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In the Time of Sorrows

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     Part One

Sunday 12th February, 2023.

                                                    IN THE TIME OF SORROWS    

Greeting to All in the Name of CHRIST- the WORD, Our LORD and KING.

We are currently living in the time of the ‘beginning of sorrows’ and these evils will continue for a while before we enter into the Great Tribulation period, that leads to the end of the world. How will we survive what will come to the people’s of the Earth? There will be various earthquakes in diverse places, more frequent and deadlier for Humans throughout the world. There will be more diseases that will kill more people, as well as famine and extreme weather events; great fear and confusion will overcome Humans here. There will be wars and rumours of wars, and many more will continue to suffer and die, as we move forward to more wars, destruction and death from all sides.

There is an estimate reported of over 20,000 thousand dead in the earthquake in Syria and Turkey. The Earthquakes will also intensify as we move towards the last day of this Earth. The weather will also become more devastating and deadly to planet life and the changes will be disastrous around the world. Is this really Climate Change or is it something completely different? Some believe that there is weather manipulation happening that is actually causing all this strange weather. Perhaps this is true, but you also must ask- why would they do such a thing? The answer is they want to destroy Humans because they want control of a smaller population.

As a fellow Human I can relate to you on a personal level, however, I also know that in this time in our world, that we Humans have been and are being faced with great life-altering challenges, and many of us are not choosing wisely; we are all looking for answers. My people are deceived because of a lack of knowledge. The more knowledge you possess, the better you are able to make wise choices for yourself and those who will listen to you when you warn them of the dangers. Remember that as Christians and Followers of Christ, we cannot save anyone, however we can inform them of  the wonderful gift of Salvation through Repentance, and the Lord will do the rest. We must also warn them of what awaits us in these perilous times. 

This is what I know to be truth. We are living in the Time of Sorrows and this world, this planet and all the inhabitants are going to be removed from here, in one way or another. There will come a time and I believe it is now, as it is already happening to many, when there will be no more Humans being born in this world, and soon many of the children being born will be left out on the street corners, for women will abandon their babies. Why would they do such a thing?  The Human Race have been separated one part from the other; the wheat from the tares, the good grapes from the wild grapes… and the Harvests are near at hand.

The Great Deception is upon us and many have already been deceived through fear-mongering and because of a lack of knowledge. There are so many who put all of their hope in others who claim to be in control of things, as in the ‘White Hats’ and the Alliance, and even in Extraterrestrials who are on the side of Humans, here to help us to advance to the next level of existence, which is the Fifth Dimension or 5D as they call it. Do we have any idea as to who all these ‘Human-helpers’ really are? If you are reading these words, you know the ones I am speaking of. Who will speak the truth to Humans so that we can leave this world and enter into a better place?

I know in truth that all the really bad things happening in our world are because of Almighty God. The people of the Earth have shut their eyes and ears, and their hearts have grown cold to the Truth, that we are indeed living in the Last Days of this world, and there will be great death and destruction that will come upon the inhabitants, mainly because they have rejected God and His Laws, and they are making a mockery and flaunting their sins, especially to the whole world. How many of you Christians have ever read the books written covering the five-hundred years of history missing from the Bible, between the last book of the Old Testament Malachi and the New Testament first book of the Gospel of Matthew? Of course the reason why you have not read those books is mainly because the ‘religious authorities’ tell us that the books are not inspired, so they are not included in the Bible. 

I possess an Authorized King James Version with those missing books- the Apocrypha, where you will find the interpretations of many of the Old Testament prophecies, especially those of Daniel. The Prophet Esdras is important for us today to read because his revelations will save many from being deceived any further. There are still those who will be deceived in the future because many Anti-Christs will come, as we are told. One from the sea, one from the Earth, one falling from the Heavens, one in the desert, one in the secret chambers, and one on the mountain. 

Terrible things will continue to happen and we will have to face all the deaths of Humans. There will come a time and soon when we will be unable to bury our dead, because the dead-count will be too overwhelming  to manage and bodies will lie in the streets to rot. Great evil and suffering is coming to this world and it will continue to intensify as we move toward to end. The Earth is in the throes of labour and she is about to give birth to a new and higher self, where this current world and Age will be destroyed, including all physical life here and elsewhere. The Earth is being made ready to accommodate the new Humans who will inherit the coming Kingdom of God, where there will be no more flesh and blood physical Humans and animals bodies. The Earth will become as it was in Paradise, before the fall of Man.

Many of us live in hope that those who we believe will help us rid our world of the evil ones are indeed being successful, and it is only a matter of time before we live in a free society, without the Liberal and Woke Satanic influences. There will come a time very soon when there will be a short span of ‘peace’… then suddenly destruction, and one country will be mostly destroyed in an instant, however parts will survive, and those who do will have to adapt to a very dangerous world. A place where roaming gangs are seeking out people and their supplies, and kidnapping young children. This is a warning for a time that is soon upon us and you must be ready to defend yourself and protect your loved ones, because many will be unable to do so.

Many of us are also awaiting the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here is a truth that you must remember for those who are awaiting His return. Christ Jesus has finished all His works which He did in this world. He is not coming back to this world. He is in Heaven sitting on the right hand of Almighty God in His Temple. He also comforts the Saints who are martyred and beheaded, as they are found on the Altar of the Almighty in His Temple. Many believe that the lamb who comes to be on Mt Zion in Jerusalem with the 144,000 and who also destroys the armies of the world who came against Him is Jesus Christ. He is not, but he is very powerful and will perform miracles and other wonders. He will not be nice to towards Humans, even they who worship him. 

Jesus was kind and compassionate and loving towards us. He will be known as the destroyer of men, because all the armies of the world will be gathered together against him and he will destroy them. The male population will be significantly diminished by his actions. Here is a warning to soldiers. Christ Jesus is not returning to this world. His Kingdom is not of this world, and when the world does become His Kingdom, it will be of a different nature, a new Earth in which He will be the actual Light of the world. He will rule in Jerusalem with those who are the first-fruits of the Almighty, and the Saints of the Church and of the martyred of the 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel. These will follow the Lamb wheresoever he goes and who will rule in Jerusalem with our Lord and King Christ Jesus who died on the Cross for the sins of the world. Jesus is not coming back to rule here. His Kingdom is not of this world.

This Anti-Christ is the one who comes out of the Sea and He arrives first and alone, and afterwards a way is cleared by Almighty God for his 144,000 of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel to make their way to Jerusalem and join up with the Lamb in his temple on the top of the mountain, which he made, but not with hands. Always remember that Christ Jesus has already accomplished all that He had to do in this world. When we see Him again it will be in judgment and not in this physical world. It is only the Anti-Christs who will come here to rule and afterwards be sentenced to eternal punishment, when our LORD and KING appears with his Heavenly Army of 10,000 Angels on the last day.

Almighty God is the god of the LAW and of judgment, and this law applies to all Humans and all Angels, as well as all the unnatural off-springs created by both Angels and Man. We Humans and all the fallen ones are under the penalty of the Law, for we are all sinners, however Humans do have a way to remove themselves from under the death-penalty of the Law, by believing in Jesus Christ and all the wonderful things he did for us, as well as following Him and receiving all the spiritual gifts He left behind for us to seek and find. We have all that we need in order to defeat Death and Hell. The time of restraint is over and soon the Wrath of the Almighty will be unleashed upon the world, and many will die, mostly in death, for Hell hath opened her mouth wide to accommodate all the Human Souls… and most will be lost to perdition.

Almighty God does both good and evil, and He warned us as to the things that will befall us in the last days, when the heart of the Human has grown cold and when the world is full of sin; soon there will be total and complete darkness come upon the whole Earth. For the Almighty God draws near. He is coming to this Earth and ‘the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of the Almighty God and His Christ’. He will destroy the kingdoms of the Anti-Christs in the Great Babylon. His consuming-fire will also destroy their physical bodies as well as Humans who remain here during that time, for the end will come, not by water, but by fire. There will be a time after the destruction of Babylon up until the appearing of our LORD and KING with His Army of Angels, when the world of the Angels and our world will merge, and we will see these demons in the natural form.

I believe that is the time when men will seek death, but death will flee from them. We cannot die because we have no physical bodies to kill, and also there is no place to go to after we die, since the places of the  Heavens are converged and integrated with our world… and the veil is ripped from top to bottom. This time will last for forty-five days before the appearance of our LORD and KING, who is the WORD of God. This one is not Christ Jesus- The LAMB who sits on the Throne in the Temple of Almighty God in Heaven. This one is the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit who is the WORD of God. For He is KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, and He will appear on the last day, when He will send His Angels to gather together His Elect from the four corners of Heaven, and they are those who are alive and remain, waiting for the appearance of our LORD. They survived the persecutions of the evil over-lords and made it to the last day. Some Humans will not experience death.

Almighty God also uses evil people to do evil things in order to punish disobedient and lawless Humans. Please consider this carefully, because the evil we see and are experiencing presently is certainly very diabolic, and we know it has to be from Satanic influences, however please consider that the Almighty is allowing this to happen. He does both good and evil to punish Humans and he will use evil Humans to destroy those who are disobedient to the Law. Those who are deceived because of a lack of knowledge have only themselves to blame, because if they are seekers and doers of the Word, they would have understood what Fear is, and they would have known that Fear is their enemy; they would know how to cast aside that horror and trust in the Lord who is also our Physician, and to reject the things of this world. He also told us to trust no man.

‘In the end, God wins’ seems to be the new rallying cry among the ‘Patriots’ and those who believe that they are fighting the good fight, with the help of the ‘Alliance’ and the White Hats and the ‘Extraterrestrials’- you know, the good ones who are looking after our best interests. Of course God wins in the end, but there is a while to journey before we reach the end, where the road is treacherous and deadly to Humans and all those who inhabit this Earth. The reason for the evil unleashed here is because of the evil that has grown and penetrated all aspects of the Human experience. There is no Climate Change, all this is punishment and the sign of the times for those who are not saved and those who make a mockery of and are still disobedient to the Law. 

The time is short and soon there will be no more time for those who remain ‘free’ too be saved. It will become very difficult, for the word of Salvation will be found no more in this world, except in those from the 144,000 who are from the 12 Tribes of Israel. Those who survive and remain to see the appearing of our LORD and KING are the Chosen and the Elect of Christ, and these ones will be gathered together by the Angels. This 144,000 are not the same as the ones found on Mt Zion with a Lamb. The 12 Tribes found in Revelation 7 are decimated by the Anti-Christs and few will survive until the end. These are Humans from all over the world who make up the 12 Tribes of Israel and they will save many in those days. These ones are sealed with the Seal of God in their foreheads.

Those found with the Lamb on Mt Zion, those whom the Almighty cleared a way for, these ones are from the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel and they will have a place alongside that Lamb, who is not Jesus Christ who died on the Cross for the sins of the world, however he is indeed ‘a son of God’, for he is a fallen Watcher, one who is extremely powerful. Those of the true 12 Tribes will be persecuted and hunted, starved, imprisoned and killed in this Babylonian world-kingdom; their numbers will dwindle over time because of all the evil done by the Anti-Christs, and if our LORD and KING does not cut the time short, there would be no one left alive on the Earth, but for His Elect’s sake He does return and puts an end to their evil.

There is no one helping us, we are on our own. It is time to think for yourself and stop believing in all these outside and alien forces. They are not here to help you. Almighty God will use all of this to perform more evil upon Humans, because the blanket Mercy has been taken away and He is no more sparing the Nations or the rebellious inhabitants. As individuals we need to understand that no one is responsible for us here and the only way to find the true hope we need is to come to know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. There is only one name under Heaven and especially on this Earth by which we can be saved. It is the name of Jesus Christ, there is no other. Life and Death are set before us. Life or Death, these are our only two choices… choose wisely.

The Human peoples are becoming more and more rebellious against the Laws and have embraced publicly the Satanic and Luciferian Agendas, and there are many Humans who follow this path of the ungodly and because of this, the anger and wrath of the Almighty have turned against us, now evil and destruction are in our wake. I believe the peace that is ahead will be brokered with Russia and The United States, perhaps under Trump, for I believe he is the ‘lion’ who makes war against the ‘eagle’ and subdues the eagle, yet the eagle is later destroyed with a great fire, but a small portion is saved. Read the books of the prophet Esdras.

The evil we are experiencing is basically to destroy the ungodly from upon the earth, and the evil perpetrators will also too be destroyed in the process. Many people will die, including Christians. God uses evil to destroy evil as we are seeing today. Do not trust anyone, no man, ever, even the ones you believe are doing the work of God. Should we trust Trump? I would not, however I can see how he is being used to bring about the will of the Almighty. He certainly believes that he is a chosen one and the battle is between good and evil. Evil dominates for a long time, before it is taken away from the Earth. Evil will kill many Humans both saved and unsaved. God wins, but the battle is deadly and will seem very long.

Did he really take the sorcerer’s brew and had his son take it as well? Was he also deceived as most Humans were, but why? Or are we also being deceived when many believe that real Donald Trump is hidden away protected somewhere, waiting for the right moment to return as president of the New Republic. Will this happen? Perhaps, but also keep in mind that it is Almighty God who gives the Red  Dragon and the Anti-Christ power over us, to persecute and kill us, as in those who keep the testimony of Jesus and those who love our Lord… and many will die. 

Consider also what happens to those who possess the Mark of the Beast. The Almighty has a wine-press. What does that even mean? The closer the Almighty gets, the more volcanic eruptions and earthquakes will occur. Is your house protected and is your roof secure? Behold, I come as a thief in the night. The consuming-fire will take away one body and leave the other body behind, and all of your personal belongings and treasures will become exposed. Some will be ashamed and covered in a crimson stain with the stench of sin, while others will be covered in the Light of the Holy Spirit, for they are saved and washed and are clean. It is perhaps at that time, after the consuming-fire has burnt up all physical things, it is then that the few remaining of the 144,000 from the 12 Tribes of Israel will be seen by the rest, for they will be shining. They went through the fire and were refined and became like bright stars.

Things will only get worse, we may get a short respite soon, however it will not last and will end in  significant destruction of the US… and the eagle will never recover. There is judgment of Assyria, Asia, Egypt and Babylon… woe to these Nations. The simple truth is that these Nations do not worship Almighty God and do not obey the Law, they worship other pagan gods and demons, and the Almighty is a jealous God and does not like it when the Nations do not obey Him. There is no more time for mercy, the time of judgment to be unleashed upon the Earth is now, and will only intensify as we move closer to the last day of the world and the end of the children of the flesh.

Some will be taken, others will remain and be protected from the Wrath, while many, if not most will be destroyed. Plagues and pestilence and great famine are ahead of us, even today, and there is only one way to save ourselves and that is through Jesus Christ, for flesh and blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of God; you must also be born of water and of the spirit in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who are alive today and who did not receive the Mark will still be given the opportunity to be saved, and many will be saved. This will be done by the individuals who will preach the gospel in the last days, those of the 144,000 from the 12 Tribes of Israel.

These 144,000 of the 12 Tribes will have no identifying qualities, since the 12 Tribes are not flesh and blood in nature, but are spiritual. Whatever they possess, it is within, for they are sealed with the ‘Seal of God’ in their foreheads. The seal is hidden from the world because it is the Soul who is sealed and not the physical body; they are indistinguishable from others, except when they speak. They will try and they will labour and they will make many white, and many will fall. The 144,000 from the 10 Lost Tribes found with the Lamb on Mt Zion will differ in appearance from Humans, for they will in their own minds personify what perfect and righteous Humans they are, and most will believe, especially the Jews in Israel, even many Christians will fall away by believing that this counterfeit one is Jesus Christ.

Imagine what this evil really is. Two thousand years ago the Messiah and Redeemer came and died on the Cross for the sins of the world. The Jews and the Evil ones killed Him, but He did not really die, for if He did die all His works would be for nought. For His death was life for all those who believe on His name. He went down to Hell and He set the captives free from the prisons and he took the keys of the Gates of Hell. He also defeated the demons of Hell. He changed the course of the movement of Hell. He opened all the doors that were locked and He locked all the doors that were opened. He also took the keys with Him when He ascended to Heaven to sit on the right hand of the Father. He also took all the freed captives to Paradise. 

The thief from on the Cross at His crucifixion was the first to enter into Paradise. Remember it was guarded by that Angel with the flaming sword, preventing any Humans from entering, after Adam and Eve were banished. Read the Gospel of Nicodemus, also known as the Acts of Pontius Pilate. This gospel was used among the first Christians and was destroyed, however because the Romans were meticulous with record keeping this book was saved and vaulted in the Vatican and was released to the public sometime around twenty-twelve I believe. It could have been earlier or later, but close to that date. It explains so much not found in the Gospels. There was an investigation done by Pilate concerning the death of Jesus, because many people were reporting seeing Him all over the place. It is a very interesting read, and it is up to you whether you believe it or not.

The real evil is that the Jews did not believe that He was their Messiah, which I suppose He was not, so Almighty God did put a curse on them so that it would be difficult for them to be saved, because of the Law. Then He will send them one who will have great power, even with a Tribe of 144,000, the lost of Israel, and they will welcome this Lamb and his Tribe as if they were long awaited. He will build a Temple, but not with hands, but with the fire from His mouth will he carve out a Temple on the mountain top, where his Tribes will worship with Him. These 10 Lost Tribes will be taller than the average Human, very pale in complexion, all blondes and they will emerge from inside the Earth where they have lived since the time of the last King of Israel, around the time of 735BC, so they have been ‘lost’ for more than two thousand and seven-hundred years. These ones are the citizens of Agartha- from within the Hollow Earth. They have a very powerful fallen Watcher-god with them and they believe that they are the true Tribes who will be worshipped on this Earth. They are coming to the surface.

The Church will be here for half of the Great Tribulation period before it is taken. One harvest for the unmarked and one for the marked. I have never believe that I would be raptured out of this world. I have always known that I will be one of those who are alive and remain on the last day, for I know in my heart and by the Will of the Father, that I will see the day of the appearing of our LORD with His Army of Angels, and they will gather together those who belong to Christ, who is the WORD of God. The times ahead are very perilous and the truth must be told, so we can better understand what is happening and how to better protect ourselves. Removing the worldly powers is only step one, and only God can move to step two and not man.

The only time when there appears to be peace, a short peace, suddenly ends in destruction. Israel does welcome the Lamb with his 10 Lost Tribes as the fulfilling of their prophecy, mainly because the signs and wonders and miracles are so great, that the deception and the waiting created the perfect situation. He does turn on them and the Nation is also destroyed, after three and a half years in power, for Israel  has also become like Egypt and Sodom. The Almighty God does leave a remnant and He also creates new Humans from the bones buried in the ground. Strange times are ahead indeed. I believe the prophecies of the United States are found in the books of the prophet Esdras in the Apocrypha. There is only one country that identifies as the Eagle in our times and the Eagle is destroyed because of corruption.

There is a great hope that is given to us and that is the Blessed hope which is only found in our Faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for without Him, there is no hope of anything, except in empty and unfruitful things, that only lead to death. Choose Jesus today while you still have the time to be saved, and those who believe that they are saved, please examine your walk with our Lord. Is He your true and personal friend, one on whom you depend for everything you do? Do you call on Him to deliver you from evil and He appears in a second and save you? Do you know Him and do you also seek after all the wonderful spiritual gifts He left behind for us to find? Is He your physician? By His stripes we are healed. 

This is a time when we should be praying to have our Faith increase, because we are going to need it when we begin to be bombarded from on every side. The future is not good for the Christians of this world, and I am tired of listening to all these people who are coming out of the woodwork with secret information that is too secret to tell to the rest of the world, because we could not handle it. Such nonsense and arrogance on their part. If they can handle it, we can too. The financial system will not be good, we will need the Mark to survive in this new Babylonian society. The Alliance who are the good guys will destroy the ruling families and their evils here, however there will come more, even deadlier evil ones to the world. Those who really hate us and only want us to worship them, for they need our worship in order to feel like gods; without our worship, they are nothing, they have no power.

You can take out the minions who have ruled here for many generations, however you cannot take out the gods who power them. Who will be able to defeat the Beast in war? No one. All of this foolishness about evil ones being ‘uncreated’, that is nonsense and deception. They have already been judged when Jesus Christ came and died for us and rose from the dead; they were imprisoned and prevented from having direct contact with Humans. The veil and the Law prevented them from interacting with us, however in the last days they will enter into our world and have great power over Humans to do as they please. The Lamb will set up his temple on the mountain and the peoples of the world will have to come there and worship him. He will demand it and if we resist, he will kill us.

Some will go gladly, while others will be heavy in the heart, still there will be those who will come in bounds.  Our Blessed Hope is in the appearing of our LORD and KING, for even though Almighty God did destroy the kingdoms of the Anti-Christs and Beasts- the great Babylon, he did not banish the evil ones from upon the Earth. This is a time when there will be seen naked and clothed Living Souls, and all of the stars (Angels) that fell from the Heavens, and the ones who came from the sea , and from inside the Earth will be also seen as they truly are. All of their Human body-suits will be burned away, and so there will be dragons and foul-spirits and beasts and all manner of evil ones loosed in Babylon. It is the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings- Christ, who is the WORD of God and His Army of 10,000 Angels, who rid these evil ones once and for all from upon the Earth.

Yes, God does win in the end, but Humans suffer the greatest casualty. Seek our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ while it is possible to be saved, lest you be deceived, and please be certain that you are not worshipping in vain, as many currently are doing. There is no real justice in this world; justice is found only in the Lord. Almighty God is punishing the Nations- the unbelieving ones, where you would be killed or imprisoned for speaking the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The religions also have to be weakened or even abolished for the Babylonian rulers. They will accept no other worship but to the one who is king and ruler of this time, the Anti-Christ and all will come before him, great and small, young and old, rich and poor, free and bound to kneel before him. He is ruthless to those who do not bow down and worship him.

They will come from the stars and from the clouds. They will lay claim to Humans as being their creations and will even convince many. They will also demand that we should give them back their bodies. What will you do? Humans, especially Christians have developed or are condition to believe a certain way, however without knowledge it is difficult to see the real dangers. Yes we are only passing through and this world is not our home. We are passers-by. This is simply a place where we come to seek after the knowledge on what it means to be Human, from the lowest to the highest places, and to seek and find the way of Truth. That is why we are really here, to come to know ourselves in Truth and in Light. All of these ‘helpers’ are set up against Humans. The Watchers have returned and soon their space will blend with our world and they will have no mercy on us.

The Fallen ones hate us, they also envy us because we possess a secret within that they cannot see or comprehend, nor can they seize it. They know that we will be judges over them on their judgment day, yet they cannot understand how this is even possible. How is it that Humans can ascend beyond the veil, or should I say the wall, but they cannot. That is why they hate us and want to corrupt and destroy us, even eat us, because they are jealous and envious, and are just plain blind-stupid evil. We need to increase our Faith so that when these mountains appear before us, we can say- ‘move mountain and be cast aside’. The road to victory will be covered in Human bodies. Do not become a casualty. Get close to our Lord and pray always. The peace of Jerusalem will not happen in this world, but only in the millennial Kingdom of God.

I know this to be truth, because it is written by the prophets, and my LORD Christ- who is the WORD of God has showed me many things which are hidden, mainly because I prayed everyday until my prayers were answered, and for over forty years or so, I have been having dream-visions. I have fought spiritual-warfare on a few occasions with the gates of Hell; our LORD and Father were there with me. I have seen a lot of spiritual things in dream-visions, even all the Beasts and space-ships. Giant warriors and great Human Spirits. My goal here is to publish what I have found, especially today, when we seem to be in a state of  ‘pause’, as we watch the evil unfold before our very eyes and there seems to be no one putting a stop to it, since it continues, except of course for all the work being done covertly by all the ‘good guys’ or White Hats who are working diligently on our behalf, but cannot really tell us what they are doing. Let us all hope and pray that all of their hearts are set right with Almighty God and Jesus Christ, for their own sake.

… and The Destroyer draws near.

Repent now while you still can. Change your ways and turn to Jesus Christ, for He has defeated Death and Hell, and He is your personal Lord and Saviour. Just call on His name, for He is waiting at your door to come in and become friends with you. Peace to you all in Christ.

WordsbyMarlene-  12th February, 2023.  (Part 1)

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    • Marlene*

      From Marlene To All Those who read my words, Greetings,
      The place to find all of my Blogs and other words is at it beginnings. I will post parts of my Blogs and the link to my WordPress account. Please all comments are appreciated, as Christians today do not really speak of the ones who will be here until the last day. I believe that I am one of those ones and so I will tell you about my experiences over the past forty-four years of my journey and why I believe so. I have a lot of work and will post regularly.

      Please keep this in mind. Those who are not deceived are made solid in Christ, for He shows us our works, by our Faith. Peace to you all in Christ Jesus. M.

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