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The Evil Forces In Our World Are Hell-Bent On Killing And Corrupting Us!

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Written By: Marlene*

Sunday 17th December, 2023.

There is a feeling inside of me which must be expressed in some way and I really have no idea what words will be written here, however I will do my best to get it all out. This is about the evil that seems to be upon us suddenly, almost. Should I write the words that come to my mind, no matter what they are? Their Evil Agenda of death and murder, slavery, corruption, witch-craft, sorcery and lies has been unleash upon us and are bearing evil fruits!

The evil ones are killing our children and there are so many young children all across the world who received the ‘sorcerer’s brew’ in their veins and are suddenly dying everywhere. We are also losing an entire generation of kids to evil ideology, as with the Alphabet Movement which seems to have enveloped the Western world, being seeded in the schools and thus corrupting the minds and Souls of the little ones. This makes me so angry because it is very difficult to really understand how this thing happened to our kids without parental knowledge or consent.

It is the evil intent behind these corrupt and alternative Human lifestyles and thoughts that is shrouded in secrecy and deception. Lies, lies and more lies. The world is a mess and we are in crisis, and even though in your neck of the woods as in mine also, life is changing, but slowly, there are those who ignore the News and live their lives with no real interest in what is happening elsewhere. I know a few people like that and I am sure you do too, and soon this evil will affect us all. The babies are dying from the brew. Luciferace is deadly to Living Human Souls.

Why is it that this evil insanity is allowed to continue in many countries, where people- the sorcerers are still pushing their evil elixir, and fear and ignorance and conditioning are still driving many Humans to take the brew? There are a few countries that have stopped the use of the brew because of all the deaths, especially in the babies. What parent would allow their child to take this thing? It really boggles the mind that it is still happening, especially now that there are a couple of new viruses infecting people in some places and the WHO is slowly trying to return to their insane pandemic playbook of masks and quarantines and the brew, of course.

They are trying to beat us down and make us so afraid, that we would gladly accept their poisons and feed them to our families. I expect the next plandemic will be worse than the previous because fewer people are lining up for the thing and currently there is some sort of promotion of the flu shot and the brew as a combo. I have seen a couple of world leaders showing us how safe it is, as they are injected publicly for all of us to see.

It seems that many countries trusted Big Pharma to provide them with safe and effective shots, but now they realize that they were in fact given poison and their citizens are dying, especially the babies. The fact that they are killing us and actually getting away with it, with some people still lining up to take the brew, continues to surprise and frustrate me. There is a curse upon this world and a cloud or a mist that blinds us to the truth of the dangers the enemy has set up for us, and many still remain unaware of the danger we Humans are currently living.

It is also important to remember that Jesus told us that unless our LORD returns on the last day and puts an end to the Evil One, no one will be left alive. His genocidal jealous anger and hatred towards Humans, as well as his self-delusion- believing that he is righteous and can ascend to the highest place, and take his seat on the Throne of the Universe. He will learn that his clothing is corrupt and he cannot enter the gate where the righteous ones will go, I believe that this is during the time of the Harvest of the Church… the Rapture, as they like to call it.

He will then return to Earth in a really angry mood and he will hunt down and imprison and kill all those who will not worship him, with merciless and relentless persecution, especially Christians. Jesus also told us that his time will be short, only three and a half years, but think of all the evil that you could accomplish in that short time. He will try to kill all Humans, because he and his minions really hate us.

Today his ministers and those who worship him are doing his ground work, but his time is short and he will be dispatched violently to the Pit, which will be his prison for one thousand years, followed by the lake of fire burning with brimstone.

There is nothing new under the Sun, however this time we are in will be the most evil of all times ever upon the Earth. We are at war with the forces of evil and what is interesting about this insanity is that the evil ones believe that they are doing what is right, but for themselves. How can we fight against these powers ruling over us and killing us in all manner of ways? They have corrupted the Human Being on every level and they are not at all satisfied, as they continue to push their sorcery upon us, to harm and kill us.

It is difficult to imagine any of us who refused the brew during the last push would ever take that thing or any brews offered to us, especially when there are other plagues moving across the world at this time, and the call for the return of pandemic rules, like dangerous masking and taking a new brew from this new batch of sorcery. God hates sorcerers and witchcraft, both of which are very prominent in our world, during these last days. I read a report recently where Big Pharma is raking in the profits from all the pills they are pushing on those who took the brew and are suffering the horrific side-effects… big surprise.

This is such a strange world and there is prophecy stating that no one did anything to stop the evil that almost destroyed the Human Race. The Adversary had free reign, so it is also possible that we are being made to remain in our seats with our popcorn, munching away and watching the movie happen, because we trust the ‘good guys’ and ‘the plan’ to take care of everything for us, and they tell us that we should not worry because ‘God wins in the end’. Almighty God does give the Red Dragon power over the Saints and those who keep a testimony of Jesus… please keep that in mind. The last days will not be ‘fun days’ for those who follow Jesus. Persecution to remove us from upon the face of the Earth, with success, will happen and is happening.

The only hope we really have in this insane, chaotic and evil times is to put our trust in our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. He warned us that there will be many who will come in His Name trying to deceive us, and many will be deceived by some of these Anti-Christs. I believe also that all the main religions of the world have a Jesus in their religious teachings. There is a Jesus in Islam and Judaism, but these are not the Jesus who is found by His Followers in the Holy Bible.

He warned us not to go to the desert to see Him, because the False Prophet is not Him. He will baptize with ‘dark water’ and when Humans take the plunge into the water during baptism, they will emerge from the water without their Souls, yet many will be destroyed in this way. It really seems that every evil entity in the Universe, even the Cosmos is trying to kill us, enslave us, deceive us, abduct us and even eat us, and we remain ignorant of our dire predicament. We will not survive this evil onslaught and as mentioned before, the Babylonia Kings will have power to persecute the followers of Christ Jesus.

During those days which are soon upon us, the veil that divides our Physical Realm from the Psychic Realm of the Angels and gods and Heavens will be ripped from top to bottom, but first it will grow very thin as it is now doing, so that dark psychic matter will mix with physical matter. We were also warned to ‘trust no man on Earth’, however we do not heed the warnings and many of us are led astray, and the whole world is deceived in the last days as well, except for the Elect, although it may be possible to deceive some of these ones.

Perilous times are upon us and Humans are suffering and many living in fear around the world, and this fear will intensify to sorrow, and the sounds and cries of a people mourning over their dead will soon rise and envelop the world. So many are dying and finally the truth is being shown to the people. The evil ones have performed a very evil deed upon the Human Race and there is no recovery from it. They have polluted our flesh, even our Souls, because this evil act does more damage to Living Souls than we can even imagine, for it was done through sorcery with evil intent, against Humans and the majority have been poisoned.

It is always very eye-opening when you see the truth for the first time, especially when it reveals the inner workings of those who provide us with the things we need in order to survive. All Christians know, or should know that Lucifer is the prince of this world, who has also been reproved through Judgment by Truth the Comforter, thus he has already been judged. Yes, the prince of the world has already been judged by Christ. He gives power, fame and fortune to those who have power, fame and fortune here in the world, in exchange for their Souls as well as the Souls of close family members, who most likely never agreed to or knew about their deal with the Devil.

How is it that the whole world is deceived by the Anti-Christ? Perhaps it is because of lack of knowledge. People need to read their Bibles much more than they currently on their own and even though you go to church, you should engage in some kind of Bible study on your own. The People will believe and trust what the Preacher tells them, his interpretations of the Gospel, however you must study the Word yourself and pray for understanding and wisdom in a close relationship with Christ Jesus, so as not to be deceived.

Most church leaders today are working for the Gates of Hell and are leading astray the people who are being called and are hungry for knowledge of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and of Salvation. There are ‘seminaries’ that produce church ministers and pastors whose main job is to become wealthy and lead the people astray, and there are so many who are being deceived. Those who work to promote and establish the workings of the Gates of Hell upon the Earth are positioned in many different places of influence over the people, especially Christians in the churches.

These evil minions have seats on every level of government, as well as in the schools from the youngest to those in higher education. The Universities are breeding grounds for Anti-Human mind-control and conditioning, especially for the Alphabet Movement. These people are indeed insane and mentally disturbed, pushing an evil agenda, while corrupting and killing our kids and the rest of us from all sides, in every place of power and influence they hold. They do it through policies and mandates.

Everything is set up against us here in this world-system and there really are two kinds of children growing in this world- those whose Father is the LORD, and those whose father is the Devil, and they are clearly different in thought and action. Keep in mind that they will come after you because you are not one of them. There will be wide-spread persecution and no one will come to our aid, except our Faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.

There are those out there who provide us with information as to what is really happening behind the scenes, and many of us want to and sometimes do believe some of these alternative news bits. Here is what I believe will likely happen over the next several months as it relates to Christians and Patriots, those who are armed for self-defense and for the Militia, mostly in the US, where they have the right to own arms and even form a militia to overthrow a tyrannical government.

There will never be a time when as a militia or in a civil-uprising that will allow for Americans to use their arms, collectively. Look at what is happening currently, the Patriots can see the tyranny, the borders are open and a flood of military aged men from countries all over the world are pouring into the Southern border, and no one is doing anything about it. Even the border guards are helping the illegals to enter. There is probably a simpler answer as to why the O’Biden admin is allowing the borders to remain open and millions of people are entering, as in an invasion.

Did they ever locate all the missing kids in Maui? What about all the homeless on the streets of San Francisco who were scooped up and disappeared hours before the Chinese visit. Have those people returned to the streets and where are they? Who are these evil ones who feel that they have power over Human life and can just do whatever they want with us and to us without suffering any serious consequences?

The world leaders this demonic-system producers really believe that they are superior to us, but how can they be superior to us if we all Human Beings? Like I have said previously, they are not Human, they only look like us! They live and work to establish the Satanic Agenda throughout the world, and they are being very successful, for the world is being covered in darkness and when the Adversary comes, he will pursue every drop of light that is found in his Babylon in order to extinguish it.

Something ungodly and very evil is happening here in this world. Are we set up against cannibals, who are in power? They are killing us and they are also eating us and drinking the blood and eating the flesh of the children! They kidnap the helpless and experiment on them in secret labs all over the place. Where did all the homeless go? And also, where are the children? Too many go missing everyday all over the world. They create chaotic situations where they can kidnap children. Some of us know about it, even those who have power, yet no one even does anything about it, at least not publicly.

It is still very strange for me to write these words about all of the evil happening to Humans at this time in our existence, and these are just some of the few things we are hearing about. Most people would not believe or accept the fact that these evil ones engage in satanic rituals and they sacrifice Humans, mostly trafficked ones and kidnapped children and these evil practices have been around for a very long time. They are all being exposed in the last days and today we find that the world is full of evil and evil-doers and evil-thinkers and evil pushers who really hate Humans.

There seems to be evil happenings at every turn and the Human Being- the only one who is ‘a Living Soul’, and the subject of this evil onslaught is being bombarded from all sides. Death is everywhere and in some countries like Canada, death is being offered for free by the government to those who want to die, and many are taking advantage of this death service. Street drugs are destroying the young and killing so many and will get worse, even the government is offering deadly and dangerous drugs to drug users who are dying in huge numbers in many cities in USA and Canada, as well as around the world… death comes from everywhere.

It is very strange when you see policies that you know are totally insane and will cause more harm instead of good, but there is really nothing you can do to stop them from being implemented. There are a lot of really insane and stupid people ruling over us, and additionally, they are evil in their intentions. I read an article a short time ago which pointed out that those who took the brew have lost their ability to love and care about others… Soul is separated from brain, is what they say… for the love of God in the hearts of men have grown cold.

This is interesting because if someone had not pointed it out, you may never have made the connection to all those close to you who seemed to have changed, since they took the brew. We all know someone who seems less caring after the thing and people are generally more afraid and more confrontational. The Human Race seem to be devolving, for we are no longer the same as we were when we were created as Living Souls. What have the evil ones done to the Human Being? Can it be undone? They really hate us and want to kill us.


John Chapter 15:12-19

12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.

18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not him that sent me.


It is important that we are not intimidated by fear and those who hate us. Please read the entire Chapter John 15. Jesus does give us encouragement and perspective as to the type of persecution we may endue, because we love Him and follow His commandments. We stand in opposition to the Satanic Agenda being imposed upon us currently, and we will never accept the things and the ideology of the godless and Human-hating ones. We try very hard to obey the commandments of the LAW and the commands of Jesus Christ and those who are disobedient to the LAW and reject the things of Salvation and Grace through our Lord and Saviour, will also suffer the judgment of the Devil and his minions.

The Earth has become very chaotic and there are extreme weather events occurring all across the planet, even more so than ever before and more destructive as well. Weather events seem to have moved into the extreme level and many places are being devastated at this time, or in this season. There is so much evil happening here currently and it also coincides with the extreme weather conditions. The four winds are stronger than they have ever been, reaching up to over 300/kph in some places and 200/kph winds have become the new normal. Have they blown where you live?

Almighty God will destroy all the evil from upon the Earth, as He did during the time of Noah and the Great Flood, however, even though there are many floods currently taking place all over, and even more extreme ones will continue to follow, all across the planet, this final judgment and destruction will be different from the Great Flood because the fire will destroy all of our physical possessions. The Wrath is soon upon us and the disturbance of His nearing causes these extreme conditions.

He told us that He is in the whirlwind and that the Earth is His and all the things of the Earth belongs to Him, we must remember that truth. He is a jealous God and He does not like it when we worship other gods. The other major religions of the world that are currently experiencing extreme ‘climate change’ should perhaps consider how far outside the LAW they are operating. Many have put in place laws that have angered Him, especially those things He calls abominations and worshipping false idols.

Lastly, I think the most likely scenario of the way things could unfold, especially in the United States. The Militia which is the armed patriots who hate tyranny and have the right to overthrow tyrants, they will never move as an army to change the current situation and I believe like many others do also, that the people are being placated to sit still and trust ‘the plan’, with the hopes of Trump returning and making their lives better, perhaps this is all a part of the great deception. This action can only be done as a collective, because patriots are being rounded up, even Marines who most likely have several weapons, that they cannot even use to defend themselves against a tyrannical government.

The patriots will remain seated in front of the screen with their popcorn, watching the movie play out and trusting the plan up until the day when the tyrannical foot-soldiers come to their doors to take away their supplies and their young children and they will be helpless to defend themselves and their families. Even if Trump does get re-elected and brings a false peace to the world, it will not last, for the judgment draws near… and suddenly destruction.

We can only depend on those whom we can trust, and hopefully all of your prepping will pay out in the end and your family and children will remain undisturbed during these perilous time. There are also situations where no matter how much prepping you do, all is still lost, so having basic survival skills will be of great help as we continue to the end.

Personally, I can only write as someone who survives until the last day, that is my perspective, which means that I believe the LORD will return and the world will end in my lifetime.

Over the past two thousand years there have been many who believed that the end of the world was imminent and our Lord would soon return, and they were all wrong because we are still here and awaiting His appearance. No one knows the day or the hour, however, we are told to look for the signs and Jesus and the prophets gave us clear warnings concerning the last days, and some of these things are happening at the moment in our world. I believe that Almighty God is coming to the Earth with His Angel of Wrath, to destroy all the evil and its roots from upon the Earth… the Lord is a consuming-fire.

We must also search the Scriptures to learn and understand the Truth. Jesus Christ is not coming back to Earth to take power and rule here, for His Kingdom is not of this world. The Gentile Church is taken out of the world from a power which is above, for the Church ascends. Almighty God is drawing nearer to the Earth and as a result we have extreme ‘climate-change’, and weather conditions will only get worse, with more earthquakes, extreme winds, floods and volcanic eruptions, until all the mountains are made low and all the rivers and oceans dry up, on that great and terrible day of the Lord… when He comes to Earth and pours out His judgment.

There is nothing that can be done to ‘fix’ what is happening here and no amount of carbon taxing and regulating and banning will change anything. Sure they are messing around with the weather and making things worse, but ultimately, Almighty God does control the weather here and He will destroy all the evil that is upon the Earth and those who do not obey His LAWS. Jesus told us that we should not fear those who can kill the body, but to fear the one who can kill your soul and condemn you to Hell, and that is Almighty God, who is God of the LAW which governs over both Humans and Angels.

The esteemed Human age is one hundred and twenty years old. It is possible that there are some sixty more years ahead of me, however I do believe that the end will come sooner, and in my lifetime. There should be a disclaimer here, because no one knows the day or the hour, and I do not know either, and all of my beliefs are based on what the LORD showed me concerning my personal journey. I was in the consuming-fire and was refined. I was there, it happened to me. I also saw both ‘Raptures’, and the Lord in the clouds; I even saw the Heavens roll up as a scroll and the Earth filled with Light from the one whose face appeared above.

Personally, I do not think that we can continue in the way we are going as a society for very long. We are at the end of this Age and evil and darkness will continue to increase, even if there seems to be a pause for peace at some point in our future, remember that it is a false peace that will be short lived and followed by great destruction, suddenly. Is Trump the peace-maker who destroys nations through peace? He is always boasting about how he would bring peace in Ukraine-Russia war and stating that if He was in power no wars would be happening.

Here are a few things that I have learned about the False-Prophet. He has the ‘two horns like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon’.


Revelation Chapter 13:11-18.

11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


What I have learned about the False-Prophet is that his ‘lamb horns’ are actually worn or are found on the inside of his wrists, not sure how they are attached to him or what they look like, but these horns are Heavenly Angelic weapons, being used in our world to perform ‘miracles’ and create ‘fire in the sky’. Angels have super-weapons and other powerful ‘things in their possessions, and it is very possible, if not most likely that when these Fallen Angels come into our world to rule over us, they will have superior weapons with them.

They have warriors, with invading armies, and they will have superior weaponry that they will use for deceptive purposes. Will the image of the Anti-Christ be an AI or a Clone. It will be an idol, and what is so interesting about this idol is that it has the ability to speak and even condemn Humans to death. Idols are no longer unable to speak, being made of wood or stone or what ever material, made by the hands of man, being inanimate and without any life or power or anything worth worshipping, they can now speak. The False-Prophet also baptizes with ‘dark-water’ in the River Jordan. Jesus warned us: ‘If they say that I am in the desert, do not go’.

This new image will be able to speak, we know not how but we do know it is powered by Satan. Humans have to grapple with so many super-crazy things. We are caught up in the war between God and the rebellious Fallen Angels, who really hate Humans. We are born into a world where the LAW is applied and every single one of us will break the LAW, and as the Law states, when you break one of the Laws, you break them all… so all are condemned to Death and Hell under the LAW, because no one is perfect.

What is also astonishing is that Humans are written up in the words of Eternal Life and Truth- as Cosmic Beings created to experience our highest state, which is found in Perfection! We are created to become Perfect and our final destiny is to enter into the Realm of the Perfect, in Eternal Life. Jesus Christ came to our world by way of the Water-as of His birth from the womb, and by way of the Light or Spirit- as of His Baptism, when He received the Holy Spirit.

The WORD of God came down into the flesh, HE brought us all the knowledge and food we need to find the way to Perfection, and become manifest in the LIGHT of the Perfect Ones. Jesus left us so many wonderful gifts and great knowledge concerning who we are as Humans, and what is expected of us if we want to become known in the LIGHT, and how to defeat the Darkness and its dwellers. Repentance, Salvation and the Cross, all covered in Grace through Faith, and the indwelling Holy Spirit- all found in Jesus Christ, and no one else under Heaven or in the world. Only Jesus Saves!

We cannot trust anyone because they cannot offer us what Jesus has gifted us. They cannot save us from the penalty of the Law, or remove us from the condemnation and death sentence, only Jesus has the power to do so and we should trust only Him. He has warned us concerning the evil times we live in and the things that are to come. Christians must study the Word and pray whenever we can, as much as possible during the day, because the power living within us is greater than anything these evil ones have in the world.

Humans are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’. There are so many evil things attacking us currently, on every possible level and from all sides, especially with taking away our God given freedoms and rights. There also seem to be a plan in progress concerning Climate Change to tax us into oblivion. So many taxes on every possible thing and they keep inventing and finding more things to tax us. These evil ones are absolutely insane as well as fools, yet they continue to have power by way of wars and chaos, and using fear as a weapon, to cause us to submit and accept their dangerous remedies and evil policies.

We have always been feeding from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, however in these last days, Evil will have power here, literally given power to rule over us and to mercilessly pursue the Saints. Do not be fooled by the words and plans of men, especially those whose hope is in themselves and their armies and not in Christ. I would think that it is a very difficult thing to be a true Christian politician, because I do not see how a Christian can get into politics.

It just came to mind that the Satanic display in Iowa is a result of the Ten Commandments and the LAW being removed from the places of power, all across the land. Does that mean we need more Christian politicians? Is it even possible to have the LAW returned to the public places and schools, so people can see it and read it, and to also enact policies that use the LAW as a standard, as it once was? The Law offends the lawless, the disobedient and the godless ones, as well as demons and evil spirits. We who obey the Law do so because we love the Law and because we fear the Almighty God, who is the God of the Law, for He can cast your Soul into Hell, which is the punishment for all those who reject His Only-Begotten Son, who is Saviour of the world, so that all can know His love and receive and accept the gift of Salvation, unto Eternal Life.

This is what I understand about Jesus Christ. He existed before the world was created. He was ‘created’ by Almighty God as ‘the LAMB’ who would take away the sins of the world. He existed in Angel or God form as the Son and the LAMB in Heaven where He sat on the right hand side of the Throne of the Almighty in Heaven. Mary was made pregnant in a supernatural way and, Jesus the Lamb of God became incarnate in her womb and was born as a baby Human, who is also half God. This is also why He was able to live a life a commit no sin, for He fulfilled the Law, so that those who believe in Him will not be condemned by the Law, because He paid the price of the penalty of the Law, which is death, by dying in stead of us, even though He committed no sin and was found to be blameless under the Law.

His death became life to us, because He rose from the dead and returned to His place in Heaven sitting on the Throne on the right hand side of the Father- Almighty God. He was the LAMB, who was to be sacrificed for the sins of Mankind, so that we would not suffer the same punishment that the Fallen Angels and their evil generations are destined to receive. When you let Jesus Christ into your life, He will take you to the Highest Places and it is only through knowledge and the WAY, can you walk this journey.

He actually led me up out of the Created Realms, which are not permanent, but temporary places, having a beginning and an end, as in the Heavens and the Earth of Creation… in the beginning, both of which will be destroyed at the appearing of our LORD and KING, who is the WORD of GOD, when He enters our Realm with His Army of 10,000 Angels, on the last day of the Physical Realm. We are not taught of the Eternal, Perfect Realm, where the FATHER, who is the ONLY ONE WHO IS PERFECT dwells.

His WORD became flesh, for HE is KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. The Perfect FATHER and His TRUTH- who is the Comforter, both are His HOLY Emanations who came down to our world- the Created Realms, one in the flesh and the other in the Spirit, for the world cannot see Him, but we do see Him, for TRUTH the Comforter is always with us, as long as we remain in Christ. He is our standard and He helps us with our discernment and spiritual perspective.

Jesus Christ was sent by Almighty God and He exists in Creation, in the Highest Heaven, which is the Seventh Heaven, from the Beginning, before the foundation of the world was laid. He was also the Lamb of God, created solely for the purpose of sacrifice for the sins of the world. All these things were established even before Humans were created. Jesus Christ knew His role and all the things He had to do while existing in Angelic or God form before the Creation of the Earth even began, and He did indeed fulfill His role and did all He was told to do by His Father in Heaven. He has saved us all, if we choose to accept His wonderful gift, which essentially is he will show us the Way to achieve Human Perfection, in the LIGHT of Eternal Life and PERFECTION. How can any Human say no to or reject this divine offer, to become known as ‘sons of God- the Living Father’?

The WORD of GOD was sent to us by the PERFECT FATHER, and HE exists in the Perfect Spiritual Realm, which is not of the Creation, but exists in the Eternal Life of the PERFECT FATHER. Our only Eternal destiny and purpose and hope, should be to come to know the PERFECT FATHER, and by doing so you will also come to know yourself as HIS Son, one who is found to be among the PERFECT ONES, those who exist in the Perfect Spiritual Eternal Realm, where there is no beginning and no end, for all the Sons have become Holy and Perfect Ones… Perfect Humans.

We must always pray that our Faith be increased, because we are going to need our Faith to lead and guide us through this evil madness we are living. Spiritual Knowledge and Understanding also helps you to increase your Faith. In my experience and understanding, Faith is a substance we each receive as Humans from God. We are given Senses and a Conscience and other wonderful ‘features’, and Faith is one of these and every Human is given ‘a small measure of faith’, so that we can contemplate the existence of God. Without Faith, it is impossible to please God. It is a hope we place on our Lord and the more we believe, especially when we pray and study and have fellowship with our Lord Christ Jesus, the more we think about our Faith.

Faith is a substance that increases or grows as the follower travels along the way. I pray always for my Faith to increase, doubling, tripling sometimes even a hundredfold. I desire the Faith that can move mountains. Mountains are not literal, but mountains represents Demons and Fallen ones and their evil schemes- as the faith of the mustard seed. I want to experience the fullness of my Faith. I understand that I am nothing without my LORD, and I also know that He has power over all the Evil ones. He has already defeated them all and judged them, and their punishment is coming soon.

There have always been faith based experiences in my life and I also tested my faith as well. I would pray and believe and ask, and I would receive. The LORD is found only in Faith and it is through your own faith that you will see Him and find Him. Are there any real godly men in power today, or do they all serve the Devil? If not, then Almighty God could be using them to perform an evil deed among the ungodly and disobedient people, for the people worship with their mouths, but their hearts are cold and far away from the Lord… hypocrites, and the Lord hates hypocrites.

Be certain that you are saved and have protection in Christ Jesus, as well as have the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling; having put on the full armour of God, as we stand up against the Evil ones spewing out their constant lies and fear-mongering, and most importantly, their evil insane anti-Human agenda and relentless attack on our children. Remember also that in the last days all the wars will be fought between and among the anti-Christ rulers… they are all evil doers sent here to rid the world of evil, and to capture the foolish Human Souls who will worship and obey them, thus being deceived by them, and who will also suffer the same fate as their Babylonian Kings.

Repent of your sins, so that you will be found without blemish, being blameless and spotless. Pray always and trust in the Lord for all your needs. He is Called Faithful and True and Wonderful and Counsellor, and He truly loves us and does not want us to perish along with the evil ones. He wants us to experience who we are as Human Beings and for us to find our rightful and highest places, established in Perfection, in the Eternal Realm.

Do not be deceived because of lack of knowledge and be certain that you know our Lord and Saviour personally- in a personal relationship and you are His friend, because you do not want to hear these most dreaded words spoken to you when you meet Him face to face: ‘depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you!’ Or, you are counted and separated in the flock and found yourself to be among the goats! That would be unimaginable for you as a Christian. Be sure that you are not worshipping in vain. Faith without works is dead.

Trust in the Lord Christ Jesus and He will lead you safely through this place of chaos and evil, walking through the ‘valley of the shadow of Death’, into the Kingdom of God that is soon to be established. If you have not found that inner-peace Jesus offers us as a gift, then you must seek and find it, because it protects you from the fear-mongering done by the evil ones. Become secure and safe in Jesus and He and the Father will always be there to protect you when you call on them. You have to call in order to get delivered, for the Lord knows our every need and He does supply, however we must also call on Him, put our faith and trust in Him and we will see the works of our Faith in our lives.

We must also pray that our Joy may be full. The Joy we pray for in order to experience the fullness, is actually the strength of the Lord. His Joy is your strength and you receive the Joy in your heart. The Soul rejoices in the Lord and is set at Peace and at Rest in the Lord. Fear is not of the Lord and we must discard our fears with prayer and fellowship with our Lord. He is everything to those who follow Him and will never forsake you when you need Him. I know that the Lord loves us and will be there for us because He has always been there for me.


ISAIAH Chapter 9:6-7

6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.


Do not be overcome by evil. Fight evil with Truth and doing good, even thinking good, for they hate the Light and the Truth and goodness. Do not stop praying against these ones and their lying and evil agenda. Our prayers really do inflict great damage to them. We should dedicate every day in this world, from hence forth, as a ‘day of prayer’ against the Gates of Hell and their Agenda upon the Earth. This is the type of warfare we need… non- stop praying warriors.

Peace and Love and Strength and Joy We All receive In CHRIST- Our LORD and KING, Always and Forever. M.

Written by :Marlene*

Sunday 17th December, 2023.

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