribb Saint (IF) he lives to the start of “Jacobs trouble” If he perishes before, he’s a goner for sure, as he has rejected the New Covenant (GRACE) and the New Birth the (Holy Spirit) :shock:

              I say this because when he is left behind at the rapture/rescue He and MANY OTHER NAYSAYERS will realise they were left standing naked and this will be evident @ His APPEARING and THEN they will weep and wail as they come to terms with the FACT that the TRUE BELIEVERS are GONE through the DOOR as HE promised to the BRIDE (Matt 25)

              Since 1969 truthescapeshim has learned nothing, he’s been walking around the Mountain in the Wilderness more than 40 yrs and has not YET entered the promised land nor entered HIS Sabbath rest …so sad for one so committed to seeking the truth, so he claims ?

            • Truthseeker

              crazy times

              All you need to do to discredit me and what I have written is to take only one of the points and its related scriptures and disprove it using sound logic and clear scriptures.

              Just Show clearly my error.

              That is all that is necessary —

              but you can not disprove the WORD of GOD –

              and neither can maxxy or pastor Gordon or daniel jackson etc

              All any of you can do is attack me and tell me I am deceived.

              I simply respond —PROVE IT!

          • Maxxy

            …Seeker…I live the truths you, still, are seeking….I KNOW you are wrong…Otherwise I could not have been “sealed” and “quickened”….There was no big judgement involved, just an honesty, that you have not acquainted yourself with…all your ritual practices, are an affront to Christ…and I’m sorry I read your article…I knew it would be full of “preaching” your own collection of ‘cherry picked’ scriptures….
            …You don’t believe that Jesus did a good enough JOB as Savior….you got to have your ritual (same as tradition), to convince yourself that you are truly redeemed. Like I said…Its Ok, You’ll have a while to understand….1000 years…The earthly world is defunct…The paradigm is “spirituality”…Now…en toto.
            You say you don’t follow traditions….you obviously don’t have a handle of what Is meant by “tradition”.

    • Damien

      Was the TORAH abolished ?


      Just for the people of Judah TroothyTits.

      Demon spawn may alleviate their guilt anyway they see fit. It’s good training for hell.

      • Maxxy

        …Damn you…Your ignorance should be hidden a little better…are you just lazy?

        • Damien

          How many IQ points does your faith require blood to have?

          • Truthseeker

            All I need is the mind of Jesus Christ working in me! My Master will supply the necessary IQ !

            Mr. blasphemy mouth — refute the logic that has been presented, only then will I address you in the future.

            • Damien

              You do not have any foundation to your pie in the sky ‘logic’. Any ‘logic’ you might want to distract people into arguing with is an irrelevant sleight of hand distraction. You have no foundation.

              There is no Israel outside of Judah.

              All your ritualistic magic is just a cargo cult pantomime you have been fooled into. And want to fool a handful of others into so you canbetter assault christianity. Like filthy A.Rab christians for example.

            • Damien

              You do not have any foundation to your pie in the sky ‘logic’. Any ‘logic’ you might want to distract people into arguing with is an irrelevant sleight of hand distraction. You have no foundation.

              There is no Israel outside of Judah.

              All your ritualistic magic is just a cargo cult pantomime you have been fooled into. And want to fool a handful of others into so you canbetter assault christianity. Like filthy A.Rab christians for example.

    • Maxxy

      …seeker…your ‘practices’ are obscuring the TRUTHS of what TIME it is.
      …whether you believe it or not…there are some things you gotta find out for yourself…because nobody’s knowledge is complete….not even yours.
      …Go straight to your pages and write another 1200 words, about all the right things you do, and ignore the truth…right in front of you. Christ is calling you, and you think you’ve got to ask the Father for permission? What’s wrong with that picture.

      • Truthseeker


        I have been waiting for this “time” since 1969, I have been watching as Jesus Christ commands all to do.

        I pull no punches now as I have in the past – Time is very short — I speak and write what I have proven to myself to be the TRUTH and bluntly.

        Maxxy you believe you are “sealed”, I read that I have been “begotten” as a Son of God and at the first resurrection I hope to be born again as a “SON” with the exact immortal spirit body as Jesus Christ.

        Maxxy you have some knowledge of the scriptures but like the majority of so called christians you must ignore the very very pointed and specific ones.

        Maxxy the “traditions” you keep accusing me of following like GOD’s commanded Holy Feasts are the shadows of the events in God’s Plan of salvation,, the first was Passover.

        The 2nd Feast season is Pentecost i.e. the Feast of the First Fruits, this Feast foreshadowed the very day God the Father opened heaven and poured out HIS SPIRIT on all flesh. This Feast began the Ecclesia of GOD! The First Fruits of GOD.

        The Feast I am waiting for now is the Feast of Trumpets which falls this year on October 3rd — this day MAY -”MAY” I am not stating it is — be the beginning of the 7 years of the time of the end.

        “If” this Feast of Trumpets is the start — America will cease to exist in 3 1/2 years.

        Maxxy read Revelation — at the return of Jesus Christ as KING of kings there will be a monumental trumpet blast from heaven — thus the Feast of Trumpets.

        Christ returns at the end of the 7th Seal which contains the 7 Trumpet plagues – At the Last Trump Christ returns. The Feast of Trumpets foreshadows the return of Christ and that day is NOT a TRADITION!

        • Crazy times

          truthescapesyou I have spent hrs showing you ,your unable to receive it as your NOT called to it , You’ve deleted so much of my replies and now you say PROVE IT ? your even paranoid that I’m coming for you …lol

          The Law has been NULLIFIED and has its Fulfilment in Y’shua as the flesh is unable to do it

          that’s why they call it a :arrow: NEW COVENANT …NOT LIKE the one given to the Israelites when they left the land of Egypt,

          and now WE are called to the Marriage :arrow: the Gentiles through GRACE. :idea:

          You discredit yourself by NOT accepting that Y’shua is the Fulfilment of the Law of Moses :roll:

          • Truthseeker

            AGAIN Crazy

            you only give me YOUR WORDS, Every single statement above you made can be shown to be in conflict with THE WORD OF GOD!

            Proof to you is a statement by you or a single scripture taken out of context.

            Crazy, Christ taught The Law, the Prophets and Psalms which is the Doctrine of the Father and then the Father allowed Christ to nullify it — I Totally reject that satanic doctrine.

            16 “Jesus answered them, and said,— My doctrine is not mine, but “HIS” that sent me.”

            • Crazy times

              truthescapesyou…Yet again your unable to see it, it’s hidden from you as your too proud, a veil covers your eyes and your ears, until one accepts Christ crucified as FULL PAYMENT.

              I’ve given you hundreds of Scriptures over the Year we’ve debated everything full circle, Y’shua came to FULLFILL the LAW OF MOSES as flesh could NOT do it…. FACT….you reject the CHURCHES position on the New Covenant I don’t need to do anymore as the Churches belong to the LORD ….you have NONE belong to NONE you sand on your OWN estimates of things …where is your ecclesia Church ? where you get all your nonsense from ? as NO Churches believe what YOU teach…!!!

            • Damien

              You are a liar. We realise this. Be Pix-Alephbet-TroothyTits and bang your head against a keyboard until thecows come home.

              You have no doctrine. Lyingly saying you do is meaningless. Your purpose is the obvious one: trying to get someone to believe it is everybody else who doesn’t.

              Fireworks threats and tantrums. Go bite a carpet Rumplestiltskin.

            • Truthseeker


              I do not belong to a building nor to a corporation nor to a bureaucracy.

              I am a member of the Body of Jesus Christ Which is the Father’s Ecclesia.

              and until God opens your eyes you will not come to the FULL understanding that Christ came to complete the LAW to make it FULL not to end it— to end it makes everything of old to be wrong — was Moses wrong was David wrong.

              The Law was physical now it is complete it is also Spiritual.

              crazy the only scriptures you bring are the ones that can be easily twisted, when clear scriptures are presented you ignore them.

            • Damien


              was Moses wrong was David wrong.


              According to Christianity YES Moses absolutely was wrong. He wasn’t even allowed into Israel. According to Mosaic law YES David absolutely was wrong as would be all kings of Israel who were not God.

              Stick to scrubbing yourself with bleack in bathtubs and letting off all the pretty fireworks going bang bang TroothyTits your liar liar attempts at reasoning stink.

        • Maxxy

          …seeker..”.Maxxy read Revelation — at the return of Jesus Christ as KING of kings there will be a monumental trumpet blast from heaven — thus the Feast of Trumpets.

          Christ returns at the end of the 7th Seal which contains the 7 Trumpet plagues – At the Last Trump Christ returns. The Feast of Trumpets foreshadows the return of Christ and that day is NOT a TRADITION!’
          …Seventh trump Is the end of this earthly identification…for the whole world. It is also the time of the battle of “Haman gog”, which is going to last all of two minutes. We are all changed into spiritual bodies…whether any are ready, or not.
          …Seeker, you identify so deeply and completely, with this physical, earthly dimension, that the deeper ethereal, realities have not come to abide with you…. but, how could you know anything about this? All your attention has been directed toward yourself and YOUR place, and not Christ, and his place in your heart and soul.

          • Truthseeker


            so you do not know the Truth?

            and your have never read Revelation 20: 1- 6?

            • Maxxy

              …seeker,…In my new, friendly version, of maxxy…I still must say..have you not understood Revelation…we’re not getting the same message.

            • Truthseeker


              “‘All your attention has been directed toward yourself and YOUR place, and not Christ, and his place in your heart and soul.”

              Maxxy Christ is suppose to be in my breath (soul) and heart, the one that pumps blood????

              Maxxy am I not pointing to the Law and to the Father with all that is in me?? and yes because the christian world hates the Law and only focuses on Christ they know not the Father.

              No maxxy i just do not get this physical stuff and besides that Christ told me to seek the Father an only worship HIM.

              Maxxy do you know what the term worship means?? it means to copy and to imitate.

      • Truthseeker


        this is the question Christ was asked — “what is TRUTH?”

        You accuse me of obscuring the Truth –

        THEN — Please clearly explain what you considered to be THE TRUTH.

        I will answer for myself– THE WORD of GOD is the TRUTH — every single WORD — and I strive to live by every WORD of GOD as did and still does Jesus Christ.

        so called christian can not do so — they must pick and chose and reject what conflicts with HOW THEY must believe.

        Maxxy you and crazy will not directly answer this question — as it will destroy your house of cards.

        • Maxxy

          …seeker…You don’t obscure the truth from believers, you’re obscuring the truth from yourself.
          You’re putting your flowers in a basket with holes in it. Every true disciple of Jesus, can see that.
          You’re expecting Christians to believe you, and start ‘beating their breast’, like you do, but you don’t know ‘who’ Jesus really is. That’s the problem. The seven years, of antichrist’s reign has been shortened. and you don’t know it…Mister know it all, doesn’t know the book of revelation very well at all. Do you, even, know “who” the Elect, are?
          …We’ve had the ‘son of perdition’, in power over this whole earth, for more than 3 1/2 years…and YOU haven’t noticed…cause you are looking for a sign that can’t be seen with earthly eyes….and, those kind of ‘eyes’ are all you have, apparently.
          …There is no ceremony, ritual or tradition, that is appropriate. The Holy Spirit has superseded, them all…
          …your ‘religion’ is an affront to the Elect, and Jesus Christ himself,(in the reality of the HOLY SPIRIT), whom you have failed to realize, exist here, now.
          …LOOK UP…to do it you MUST stop looking down. You can’t get through to YHVH, without doing it in the “name of Jesus Christ”.
          … the whole world “changed” with the advent of Christ, and the manner in which we address the LORD, is not the same as it was, before that time…get with the program…now, you have, but, mere ‘months’.
          …One more thing…Judah and the House of Israel are two different entities, and identification with the ‘former’….is death.

          • Damien

            No. You are just as crazy as your fellow equally disqualified to speak about christianity post zionist ‘christian’ troll troothytits and maymoud.

            Predictable that you would try it on though.

            Anyone else want to try it on?

            • Maxxy

              ..damn you…Well, now. Yup I’m crazy…so far away from normalcy, that I can’t identify with common reality, at all. I don’t even want to try…
              …I’m as nutz as nutz can get…and I truly believe you’re a lunatic…your soul belongs to the moon…and all that it means. Its OK, though…Your condition won’t get you anywhere, from here on out, but you’ll have a lot of bizarre experiences, before you meet your fate.

      • Truthseeker


        since I practice what Jesus Christ “practiced” — I am obscuring the Truth??

        Maxxy do you understand you are accusing me of not being IN THE TRUTH because I DO THE EXACT SAME THINGS JESUS CHRIST DID???

        Stop and rethink this.

        God rested on the 7th Day of creation and pronounced it HOLY
        Christ observed the Sabbath
        the Apostles observed the Sabbath
        I observe the Sabbath and you accuse me of following “tradition”

        Must Jesus Christ and the 13 Apostles repent of keeping the 7th day HOLY?

        According to you that is a NO NO it is “denigrating’ the sacrifice of Christ???? Sorry I will obey my Master and follow HIM ONLY.

      • Maxxy

        …seeker…Just 14 days till my ‘HIGH’ Sabbath…Passover. I’ll take some bread and wine. spend the day in prayer and be with my family. I’ll anoint all the kids and my wife and my mom. I’ll anoint the doorways…and myself. I’ll cook a great meal..and relax…in thanks.
        …I think I have an insight into your feud with us. You believe I am not doing enough for YHVH….I understand.
        …I believe that you are not allowing YHVH’s grace, to act upon YOU…He’s there for any and all who ‘will’.
        …Your viewpoint: there’s all this jewish ritual and doctrine that MUST be Honored, for salvation.
        …my viewpoint: The “saving” has been completed. The Grace of YHVH, in the Holy Spirit, is upon the elect…right now.

        • Truthseeker


          there is nothing you or I can – DO – for Jesus Christ or our Father — I NEED THEM TO DO EVERYTHING FOR ME and they do!

          JEWISH RITUAL? maxxy is that what you think Christ followed — Jewish rituals?? And He was judged perfect for keeping “Jewish rituals”?

          Maxxy — Christ is NOT “there for any and all who will”, Christ stated CLEARLY unless the Father calls —— none can come to Christ.. it is not up to the individual!

          10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

          11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, —— but to them it is “not’ given.!!!!!!

          Christ does not want all to understand in this age of man.

          “Many are called but few CHOSEN” — “few” there be that find that door.

          Maxxy do not think that I am angry with you are any one on BIN — I am angry — but only at Satan the god of this world that has deceived the entire world including what is called christian.

          When I read what these folks have been brain washed into believing it lights me up.

          maxxy I know what is shortly going to take place and it horrifies me — I want to scream at these folks –turn and obey the LORD your GOD, Repent while it is still light — the darkness is almost here!

          It is so heartbreaking, I point to obeying GOD and I am looked at as crazy!

          maxxy I too will keep the Lord’s Supper which is the spiritual Passover on the night of the 14th of Nisan which is on our night of April 21 and also the Feast of Unleavened Bread beginning on the 15th of Nisan which begins on the night of April 22rd.

          God’s Days end at sunset.

          I will eat unleavened bread for 7 days. And the bread will be unleavened for the Spiritual Passover which is the bread and the wine. Leavening represents sin.

          I follow nothing that Rome has ordained. Easter is of Rome, even the date is of them.

          Maxxy after 3 1/2 years of preaching and teaching and healing only 120 followed Jesus Christ and He taught in front of 10′s of thousands — only 120 were chosen.

          • Maxxy

            …seeker…there are some things we have in common, but there are a few things that we will never come together on….I’m getting weary of rehashing it all. I will just say this….most of our “back and forth”, has been, for me, an attempt to understand how its possible, that you are not aware of what’s going on…with the Holy Spirit, today…
            …the only thing I could think was the problem was your adherence to your rituals…or whatever you call them…All those things I categorize as traditions.
            …I myself celebrate 3 feast days every year…the REAL passover…Pentecost and the feast of Tabernacles…the Lord gave these as a mercy and a grace…I no longer think that’s the problem…which leaves me at a loss.
            …I’m never going to find out about whatever it is that has caused this. By the time you find out, I’ll be too busy to take much notice. and, besides, i know you don’t care either way. We still have pagans and heathens and wannabe agitators to handle…actually, we should be more supportive…I think we both have Jesus…and that will be enough to attract all the devils…so I’m going to treat you like you aren’t crazy, if you’ll do the same for me….deal?

        • Damien

          seeker…Just 14 days till my ‘HIGH’ Sabbath…Passover. I’ll take some bread and wine. spend the day in prayer and be with my family. I’ll anoint all the kids and my wife and my mom. I’ll anoint the doorways…and myself. I’ll cook a great meal..and relax…in thanks.


          He just wants you to admit that you arent a christian. He obviously doesnt care about your vodoo prancing around one way or the other.

          • Damien

            Hes after you because you might support his no Israel outside of Judah separation from Judah.

            • Maxxy

              …damnyou….the back of the page is where we find the plan….read it upside down, and copy it backwards…put the page back into the book.
              …take your copy and put it in your pocket…wait. there will be someone, who will cross the street, in front of you…drop your paper and walk away….

        • Maxxy

          …seeker….I don’t use the “lunar” calendar, in my calculations…this is one of those things where i think the traditions screw with the truth. I use the solar calendar…no leap years. 15th day after the spring equinox is the calculation of the start of Passover, using YHVH’s solar dates…every year…year after year. Lunar calendar is of Satan, as much as the solar calendar is of YHVH…any prophecies concerning Satan are enumerated by the rhythms of the MOON, not the sun, check it!…Darkness vs. light….

    • Louis

      Maxxy Pad and Truth-skewer — dumb and dumber. What happened to you two? Drugs? Excessive buggery? Dropped on head during infancy? Second-hand smoke? Failed lobotomies?

      Climb out of the fundamentalist cesspool and take a deep breath of clean air for a change. It’ll do you some good.

      • Truthseeker


        I have been to Rome, I have seen the flies painted on the ceiling. i have seen all the idols and the idols of mary and there was no clean air. I have been in Notre Dame in Paris, it was full of mold.

        Louis I am guessing you have been brain washed since birth as most are catholics, I was not born into to any faith or religion thus i do not have any memes that had to be ripped out of my mind before I could see clearly.

        Memes are virus of the mind placed there by men and society and Satan.

        Louis there is not one chance out of a quadrillion I will ever look to Rome for any reason — it is Satan’s church pure an simple.

        Pagan Rome with its pagan church and its pagan idols and pagan doctrine make me want to vomit — it is going to be destroyed by Jesus Christ at His return and I can hardly wait.

      • Maxxy

        …louis…you have zero credibility…and you’re real close to denial, of FACT. Standing for RCC, an abomination, could, very well, cost you way more than you want to pay…Catholicism is finished…except for the help the Vatican will give to the antichrist system….the RCC, priesthood, have been exposed as pederasts and liars…of the worst kind. and odds are it will be very useful to the proposed NWO. so, go. you’ll be late for your “lesson”…
        …come out of here, or share her iniquities….

    • Mayhem

      The reason. Truthseeker, that none of your detractors no longer put up their scriptural argument, in my opinion, is that they well know their arguments have been comprehensively beaten by a thorough biblical study.

      Instead of submitting to truth they choose to let their pride get in the way and this is why the only thing they have left is their opinion that you are wrong. If they could defeat your argument then i’m sure we’d never hear the end of it.

      • Maxxy

        …Mayhem…anybody can use the scriptures, to back up any position any one takes…I’ve been after the truth for twenty plus years …chapter by chapter verse by verse…I want to know about the intellectual and emotional effects your studies, have supplied you. I also would like to know if you and seeker would answer a couple of simple questions…answers to these would help my understanding greatly…so here goes:
        …1. Are YHVH and Christ one person who share a common Spirit?
        …2. Who are the ‘Elect’, and why and when, were they ‘chosen’?
        …3. What did the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia, teach, and the other five did not..that got Christ’s
        …4. What does the seventh trump mean to you? What happens?
        …5. Is the ‘Latter Rain’ in your consciousness more and and deeper every day?
        …If you guys can take a few moments,,,,please be concise. I am thick headed, and psychotic…

        • Truthseeker


          Here are the answers from 46 years of daily study and obeying God.

          1. Are YHVH and Christ one person who share a common Spirit?

          No!—In Genesis 1 Elohiym said “let US make man in OUR image” Elohiym is plural.
          When Christ came in the flesh to suffer and die for mankind, He was flesh and blood, He was not an immortal “soul”, when the Roman soldier pierced His side all of He blood spilled on the ground —- CHRIST DIED – He cease to exist!

          If Christ did not die as all men die – He can not be our savior — and if the Father and Christ are ONE entity then the Father died as well. That would mean there would be no one to resurrect Christ from death, no one to rule over creation.

          Christ was raised from death by that ONE SPIRIT of the FATHER, Christ now is OF the
          Father, a born immortal Spirit in the Family of GOD alive once more but it is the Father’s Spirit that gave Christ life – and that same Spirit will come to those in the first resurrection and put into them Immortal Spirit life..

          …2. Who are the ‘Elect’, and why and when, were they ‘chosen’?

          The elect are the whole of Israel, all 12 tribes. The very Elect are the called and chosen Saints of God the Father.

          …3. What did the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia, teach, and the other five did not..that got Christ’s,approval?

          They had faith BUT their faith was—proven – was demonstrated — by their WORKS, Christ says “I know thy works” . They brought produced much fruit of the spirit of the Father.

          Those that say they are “Christians” and are not will come and worship before thy feet”. Maxxy only GOD is to be worshiped – right?

          …4. What does the seventh trump mean to you? What happens?

          The Last Trump is the last of the 7 trumpet plagues which are the Wrath of God. The 7 Trumpet plagues are poured out upon the gentiles and when the last of the 7 last plagues is poured out ( the 7 last plagues are the 7th Trump) —When God’s Wrath is finished — IT IS DONE – Jesus Christ returns and the first resurrection takes place –
          Christ will rule for 1000 years as King of kings and the saints will rule as kings under Christ also for the 1000 years.

          There will be a 2nd Exodus and the remnant of all the tribes of Israel will return to Jerusalem and then the promise of Abraham will be fulfilled. The physical tribes will be given the Promised Land and they shall live and bring forth children for 1000 years.

          …5. Is the ‘Latter Rain’ in your consciousness more and and deeper every day?

          Yes every day my Father gives me deeper understanding, and as the days grow short – more will come I will be given everything needed to endure the 7 years of the time of the end.

          • Damien

            And because there is no Israel except through Judah all troothytits needs is for you to reject christianity and serve the elect. That is his torah. Your Jesus as God out, TTs Jews as Gods in.

          • Maxxy

            Seeker..Thanks for your answers….I don’t agree at all, with but #5.
            …any responsibility, I have felt in your behalf is absolved. How a learned and well traveled individual like yourself, could be so completely off the mark…is a wonder. You’ve put your whole attention to this quest…for sooo long, that i now classify you as a genuine…”poor thing”…
            ….poor thing! Its really been an edifying conversation…over the last couple of months. You are the only person I’ve ever talked to that has put so much of himself into such error.
            I have a prognostication, concerning your seeking…You won’t ever consider that any of your, answers, above, could possibly be wrong…so your near future is going to be VERY “eye opening”, for you…could be good for you, but only with a good dose of the Holy Spirit…
            …You will rue the day you decided you needed no help understanding….poor thing.

            • Truthseeker


              Did Paul tell us to “work out” our own salvation?

              All understanding comes from above – not from man.

              My job is to PROVE ALL THINGS myself– not to look to man.

              Maxxy which of the 4000 “flavors” of christianity, so called, should I look to for help — the Catholics, JW’s, Mormons, Protestants , baptists

              Which ??? using the plumb line of God’s Word none of the 4000 are even close.

              So I look only to my Father. I care not one scrap of stale bread what others think of me — I only want to please my Father.

            • Maxxy

              ….poor thing…

            • Damien


              He ISNT your father.

              You are NOT a brother of the Son of God.

              You accept that the elect are Israel. That there is no Israel outside of Judah. That you are not Judah.

              So why do you keep posting and then deleting what you have posted?

            • Maxxy

              …Damn you…who ARE you?…what’s in your heart..
              .or it could be asked: WHAT are you? and WHO, is in your heart?

            • Truthseeker


              When I read of “your” coming sabbath It confirmed you are not able to see clearly.

              maxxy – you have set up your own religion with a little of this and a little of that from the bible.

              First, Passover is not a Sabbath day and you are about 3 weeks off from the actual day.

              Next you came up with your OWN “traditions” by anointing your family and eating some bread and drinking some wine and then fixings a nice dinner.

              None of what you do did any of the Apostles or disciples, these “traditions” are of your own making.

              And you accuse me of looking to traditions which ARE NOT TRADITIONS but GOD’s LAWS. –and then you create your own????

            • Maxxy

              …poor thing…I said “my” high Sabbath …Christ IS my ‘Passover”. I wouldn’t worry about it If I were you….You’ve had ancient thinkers, interpreting for you, for you for so long you really don’t have a clue, of what I could possibly be doing. You won’t.

      • Truthseeker


        I said almost the same thing to my daughter, who also believes and OBEYS, they all attack me and never even attempt to refute the scriptures and never the logic.

        If they quote, it is a scripture it can be easily refuted as an incorrect translation or can be easily explained by 2 or more clearer scriptures.

        What really is hard to grasps is they will say ” you have a deep knowledge of the scriptures and some day you will come to understand and be free”. Then why don’t they “correct my misunderstanding”?

        It is because if they attempt to explain they see their explanation causes 2 or 3 other problems which they can not understand or explain at all.

        I use BIN as a school, it forces me to grow in the ability to prove all things and to explain the pure WORD of GOD.

        Mayhem – you are the only one, it seems, that understands. It is God that has open your mind, not me. All I do is point to the scriptures, God gives the understanding and to whom HE will.

    • Mayhem

      Why do you rail against the Torah observant, Maiden, when your own book says…

      But how do they come to you for decision while they have the Torah, in which is the decision of God; yet even after that, they turn away. For they are not believers.

      And in their footsteps, We sent Jesus, son of Mary, confirming the Torah that had come before him, and We gave him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light and confirmation of the Torah that had come before it, a guidance and an admonition for the pious.

      And We have sent down to you the Qur’an in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it

      .. excerpted from Surah 5:43-48.

      According to Mohammed the instructions are with standing so step aside, Muslim, and leave off attacking the Tawrat & Enjeel.

      • The Clucker

        I think that’s a wrap. I doubt you’ll get a logical rebuttal on that one, Mayhem.

      • Damien

        But how do they come to you for decision while they have the Torah, in which WAS the decision of God; yet even after that, they turn away. For they are not believers.

        And in their footsteps, We sent Jesus, son of Mary, COMPLETING the Torah that HAD COME BEFORE HIM, and We gave him the Gospel, in which WAS guidance and light and COMPLETION of the Torah that HAD COME BEFORW IT, a guidance and an admonition for the pious.

        And We have sent down to you the Qur’an in truth, COMPLETING the Scripture THAT CAME BEFORE IT

        • Maxxy

          …damn you….Lady…you’re a genuine, wannabe …so go learn something…you’re not gonna understand, without some SERIOUS study. all you can do is what you have been doing…making a fool of yourself.

    • Truthseeker

      Minister Gordon and Daniel Jackson

      I know you both absolutely disagree with every thing in this article— yet neither will refute the scriptures used nor the logic that backs those scriptures.

      The scriptures, many the very words of our Savior, are 180 degrees to what both of you teach,, If you ignore, are you hoping I will just go away??? I will be here as long as it pleases my Father.

      • Maxxy

        …poor thing….

      • Damien

        He isn’t your father

        John 4:22

        22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

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