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Racism, Climate Change and A Testimony.

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                                                                Part Four.

                                         Racism, Climate Change and A Testimony.

Tuesday 21st February, 2023: Written by Marlene*

Greeting to All readers in the Name of Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour.

For over forty years now I have been blessed with dream-visions and they are all still very much etched into my consciousness because they were real experiences. As an individual I needed to find purpose and identity which I have found, however this life, in this world is very challenging and sometimes just shocking. There are so many insane things happening here presently, and everything, the whole world has turned upside down, and now down is up and up is down, good is evil and evil is good, everything has flipped over to the dark-side.

It is entirely possible that I should not be speaking of some of the things I have posted thus far. My words are sometimes very confusing to Christians, because we do not completely worship in the same manner, although Jesus Christ is the Door to both experiences. There are words I have never posted before and still remain hesitant to do so, because one of the rules or instruction when you do find knowledge, sometimes it tells you to keep it to yourself. The reason being that if you tell it to everyone, there are many who will not understand and you will be ridiculed, and it could be dangerous for you as an individual, even life-threatening. 

People can be really mean and dangerous when they do not understand something no matter what it is, when it challenges their long held beliefs, especially the religious ones. Try preaching Jesus in Muslim countries and see what happens. There is a caution on my part because I know that I will be preaching in this world in the Last Days as all of my dream-visions have indicated, however I do believe that people need to examine their faith and be certain that today they are standing in the place they want to enter into, in the place they want to reach.

It has always been my habit to read and write and I do it a lot, because when you study you have to express it in words and I also have to keep track of where you have been. The words of Scripture teaches us how to think and act, they even teach us how we should feel and what we should not feel. In my personal experience the words have also come alive in my experience because all of my visions are Bible related in one way or another. I always try to find the biblical references when I have these dreams. I also seek to find answers that are usually found outside of the Bible for more context, because sometimes there is just not enough information on specific topics.

There were many windows I looked into because I needed more information or were just curious. I believe that I have a very good understanding of Giants as I did seek into Myths and Legends because of Genesis 6. There are also many Giants in the Bible that I found after I did an outside search, still finding information today. I looked for knowledge of the Deep and the Darkness and the LIGHT, and I studied Angels and gods because I wanted to know. I needed to know. I must know. There is so much more to seek and find and the Way of Truth is found in Knowledge.

No subjects are off-limits to me because I am just as smart as any one else, and today you can learn everything you need to know about heart-surgery, without ever performing an operation. When you seek after knowledge in Truth, you do discover many words along the way. I have read many of the religious doctrines of the Hindus, Buddhist and Muslim. Actually I could not and cannot read the Koran. I don’t know why, but my mind will not allow me. I try, but those words are prevented from entering into my mind. They give me a strange feeling inside that I do not like.

I do pray for Muslims that they find Jesus and be saved. There was a time several years ago when I was reading a lot about Christian persecution in Muslim countries and in Africa, how the Muslims were destroying the churches and killing the pastors and Christians there, even kidnapping the young girls and women. There was also a lot of persecution happening in the Middle East and Egypt as well. How do you reconcile with this kind of hatred towards your brothers and sisters in Christ? How do you maintain that peace within, without hating them yourself for what they do and continue to do to our brothers and sisters?

Personally, I was really having a hard time with what was and is still happening to Christians in many places around the world, but during those days some eight or so years ago I began to test my Faith. Jesus told us that we are to love our enemies and do good to those who persecute you and lay false claims against you for His name sake. We are to love our enemies. We are to love those who want to and do kill us. Speaking plainly here: Jesus does command us to do a lot of things that go against our nature, and that is also the mystery. His standards are very high and truthfully, they are not of this world.

So how do you love the Muslims who would kill you if given the chance? He did tell us to love your neighbour as yourself. He did not tell us to love our enemies as ourselves. He also defined who our neighbour is and even a Muslim can be our neighbour or someone from another city or country. Your neighbour is someone who will help you, no matter who they are or what they believe, they will give you aid in your time of need. Any compassionate Human can perform this act because it is wired within us to help one another, but the world-system does the unravelling and rewiring of our minds and set us up against one another. The guy next door whom you considered to be your neighbour could be your enemy, so it is not about proximity, it is about charity.

It is one thing to take it in and try to understand that you have to love everyone and  honestly, I had having a hard time with it, so I did pray about it because it was all about feeling the right thought, understand this important command and carrying it out. Love your enemies and do good to those that persecute you. This really is difficult, especially  since I have a thirst for justice, but I also have to step back and realize that they are this way because of doctrine that is not of the LIGHT and all the things of the Darkness hate  the things of the LIGHT. 

I will only speak the Truth and I know what the effect of my words can be. I thought a lot about the martyrs and what the Scriptures say of them. I also realize that these things are as they should be and I have to adjust and come to terms with them, because they could also happen to me in this world. It is a strange things when you have studied the Bible and continue to read and study regularly, you understand what is written, but you do not really get it until it is right in your face. How do I genuinely learn to love my enemies and those who persecute us because of our Faith?

Firstly, we can pray that they come to know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and they be saved so they can enter into the Kingdom and Eternal Life. That understanding does lift your heart a bit. I also began to pray for a kind of justice type reparation. Not sure if that is how to describe it, but I did add to my prayer and prayed that for every Christian who is martyred, one thousand Muslims will come to Jesus and be saved. I did also learn that it is a very difficult thing for a Muslim to find Jesus and remain where they live. They usually have to flee for their lives and from their own family members! That is what I did and sometimes still do, for the issue is now at rest with me.

We must also try our Faith, test it to see if what Jesus promised us really works. The most important need, desire, want, whatever it is, is that my Faith be increased. I have had to experience a lot of difficult things in order to understand what is happening. Prayer is very powerful and it is like oxygen for the Soul. I will tell you how my beliefs differ from Christians, although it doesn’t really, it is just that I have found a door that continues beyond or above the Earthly Kingdom of God. 

I have been very fortunate I believe, or perhaps it was by design, that I was and still am able to have all the time I need to seek after knowledge, study, pray and meditate, as well as write. I am currently sixty-three years old and for the past three years or so I have also needed only four to five hours of sleep, so I have a lot of free time. I seem to be most productive during the very early morning hours, as it is now being three-twelve AM. 

There is a force within me that compels me to stop and pray at random times during the day, no matter what I am doing. This kind of almost sleepiness comes over me and I have to stop and pray or meditate; fellowship with my LORD and my Father. As a seeker you have to do a lot of praying, especially when you do not know what you are seeking to find. You do develop a discernment to know what you are not looking for. In the first few years of my journey I was in the world reading all manner of words looking for meaning and purpose. 

I did grow up a Catholic, went to church every Saturday and Sunday as a kid, was even an Altar girl around eight or nine, went to a Convent High School ran by Nuns of the local Parish, even had religious studies, yet I did not really know Jesus as a friend. I don’t think I had ever asked Him to save me as a Catholic, because we had the Priests who forgave our sins and told us to do some penance with a rosary and with Hail Mary’s, which by the way does nothing to wash away your sins. Unless you let Jesus into your life and ask Him to save you and be Lord of your life, having no more need for strange Priests with strange doctrines, you remain under the penalty of sin.

I am certain that there are many Christians in the Catholic Church, however I do not understand how one remains in the RC Church after Jesus has saved you and He is abiding in you. I was a Catholic until the age of eighteen, when I renounced the Church in my heart and with my mouth three times and I felt that I was no longer a Catholic. I still believe it to this day. It was a very stressful time in my live, I was lost in the world and needed identity. The RC Church did not offer me what I was seeking, even though I did not know what it was, specifically.

Have you ever felt lost in the world not knowing who you are or why you even exist? Well that was my state of mind, however I was determined to seek and find the answers to my existence and identity. I was not looking for worldly identity, I was looking for eternal identity. Even though I left the RC Church, I did not leave Jesus. I always believed that He is the Son of God who was born of a Virgin and died on the Cross for the sins of the world. He was buried and went down into Hell and on the third day He rose again from the dead, and He will also come again to judge the living and the dead. I never stopped believing.

I read a lot in those days, frequenting book stores and seeking after ancient knowledge. I read all of the philosophers and the learned men. Over a couple of years, I had read so many books that I came to the conclusion that none of these so called wise and learned men knew anything about the Truth, all speculators and seekers as well, some of them with insane theories that are taught in our esteemed learning Institutions, even today. The other worldly religions were also very strange to me, especially Buddhism. What I have found with Buddhism is that it is the only religion that does not give any hope to the follower. Nothingness is the destination, how very strange and anti-Human it is. Does Nothingness even exist? There is no such thing, it is only a word someone made up to promote an anti-Human ideology.

Strangely though, even though I believed in Jesus, I did not look to the Bible for my answers, although the door was there. I had read the Bible, even memorized some verses in my Religious Studies classes, but I had no idea what was really in it. I knew the stories as were told to us in Sunday School, but I did not know Jesus personally and I also did not know that I had to know Jesus personally. They never told us, however I do hope that Catholics today do realize that they have to develop a personal relationship with Jesus in order to receive Salvation and Grace and Repentance in order to enter into the New Kingdom of God.

After reading a lot and finding no real answers, not even knowing what I was seeking to find, I did find a philosophy book and do not recall the title, but there were four questions written there that caught my eye, because these are the questions I needed to find the answers to, but I did not know what they were before I found them. They were Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? And where am I going to? I also added a fifth question- Where am I? I decided to answer them and I did find the answers I was seeking and I am still discovering new layers constantly, even today.

I did contemplate what I was trying to do, especially with those existential questions. I searched in the world and found only worldly answers that did not satisfy my desire to know. Where do you go to find the answers to these questions? I returned to the Bible and found a promise Jesus made to us- ‘Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, and knock and it shall be opened to you’. Those were the only words that resonated with me, so I decided that I was going to take Jesus up on His promise and I asked Him to help me to answer these questions in order that I may find identity and purpose, and a reason to live.

I did a lot of meditation in those days. I read a lot about the practice and was looking for a way to meditate that would be comfortable, mainly because meditation techniques when done properly will cause you to experience different ‘things’ and so it is important  to use the right technique to bring about your desired results. I did experiment with different ones which achieved through rhythmic-breathing exercises, mostly found in Yoga. I was not interested in the different forms of  Yoga nor was I interested in Hinduism or the New Age Gurus at that time, however I did come across a form yoga called Pranayama and I used the meditation technique, which did change my life.

I only used it for one purpose even though I back-engineered it in a way, but it worked. This happened sometime around nineteen seventy-nine when I was twenty years old. After praying and reading and asking for answers for a long time, months, one day as I was meditating a voice which was a thought, there was no sound, but the thought-voice said: ‘Marlene, why do you continue to look into the world to find yourself. You must go within, for you are self-contained, the answers you seek are found within yourself’. I wanted to go within, but how does one really do such a thing?

That was when I looked to the meditation techniques and found Pranayama which is actually a technique you would use if you wanted to Astral travel, or leave your body and go wherever. I have never been interested in leaving my body, and books about Astral Travel and Yoga and the New Age Movement were very popular in those days. I did read about Astral travel because I was going to use the technique, however since I was not interested in leaving my body and never will try that technique, I decided to use it to go inside my body instead and to reverse-engineer it.

It was a technique I had to master, because it really does work and quickly. I had to master it because as soon as I was finished with the intense breathing exercise which lasts for about twenty minutes in a sitting lotus position, you then have to lie down. As soon as I lay down and was relaxed on my back, I would feel my Soul rising up inside me and wanting to travel. That was very disconcerting and uncomfortable, so I would immediately sit up in bed to stop the process. That was also not a good feeling, especially after being so peaceful inside.

The technique involved fifteen to twenty minutes of very deep-breathing exercise, in which you inhale as much oxygen out of the air as possible. There is also a chance that you could hyper-ventilate if you are not careful, but the after effects is a very calm, peaceful and tingling kind of feeling throughout your entire body when you lie down… getting high on oxygen. It took me about eight tries doing it daily, or every few days and each time I would begin to rise up out of my body, and each time I would sit up quickly in bed and my peaceful feeling would be ruined. I was determined however to go inside myself… whatever that meant.

One day after many tries, after doing my breathing exercise and laying down, I closed my eyes and instead of going up, I actually found myself going inside! It was strange because for a short moment it felt as if I was moving deeper within and it was dark since my eyes were closed, when suddenly I stopped and there was a small faded light and then it was as if I woke something up. I am not kidding here, I went within my self and I found something and I caused it to become awakened. 

It was a THOUGHT and that same thought has been in the forefront of my mind and it has dominated all of my other thoughts and desires since that day some forty years ago. The Thought enveloped my mind and became my thought, although this Thought did not originate from me, for I had never before had such a need or desire as a thought in my mind. The Thought that was awaken was, ‘ I must become manifest in the LIGHT!’ and it still permeates my mind and Soul to this day. It must be done and I found the way and have even experienced the LIGHT as well as the THOUGHT that was conceived in me on that day. I have seen it, for it is a body and it is become manifest in the Light.

This has been my ‘burden’ all these years, for there is a power much more powerful than my will which exists within me, and this thought-power is determined to become manifest in the Light, so that leaves me as the bearer of this thought to find all the knowledge necessary in order to accomplish this inner desire, which did not originate from me. I was in a strange head space then, because even though I believed in Jesus I did not really go to Him for answers, however I did hold Him to His promise that if we asked we will receive and when we seek we will find.

I prayed and asked Him for the answers and then I had the experience after I went inside. I did not go to Almighty God for answers either because I learned very early that what was awaken inside of me was different, and that I should cry out to the One who told me to look inside myself. That is exactly what I did and I called out to the One who gave me the Thought, the one who placed the thought inside of me, because I knew without a doubt that that was not my thought. I did not know who I was calling out to at that time, but I did get an answer. I was told to go and find Christ Jesus and He will show me the way to become manifest in the Light. This was also a Thought and not an audible voice.

No one comes to me unless my Father send them. It was then I discovered Christ Jesus for the first time and was saved. I studied the Bible and went to Church, however the needs of the Thought within were not really being met. I had to find the knowledge of the way for this thought that was awake within, to become manifest in the Light. I did find the answers to all these questions over the years and still finding new things, even today for the journey is in Eternal Life and on the last day, this Thought will become manifest in the Light. 

The most wonderful thing about this experience is that my personal thoughts and desires, my own will is aligned with this inner desire which is the Will of the Father, the Father of Spirits, the only One who is Perfect, so there are no conflicts. The Soul and the Spirit both possess the same will which is also the Will of the Father in that all His Sons become manifest in the LIGHT. Who is this Father? He is not Almighty God. He is the Author and Finisher of all things, as well as the Father of the WORD and of Truth the Comforter. He is the Father of the light-seeds sown in Humans and a Father whom the world does not know.

Some time later in the mid nineteen-nineties, almost twenty years later, I did discover in knowledge this Father who gave me the THOUGHT and I learned all about the Perfect Father Jesus spoke of being the only One who is Perfect. He obviously is not speaking here of Almighty God, right? He is speaking of One whom the world does not know and you only gain knowledge of Him when you seek and find it, and He reveals Himself in knowledge to His children who are His Sons. The Human Soul is considered female while the Human Spirit is considered male, and since the Father is Spiritual He has Sons and not daughters. Human females do also become Sons of God, or Sons of the Living Father.. the Father of Spirits and of the WORD. This is Truth.

My beliefs differ in that even though I acknowledge the Trinity as being the Father, who is Almighty God, His Son Jesus- the LAMB who died on the cross for our sins and the Holy Spirit, my Faith and worship are set on the Unity and not the Trinity.  Christ said, ‘I and my Father are one, and when you see me you see the Father.’ Christ Jesus spoke of His Father the only One who is Perfect. It was the WORD who spoke through Jesus. My Father is this ONE, who is the Father of Spirits , for He is Father of His spiritual seeds, those which the WORD sowed in the bodies of Humans, secretly.

I understand and do fear the Almighty for whom He is, in that He is the God of the LAW and He is Judgment and vengeance. He also performs both good and evil works among Humans. I love the LAW and try not to sin and keep the  commandments, while knowing that there is available for us a way to wash ourselves clean through Repentance of our sins to our Lord. We who are saved in Christ Jesus are also removed from under the penalty of the LAW and Death, because of what Jesus did for us on the Cross. It is also knowledge that many if not most Christians accept, mainly because they do remain under the Law, especially with Almighty God as their Heavenly Father. You cannot serve two masters.

There is a Way here and even when you are let in the door they are many other doors to seek and find. My journey has led me to this understanding and my inner thought is continuing to drive me til the finish line. I am waiting for the WORD of God to arrive with His army of Angels, who are the Thoughts of those Humans who have conceive within by the Word and this is done by way of knowledge, for if you do not know about these things, how then are you able to reach the highest places. This knowledge also comes from the Perfect Father and His WORD and you need to seek and find it yourself, because we do not all travel to the same places. Stand in the place you can reach.

Currently, there seems to be a spiritual Revival taking place in America, perhaps it will spread throughout the world and we could return the Commandments of God back into the classrooms and the public and government places from where they were removed. The Luciferian and Satanic agendas are being practised here and causing great harm to blind Humans. The only Climate Change happening is based on all the events we were told will happen in the last days.

We were told to expect extreme weather conditions such as floods, earthquakes, drought, pestilence, famine and political upheavals. Wars and rumours of war. We are told that all the trees and grass will burn up or die in droughts, that all the creatures of the sea will also perish, and the sea will become as the blood of a dead man. We are warned of giant fiery hailstones the size of a talent smashing into our world. Do you realize that a talent is about seventy-two pounds!? All life on this planet will die and we must come to terms with it. 

The evil overlords who are currently in power are the enemies of ‘carbon and nitrogen’. We are also told of invading foreign alien armies coming here to kill and to spread pestilence and sores on those who have not the ‘seal of God’ in their foreheads.

Carbon and nitrogen. Do you realize the Humans inhale up to seventy percent of nitrogen and only about twenty percent of oxygen. I may need a fact-checker here but that is about the average. All those who are waging war against carbon and nitrogen emissions are indeed anti-Human and they really want to kill the majority and destroy us. We are carbon based life-forms and nitrogen is needed in greater quantity than oxygen on this planet for these things are necessary for us to exist here. You can clearly see that this Climate Change Agenda is certainly of the Devil… so anti-Human.  

Those of us who have eyes to see our current situation can definitely notice that the planet is being bombarded with all manner of natural disasters and chaos in many places worldwide. Racial division is being spread throughout the population and some are finding themselves in very peculiar situations where they are being discriminated against because of the colour of their skin. White people are being discriminated against by liberal minded people, even other white people, which is really of insane. These people really hate themselves without even realizing it.

I have found ‘knowledge’ concerning race given to us by Angels, which I do not take too seriously, but I found some of it interesting. A few years ago  I found a very large book with over two thousand pages given by Angels of the Order of Melchizedek. I was curious and did read over seventeen hundred pages so far, but one thing they did say is that the only way for Humans to not see skin colour as being something different from their own is for the Human Race to mix and ultimately become one shade of tan. I know that race and skin colour is an illusion and there is no reason for a Christian to be a racist. If you are a Christian and see skin colour, you are still living in the things of this world, where Lucifer is Prince.

The idea of racism and skin colour differences and the separation of the races with animosity is directly from Lucifer. His purpose is to divide us in many different ways and set us against one another, however I do find it interesting that there is discrimination against the White Race, even though there is no such thing as Race, when in the past it was mostly the Whites doing the discriminating. I understand that not all Whites are racists, neither are all Blacks, that the racists are mostly liberals, but the race war has come full-circle. It will get worse and even spread throughout the Christian community concerning our Faith, where friends, family and neighbours will turn on each other to save themselves, when Anti-Christ rules in this world.

Racism is of ignorance and chaos and is of the Devil. Christians know that the kingdom is inside of you and outside of you. We also know that there are no races in the kingdom because flesh and blood cannot enter. We know that every Human was knitted in the womb by Almighty God and we are all the same in the eyes of God. He judges us according to the LAW based on our actions, on the things we do. We must set our minds and hearts in the right place, studying the Word and praying during these times. More Christians will be restored to the Faith and we must also keep in mind that there is great persecution ahead.

We must get close and personal with our Lord Christ Jesus and pray our your faith to increase so we can remain firmly in that place of Rest that gives us the Peace that is found within, so that in these last days we do not become disturbed nor are we swayed by all the chaos as it unfolds around us. We are commanded to share the Gospel of Peace  which is the Gospel of Salvation and Repentance, and to not become debaters and sellers of the Word. You must also pray always for wisdom and understanding because these are gifts we receive when we pray and ask for them, so if you have never prayed and asked to receive the gifts of understanding and wisdom, you do not possess them. 

Keep the Faith, pray and seek after knowledge of the Truth because there is so much more to be found, also, examine your beliefs and your walk to see if you really know our Lord and more importantly, whether He knows you. Are you one of His friends? Does He answer your prayers and deliver you from evil situations when you are in dire need? Do you love Him with all your heart, mind, Soul and strength? Do you desire to please Him and follow His commands? Read and prayer and Repent of your sins. We do have the ability to cleanse our Souls of the crimson stain of sin, so we all should be clean and white, always. Humans are greatly loved, but sadly not all Humans will be saved as many remain disobedient to the LAW.

CHRIST is KING and LORD! Peace to you all in Christ Jesus. M.

Tuesday 21st February, 2023: Written by Marlene.

email: [email protected]

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