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Will America survive World War THREE ?

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Will America survive World War THREE ?





25% of the earth will take part in this horrendous 3rd World War and God’s prophet Ezekiel reveals more than 200 million American’s will have perished by the time it is over.


Two thirds (2/3) of the U.S. population will died




The Great Tribulation has even begun!



One third will die by famine and disease, one third by war and the third that survives America’s third and final world war ARE ‘TAKEN’ – violently — into captivity and shipped like ‘cattle’ to Europe and other gentile nations around the world. Ezekiel chapters 1 – 7.

THE ABOVE TRUTH —- you will never hear from your minister as the money dropped into his plate would vanish thus he can only speak “smooth” things as that is – all – most “Christians” will accept.


Plus the majority of ministers are very limited in their understanding of prophecy and have no clue America will very soon be joined in a “life and death” world wide battle –- for a 3rd and final time — with an old old enemy .


God “IS NOW” turning HIS back on the United States of America, God’s blessings and protection are ending, this once great nation —- WILL soon cease to exist forever!


The Word of God states the US will not even put up a fight.


Ezekiel 7

14 They have blown the trumpet, even to make all ready;—- but none goeth to the battle: for my wrath —- [is] upon all the multitude thereof.

15 The sword [is] without, and the pestilence and the famine within: he that [is] in the field shall die with the sword; and he that [is] in the city, famine and pestilence shall devour him.

Most will scoff at the statements above, but read on, study the scriptures presented and then take the time to prove for yourself whether America is rushing towards absolute and total destruction.

Who else but America would be involved in a world war?




The first half of this — very — lengthy — article addresses the promises of God given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and

the origins of the American and British people based upon prophecy and the promises given to these 3 patriarchs.

AND — the many prophecies regarding the 12 sons of Jacob with special focus on the House of Israel and Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph, whom God calls — “HIS” — first born. Jeremiah 31: 9.

This is not an easy read; most have never been exposed to the events or the scriptures presented. Without carefully reading the first half — the 2nd half of this paper will not be understood.

“A” key to prophecy is knowing the modern day identities of the peoples and nations found in the Bible, without knowing the identities most will never see what is coming until it is upon them.

“THE” — KEY: God must first open ones mind — Before reading ask our Father to open your mind.


The second half connects the 7 Seals found in Revelation with Tanakh prophecy and the End Time events listed below and also tying in the 7 annual Holy Feasts of God which foreshadow the major events in God’s Plan of salvation.


End Time events


  • Food rationing followed by famine and disease;
  • World War Three;
  • The coming captivity of The House of Israel and the House of Judah.
  • The 144,000 and The Great Multitude;
  • The 2nd Exodus;
  • The Two Witnesses;
  • GOD’s Plan of Salvation;



The majority of those “professing” — with words not actions — to be Christians will not be familiar with many of the scriptures quoted in this article or the coming events they depict and as this is an in-depth, long and detailed work some may wish to print out this paper for a more thorough detailed study due to its length.


A few may want to take this paper to their minister and let him or ‘her’ attempt to refute it scripture by scripture and point by point. Please do.


Many American’s today are beginning to acknowledge as fact; our nation and the entire world as well are facing huge insurmountable problems; the word often used to describe our world today is; unsustainable.

Many more have that ‘gut feeling’ something is ‘up’ something monumental is about to occur. Most can see the drastic changes that have and are taking place in our nation and around the world today and realize these changes have not made our lives better but actually have placed all of us at the very center — of harms way.

America’s future can be known but we must first establish, using God’s Word, the ancient origins of those that settled Great Britain and then America as both are the main focus of many many prophecies.

Uncovering our Nation’s identity requires beginning in Genesis and patiently moving through the Bible studying scripture after scripture and following along step by step as God’s Word reveals the true origins of the peoples of the United States of America: the strongest nation in the history of the world.




Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it “


Jeremiah claims there is a time of trouble coming like no other timeEver!

That Day is GREAT – so none is like it.” Only The Great Tribulation will be like no other period of time – ever- according to our Savior Jesus Christ! The Tribulation will be so horrific such as was not since the world began, no, nor ever shall be.

This Time of Jacob’s Trouble must have a connection to the Great Tribulation as there can not be two periods of times this great. Actually there are four scriptures that describe this same exact time of trouble and thank God there shall never be another time like it.

Jeremiah 30: 7

7 Alas! for that day [is] great, so that none [is] like it: it [is] even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.

Ezekiel 4: 9

9And I will do in thee — that which I have – not – done, and whereunto I will not do any more the like, – because of all thine abominations.

Note: This TIME of TROUBLE is coming — NOT because — “we” refused to “accepted Jesus into our hearts”


Because — we refuse to OBEY

Christians and the entire world refuses to live by God’s WORD – by GOD’s Torah i,e. the Book of the Law to this very day. Look up God’s definition for “Abominations”, it is lawlessness, it is iniquity, it is SIN!. See 1 John 3: 4

Daniel 12: 1


1And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation [even] to that same time:and at that time thy people shall be delivered,every one that shall be found written in the book.

Matthew 24: 21

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

All four of the above scriptures spoken by three prophets of God and Jesus Christ of Nazareth can only be referring to the same exact time period; as four separate time periods that are each so great there is none like it - is impossible.

All four scriptures are describing the same Great Tribulation which is The 5th of Seven Seals found in the book of Revelation.


Jacob was Jewish — wasn’t he ? This ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble’ must fall upon only the Jews right ? According to — ‘everyone’ - even ‘brilliant’ scholars the Jews are the 12 sons of Jacob i.e. the Chosen People? Isn’t that what you have been told your entire life?

Who then – is – this Jacob fellow anyway?

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are the three Hebrew Patriarchs found in the Old Testament.

Find even — “one” — scripture in the entire Bible where these three men are called Jews and you will be the very first to do so.

If you have been told this Time of Trouble is to fall upon only the Jews and Abram was the first “Jew” — please read the following scriptures.

Genesis 14: 13

13 “And there came one that had escaped and told Abram, the Hebrew.”

Exodus 1: 15

15 “And the King of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives of which the name of one was Shipharah —“

Exodus 2: 6, 7

6 “ And when she had opened she saw the child and behold the babe wept. And she had compassion on him and said, ‘This is of the HEBREWS.”

7 “Then said his sister to Pharaoh’s daughter shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew’s women that she may nurse the child for thee?”

Exodus 9

1 Then the LORD said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh, and tell him, Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me.

The 12 tribes had been in captivity for almost 400 years and the Egyptians called them Hebrews — never Jews: The twelve sons of Jacob according to God’s Word were known as — Hebrews .

Even after the days of King Solomon and after God divided the 12 tribes, the prophet Jonah called himself — a Hebrew — not a Jew. Jonah 1: 9.

According to the above scriptures Abraham and his seed are Hebrews — not Jews. The 12 Tribes are all Hebrews and even after God divided the 12 tribes – still they are Hebrews.


Yes the tribe of Judah became known as the JEWS. Jew is a one syllable slang term as Tom is slang for Thomas. Ju – dah – ‘Jew’ – dah.

Abram was a Hebrew; was he the first Hebrew or did he come from an existing people called Hebrews?

By: Jeff A. Benner

Abraham is the first person called a Hebrew (Genesis 14:13) in the Biblical text. What does the name Hebrew mean and where does it come from? Abraham’s G,G,G,G,G Grandfather was Ever (or Eber) “And Arpakshad bore Shalach who bore Ever” (Genesis 10:24). The Hebrew spelling of the word Hebrew is עברי and the Hebrew spelling of Ever is עבר. When the letter י is placed after a name it means “one belonging to the family of …” and in this case a Hebrew is one who belongs to the family of Eber.

By definition, a Hebrew is one who is descended from Ever and this would include Abraham as well as his brothers Nahor and Haran. While the lineage’s of Nahor and Haran seem to disappear, probably absorbed into other cultural groups, only Abraham and his descendents remain Hebrews to this day.

The root עבר means to “cross over” or “pass through“. As names play a very significant role of the ancient peoples of the Near East, this name and its meaning is indicative of Abraham and his descendents. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were nomads who by definition are ones who travel or pass through many lands on their nomadic journey. In Genesis 12:6 we read (From the KJV) “And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.” The phrase “passed through” is the Hebrew verb עבר (the same word as the noun/name Eber).

________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2004

Jeff A. Benner

Ancient Hebrew Research Center

“Please feel free to use, copy or distribute any material within the “Biblical Hebrew E-Magazine” for non-profit educational purposes only.”




Where did Jacob – “A” Hebrew – come from and why is he so important?

God chose one man and from that one man — Abraham — God began a great nation — which God foretold would grow into a multitude of Nations with a population of a Billion or more at the time of the end.


The entirety of the WORD of GOD is the account of how God found one man with whom He could begin to fulfill the purpose of HIS Creation. By the seed of that one man Abraham, God has over spread the world with billions of Abraham’s descendents.

And today the “JEWS” are what — 25 million? Where are the Promised –Billion or more ???

Genesis 12: 1- 3,

1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

In verses 2 and 3 God told Abram ‘from him’ God will make a great nation and that nation would greatly benefit (bless) the entire world.

Have the Jews been a “blessing” to the world?? By the fact that Jesus Christ came from Judah a great great grandson of Abraham for certain was the world blessed but that is a spiritual blessing. This great nation is also to be a physical or material blessing to the world; the world will prosper and grow because of what God was doing with Abraham. God states the world would be blessed: what nations have been a great benefit or blessing to this evil pagan corrupt world ? That list is very short.

Abram bore a son named Isaac and from Isaac came twin sons named Esau and Jacob. God chose Isaac to inherit the promise God made to and from Isaac God’s promises were passed on to Jacob.

Esau being the first born of Isaac was to receive both the blessing and the birthright but Jacob, who’s name means ‘supplanter’ , took both from Esau.


Esau is Edom and the nation of Turkey is an Edomite nation. today still hates his brother Jacob: Esau will cease to be a people after the return of Christ; read the prophet Obadiah to verify that fact.


Jacob sired 12 sons and from Jacob’s 12 sons God began to multiply His Chosen People, God multiplied HIS ELECT His Chosen People into nations (plural) to become the light to the world. Again, and his 12 sons are known as Hebrews – not Jews. God then changed Jacob’s name to Israel.


Genesis 32: 28

28 “And He said Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men and hast prevailed.”

When Jacob, the Hebrew, was dying, his son Joseph brought his two sons Ephraim (youngest) and Manasseh (first born) to his father Jacob. The Bible only speaks of Joseph bringing his sons to Jacob, no other grandsons from Jacob’s other 11 sons are ever mentioned being brought to Jacob.

Jacob then passed on the incredible promises he received from his father Isaac to Joseph’s two sons; the promises were passed – only – to Ephraim and Manasseh.

No event placed in the WORD of GOD is without great purpose and importance: could there be a great future purpose for the promises and blessings given only to these two grandsons?

God expect you to take notice and realize the importance GOD has placed upon this event – He – had recorded in HIS WORD..

Note: Joseph’s sons are racially half Egyptian – half Hebrew unlike all other grandsons as Pharaoh gave Joseph an Egyptian wife.

Genesis 48: 16

16 The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name (Israel) be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let “them” grow into — a multitudein the midst of the earth.

Jacob did not give his name nor bless any of his others sons or grandsons with the blessing to become a multitude, only the two sons of Joseph received that promise which God had first given to Abraham.

Jacob passed on only to Joseph’s two sons the promise given to Abram in Genesis 22: 17 & 15: 5: of numbers as the sands of the sea and as the stars in the heaven above. This is clearly describing numbers in the scores of billions that have lived and died from that time until the present.

At the time of the end the number of the decedents from Ephraim and Manasseh will be nearing one billion.

According to the prophet Isaiah by the time Christ returns to earth only a remnant will remain from the numbers that were as the sands of the sea i.e a billion.

Isaiah 10: 22

22 For though thy peopleIsrael be as the sand of the sea, [yet] a remnant of them shall return: the consumption (annihilation) decreed shall overflow with righteousness.

That remnant will return to the Promised Land as unconditionally promised to Abraham. This prophecy of billions to come from – ONLY – Ephraim and Manasseh as these two sons are to grow ‘into’ a multitude in numbers as the stars in heaven and as the sands of the sea.

Also note. Jacob gave the two young boys his name; this also is a very important event as they are henceforth to be known as Israel.

In Verse 19: Jacob then –DIVIDES – God’s promises given to him between the two brothers; Ephraim and Manasseh .

Genesis 48: 19

19 And his father refused, and said, I know [it], my son, I know [it]: he (Manasseh) also shall become “a people” , and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother (Ephraim) shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.

Everyone, “I feel certain”, has heard all of the prophecies concerning Jacob, Joseph and Joseph’s two sons recited many times in Sunday school — right?

Manasseh shall become a great people meaning a single great nation but his younger brother Ephraim will be greater, Ephraim will become many nations – plural. Even if you “were” familiar, which is doubtful, with these scriptures it is important to understand how they relate and tie into many other important prophecies affecting our future today.

“A multitude of nations” – that word nations is plural, multitude means many. The Jewish people never at any point in their history fulfilled this promise of God.

After W W 2 a few Jews founded a tiny nation called Israel; it is one very small nation (7 + – million pop.) the size of a postage stamp, a tiny Jewish Nation founded by Jews for the first and only time. The balance of the Jewish people are scattered in small numbers throughout the world.

Only One of Jacob’s many grandsons was prophesied to become a multitude of nations? One and only one of Joseph’s grandson’s will be so blessed and if this promise is not fulfilled as we approach the end times, can you trust your Bible?

The Jews have never been a multitude of people and never a multitude of different and separate nations, not even a single “great nation’—not even for one moment,

But there must exist at the time of the end a multitude of important “Hebrew” nations that have been a great blessing, a great benefit to the world and another large Hebrew nation that had become very great. And these nations must be dwelling on the riches lands on earth as their birthright.

God can not lie; this promise must then be an established FACT today.

Do not just brush this aside as just an “interesting story” from the Bible, God does nothing that is not without great purpose and of great fundamental importance. And do not attempt to “spiritualize” the scriptures away by twisting or clouding their meaning — the promises are specific and clear.

The above is a foundational prophecy showing how and by whom God will grow His Chosen people into many nations and thereby bless or prosper, the entire world.

Jacob, a patriarch chosen by God has one grandson that ‘has’ become a great multitude of nations with 100’s of million in population and another grandson that ‘has’ become a large and very great nation fulfilling God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or your Bible can not be trusted.

Jacob passed on to only two of his many grandsons the Birthright of LAND i.e. The Promised Land and to his son Judah Jacob gave the Scepter representing the throne to which Christ will return and claim.

If this “Great Nation” and this “Multitude of Nations” of Hebrew people known as “The House of Israel” — if these Hebrew nations are not now filled with 100’s millions — if they do not exist — “today” — then the Bible is a lie.

If Manasseh did not become a Great Nation and if Ephraim did not become a Multitude of Nations, and if they do not exist today — can you believe the WORD of GOD?

These are bold statements of FACT the so called Christian church simply ignores.

The above are Foundational prophecies that must be fulfilled well before the beginning of the Time of the End.

Read Genesis 48: 19 above again or will you also just ignore this prophecy? This is a very specific very important and a key foundational prophecy that can and will affect you and your family adversely in the very near future.

What is loosely called “Christianity” today not only ignores these key prophecies but the entire Old Testament as well. Christianity has rejected the majority of the WORD of GOD, that very WORD Jesus commands we must live by – by every single Word !!!

Remember the two brothers, Ephraim and Manasseh, unlike any of the other grandsons of Jacob are half Egyptian, thus racially different. When Moses took the 12 tribes into the wilderness and were then brought by Joshua into the Promised Land each of the 12 tribes lived only within their designated tribal lands. Even Ephraim and Manasseh lived in their appointed areas.

In the wilderness God commanded Moses to separate the tribes — they were not to mix tribe with tribe they were to be separate and marry within their own tribe. God told Moses to keep them segregated for a specific reason:

The 12 tribes were to become many individual and uniquely different nations.

Why keep them separated if they were to become a homogenized nation of Jews?

In Genesis 35 we find the specific promises God gave to Jacob which Jacob passed on to just two of his grandsons to become a nation and company of nations and in addition the promise of being fruitful and become as the sand of the sea in numbers. Jacob passed these blessing only to Joseph’s two sons, none of the other 11 sons or grandsons were ever included.

Is this just an interesting biblical side note; do you think God has no great purpose for these two grandsons? God made all of these promises and prophecies with no specific purpose in mind — incredibly that is exactly what most have come to accept?

Genesis 35: 11, 12

11 And God said unto him (Jacob), I [am] God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;

12 And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I givethe land.

These unconditional promises can not be repeated enough;

The so called “Christian” churches must believe and must teach only the Jews are the Chosen People otherwise their whole body of doctrine crumbles.

From the 12 Hebrew Tribes, all sons of their father Jacob whom God renamed Israel, has come; a Great Nation, a Company of Nation’s’ and Kings as promised in Genesis 35: 11.

The unconditional promise promised by God Almighty upon which God placed no preconditions -none: the promise of a great nation and a company of nations both with 100’s of millions in population and other separate nations or kingdoms ruled by Kings was given to Jacob.

AND did you read verse 12? The Promised Land unconditionally given to Abraham by God –is now given to Jacob which Jacob passed on –only to the two brothers Ephraim and Manasseh and not to the other 11 brothers.

ONLY — The two sons of Joseph have been given the Birthright lands i.e. the Promised Land. The Tribe of Judah i.e. the Jews did not receive the birthright of the Promised Land that passed only to Ephraim and Manasseh.

God’s Word tells us the House of Judah is composed of 2 tribes; Judah, Benjamin and some from Levi and from the time the Jews were taken captive by Babylon they never became a nation until the tiny nation of Israel was established. Judah was never given the Birthright i.e. the Promised Land.

The 10 tribes, known as the House of Israel, is a great nation, a company of nations and other smaller nations with kings even today.

Chapter 49 in Genesis, “most christians” simply give a fleeting glance and move on –BUT it is a another key to understanding how God has fulfilled HIS unconditional promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

In Genesis 49 Jacob gave — individual — and — specific “national” blessings to each of his 12 sons.

These blessings do not speak of the 12 sons becoming blended into a single race of people small in numbers, called Jew. But each tribe is to have different and unique characteristics, attributes, strengths, weaknesses and personalities –each tribe is to be a separate people fulfilling perfectly the prophecy of Jacob.

Please read the entire prophecy in the 49th chapter of Genesis for yourself, do not just accept what is written in this paper —- are we not commanded to prove all things — to ourselves?

As we have been focusing upon Joseph here is the specific prophecy found in Genesis 49 given to Joseph by his father Jacob.

Genesis 49: 1, 22 – 26

1 And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you [that] which shall befall you — in the last days.

Did you read what Jacob clearly states in verse 1? Jacob is revealing to his 12 sons what each of their small families grown into nations will be like – At the TIME of the END.

Jacob was aware of God’s Plan and KNEW what his sons were to become at the time of the end of the age: — in the last days.

This prophecy given by Jacob concerns his 12 sons at the time of the end just before the return of Jesus Christ. Jacob’s prophecy describes many different and unique nations, not one tiny postage stamp size nation of Jews.

Here is the specific prophecy Jacob gave to his son Joseph.

22 Joseph [is] a fruitful bough, [even] a fruitful bough by a well; [whose] branches run over the wall:

The tribe of Joseph , the two sons, will expand beyond their borders.

23 The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot [at him], and hated him:

Many nations have tried to destroy the nations that have come from Joseph.

24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty [God] of Jacob; the shepherd, the stone of Israel: )

Who is the mighty God of Jacob – the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel??? If you answered Jesus Christ you are correct. Christ is the Rock/Stone of our salvation.

The many nations from Joseph are militarily very strong.

25 [Even] by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:

And which nations over the last few centuries would you considered to be the most blessed in the entire world with lands, weather, oil, coal, steel etc and a strong people?

26 The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the—- head of Joseph,—–and on the crown of the head of him that was— separatefrom his brethren.

The Tribe of Joseph received the Blessings – Only!

The nations coming from Joseph are separate from the other 11 brothers.

Joseph was given the “birthright” (inheritance of land) by his father which according to the Torah belongs to the first born — not the 11th.

Joseph was chosen above all his brothers and upon his head is the crown, Joseph is the head over his brothers – for ever and Joseph is not a Jew.

When Christ returns He will sit on the very Throne of the House of Israel — not the House of Judah. The two Sons of Joseph are now Israel.

The coat of many colors given Joseph by his father was signifying to his brothers their father had placed Joseph over them as head, remember Joseph’s dream?

It can not be confirmed by scripture but Joseph may even be over David, when all his brothers were brought to Egypt Joseph rule the gentiles AND the 11 tribes including Judah from which David comes.

Jacob believed God; he knew what God had promised him, Jacob’s sons were to become and have become many important nations not just a tiny racial group known as Jews scattered through out the world.

If God had intended for the 12 tribes to become one people all blended together, to be known as the JEWS, why then was the following command placed in the Book of Numbers?

Numbers 36: 7

7 “So shall not the inheritance of the children of Israel remove from tribe to tribe: for every one of the children of Israel shall keep himself to the inheritance — of the tribe of his fathers.”

The Children of Israel are to keep with in their own Tribes and not to mix with other tribes. This command — was to prevent – the 12 tribes from becoming one race of people, a generic homogenized people.

I have heard folks make the statement; ‘well the lost 10 tribes just intermixed and no longer exist as a people’. Those that make such statements have no understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation nor of THE POWER and AUTHORTY of ALMIGHTY GOD and can only have a very limited knowledge of HS WORD.

These incredibly important unconditional promises of God of many nations and billions in numbers are preached over and over across America year after year by the 40,000 flavors of confusion called christianity – aren’t they? — you have heard them over and over? You have – haven’t you ???

And WHY notthese scriptures are not secret, not hidden verses but are foundational prophecies found in the book of Genesis the very beginning of the WORD of God?


If the Bible is to be believed — the unconditional promises given by God and the contracts made by God with the patriarchs must be perfectly and completely fulfilled.


It is obvious Genesis 35: 11 has not been fulfilled by those called Jews thus we must look elsewhere to discover how God fulfilled His promises. let’s go back even further to Abram.

Genesis 15: 5

5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall – “thy” – seed be.

Are there not billions of stars in heaven above?

Genesis 28: 14

14 And thy seedshall be as the dust of the earth, - and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

And Abraham’s seed as numerous as dust particles, too numerous to number, will be spread all over the entire world : to the west – to the east – to the north and to the south of the Promised Land and the blessings given to his seed will be a blessing even for the entire world.

So Abram’s seed will by an “unconditional” promise of God become billions in numbers and how many are the Jews today? There are about 20 million Jews worldwide according to the W W Web. Do you still cling to the proven lie that all 12 Tribes are Jewish?? How can you possibly hold to that satanic lie in the face of all the scriptures quoted to this point? And more are coming.

God’s unconditional promise of numbers approaching the number of stars in heaven above was passed on only — to the two sons of Joseph.

We must be able to locate that great nation and that company of nations with a combined current population in the many 100’s of millions for the Bible to be true.

All of the major promises were given first to Abram by God, the promise of Land then the promise of his seed becoming billions and then the promise of his seed becoming many Nations.

All of those promises and contracts are being fulfilled only with in the 12 tribes of Israel – not with gentiles. The 12 tribes must exist to day as they “only” are to receive the Promises. The gentiles are to be blessed —– THROUGH — Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

There is a movement today called — “replacement theology” — which holds as a key doctrine Christ ‘replaced’ the 12 tribes with gentile Christians. If true please show us how the above promises are being fulfilled with gentile Christians?

Please demonstrates which of the 40,000 groups of “Christians” are the House of Israel and which are the House of Judah? Christ will return and rule from the existing Throne of the House of Israel – where can that existing Throne be if it is now within the 40,000 flavors of so called Christianity??

If these promises are not being fulfilled today, if the unconditional promises of God can be cast aside what else in the WORD of GOD is not to be trusted – how about your salvation supposedly gained by simply mouthing the words “I accept Jesus into my heart “– which by the way can not be found in scripture?

Here is a thought to seriously ponder:

If God can not even save His own “Chosen People” how can He possibly save you and why should or would He save you ??

Genesis 17: 4

4 As for me, behold, my covenant (contract) [is] with thee (Abram), and thou shalt be a father of many nations.

Where are those “many” nations; a promise –without — conditions?

Viewing history as recorded in the Bible and secular history as well, where are those many nations and great multitudes of people promised to number in the billions by God in His Word?

Better yet who are they, they must exist? The Jewish people have never received the Promises of becoming many nations or multitudes of people as God promised to Abraham: even to this day.

One of our Nation’s Founders, Thomas Paine rejected the Bible as myth, he could never see how the Jews could ever fulfill the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Jacob now renamed Israel placed his name on Joseph’s two sons and the two sons are now known as Israel. God calls Ephraim His Firstborn, what is so important and so special about Ephraim? It is doubtful very many ‘nominal’ Christians have even heard of Joseph much less Ephraim: God’s firstborn?

Were you aware Ephraim is the Head of the House of Israel? Do a Bible search on Ephraim, you will be amazed at the number of prophesies involving Ephraim. Ephraim is very prominent in prophecy and is the key figure in many prophecies. Ephraim is not Jewish; in fact remember Ephraim and his brother Manasseh are only half Hebrew.

Yes! The same statements are being repeated and repeated – how else can the importance of these promises given by God be driven home?




The Time of “Jacob’s” (Israel) Trouble is almost upon us.




God then begins to use another of Jacob’s sons for a great purpose:

God reveals further profound and foundational promises given to yet another of Jacob’s sons:

”And to his son Judah, Jacob said;”


Genesis 49: 10

10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him [shall] the gathering of the people [be].

The Ruler – the KING- of the coming Kingdom of God (Government of God), comes from the tribe of Judah. Jesus Christ, a Jew of the House of David, will soon return and rule as KING of kings, the Scepter of Judah will finally be in the hand of Jesus Christ forever.

That eternal Throne represented by Judah’s Scepter was given by God to David and to his seed — Until — Christ returns to claim it and that very throne thousands of years old exist today — at this very moment. But that Throne is the Throne of the House of Israel — not the House of Judah – NOT THE Jews.

Remember in the Lord’s Prayer Christ taught we are to seek “Thy Kingdom Come,” Christ taught we are to be continually asking for God’s Government with Christ at its head to return to this earth to rule all earth from the existing Throne of David..

From Judah (the Jews) and specifically the House of David, Jesus Christ KING of kings and LORD of lords was born.

Is there an existing nation today which came from one of the 12 sons of Jacob/Israel that has had a king sitting on a Throne ruling over that nation since Zedekiah was slain over 2,500 years ago?

Does there yet exist today — a King or Queen currently sitting on a throne that has existed for thousands of years and from that throne ruled over a company of nations i.e ruled over many Hebrew nations around the world?

When we locate that Company of Nations with a Throne that has existed for around 2500 years, then we will have found the very Throne Jesus Christ will soon return to claim as His.

King Zedekiah was the last king of the House of Judah and was of the seed of David. David’s Throne seems to end with Zedekiah? Do you understand just how important this fact of history is?

The very Throne the Scepter of Judah represents i.e. King David’s Throne, must exist today on this earth at this very moment or God’s Word can not true and it appears to have ended with Zedekiah.

Important point: Christ will rule from the throne of the House of Israel –and not – from the throne of the House of Judah which ended with Zedekiah.

Jeremiah was ‘set over’ moving this throne and preserving it for Christ. Jeremiah 1: 10 is another study.

Jeremiah 33: 17

17 For thus saith the LORD; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throneof the house of Israel;

Verse 17 is an “unconditional” and eternity lasting promise of God concerning the House of Israel and not the House of Judah;

David will always have a man from his line, his seed, sitting on the throne of the House of Israel until Jesus Christ returns to claim that very Throne. That throne IS eternal and Jesus Christ will rule from that throne for all eternity.

There is a Jew sitting on the Very Throne of David today and that Throne is over 2500 years old.

Are you grasping the importance of the above? Do you not see the importances God has placed upon this Throne?

Here in the book of Luke’s that promise given to David is confirmed.

Luke 1: 30 – 33

30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.

31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto himthe throne of his father David:

33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

How many times has this been read at Christmas and yet no one really pays any attention or understands — how very sad?

This promise of God is unconditional and must be fulfilled. How can God the Father send His Son Jesus Christ to rule from David’s Throne if it does not exist today? How often do you hear a minister preach about the Throne Christ will return to rule from??

Jesus Christ will sit on David’s Throne ruling not only all earth, but more importantly in the eyes of God the Father — ruling- The House of Jacob: all 12 Tribes. How much clearer must this FACT be stated before some finally wake up and understand how importance it is that all 12 tribes exist to day and David’s Throne as well ??

How can Jesus Christ rule over a non-existing people and from a non-existing throne that has not exist for thousands of years ?

Scripture does not state Christ returns to rule over — “Christians” ––; Christ is to rule over the House of Jacob – 12 Hebrew Tribes — at His return.

If these scriptures are not speaking of flesh and blood people then explain Zechariah 14: 16 – 19.

David will rule as King over all 12 Tribes under Christ and the 12 Apostles will each rule as individual kings over the 12 Tribes – So states your Savior.

If after 6000 years God can not even “save” HIS Chosen People – why do you suppose He has the power to save you??

Some believe when the New Covenant came the Church became “Spiritual Israel” and God rejected and was finished with His Chose people Israel. While it is true the New Covenant is a Spiritual contract for a Spiritual people with a Spiritual Law and with new Spiritual promises God can never abandoned physical Israel — His chosen people — for ever.

God’s Chosen People are being “converted” into a Spiritual people which gentiles can be grafted into. Christ sent His 12 Apostles to the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”, not to the gentiles. Matthew 15: 24; Matthew 10: 5, 6.

The prophets of God ALL speak of redeeming ALL Israel i.e. Hebrews and returning THEM to the Promised Land, God never spoke of rejecting Israel for ever; that would require God to CHANGE and Almighty GOD changes NOT!!

The Work God has began here on earth – HE will finish and it will be perfection!!

If that were not True — then what assurances have you once He begins HIS work in you — God will finish that work in you ???

In Philippians 1: 6 Paul states once God has began a good work – He will finish — but of course not with HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE — really ???– If you believe God can abandon HIS PEOPLE then why will HE finish His work in you – why are you so special?? If you say it is because YOU have “Jesus in your heart” – please explain what that even means using clear scripture.

Salvation comes only through physical Israel, Gods Chosen People and that is one of the ways God has blessed the world. Thus to inherit the Kingdom of God one must be from one of the tribes of Israel or be grafted (adopted) IN to God’s Elect: Israel. All gentiles must become Israelites to receive the gift of Eternal LIFE.

Jesus Christ is bringing the very Government of God to earth and will rule in righteousness the House of Jacob/Israel from the Throne of David as it’s KING and that Kingdom has — NO END!

That message — IS —“GOOD NEWS” !




The House of Israel and the House of Judah: Divided brothers!


The scriptures coming next will demonstrate the 12 Tribes of Jacob have been divided by God into two separate peoples two separate nations and these scriptures will also begin to reveal the 12 Tribes immediate future.

After the reign of Solomon, God divided the 12 Tribes; 10 Tribes becoming The House of Israel and the remaining 2 Tribes The House of Judah.

Those of the House of Israel are not Jews; The Jews are The House of Judah: Judah shorten by slang to one syllable as humans like to do — is – “Ju”—dah; “jew”-dah.

The House of Judah is Judah and Benjamin.

The House of Israel is Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher and Joseph.


When the House of Israel turned to idols much of the tribe of Levi, the priesthood, fled to the House of Judah.

I Kings 11: 31

31 And he said to Jeroboam, Take thee ten pieces: for thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel, Behold, I will rend the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon, and will give ten tribes to thee:

The vast majority of Christians are most likely totally unfamiliar with many of the scriptures presented to this point, Why ? Could it be a reason christianity never moves away from the intentional and deceitful satanic lie that all 12 tribes are Jewish?

I Chronicles 5: 1, 2

1 Now the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel, (for he [was] the firstborn; but, forasmuch as he defiled his father’s bed, his birthright was given unto the sons of Joseph (the 11th of) the son of Israel: and the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright.

2 For Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him [came] the chief ruler (Jesus Christ);

but the birthright [was] Joseph’s:

So the promise of the Birthright (the promise of land) is through Joseph and the promise of Blessings (Christ ruling from His Throne and salvation) is through Judah.

An interesting note: Jacob, by deceit, took both the blessing and the birthright from his brother Esau and Esau has hated Jacob even unto this day. Esau is today the nation of Turkey and will no longer remain a people after the return of Christ. See Obadiah

Joseph received the Birthright: the promised physical inheritance of land i.e. The Promise of Land and many nations and multitudes of people as the stars in heaven and as the sand of the sea in numbers which Jacob then passed to Joseph’s two sons.

Judah received the Blessings: Salvation comes through Judah i.e. the Jews. Jesus Christ, His mother Mary is of the seed of David, is bringing to mankind the gift of eternal life and very soon will bring to earth that Perfect and Righteous and HOLY Government of God. Our God is a God of perfect order and righteous LAW.

John 4

22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of —- the Jews.

Out of the 12 brothers, all sons of Jacob, God the Father and Jesus Christ placed Judah and Joseph in the two key positions in God’s Plan of Salvation.

The first time the slang term “Jew” (Ju) is used in God’s Word, the House of Israel is at war with the House of Judah. II Kings 16. Ahaz was King of Judah and Pekah was King of Israel, God split the 12 tribes and now they are at war.

Yes the writer is aware of the controversy over the meaning of the term Jew; # 3064 “Yehudi”. Here is what Strong’s has to say.

Yehudi: Jewish

Original Word: יְהוּדִי
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: Yehudi
Phonetic Spelling: (yeh-hoo-dee’)

Short Definition: Jews

NAS Exhaustive Concordance

Word Origin
from Yehudah
Definition: Jewish
NASB Translation

Jew (10), Jewish (4), Jews (59), Jews’ (1),—– Judeans (1).



Please note; The term “Jew” is translated once as Judeans and 74 times as “Jew.” But you are required to prove all things — to your own self.


“If” the ten tribes are Jews where then is that great nation and company of nations composed of only Jews God promised unconditionally ?

Where are these nations today with possibly 750 million or more in numbers, remember they must in numbers as the sand, the stars and as the dust of the earth?

This question is repeated in hopes it may cause you to question what you have been taught all of your life. GOD’s promises are certain and can never be aborted or changed or else “your” personal promised gift of eternal life can be changed as well.

Jeremiah 30: 1 – 3

1 The Word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying,

2 Thus speaketh the LORD God of Israel, saying, Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.

Thus the Words Jeremiah wrote in his book are quotes of God thus they –ARE THE WORD OF GOD and man is required to live by every WORD of GOD !

3 For, lo, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will bring again the captivity of my peopleIsraeland — Judah, saith the LORD:

and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and — they shall possess it.


Yes a few from the two or three tribes of the House of Judah have returned to the Promised Land but not all 12 tribes, not even all Jews.


And remember the Tribe of Joseph was given the BIRTHRIGHT not the Jews. The Jews were never promise they would be given the Promised Land as their Birthright. The return has not taken place, verse 3 is yet to occur and those Jews living in the Promised Land now – will be cast out.

Understand: when Jeremiah was called as a very young boy to be a prophet, the 10 Tribes of the House of Israel were –“already” — held in captivity by Assyria (their 2nd captivity) and move far away and during Jeremiah’s life time the House of Judah, the Jews, were also in captivity.

The House of Judah was held in captivity by Babylon during the time of Jeremiah thus Jeremiah is writing of yet a 3rd captivity and Jeremiah reveals Christ will free the captives (from all 12 tribes) that are in captivity for the third time — at His return —- AND that remnant of the 12 tribes will RETURN to the Promised Land exactly as God promised Abraham and will never be removed from that land again.

For there to be a captivity of the physical House of Israel at the time of the end –The 10 tribes of the House of ISRAEL —- must exist.

Otherwise please provide details as to how the 40,000 “kinds” of Christians are divided into 10 tribes?? Which church group is Ephraim?

For God to fulfill His promise to Abraham of giving Abraham’s seed the Promised Land in perpetuity – the nations of Israel must exist. The land was promised to a physical flesh and blood people that they may dwell on it in peace.

Immortal Spirits do not live on land or in houses.

The promises of God to Abraham have been passed down to all 12 tribes which are now divided into two separate Peoples, two nations. And the sins, the iniquities of the House of Israel and the House of Judah will again cause God to send them both into captivity for the third and final time as punishment (judgment). “3” is God’s number for finality or conclusion.

But God will still remember His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the physical remnant (10%) of both Houses will be finally given that land promised to Abraham in perpetuity after the punishment of captivity for the 3rd time is fulfilled.

Jeremiah 31: 31

31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant “with’— the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

The Old and the NEW covenants both have the same two parties: GOD and the two Houses; Israel and Judah i.e. the children of Israel.

Neither the Old nor the New Covenant included the gentiles, if you can find a way for verse 31 above to include the gentiles please let us know how.

This new covenant is found in prophecy in the Old Testament (see Jeremiah 31: 33)— long before there were any so called Christians – if a change of one of the parties to that New Covenant was coming, if a change that monumental was to occur, God would have told us — where is that drastic change foretold???

The LORD is speaking of the New Contract (Covenant) which He is entering into – only – with the 12 Tribes which are now divided into two houses, no other peoples are included.

The scripture above is either beyond question or the WORD of God can mean what ever someone wants it to mean.

Many have accepted the satanic lie that God has abandoned physical Israel and now “the Church” is spiritual Israel – if that be so then please show by the WORD of God which “christians’ are the House of Israel and which are the House of Judah as THEY only are included in the NEW contract. Are Christians today divided into two separate distinct churches or into 40,000?

Christ came to His own, the House of Judah, they rejected Him as their King, The Lord then sent His Apostles to the “lost sheep” of the House of Israel.

Christ acknowledged as true that the 12 sons of Jacob were divided into two separate Houses; The House of Israel with 10 tribes and the House of Judah with 2 tribes. Why else would Christ send the 12 apostles to the House of Israel and not even mention the House of Judah.

Matthew 10: 6

6 But go rather tothe “lost sheep” – of the house of Israel.

John 10: 15, 16

15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the – sheep.

“The Sheep” are the Chosen people — all 12 tribes. Salvation is only offered to the House of Jacob: to the Jews (House of Judah) first, and then to the House of Israel – after – the Jews rejected Christ as their king and killed Him.

Can you grasp this fact, Christ told His Apostles to go the House of Israel RATHER then to the House of Judah? These “lost sheep” are not gentiles, Christ never told them to go to the gentiles and the gentiles are never called “sheep”, Christ HIM self called gentiles “dogs”. Matthew 7: 6 and 15: 26.

Until Peter baptized Cornelius, gentiles were “unclean” and have never been called “My sheep”.

In fact they are still even today “unclean”; gentiles must be first Called, Chosen and converted — and thereby – grafted into Israel –to receive salvation and Gentiles are being grafted i.e. adopted in to Israel at this very day.

The New Covenant remains a contract between GOD and ONLY the Children of Israel, no other nations or peoples were ever included in either the Old or the New contract.

Salvation is offered only to the Children of Israel; gentiles — must become – adopted Israelites to gain eternal life. The entire Bible is about delivering only God’s Chosen People Israel from the bonds of sin unto Salvation.

16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, [and] one shepherd.

Remember a fold refers to sheep; God has never to this day calls unconverted gentiles His Sheep. This is not speaking of Gentiles. The other ‘fold’ is the Lost House of Israel – the 10 Tribes and they, not the Jews, will hear “My voice”.

There are two folds of God’s sheep: the Jews i.e. Judah and the 10 tribes: the House of Israel. The Jews even to this day hear not – but will be saved in a later “day” of salvation.

For conformation of the two folds becoming ONE read Ezekiel 37: 15 – 28.

Hebrews 8: 8

8 For finding fault with — ‘them ‘,he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenantwiththe house of Israel and with the house of Judah:

Paul understands and quotes Jeremiah from the Old Testament and acknowledges the two separate Houses of Jacob, Paul understood God divided and separated the 12 Tribes and explains the Covenant is only with the two Houses of Israel and Judah.

The fault in the Covenant was not with the Law which simply codified sin, i.e. explains or defines what SIN “IS”the Fault lies strictly with the people: the whole House of Israel could never honor their contract with God by keeping the law as they were and still are an unconverted carnal physical people.

These next scriptures are very clearly illustrating the division into two Houses, God split the House of Jacob into the House of Judah and the House of Israel but God has every intention of reuniting all 12 tribes again as one Nation when Christ returns as King of kings.

Zechariah 11: 14

14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, [even] Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

Ezekiel 37: 15 – 22, — NIV –

15The word of the Lord came to me:”

16 “Son of man, take a stick of wood and write on it, ‘Belonging to Judah and the Israelites associated with him.’ Then take another stick of wood, and write on it, Ephraim’s stick, belonging to Joseph and all the house of Israel associated with him.”

Ephraim, Joseph’s youngest son, is the head the House of Israel and became the Company of Nations; With Ephraim resides David’s Throne which Jesus Christ will claim upon His return. Christ will sit on that Throne of the House of Israel.

Have you ever heard any Jew state they are of the tribe of Ephraim?? No and you won’t.

17 Join them together into one stick so that they will become one in your hand.”

18 “When your countrymen ask you, won’t you tell us what you mean by this?’

19 “Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am going to take the stick of Joseph— which is in Ephraim’s hand—and of the Israelite tribes associated with him, and join it to Judah’s stick, making them a single stick of wood, and —– they will become one in my hand.’

The Tribe of Joseph is divided into half tribes; Ephraim, the head of the House of Israel and his brother Manasseh. The half tribe of Manasseh will replace the tribe of Dan. When have you ever heard anyone bring up the name of Ephraim went discussing prophecy ?

20Hold before their eyes the sticks you have written on”

21 And say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will take the Israelites (sons of Israel) out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. “

The remnant, those left alive from ALL 12 tribes of Israel, will have been taken captive after World War Three and dispersed around the world as slaves and at the return of Christ will be freed from captivity by Jesus Christ.

Christ will then bring them back into the Promised Land by the 2nd Exodus for the third and final time.

22 I will make them one nation – in – the land, on the mountains of Israel. There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms. “

The Jews have never been two nations or two kingdoms? Kingdoms are countries with a people a government and national lands with boundaries. And now the two Houses shall be reunited to live in the Promised Land under Jesus Christ as King of kings. Again — I ASK THE QUESTION!

HOW IT IS POSSIBLE CHRIST CAN JOIN TOGETHER PEOPLES THAT NO LONGER EXIST and how is it possible to join the Jews that have never been two nations into ONE NATION?

Please explain how self described Christians could be 2 kingdoms, 2 peoples and how they will become ONE and live in the Promised Land? —– They are NOT two kinds but 40,000 varieties and flavors of total confusion.

23 They will no longer defile themselves with their idols and vile images or with any of their offenses, for I will save them from all their sinful backsliding, and I will cleanse them. They will be my people, and I will be THEIR God.”

And again; God is stating HE will cleanse HIS PEOPLE and will be THEIR GOD – those that teach God has forever cast away HIS PEOPLE are liars.

Question: God divided Jacob’s 12 sons into two Houses, two peoples: can two separate nations or Houses of Jews be identified that would qualify and confirm verse 22 ?

Two separate stand alone nations of Jews — can never be found?

Time is being spent in this paper on the question; Are all 12 tribes JEWS ? This is a very very important truth which must be understood. Scripture and logic and history all prove only 2 tribes are called Jews.

Based upon logic and fact, for all 12 tribes to be Jews then Jacob must also be a Jew—prove by the Word of God Jacob was not a Hebrew but was a Jew and I will stop writing.

IF – two separate nations of Jews — can not be found — how are we to understand, what are we to do with all of the scriptures proclaiming there are – TWO separate Houses of Jacob?

There have been many logical questions raised, if you can not with sound logic and clear scriptures answer the questions based upon the doctrine you hold as true – are your doctrines not then untrue and illogical?

Isaiah 9: 21

21 “Manasseh, Ephraim, and Ephraim, Manasseh, and they together shall be against Judah.”

The House of Israel with Ephraim at its head and Manasseh his brother will turn against the House of Judah – we are watching that take place right now. The Great Nation and the Company of Nations are walking running from the tiny nation of Israel. Israel will soon be completely alone and surrounded by enemies. Not only the tiny nation of Israel but all the Jews everywhere are to be vilified and hated and “exterminated’ once again.

Ask yourself this question: what great nation and what great company of nations have been supporting the tiny nation of Israel since it was founded and are now turning against tiny Israel??

Can you remember ever hearing a minister or any student of the Bible explaining the many prophecies involving Ephraim and Manasseh? Why? Are those prophecies not plainly written throughout God’s Word?

Do a search of the name Ephraim and you will find prophecies too numerous to list concerning Ephraim at the time of the end.

Focus on what God has stated above in Ezekiel 37: 15 – 23 only the 12 Tribes of Israel are God’s People. None of the gentile nations has God ever claimed as His people! God has and will graft “individual’ gentiles into the House of Israel; BUT to gain salvation gentiles must become Israelites.

The Church of GOD the FATHER has never been nor will ever — be turned over to gentiles. Rome is NOT the city of GOD.

In the New Covenant as in the Old Covenant there are two parties – the first party is God and the second party is the Children of Israel. For any other then an Israelite to receive the promises contained in either contract they must first be grafted into Israel. The promises of God are only to the whole House of Israel – not to the world. Both Covenants are with the children of Israel only and that will never change. Christ will be KING over the House of Jacob forever.

Why does the world only view Israel as Jewish? Why do the Jews not recall they have been separated from the other 10 Tribes?

2 Corinthians 4:

4 In whom the god of this world (Satan) — hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

The Jews today are Judah, Benjamin and a majority of the tribe of Levi and a few from Simeon, Levi’s brother. God divided the 12 tribes for many reasons: one reason was to separate the Throne; the Tribe of Judah from the Birthright; the Tribe of Joseph.

Another extremely important reason:

The House of Israel had to lose knowledge of their true Identity. That identity has been hidden from all the Nations that came from Jacob and from the world as well, hidden until the House of Israel is taken into captivity at Time of the End. Christ described the House of Israel as “lost sheep”.

Here is proof God wanted the House of Israel to forget who they are.

Deuteronomy 32: 26

26 I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men:

If it is understood that all Jews are Israelites but not all Israelites are Jews The Word of God begins to open, connecting scripture to scripture and prophecy to prophecy. If this is the first time you have ever heard or read of the separate nations of the House of Israel and of the House of Judah, or read any of these important scriptures – WHY? All of these scriptures have been in God’s Word from the beginning.

Why else would God have written of two separate peoples throughout His Word so often and in such great detail if there was not a great purpose involved?

Many scripture have been included above stating there is a difference between the House of Israel and the House of Judah and showing the 10 tribes of the House of Israel must exist today as many nations — yet when confronted with all of the scriptures found in the Word of God – the vast majority — “demand” — to remain – blind.




The House of Israel will have been in captivity 3 times, given the Promised Land once, the Birthright land once and freed from captivity twice by the time Jesus Christ returns to earth as KING of kings.


At Christ’s return the remnant of the nations of Israel, the 10% that survived the tribulation and the Day of the Lord will be given the Promised Land for the third and final time. Three is the number God uses to show finality, to show when something has been completed and is final.

If you do not understand how God used numbers that is another important requirement for understand HIS WORD. The number 7 is spiritual perfection, 3 is explained above and then there are others such as: 40; 12; 10 and 2.

The House of Jacob (all 12 Tribes) held in captivity in Egypt for 430 years were led out of Egypt by the First Exodus and from their first captivity by Moses and were given the Promised Land for the first time after Moses’ died.

Once settled in the Promised Land all 12 tribes began to continually transgressed God’s Law i.e. the Torah and God’s Covenant and for those transgressions were finally sent into captivity for the second time.

God follows the Torah to the letter, God, according to contract terms is allowed 21 years to bring Israel back into compliance with the contract, if Israel fails to repent and fails to returned to obedience to the Law and the Covenant then God is allowed again by the terms of the contract to destroy them as a nation over a period of 7 years and send them into slavery, into a horrendous Captivity. See Lev. 26: 14 – 39.

Assyria took the House of Israel (10 tribes) into their 2nd captivity and later [130 years later] Babylon took the House of Judah (2 tribes) into their 2nd captivity: both houses, all 12 tribes, were removed from the Promised Land for the first time.

The House of Judah [2 Tribes], the Jews, were scattered except for a small number that were ordered to return to rebuild the Temple. Assyria and the 10 Tribes of the House of Israel migrated north and eventual separated over time. Only the Jews retained the knowledge of their relationship with God as the Jews had been given charge of the “Oracles of God”. See Romans 3: 2

The Jews i.e the House of Judah were given the duty and responsibility of protecting and maintaining the WORD of GOD thus THEY know who they are.

But God, for the second time fulfilled the promise of the Birthright blessings that were passed from Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob and then finally to the two sons of Joseph.

The Birthright blessings that were finally passed to Joseph’s two sons were fulfilled much later, thousands of years, after the 2nd captivity.

Where these Lands are located will be revealed later, but understand;

Joseph’s Birthright Lands must conceal the true identity of the two sons and must be large enough to allow growth into many nations and the fulfillment of the promise of 100’s of millions in population at the time of the end.

The children of Israel up to this point have been in captivity twice – and – after being freed from the first captivity in Egypt by the first Exodus, entered the Promised Land for the first time and much later were “taken” into captivity for the second time —

The House of Israel with Ephraim at its head after being taken north by the Assyrians begin to receive, many century’s later, The Promise of Land for the Second time to fulfill the promise of the Birthright to Joseph’s two sons.

We read earlier in Genesis 49 the prophecy given by Jacob regarding his son Joseph at the time of the end, the tribe of Joseph was to expand beyond their borders to the North, South, West and East and they did so.

At the Time of The End the 10 tribes will be removed from the Birthright Lands, removed from God’s Land for — the second time

They are to be removed for the 2nd time and will be carried into their third captivity — when the 5th Seal, which begins the Great Tribulation, opens.

The 3rd Captivity begins at the end of World War 3. God will be walking contrary to Israel in FURY for 7 years and at the mid point of the 7 years the nations of Israel are taken into a horrendous captivity.

Leviticus 26

28 Then I will walk contrary unto you also – in fury; - and I, even I, will chastise you seven times (7 years) for your sins.

33 And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.

The nations of the House of Israel are to be utterly laid waste and for the third time are taken into captivity and scattered among the heathen –WHY? They have rejected God’s HOLY Law and God’s Covenant and refusal to acknowledge the blessings that came to them not because of their righteousness but because of the Promise of God to Joseph i.e the Birthright.

Israel’s transgressions against God are THE CAUSE of unspeakable trouble, this horrendous unparalleled time of punishment. God is removing His protection and His blessings from the nations of Israel – all the nations of Israel are now on their own in a gentile world i.e. “The Times of the Gentiles”.

Global warming, now call ‘climate change’, IS caused by man – but- it is caused by our SINS — not our cars and beef etc..

It is God who gave us the good weather which is part of the Birthright Blessings and God is now removing those Blessing — because of our SINS.

All 12 tribes will be in brutal captivity for 3 ½ years and “IN THAT DAY” – at the return of Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ will free the remnant of Israel from captivity as He did in Egypt.

The Israelite remnant numbering in the 10’s of millions when freed from captivity will begin the 2nd Exodus to Jerusalem to receive the Promise Land for the third and final time.

Here are just two of the many scriptures describing the yet future 2nd Exodus:

Isaiah 11: 11

11 And it shall come to pass —“ in that day,” — [that] the Lord shall set his hand again- the second timeto recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.

Jeremiah 16: 14, 15

14 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;

15 But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: ——and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers. i.e. THE Promised Land.



1- The Children of Israel are in captivity in Egypt: First (1st) Captivity.

2- Moses leads them out of captivity: First (1st) Exodus.

3- Joshua (Christ) leads all 12 Tribes into the Promised Land: First time in the Promised Land.

4- Assyria takes captive the 10 tribes known as the House of Israel: Second (2nd) Captivity.

5- Babylon takes the 2 Tribes knows as the House of Judah: Into their Second Captivity.

6- The House of Israel (10 Tribes) is given the * Birthright Land after losing knowledge of their identity and after being move north into Europe: 2nd Time given the Promised Land but as their birthright.

7- The whole House of Israel, all 12 Tribes, will be again be taken by Assyria (Germany) from their Birthright Lands into captivity: Into Captivity for the third (3rd) and final time.

8- Christ returns and frees all 12 Tribes from captivity as He did in the time of Moses.

9 -The 2nd Exodus takes place as all Israel is freed from captivity by Jesus Christ. 2nd Exodus.

10- The 2nd Exodus returns the remnant of the whole House of Israel to the Promised Land for the third and final time; this Tithe (tenth) of God is possibly more than 65 million.

  • *The Promised Land is in the Middle East surrounding Jerusalem, the city of GOD and the remnant of both Houses will be led there from captivity.
  • During the 1000 year reign of Christ as the population of the whole House of Israel greatly increases in numbers they will spread into the “Birthright’ lands given to the two sons of Joseph.


The Children of Israel are soon going into captivity for the third time and final time. Assyria will be their captors for their third time in captivity.

Assyria will start World War Three and by the end of that very short war the nations of the Whole House of Israel will be defeated and lay in ruins.

Two thirds of all inhabitances of the nations of Israel will have died by the end of this third and last great world war. More on this later.

The remnant of God’s Elect after World War Three will be taken into 3 ½ years of captivity and the remnant will be brought to repentance and salvation in Jesus Christ during the 2 ½ years of the Great Tribulation.


During the 1nd half of the 7 years of the time of the end (3 ½ yrs) the first 4 Seals are completed and the 5th , 6th and 7th Seals are completed during the 2nd half (last 3 ½ years).


The 5th Seal is the Great Tribulation lasting 2 ½ years:

The 6th Seal is God cutting short the Tribulation by great heavenly signs

The 7th Seal is THE DAY OF THE LORD which is the final year of the 7.


After the “DAY of the LORD” [the 7th Seal], which is the final year of the 7 years of the time of the end the remnant of the 12 tribes will be freed from captivity by Jesus Christ and returned by a 2nd Exodus to the Promised Land and to Jerusalem for the third and final time.

The Day of the LORD ends at the end of the LAST TRUMP, the 7th and last trumpet plague of the 7th Seal. After the 7 Last Plagues which are the 7th Trump, are poured out Christ Returns and the first resurrection takes place.

God uses numbers throughout His plan of Salvation; THREE is His number for completion or finality: 3 times Israel goes into captivity and 3 times Israel is given the Promised Land. The third time is final; Israel will never again be taken from the land unconditionally promised to Abraham.

Two times they are removed from the Promised Land (2nd time is just ahead) and two times they are returned to the Promised Land by an Exodus after being freed by Jesus Christ.

What is written in this paper most likely is totally contrary to what the 40,000 kinds of “Christians” have been taught — If you are in doubt, please continue as scriptures adding more clarity and details are to follow.

God’s prophet Ezekiel states two thirds of the population of the nations of Israel will lose their lives during the first half of the 7 years (a period of 1260 days which is 3 ½ years) at which time the first 4 Seals culminate ——- and beginning with the Great Tribulation, the 5th Seal, the 5th, 6th and 7th Seals are fulfilled during the final half of the 7 years: the final 1260 days.

The abomination of desolation begins the 5th seal which is the midpoint of the 7 years, and that mid point fall at Passover season.

The 7 year time of the end is divided into two periods of 1260 days each; the first 3 ½ years (1260 days) Jesus Christ tells us is “The Beginning of Sorrows” during which 100’s of millions from the nations of Israel are killed by famine, disease and war and then the remnant are taken into captivity as the 5th Seal opens — how many of you have heard this preached by your ministers? ZERO

The last half (1260 days) of the 7 years begins with the Abomination of Desolation i.e. the 5th Seal which is the Great Tribulation.

After 2 ½ years the Great Tribulation is cut short by the 6th Seal i.e. the heavenly signs by which God steps into world affairs and preventing the total destruction of all human life on earth. Then THE DAY of the LORD which is the 7th Seal begins. This final and last year of the 7 years is God Wrath upon the gentile nations of this world.

Note: The Great Tribulation is cut short by God in the final seconds just as the buttons are about to be pushed sending missiles flying that would end life on earth. Christ in Matthew 24: 22 has not cut short the 7 years of the time of the end only the final seconds of the Great Tribulation.

The prophet Daniel also confirms the time of the end is divided into two parts.

Daniel 12

11 And from the time [that] the daily [sacrifice] shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, [there shall be] a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Daniel is stating 30 days before the 7 years begins the daily sacrifice will be stopped, prevented or ended and after the daily sacrifice is stopped the abomination of desolation will occur 1290 day later: 30 plus the 1260.

Christ in Matthew 24 clearly states the abomination of desolation is the beginning of the great tribulation i.e. the 5th Seal.

Can we prove by Scripture 100’s of millions will be living in the nations of Israel at the time of the end.

If you were shown four scriptures besides those in Genesis verifying the 100’s of millions God has promised will come from Abraham —

Would that be proof enough?

Genesis 28: 14 alone should be enough.


Genesis 28: 14

14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

As the dust covers the earth so shall the seed of Abraham in great numbers cover the entire earth spreading in 4 directions from Jerusalem.


Isaiah 10: 22

22 For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, [yet] (only) a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness.


See Romans 9: 27, Paul quotes Isaiah 10.

Isaiah confirms in 10: 22 the nations of the House of Israel will be in the 100’s of millions at the beginning of the 7 years of the time of the end and only a remnant (Gods tithe or 10%) of the 100’s of millions shall return to the Promised Land in the 2nd Exodus.

It is quite possible the total population of the nations of Israel at the beginning of the time of the end will approach one billion.


Hosea 1: 10

10 Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, [that] in the place where it was said unto them, Ye [are] not my people, [there] it shall be said unto —“them”,— (to the children of Israel) [Ye are] the sons of the living God.


Deuteronomy 28: 62

62 And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; —– because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the LORD thy God.

Please take careful note; the reason for the horrendous time of the end:

because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the LORD thy God.

Five scriptures telling us the population of the “nations of Israel” will be as the dust of the earth, as the stars of heaven, as the sand of the sea in numbers – Abraham had other sons but God’s Chosen People come only from Isaac, Jacob and the 12 sons of Jacob.

YET christianity still refuses to believes God.


It is a FACT of history the Jews have never been either in Old Testament times or modern days numbered as the sand of the sea. These prophecies are for our day right now at this very moment in time. Reread all of these scriptures, study and prove to yourself whether they be true or not.

It is up to you to prove this for yourselves! —Take no man’s word as Truth: only the WORD of God is Truth and God tells us we SHALL KNOW the Truth and the Truth shall make us free.




Understanding the Time of the End

Who are those nations the 12 sons of Jacob became and why is this so important?

This is a very important foundational question especially as the entire world and the U.S. is rushing toward total collapse and World War Three as this is being written! We are being warned daily World War three is coming, but America will not war with China or Russia.

The identity of the 10 lost Tribes of Israel has been hidden from the world for thousands of years and now God is finality beginning to reveal what HE hid.

The first four Seals of the Book of Revelation culminate during the first half of the 7 year time of the end and in Matthew 24 Jesus Christ calls those 4 Seals “The beginning of Sorrows”.

Upon whom will these sorrows fall: — God’s “Chosen People” Israel and that time is Called “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble” and not the time of the Jews trouble.

The First Seal began to open possibly before the end of the times of the 13 Apostles (Paul being the 13th) and has continued to this day producing counterfeit messiahs, counterfeit apostles and a great worldwide counterfeit “Christian” church with many many daughters.

The First Seal culminates in the rise of “THE” False Prophet who will begin to arise to power during the first 3 ½ years. 5th Seal begins with the Abomination of Desolation preformed by this False Prophet and Beast.

The False Prophet and the Beast ARE antichrist —

This “False Prophet” working miracles will be head of a 2000 year old worldwide universal “Mother” church. Very likely the Abomination of Desolation will occur during the time of the Passover, the 14th of Nisan.


The 2nd Seal after causing the death multiple billions over a span of 2000 years has now reached the point wars and rumors of wars are an everyday occurrence as we rush toward the 3rd Seal at gallop speed.

Are you watching the Middle East, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, North Korea and the fall of the US and Britain; you better be watching, Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to WATCH?

The Horseman of the 3rd Seal is soon to be at a full gallop bringing world wide food shortages and rationing due to weather, natural disasters, financial collapses, trade wars and currency wars all of which are the precursors to World War Three which is the 4th Seal.

Are you not reading of the above every day now?

Over 1. 5 billion people (25% of the earth) will be involved in this third world war in which hundreds of millions from the nations of Israel will die. By the time this war is over all 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (The first 4 Seals) will be side by side at a full out gallop racing towards the 5th Seal: The Great Tribulation: — THE time of trouble such as never was before on earth.

The first four Seals of Revelation 6 culminate in the first 3 ½ years of the 7 years of God walking contrary to Israel — in — FURIOUS WRATH.

Upon whom does GOD’s WRATH fall ? God’s WRATH falls first upon The “Christian” nations of Israel, i.e. The Time of Jacob’s Trouble. As was shown earlier it is not the Jews that are known as Israel/Jacob but the sons of Joseph.

The European “Christian” nations i.e. gentiles are predominately catholic and will follow the false prophet and will rise against all of the nations of Israel.

God is taking away His blessings and His protection thus everything that has and will occur up to and including the 5th Seal is caused by mankind and Satan: WHY because Israel has rejected God’s WAY and Gods’ authority over them. When God no longer blesses and protect His People they will not endure long.

Of course Satan is doing everything “allowed” by God to cause man to live contrary to that HOLY WAY of GOD and to bring mankind to a full end with not one left alive.

If anything, God has slowed down the race to the Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty giving His Elect, the whole House of Israel, their last opportunity to repent in this age of man. Revelation 16: 14.

The ‘Beginning of Sorrows’ (first 4 Seals) begins the 7 years of The Time of Jacob’s Trouble AND ushers in the Great Tribulation (5th Seal). The Great Tribulation is also Satan’s wrath on God’s Chosen People.

Almighty God allows Satan’s wrath as punishment upon God’s People Israel for their iniquities as promised long ago by the Prophets of God, And Satan intends to murder every man, women and child on earth. The 5th Seal is cut short by the 6th Seal which stops Satan from destroying all human life on earth. See Matthew 24: 22.

Jeremiah 6:

17 Also I set watchmen over you, [saying], Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.

18 Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what [is] among them.

19 Hear,O earth:behold, I will bring evil upon this people, [even] the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words,nor to my law, but rejected it. See Leviticus 26: 14 – 39

This Time of “Jacob’s Trouble” will soon come upon The House of Israel:

Upon the two grandsons of Jacob that became: That Great Nation and that Company of Nation ”S” (plural) because they have rejected the Holy Law of GOD!

Jacob placed his name upon Joseph’s two sons and those two sons are now The House of “Israel” :

Who is that Great Nation and who is the Company of Nations?

From Manasseh came:

That “Great Nation” : The United States of America.

From Ephraim came:

TheCompany of Nations” : The British Common Wealth of Nations: England, Ireland, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand:


The remaining 9 Tribes of the House of Israel are found in western and northern Europe i.e. Norway, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, France, Sweden and others.

The magnificent Lands upon which the nations of the House of Israel dwells today, fulfills the Birthright promise Jacob passed to Joseph and then to Jacob’s two grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh.

It is completely understood by the writer what is stated above is hated and totally rejected by the majority of so called Christian churches:

BUT when all the scriptures included in this study are put together :

What other nations have been so blessed, so protected – who else has become so great and been a blessing to the entire world? Has not America been in the past the peace keeper of the world and the worlds bread basket?

To eliminate those nations that could not possibly be one of the 10 Israelite Tribes or nations, let’s put together a list of requirements found in God’s WORD before we begin sorting the candidates.

All of the following requirements can be found in God’s WORD.

1- The population must be of Hebrew heritage, not Jewish or gentile.

2- There may be almost a billion in population within the many nations.

3- They must be “Christian” nations founded upon the Old and New testaments.

4- There must be one great and powerful Nation.

5- There must be an association or company of many nations all joined one to the other, all of the same People, the same heritage and all ruled by a line of kings that began with David.

6- The Great Nation and the Association of Nations must be brothers, of the same Hebrew blood.

7- The Great Nation and the Association of Nations must help feed the world and come to the assistance of gentile nations with food stuffs and military protection.

8- The Great Nation and the Association of Nations must have raised the standard of living of the entire gentile world.

9- They must have controlled all of the major sea ‘gates” of the world: The Panama Canal, the Suez Canal, Gibraltar etc.

Number 10 is a major key:

10- The Association or Company of Nations must – even now – have a King or Queen sitting on a Throne and that Throne must have continually existed for almost 2,500 years.

11- There must be other smaller nations that have now or in the past had kings ruling over them.

12- They must dwell on the choices lands in the world, rich in minerals, oil, forests, water, livestock and weather.

13- These nations must be very rich now or were in the past.

14- The Great Nation and the Company of Nations must have had a close relationship with the Jews and the tiny Nation of Israel and be in process of now ending that relationship.

15- All of the nations must be turning their backs to the God of their fathers and legalizing sin.

16- These nations must be in deep financial peril at this time.

17- The nations of Israel must also be over run with gentiles – right now.

18- The nations of Israel armies must be on the wane, beginning to fail.


Well there you have it — If you can come up with any other than America and the British Common Wealth we would love to know who it could be ? ?

What ? China and Brazil or Russia and India or Pakistan and Afghanistan how about the nations of South America or of Africa?

If I thought it would or could change minds I would have include many other scriptures such as this one regarding the — BILLIONS — prophesied to come from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Genesis 24: 60

60 And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou [art] our sister, be thou [the mother] of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.

Thousands of millions is billions and those billions will possess major gates: Gibraltar, the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal come to mind.

God’s Elect has completely turning their backs to God rejecting His Blessings and protection. Israel, the Elect of God, has now lost God’s protection and the Birthright blessings given to Joseph —

                        —because they refuse to obey.


God’s Elect should be trembling in great fear at that fact: but we will not —- as we trust our in selves and in our wealth which God is now removing.

We are now entering the Times of the Gentiles, Luke 21: 24. Gentiles are not known for their gentleness or for valuing human life; this will be a time of cruel and merciless brutality such as has never before been experienced by mankind on a world wide scale.

Are you watching what is taking place in South Africa at this very moment: one of the nations of the House of Israel? The white farmers and their families are not just losing their land — they are being tortured to death beginning with the children first then the wife and then the husband. They cut the eye lids off the husband and wife so they can not shut their eyes as the children are raped and tortured to death.

All of the nations listed above will soon be in ruins decisively defeated and overrun by the worst of the gentiles. Those surviving the first four Seals will be taken into a brutal horrendous captive for the third time and final time.

70% of the one third (1/3) taken captive will die in captivity in the gentile nations. Only a tenth of all the nations of Israel will come survive the 7 year time of the end: a tenth, God’s Tithe. See Amos 5: 3.

It makes no difference to our Father if you accept or reject the identity of the House of Israel: Our Father knows every one of HIS Chosen People – BY NAME and even knows the number of hairs on your head— God know if a single sparrow falls – do you suppose a sparrow is more important to HIM then each and every single one of HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE?


For more verification of the identity of the House of Israel a book written about 1903 brings together the scriptures pointing to Judah and Israel’s identity and amply confirms what is stated above.

                        “JUDAH’S SCEPTER and JOSEPH’S BIRTHRIGHT


The book authored by J. H. Allen should satisfy those willing to believe what is written in God’s Word. The book is still ‘Online’ for purchase and may even be read on line.

This final punishment, “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble” is certain and is about to bring an end to the nations of the House of Israel.

The House of Judah and the House of Israel once again have turned their backs to God, purposely removing God’s “Laws, Judgments and Statutes” from their own laws and turned with great pride to lawlessness – SIN.

We have change our laws to legalize SIN thus we are nowSodom and Gomorrah”. Our cup of iniquity is running over.

And all Israelite peoples have rejoiced shouting — “Free at last” — they shout with joy “we are freed from that “evil harsh Law” of God” and from the authority of GOD ALMIGHTY. We are now UNDER GRACE – a license to sin.

But they were not freed from God’s coming punishment for their iniquities. And that punishment is surely coming; the Furious Wrath of God is coming upon this entire sin filled earth!!

As has happened time and time again over thousands of years, the whole House of Israel is again worshiping at the feet of Baal. There is even a temple of Baal being constructed here in America.

Iniquity, which is complete lawlessness, is the default setting for all 12 tribes each and every time they reject God and His Holy law and Holy Covenant.

How much longer will our Father and His Son Jesus Christ delay our punishment? We are rapidly approaching that vertical decent into a complete capitulation to sin and then total destruction is certain.

This horrendous time of destruction and death is so great Christ has stated it has never happened before nor will ever happen again. You may want to read why this pumishment is coming: Isaiah 9: 13 – 20; and it comes fast; Isaiah 30: 12 – 14.

Here are just a few of the ways in which America worships Baal:

Children given in sacrifice – Abortion.

Worshiping the earth –Environmental movements and global warning.

Sexual “worship” — promiscuity and perversions with wild orgies of every imaginable flavor are the new pastime throughout the nations.

If any want to gain a better understanding of why God the Father and Jesus Christ will allow all of the death and destruction soon to fall upon their Chosen People, read all of Jeremiah Chapter 5. a quote from Verse 3 reads;

They have made their faces harder than a rock.”





At the end of World War 3 the remnant of all 12 Tribes of the House of Jacob are “taken” into captivity for the 3rd and final time


For Lo the days come saith the Lord, that I will bring – Again – the captivity of My people Israel and Judah saith the Lord” in Jeremiah 30: 3.

Jeremiah wrote this prophecy during the time of the 2nd captivity of the House of Israel and the House of Judah.

When God entered into Covenant (contract) with the 12 Tribes of Jacob/Israel God gave them clear warning in THAT CONTRACT what would happen– if they refused to obey the Contract (Covenant).

This very clear warning was written and agreed to almost 4000 years ago and this Contract is still binding on the physical House of Jacob today. Paul did NOT say it “has” vanished but that it is” “vanishing”. Leviticus 26: 1 – 39

Leviticus 26 reveals God’s WRATH come upon all the nations of the House of Jacob because of their transgressions, their iniquities (sin) against their God.

Almighty God instituted a series of 4 consecutive judgment (punishment) periods each lasting seven years for a total of 28 years [4 X 7 = 28 yrs] to punish all Israel and to bring them to repentance. But the 4th and last punishment or judgment period of 7 years in the series of 4 is not to bring Israel to repentance as is the case of the first 3 periods– but to fulfill God’s promise of utter destruction and captivity for Israel’s iniquities and for rejecting HIS Covenant.

At any point during the first 3 periods of punishment each lasting 7 years God will end the punishment when the leaders of Israel repent and turn to obey God. When the 4th and last period of punishment begins – repentance will no longer be accepted, it is then too late.

Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 calls the first half (3 ½ years) of this 4th and final punishment period of 7 years; The Beginning of Sorrows.

During the first half (3 ½ years) of this 4th period of 7 years, the first four Seals (the Beginning of Sorrows) come to completion with 2/3’s of the population of all 12 tribes dying by famine, disease and war. This 4th and last 7 year period of punishment begins the TIME of the END which is the Time of Jacob’s Trouble spoken of by Jeremiah.

The Great Tribulation, the 5th Seal, begins the second half of the 7 years and If the Great Tribulation were not cut short not one man or women would be left alive on earth so states our Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 24: 22.

Understand; the 7 year period, “The time of the END” — has NOT been shortened — ONLY the Great Tribulation has been shortened: the Tribulation is WITHIN the last half of the 7 year period. Note: the Tribulation is NOT 7 years long as many have thought..

Here are the writer’s thoughts on how God will cut the Tribulation short:

In this day of unimaginable technology all that is required to prevent the buttons from being pushed sending missiles flying is about- 2 – seconds. I believe Christ will let the tribulation play out to the very last moment, to the last few seconds of the final day of the Tribulation- and thenend the Great Tribulation by violently shaking the heavens and the earth which IS the 6th Seal.

Joel 2

30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terribleday of the LORDcome.

Revelation 6

12 And I beheld when he had openedthe Sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

The 6th seal end the Great Tribulation which is the 5th Seal and the 7th Seal which is the Day of The LORD follows the 6th Seal.


The Nations of Israel will be punished in great wrath as God warns in Leviticus 26 – and then – the Great Tribulation begins at the mid point of the 7 years and that mid point occurs at Passover season. Passover is the 14th day of the First month (1/14) and the Feast of Trumpets is 7/1 and the Feast of Tabernacles is 7/15, from 1/14 to 7/15 is exactly 6 months.

As each year in God’s civil year begins on the first of Tishri, the 7th month, so begins each one of the 7 years of punishment on the first of Tishri which is the Feast of Trumpets.

The 7th year of release’ of all debts ends on the 29th of Elul (the 6th month) which ends each of the 7 year periods of punishment and the following day is the first of Tishri. Each of the 7 year periods begin on the first of Tishri and end on the 29th of Elul.

What follows is from : ”The Refiner’s Fire” web site:

“Then there is also the “civil year”, the point in the year from which the years are counted. This is the historical date agreed upon by the sages that was the date of the creation of man. Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashana (in September 2010), kicked off the year 5771 from the creation of Adam.

Counting years from Tishri (Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashana) is also the date for calculating the release year (i.e., the “Sh’mittah” year, which means “Sabbatical” year, which is every 7th year in the 49-year cycle that governed the Kingdom of Israel [10th century B.C.E. to 8th century B.C.E.] and Kingdom of Judah [10th century B.C.E. to 6th century B.C.E.] in biblical times), and the date for calculating the Jubilee year (a Jubilee year or “Yovel” year in Hebrew is the year after the 49-year cycle that governed the Kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judah in biblical times, i.e., the 50th year).

The 1st day of Tishri was also the date that determined the beginning of the year when it came to the three years that the fruit of a tree must be left unpicked (Leviticus 19:23). The 1st day of Tishri was also the date for the “tithe of crops” for the Levites and the Priesthood (“Cohanim” in Hebrew), whose dedication to holy service prevented them from working on the land like the other Hebrews.”



In the opinion of some including this writer, September 11, 2001 i.e. the 1st of Tishri began “one” of the 7 year periods of judgment or punishment found in Leviticus 26 and true to God’s Word seven years later in September of 2008 another 7 years of punishment appears to began which creates this question;

Was September 2008 the 2nd or the 3rd – 7 year period of punishment? IF” it was the third period —- September 14th 2015 ( The first day of Tishri) – ‘could’ – have begin the final 7 years of God’s punishment —-

September 14th 2015 also began a Jubilee year, the 50th year. From 9/14/15 until 10/2/16 was a Jubilee year and this student of the WORD has not yet been given the understanding of how or why this Jubilee year fits in with the last 7 years of punishment or if it delayed the beginning of the final 7 years to 10/2/16?

I am not setting dates for the return of Christ, but hope by offering this “possibility ” some may begin to wake up and Watch; we are instructed by our Savior to — WATCH ! We must watch for the beginning of this 4th period which is the final SEVEN years in which God walks contrary to Israel in WRATH which will come suddenly upon “Christian” America before they awake from their deep sleep.

“If” that 4th period of punishment did begins on October 2nd of 2016: America and Britain will be completely defeated in World War 3 and two thirds of their peoples will have died before the end of three and one half years from that date.

America could well begin the decent into deep distress by 9/10/18 which is the Feast of Trumpets.

This writer does not have “inside information” – our Father does not whisper in his ear, and offers the above as – “speculation”- only: but the speed and the multitude of events including weather, economic, military and the rising threats of wars especially in the Middle East and Europe gives ample cause for believing September of 2008 may have began the 3rd period.

America will know if this be true soon enough. Watch for shortages of food stuffs that will be followed by rationing coming right before or just after a world wide financial crash.

God’s Chosen people, THE Elect, the entire House of Jacob, will soon experience God’s punishment by God’s ‘Rod of Mine Anger’:Assyria.

Assyria will defeat all of the nations of Israel in the 3rd world war [the 4th Seal] and Assyria will again carry Israel and this time Judah into captivity beginning at the 5th Seal. Three is the God’s number of finality/completion and this will be Jacob’s third and final time in captivity.

For those wanting a Biblically clear picture showing exactly what is just ahead for the US and Britain read Deuteronomy 28; the whole chapter. GOD explains what is coming and WHY! Deuteronomy 28 is the Covenant, the contract between God and the Children of Israel which can also be found in Leviticus 26: 1 -39.

Isaiah 10: 5, 6

5 O Assyrian, —-the rod of mine anger, —- and the staff in their hand is ——–mine— indignation.

6 I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.

God has used Assyria to inflict His punishment upon His people Israel in the past and will again. This time of Rage and Wrath upon ’s people is called “The time of Jacob’s Trouble”: a time so horrendous there have never been such a time EVER !

II Kings 17: 6

6 In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor [by] the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.

God used Assyria to take the House of Israel into captivity for their 2ndtime in captivity as stated in vs. 6 above. For the House of Israel’s coming third and final captivity, Assyria will again be God’s “Rod of Mine Anger” and will again carry Israel away into Assyria i.e. Germany.

Note: Samaria is the capital city for the House of Israel and Jerusalem is the capital for the House of Judah.

More about Assyria’s involvement in World War 3 will follow shortly.

Please read chapters 5 & 6 of Ezekiel. One third of the population of all 10 tribes of Israel having grown into many nations will begin to die by pestilences and famine which is the 3rd Seal. One third will be slaughtered by World War 3 which is the 4th Seal.

The surviving third will be taken captive at the beginning of the 5th Seal and sold into slavery throughout the world; many will be taken to Europe and Egypt and the middle East.

As stated above, America and the British Common Wealth of Nations are to be defeated and destroyed in a third World War and the remnant taken captive as slave labor and shipped through out the gentile world.

Do you not think proving or disproving the above is worth your time?

The 5th Seal Is the worst of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble as 70% of those taken into captivity will die in unspeakable ways, remember Hitler’s death camps? Only a tithe will remain; God’s Tithe, God’s 10%.

Why does God allow this??? Is our not GOD merciful? The Israelite people are so stubborn and hardheaded they will lose every thing and suffer unspeakable horrors before they will even consider repenting and submitting to God’s government. This fact of our human nature is very sad.

Even now as America faces total collapse, everything is a balloon, so called Christians refuse God’s Law and GOD’s authority — they refuse to obey even calling God’s Holy Law a curse!

Do not believe what is written in this paper go to your knees for the time is short and ask God to open your mind and diligently study – study – not just read the scriptures for your self.

The Warning God gave through Ezekiel and Jeremiah was written for our time right now – today – and the scriptures quoted in this paper in all probability most of you have never heard before — but now you have heard.

I personally believe the statement of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24: 14: Ezekiel’s warning may yet again go out to the Nations of Israel before the captivity.

It is possible the warning will only go to the leaders of the Nations of Israel. When and “IF” the warning does go out it will simply be to warn Israel of their coming judgment and The Time of Jacob’s Trouble!

Hosea 5:

9 “”Ephraim”” shall be desolate in the day of rebuke: among the tribes of Israel have I — made knownthat which shall surely be.

But our nations “WILL know”!!

Do you not find it hard to understand why God addressed this warning only to Ephraim and not to the Jews??? Ephraim is God’s first born and head of the House of Israel and is only one of many grandsons of Jacob– a fact all Christendom ignores.

It will be only a warning as the time for repentance will have passed – at this point our captivity is certain! It is also very likely the two Witnesses will deliver Ezekiel’s warning to the Beast in person and to those held in captivity. And announce – the Good News of the “imminent” coming of the Government of God and Jesus Christ as its KING.

World War Three: If your eyes are opened even slightly and you are watching, you are witnessing the final destruction of the pride of our power: our leaders are dismantling our military right before our eyes? Women can now fight along side men in the front lines; queers, transvestites and perverts can also ‘proudly’ serve even as Generals and with all the sins of their perversions right out in the open –proudly — for all to see.

When  a soldier kills the enemy without prior approval, a court marshal is probable. America has not fought to win in decades; the morale of our military is sinking fast, suicides are skyrocketing. Leviticus 26: 19. And the intent is to reduce our military to the tiny force it was before W W 2, has now began. Trump says he wants to reverse this policy — but — can he, with what money — we are bankrupt?


Before W W 3 begins and possibly between the rationing of food depicted by the 3rd Seal and before the famine and disease begins to decimate the Nations of Israel, Jeremiah prophesied in verse 14 of chapter 6 that a time would come when “they” slightly healed or dressed the wounds of God’s people saying “Peace – Peace” and there is no peace. Are you watching for this event?

Paul adds to Jeremiah’s warning in 1 Thessalonians stating; ‘then sudden destruction comes’. It could well be Germany may appear to “dress our wounds” after we crash financially and then will blockade our nations, nothing goes out and nothing comes in.

Ezekiel foretold of this loss of the pride of our power and the downfall of our nations.

Here is more relating to the opening questions and what you just read above:

Ezekiel 7: 14, 15

14 They have blown the trumpet, even to make all ready; but none goeth to the battle: for my wrath [is] upon all the multitude thereof.

15 The sword [is] without,and the pestilence and the famine within: he that [is] in the field shall die with the sword; and he that [is] in the city, famine and pestilence shall devour him.

America and Britain will lose World War Three – they will not even put up a fight? The time frame of verses 14 and 15 above is the end of the 3rd Seal just as the 4th Seal (WW 3) begins.

God is allowing each one of us to have a hand in destroying this once Great Nation; every inhabitant from the 4 corners of America demands the right to live – in iniquity – with someone else paying the bill; to live by their own law or lack thereof, to worship in what ever way and to what ever “god” is pleasing to them, to seek pleasures in every Godless manner possible and from the head to the foot none follows after the Righteousness of God.

And our leaders are leading the whole nation into sin – they are professional sinners.

Very soon our cup filled with iniquity will be spilling over as a torrent; this once great nation will BECOME spiritual and physically — Sodom and Gomorrah — just as it was before the flood — And then the end shall come quickly.

Note: yes I am dwelling on the bad times ahead as no one else will.

Isaiah 10: 14.

14 And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathereth eggs [that are] left, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped.


Verse 12, not included, states verse 14 is talking about the King of Assyria (Germany) gathering the all the wealth of America and England and no one will open their mouth in protest.


The king of Assyria i.e. THE Beast, assisted by the False Prophet, will use the God given riches of the American continent to fund a worldwide resurgence of international trade: Revelation 18: 9 – 14. world economy will boom fueled by the Red Wood forests set aside as a national treasure and by all the oil and minerals not touch because of 10 darter fish and two owls or what ever. All will be free, without cost, and – and – all labor will also be free.

One third of all Americans and 1/3 of all the nations of Israel not killed by famine or disease or during World War 3 will be sold as captive slave labor – 100’s of million working as free labor.

This coming economic boom will be incredible and world wide. You think this plan is not in its final stages in the German mind at this very moment ??? Germany Knows they should be in control, they are the master race.

Ever heard of ISO 2000, ISO 9000 or CE or EMS these controls and standards are in place now and without adhering to them you will not do business? Mark of the Beast 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, ?

A new gold back currency is coming which will allow this world to boom as never before. The world is looking to Russia and China for leadership but to their surprise Germany will arise, great power is to be given to the Beast by Satan and the Beast will take control of the entire world and will be worshiped by the whole world.

Revelation 18

15 The merchants of these things, —“”which were made rich by her,”’— shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,

16 And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!

17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,

Revelation 13

4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the Beast: and they worshipped the Beast, saying, Who [is] like unto the Beast? who is able to make war with him?

After the Beast Power wins world war 3 the world will then say “who is able to make war with him?”. The Beast is the man many calling the Antichrist.

5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty [and] two months. (Final 3 ½ years

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

8 Andallthat dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

The man Satan will soon give this great power is alive on earth right now.

A specific punishment for Ephraim (Great Britain) is found in Hosea.

Hosea 9: 3

3 They shall not dwell in the LORD’S land; but Ephraim shall return to Egypt, and they shall eat unclean [things] in Assyria.

When has this happened?? Ephraim (a Jew???) will not be allowed to live in the LORD’s Land ?? which LORD’s land ?? And Ephraim will return to Egypt and Assyria?? Please show us where it is stated that Ephraim was or is now in the tiny nation of Israel. And when have the Jews been sent back to Egypt?

God will once again (3rd time) punish the House of Israel with captivity for their backsliding and national sins. Read once more, if you can, Ezekiel 5, 6 & 7 these chapters concern The House of Israel and the gentiles – only the House of Israel.

The Day of the LORD is God’s punishment of the gentile nations. And does this scripture not say Ephraim dwells in the LORD’ s land? Who then is Ephraim and where is this “land” upon which “only” Ephraim dwells, only one tribe?

Read Ezekiel 3: 1, God commands Ezekiel: “Speak to the House of Israel”, no mention of gentiles or Jews – the warning is not to the Gentiles. The Nations listed above, with America and the British Common Wealth of Nations being at the forefront, are at the door of the 3rd and 4th Seal of Revelation as you read this paper.

Once the 3rd and 4th Seals are in play our nations will be on an irreversibly course: America and the British Common Wealth of nations are to exist no more! The loss of the pride of our power will be complete with only death and captivity as our immediate future.

As the 3rd, 4th and 5th Seals are played out these once great and proud nations will experience for the first time unimaginable horror with one third dying of famine and disease, only then to be overrun by “mercenary” armies that mercilessly and with great cruelly destroy another third as the 4th Seal begins to unleash the horrors of World War 3.

The third that survives the famine, disease and war will be TAKEN away captive throughout the entire world. “Taken” is not a pleasant word.

Those conned by Satan waiting for a rapture believe they will be “TAKEN” to heaven — captivity is not heaven and that is where they are to be Taken – into captivity.

Many will condemn this writer for repeating the coming horror over and over — but even if repeated 10 or more times — will the readers wake up??

No, Satan has blinded the nations of Israel and only captivity will awake them.

Isaiah 28: 1 – 3

1 Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty [is] a fading flower, which [are] on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine!

2 Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, [which] as a tempest of hail [and] a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

3 The crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim, shall be trodden under feet:

What is the government of Great Britain called? “The Crown”; is the Lord accurately describing the British people (Ephraim) of today in these scriptures? The sun never used to set upon the British Empire which is now bankrupt and helpless. God is sending a mighty one to utterly destroy Ephraim — Germany will marvelously succeed this third time.

Many falsely interpret Christ’s statement in Matthew 24: 40, 41 as describing the rapture where one is supposedly taken to heaven and the other ‘left behind’. Reading the whole text in Matthew in conjunction with all the scriptures above reveals its true meaning: One is protected by God and the other is ‘taken’ away captive. Those “taken” are the third carried away as captive slaves throughout the world. The word taken is not a gentle word. Taken, usually means against your will. There is even a movie by that very name.

Jeremiah 30: 1 – 3; 7 – 11

1 The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying,

2 Thus speaketh the LORD God of Israel, saying, Write thee all the words that “” I ”” have spoken unto thee in a book.

These WORDS are the SPOKEN WORD OF GOD and Christ commands we are to live by every WORD spoken by GOD !!!

3 For, lo, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will –bring againthe captivity —- of my people Israel and Judah,saith the LORD: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.

After the time of the 3rd captivity is over —“They” , Israel and Judah, shall possess the Promise Land once more and for ever.

7 Alas! for that day [is] great, so thatnone [is] like it: it [is] even the time of Jacob’s trouble;but he shall be saved out of it.

8 For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, [that] I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him:

The phrase “In that Day” is use in many places throughout the Bible to describe the time of the return of Jesus Christ. The captives are freed at Christ’s return – “IN THAT DAY”.

9 But they shall serve the LORD their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up unto them.

When the remnant of the House of Israel is freed from horrendous captivity by Christ and David rises from the grave as immortal Spirit in the First resurrection, David will return as king over all of God’s people Israel.

10 Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make [him] afraid.

11 For I [am] with thee, saith the LORD, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished.

Those that accept “replacement theology” which falsely teaches God has abandoned all of physical Israel must abandon the entire OLD Testament. NOT AT ALL WISE TO ABANDON THE WORD OF GOD.

God is clearly stating the Beast Power and the 10 nations that joined them will be completely destroyed — a full end. Are the gentile nations of this world at their full end today? Do they yet exist in great numbers and in great power? Is China surpassing America? Then this prophecy is yet future.

Jeremiah 5: 15

15 Lo, I will bring a nation upon you from far,O house of Israel, saith the LORD: it [is] a mighty nation,it [is] an ancient nation,a nation whose language thou knowest not, neither understandest what they say.

Jeremiah 31: 6 – 9

6 For there shall be a day, [that] the watchmen upon the mount Ephraim shall cry, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto the LORD our God.

This CRY is for the 2nd Exodus to begin and the House of Israel to return to the Promised Land.

7 For thus saith the LORD; Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations: publish ye, praise ye, and say, O LORD, save thy people, the remnant of Israel.

The remnant freed from captivity.

8 Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the coasts of the earth, [and] with them the blind and the lame, the woman with child and her that travaileth with child together: a great company shall return thither.

9 They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim [is] my firstborn.

If Ephraim is to be lumped in with the Jews please explain how and prove who this “Firstborn of God” is by race or by tribe or how ever you can?

The remnant of Israel will be in the 10’s of millions and will return to Jerusalem and the Promised Land after they are freed by Jesus Christ at His return.

It is this writer’s — ‘opinion’ – the “watchmen” in verse 6 could be the 144,000 “spiritual” virgins held captive throughout the world or the two Witnesses or both. The ‘watchmen’ will most likely will announce to the Great Multitude – “the time of the 2nd Exodus has arrived, make ready”.

The prophecy of Ezekiel in Ezekiel 11: 16, 17 state both Houses of Jacob will be taken into a third and final captivity before they are brought to the Promised Land and these scriptures are just the tip of the iceberg. All of God’s prophets write of this horrific time.




It should be evident from the scriptures offered above, God will not allow American or Great Britain or any of the nations of Israel to survive this coming horrendous third world war and will be taken into captivity for the multitude of sins from which they, to this very day, refuse to repent.

The Tribe of Dan it appears will worship the Beast and thus not join his brothers in captivity.


The next segment concerns the Second Exodus as was described in Jeremiah 31: 6 – 9 above. Both Houses are in captivity and Christ, at His 2nd coming, frees them from captivity and restores them to the Promised Land for the 3rd and final time.




The 144,000; The Second Exodus and the Great Multitude


The scriptures below describe the 2nd Exodus to Jerusalem and to the Promised Land by the “Great Multitude” held in captivity for 3 ½ years.

It is probably a valid assumption that very very few ‘professing’ Christians have even heard of The Second Exodus. The scriptures that follow will introduce you to this incredible event. Those taken captive, taken as slaves, from America and England and the other Israelite nations will come to Jerusalem and the Promised Land by way of this Great and massive final Exodus.

Many have tried to understand and make sense of the 144,000 and the Great Multitude; who are they and what is to become of them and where they are going?

The 144,000 and the Great Multitude are the 10% — God’s tithe — from all the nations of Israel that will survive 3 ½ years in captivity.

When the Beast defeats all the nations of Israel in world war 3 only one third of the nations of Israel’s population will survive the famine, disease and war: two thirds will die. That remaining third of Israel will be taken from their homes and lands as captives and will be dispersed throughout Europe and other nations around the world and placed in tortuous slavery for 3 ½ years.

The 144,000 and the Great Multitude are all that will survive out of all the hundreds of millions or possibly up to a billion from the nations of Israel.

Of the 100’s of millions of Israelites taken into captivity, those that survive the 2 ½ years of the Great Tribulation and repent and are converted, become the 144,000 and the Great Multitude. During the ‘Day of the Lord’ which is the remaining year of the 7 years they will be protected from the Wrath of God, but are still held in captivity.

At the end of the 2 ½ years both groups are converted and receive the Spirit of God the Father from heaven.

The Great Multitude will be freed from their captivity by Jesus Christ at His return which occurs at the end of the Day of the LORD – at the last of 7 Trumpet plagues i.e. At the LAST Trump.

Once freed, the Great Multitude will begin making their way to Jerusalem on a prepared highway called “The Way of Holiness.” This is The 2nd and the greatest Exodus of God’s people.

Isaiah 11: 11 – 16

11 And it shall come to pass — in that day,[that] the Lord shall set his hand againthe second timeto recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.

The Lord will recover His people for THE SECOND TIME! I believe 99.9% of those that call themselves Christians have zero knowledge of these scriptures and Zero knowledge of why there will even be a 2nd Exodus.

The first time God freed His people from captivity was the Exodus of Moses and the 2nd time they are to be freed there will be a 2nd Exodus to Jerusalem and the Promised Land.

12 And he shall set up an ensign ( Jesus Christ) for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

Jesus Christ is that Ensign. And the dispersed are gathered from the 4 corners not the 4 winds. The 4 Corners represent the physical gathering of God’s people; “from the 4 Winds” is the Spiritual gathering of the Saints of God

13 The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.

Many want America to abandon the tiny nation of Israel today and we will.

14 But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west; they shall spoil them of the east together: they shall lay their hand upon Edom (Turkey) and Moab; and the children of Ammon (Jordan) shall obey them.

As those in the 2nd Exodus make their way to Jerusalem and will take what they need from the gentile nations as they pass through, the 12 Tribes will “spoil” the gentiles as the children of Israel spoiled Egypt when they left Egypt.

And as the Great Multitude, by the 10’s of millions, makes their way to Jerusalem through Turkey, they will kill all the males of Turkey because of what Turkey will do to the Jews that tried to escape from the Nation of Israel during the 3rd, 4th and 5th Seals. Amos 1: 9.

Esau is Edom, Esau, Jacob’s brother. Esau hates Jacob even unto this very day. Esau will cease to exist as a people or a nation. Read all of Obadiah or at least verse 18.

15 And the LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make [men] go over dryshod.

Only physical flesh and blood can cross a river “dryshod”.

16 And there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.

Isaiah 35: 8 -10

8 And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be calledThe way of holiness”; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it [shall be] for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err [therein].

9 No lion shall be there, nor [any] ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but “”the redeemed”’ shall walk [there]:

We are “redeemed” by the blood of Jesus Christ thus these are converted men and women filled with the Spirit of the Father.

10 And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with son.

The “ransom” was the death of Jesus Christ.

God will have prepared what He describes as a “highway”, The Way of Holiness, for those in the 2nd Exodus from Germany (Assyria) to Jerusalem.

Please read all 10 verses of Isaiah 35.

Jeremiah 16: 14, 15

14 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;

15 But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers.

To this writer it is possible 99% of nominal Christianity has never read or even briefly heard in passing — Verses 14 & 15.

Jeremiah is stating the 2nd Exodus will pale into insignificance the first Exodus of Moses.

No one will speak about the first Exodus any more and Why? This is the remnant of the whole House of Israel freed from 3 ½ years of captivity and traveling to Jerusalem on a highway from Assyria (Germany) to Jerusalem by the scores and scores of millions.

God’s Tithe or ten percent of say 600 million is 60 million. What ever the actual number is it will be in the 10’s of millions and plus those gentiles which are converted during the 3 ½ years along with them.

This is an incredible and huge end of the age event seemingly unknown to so called Christianity.

And why ? —- because they refuse to obey and have rejected God and HIS Torah.

Ezekiel 39: 23 – 29

23 And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword.

What Ezekiel wrote above can only be understood as a third captivity AND why can that fact be proven ??


Ezekiel wrote this prophecy while he was among the Jewish captives during the House of Israel’s and the House of Judah’s second captivity:


Ezekiel wrote this prophecy while in captivity with the Jews, Ezekiel 1: 1. The Jews went into captivity, according to some, 134 years after the House of Israel was taken away by the Assyrians. speaks only of a future third captivity.

24 According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions have I done unto them, and hid my face from them.

25 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for my holy name;

26 After that they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely in their land, and none made [them] afraid.

27 When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them –out of their enemies’ lands,and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations;

28 Then shall they know that I [am] the LORD their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there.

29 Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.

Isaiah 27: 13

13 And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the great trumpet (Last Trump) shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the LORD in the holy mount at Jerusalem.

This explains the captives will come to Jerusalem from Assyria and Egypt after the Last Trump, Please note they were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and will come to Jerusalem IN THAT DAY: “in that day” is the time of the return of Jesus Christ at the end of The Day of The Lord.

How can this not be the third captivity and the 2nd Exodus? They are in Assyria and Egypt, about to perish and are freed by our King Jesus Christ at His return and brought to Jerusalem to be given the Promised Land? The land promised to Abraham so long ago. Jeremiah 3; 18, 19.

Have you ever wondered about the 1335 days in Daniel 12, could this be a 75 day period following the 2nd 1260 days for those in the 2nd Exodus to travel to Jerusalem?




The Two Witnesses and the Captivity:


Moses and his brother Aaron stood before Pharaoh crying out; “Let My People Go!” Soon the final Two Witnesses will stand before THE Beast, the most powerful man in the world – ever – and will once more cry out; “Let My People Go”!


The two Witnesses will call down plagues on the nations ruled by the Beast and on the entire Gentile world as well exactly as in the days of Moses and Aaron but this time on a world wide scale. two Witnesses will again demand the Beast and the False Prophet frees their captives: House of Israel.

Will the Two Witnesses also be brothers and of the tribe of Levi?

The brothers Moses and Aaron from the tribe of Levi are a ‘type of’ or forerunners to the final Two Witnesses described in Revelation 11.

It is very possible the final two witnesses will be brothers from the tribe of Levi as God does not change — what has been – will BE.

Ecclesiastes 3: 15

15 “ That which hath been – “is now” and that which is to BE – “hath already been” - and God requireth that which is past.”

God does not change He uses the same methods and follows His predetermined plan to the split second and He works with the same families from the tribes of Israel. And if you will diligently search you will find He accomplishes the major events in His Plan of Salvation on His Holy Feasts and on His Sabbath day.

Moses and Aaron brought unconverted Israel out of bondage [the first captivity] by the First exodus after being freed by Jesus Christ, our Passover. And this exodus occurred on the first Holy Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread i.e. the 15th of Nisan .

By the hand of Joshua, Israel was brought into the physical Promised Land for the first time and as it was 40 years to the day since being freed on the night of the 15th on Nisan, It then follows it was on the 15th day of the month of Nisan they entered the Promised Land for the first time. Joshua 5: 10.

Joshua is a type of Christ and Jesus Christ will bring Israel into the Promised Land for the third and final time at His return.

The Two Witnesses will cry out for 1260 days i.e. 3 ½ years calling down plagues on the Beast and the gentile nations aligned with him until just before Christ returns to free the “converted” remnant of the whole House of Israel from bondage [the third captivity] and by the 2nd Exodus bring them into the Spiritual Promise Land for the third and final time:

That Spiritual Promised Land is: The Kingdom of God with Jesus Christ its KING.

Moses and Aaron brought physical Israel out of bondage and Joshua brought them into the physical Promised Land. The final two witnesses will bring a converted spiritual Israel out of bondage and Jesus Christ will bring them into the spiritual Promised Land and to HOLY Jerusalem.

As it is too long to include, please read all of Jeremiah chapter 30 and 31.

The BEAST, a human man alive right now, is German. The Assyrian peoples of old became modern day Germany.

What other peoples have fought with the Children of Israel from the days of old even to today by world wars and has persecuted and murdered the Jews so “efficiently”; who else has sought to dominate the world; who else is expert in order and control; at creating and manufacturing incredible weapons of war; who else has that arrogant and superiority mind set matched by a consuming national will for order and domination; who else has the national passion matched with the ability to rule the world?

Who else believes it is their duty to rule the world.

Consider what is said in Revelation 13: 4 Who is able to make war with him”, what nation is a master at WAR? Who even at this moment is franticly rearming and building a European army? Who defeats the United States and England in W W 3? Germany!

In early December of 2014 German Foreign Minister Steinmeier gave a “Great Power” speech to big German business Titled “Germany’s destiny: Leading Europe in order to LEAD THE WORLD” . Germany is in advanced preparations now — not simply to lead – but TO RULE the world economically, religiously and militarily.


Kishore Mahbubani,

Professor in the Practice of Public Policy at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore


Germany‘s destiny: lead Europe — to lead the world

Germany will soon control all of Europe under the “god like” leadership of The Beast, a human man given great power, charisma and ability by Satan – imagine Hitler on satanic steroids’, joined by the False Prophet (the pope). It is quite probable the Beast will come out of Bavaria as did Hitler.

MY eye is on Karl-Theodor Maria Nikolaus Johann Jabov Philipp Franz Joseph Sylvester Freiherk Von Und Zu Guttenberg from Bavaria. Is he the Beast — we shall see?

The resurrected Holy Roman Empire will be God’s Rod of Mine anger for backsliding Israel. The Beast Power will be in its final form 10 Nations — Daniel’s 10 toes of iron and clay. The Beast power is the final resurrection of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian system of church and state and will be completely “Antichrist” in its nature [against Christ]. There is not one man that IS THE antichrist, both the pope and the Beast and their holy Roman Empire are antichrist.

There is no single person that will be ‘The’ antichrist. Once the deadly wound is healed and the Eastern Orthodox Church rejoining the Roman Church — Mystery, Babylon the Great will arise.

Research ancient Assyria, you will find they were fierce warriors and as cruel as any race of men. Would you not call Hitler’s time in power cruel? And Hitler, as did the ancient Assyrians, removed captives from their own lands before placing them into slavery. How do you escape or fight when you are held captive in a foreign land?

The world is watching China and Russia thinking THEY seek to control the world. But when the Beast suddenly arises to power and is in control of all Europe, wielding great economic power and military might with the Mother of Harlots guiding the Father Land and working miracles — the entire world will be shocked and stand in great awe and admiration.

The whole world will worship the Beast and by joining his economic system and will grow very rich. Germany is the FATHER and the “Universal” church is the MOTHER. This ancient church primarily worships a mother.

The Beast will rule under an existing world wide universal mother church led by the False Prophet: The Beast will rule by economic standards and controls (CE, EMS, ISO 9000, etc.) and by great military might. The miraculous powers given to the False Prophet by Satan will lend the Beast great stature and god like authority and the entire world will worship him.

Point to consider: America has around 400 to 500 nuclear bombs on German soil at this moment, thus Germany does not need to make their own – Germany will just take ours. We will be so weak by that time Germany will not even have to ask or say thank you.

Jesus Christ in Revelation calls this ancient religion that has been on earth for 1000’s of years:

Mystery, Babylon the Great,

The Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth”

Did you ever wonder about the term “mother of harlots”? This ancient religious system has ‘daughters’ that have come out from her over thousands of years and very soon the “daughters” will return and rejoin the “Mother”.

This ancient religion is the church (congregation) of Satan and Satan from his church controls and rules the world, from this ancient pagan seat of world power – Rome - Satan has deceived the whole world.

One thing to look for now is the removal of the edict prohibiting priest from marrying which may be removed to allow all the various married priest and ministers to return to the Mother church.

Beginning with the 5th Seal, the Great Tribulation, Satan will attempt to completely destroy all 12 Tribes of Israel and all of mankind using the Beast Power and the False Prophet, but God will intervene at the 6th Seal and stop Satan.

By the end of the Battle of that Great Day of GOD Almighty a tithe (10%) of mankind and a tithe of God’s Elect will remain alive to live on into the Reign of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords.

See Isaiah 6:11 -13: Amos 5: 3 and Isaiah 24: 1 – 6,

Isaiah 24: 6 “Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate: — therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned – and few men left.”

Over 6 billion human beings are soon to die and the few men that remain are desolate.




The 144,000 and the Great Multitude:

Earlier in the section on the 2nd Exodus it was explained the 144,000 and the Great Multitude are what will remain of the whole house of Israel and only the Great Multitude will return to the Promised Land by the 2nd Exodus.

The absolute confusion concerning these two groups among the 40,000 flavors of so called Christians is beyond measure.

One can hear confusing and contrary speculations regarding both groups of Saints with some saying the 144,000 will come down from heaven at some point and others claim they already are in heaven and will be forever. Some say they are all virgin Jewish males and a few even claim the 144,000 have been leaving a few at a time rising to heaven over the last 2000 years.

Others believe the Great Multitude are all of the Saints that will ever exist from the beginning of time and then some claim only the 144,000 will go to heaven. Where does it say even one person will ever GO TO HEAVEN? The MEEK inherit the earth!

So called Christianity has always been and even now is in great confusion, a condition of confusion too long to list — but the truth has always been in God’s Word, and THE Truth is found here a little and there a little.

Scriptures previously quoted reveal those taken captive for the third time and return to the Promised Land by the 2nd Exodus will be the remnant of the whole House of Israel. All 12 Tribes are defeated in World War three which is the 4th Seal, and are taken into captivity as the 5th Seal opens and are scattered around the world as slaves.

After growing into the 100’s of millions even possibly approaching a billion, the 144,000 and the Great Multitude are all that will remain alive from the nations of Israel; they are God’s Tithe (10%). The Tithe has always belonged to God.

Revelation 7: 14

14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Jesus Christ reveals in Revelation 7: 9 – 17 the Great Multitudes are to come out of “Great Tribulation. The 144,000 are to be sealed first with the Spirit of the Father as verse 4 states and verse 9 states — ‘after this’ – thus at a later time the Great Multitude will be converted and sealed by the pouring out from heaven of God the Father’s Holy Spirit.

The Great Multitude will be converted but are not a part of the first fruits of God. God’s first fruits – only- are raised to immortal Spirit life in the FIRST Resurrection;

All of the Saints of God including the last to be harvested i.e. 144,000, are first fruits and first resurrection is only of God’s First Fruits.

Have you ever wondered why the Tribe of Dan is excluded and Manassas, the first born of Joseph and a ½ tribe, takes Dan’s place bring the total again to Twelve Tribes.

Speculation: why is the Tribe of Dan not included? Dan may not go into captivity; it is quite possible Dan may join in worshiping the Beast and the False Prophet which is “spiritual fornication”. Dan’s allegiance is even now to the papacy. It appears their tribal position as one of the 12 tribes will be lost due to ‘spiritual fornication’ with the Great False church. Dan is catholic Ireland.

The 144,000 and the Great Multitude will be a part of the one third of Israel taken captive and will be transported to Europe and Egypt and scattered throughout the gentile world where they will be taken as slaves.

Those in 2nd Exodus will only be the Great Multitude which is the remnant of the 12 tribes and a mixture of other races and nationalities taken captive with them. The Great Multitude which includes gsentiles will be converted and given God’s Holy Spirit after the 7th Seal opens.

It is very possible the 144,000, as the last of the harvest of God’s first fruits, will be given the Holy Spirit on the Feast of First Fruits i.e. Pentecost as was Jesus Christ and the 120 Fifty days after Christ resurrection. See Acts 2.

The 7th Seal opens on the Feast of Trumpets: the Day of the LORD being one year in length begins with the Feast of Trumpets. The Great Multitude and the 144,000 will be protected from the 6th Seal and 7th Seal: the 7th Seal is the Wrath of God, but both will still be held in captivity until Christ returns to free them.

The Great Multitude, freed from captivity by Christ at His Return, begins the 2nd Exodus to Jerusalem to finally inherit the Promised Land promised to Abram’s seed in Genesis 17: 8.

The 144,000 spiritual virgins do not join with the Great Multitude in the 2nd Exodus as they will become First Fruits to God [Saints] and will be born from above into immortal Spirit at the first resurrection with all of the Saints of God called and chosen during the last 6000 years.

Revelation 14: 4

4 These are they which were not defiled with women; (false church) for they are (spiritual) virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men (#444 mankind thus some of the 144,000 are women), [being] the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

There is a space of time at the beginning of the 7th Seal where the angels are held back until the Great Multitude are given God’s Spirit and then the Day of the Lord will begin.

To clarify a point the 7th Seal begins the Day of the LORD which is The Wrath of God upon the gentile nations. The Day of the Lord is a one year period of time; a day is as a year in prophecy. See Joel 2: 31 which states: “ The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood { the 6th Seal} BEFORE the terrible Day of the LORD comes {the 7th Seal}.”

Something to study and consider:

Every important event in God’s plan of salvation must occur on a Holy Feast Day or a Sabbath Day. When Acts 2 is closely read we find that on the Feast of Pentecost/First Fruits when the Disciples of Christ’s were sitting together to observe that Feast the Holy Spirit of the Father was poured out upon them.

Peter stood up and said this is what was spoken by Joel the prophet “In the last days I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh”. This time we are in now, 2000 years later— are they not even more so — the Last Days?

In verse 18 Joel goes on to say “ I will pour out in those days of My Spirit and they shall prophesy” THEN in verse 19 Joel jumps to “And I will shew wonders in heaven above” Joel moves directly to the 6th Seal.

To expand this further; When John the Baptist baptized Christ and Christ came up out of the water, God the Father laid ‘His’ hands upon Christ. God the Father open heaven and for the first time poured out His Spirit on His Son Jesus Christ. Christ MUST be first in all things as our example to follow.

The second time God pours out His Spirit – from heaven – is recorded in Acts 2. When the Spirit is poured out on to the 144,000 it will be the third time? 3 is God’s number showing it is complete.

God is the same today and for ever, what God preformed at the baptism of His Son and again at the creation of His Church both occurring on the Feast of Pentecost. Will HE again perform the sealing of the 144,000 i.e. the pouring out of His Spirit from heaven at that Feast? From all I have come to believe – that final pouring out will occur again on the Feast of First Fruits.

When Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5: 2 states “For yourselves know perfectly that the Day of The LORD so cometh as a thief in the night”. Paul is talking about the 7th Seal not the Great Tribulation, not the beginning of the 7 years of the time of the end nor the actual day Jesus Christ returns.

The Day of the Lord, which is the 7th Seal, –“that day” – that timecomes as a thief in the night – to – the Gentiles — but not to God’s Church.

God wakes up the gentiles with the 6th Seal which is the heavenly signs and then punishment follows with the 7 Trumpet plague of the 7th Seal.

As the Israelites were protected in the days of Moses during the Wrath of God on Egypt, so shall both the 144,000 and the Great Multitude be protected from the Wrath of God which is to fall upon the Beast and the gentile nations he controls and on the entire gentile world. Both groups of Saints will be held in captivity until Christ returns to free them but are protected from The Day of the LORD i.e. God’s Wrath.

The 144,000 are to become part of the First Fruits and will rise in the First Resurrection being ‘born the 2nd time’ as immortal Spirit members of the Family of God meeting Jesus Christ in the Clouds and returning with Him to the Mount of Olives as kings and priests.

The 144,000 are “spiritual” virgins as they will refuse to worship the Beast, his image or receive his mark and most likely will suffer long and horribly for that refusal.




God’s Plan of Salvation


God’s seven annual Holy Feasts — are — “Shadows” — of God’s Plan of Salvation, Colossians 2: 17.

All major events in God’s Plan of salvation occur on the Sabbath or on one of God’s Feasts and Passover: Passover in NOT a Holy Day.


Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread:

First season;

The Passover, which is NOT a Holy Day, begins God’s perfect plan of salvation, Christ, our Passover ( our redemption from the penalty of death we all are under), was put to death in our stead for our sins. Christ was resurrected to eternal life on the third day and by His life, His death and His resurrection pioneered for us THAT WAY we must follow to gain the “gift” of eternal life. re are two Holy Days during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the 1st and the 7th days are Holy Convocation.

The seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread portrays to God’s ‘called out ones’ they are to “become” unleavened; they are to put sin out of their lives. Leavening, because it puffs up, portrays sin, “a little leaven (sin) leavens the whole lump”.

The 7 day Feast foreshadows God’s 7000 year plan of salvation, 6000 years living in sin and the 1000 year Sabbath of REST.


The Feast of Pentecost:

God’s third Holy day and the second Holy Day season.

Counting 50 days starting from the day “after” Christ was raised from the dead, we come to the memorial of the creation of God’s Church: The Feast of Pentecost AKA the Feast of First Fruits. Our Father began pouring out His Spirit from heaven on all men when that Feast of First Fruits had fully come.

Christ began the Physical creation on the first day of the week and He began the Spiritual creation also on the first day of a week. Only once each year is the first day of a week HOLY: the 50th day is the Feast of the First Fruits. Pentecost always falls on the 1st day of a week, a day called sunday.

If Christ had risen from death on the first day of a week, Pentecost could NOT fall on the first day of a week year by year. We are commanded to count 7 weeks of Sabbaths starting from the day AFTER the Sabbath, the day Christ rose from death was the Sabbath. Thus the 49th day is always a Sabbath as we must begin counting to 49 starting with the first day of the week thus we end on the 7th Sabbath and the following day is the 50th and is always the first day of the week.

Leviticus 23

15 And ye shall count unto you “from” the morrowafter” the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering (which was the 1st day of the week); seven Sabbaths shall be complete:

Christ IS that wave offering, the first of the first fruits. Christ had to be accepted on that first day of the week by His Father – after — He rose from death on the Sabbath, the day Jesus Christ is LORD of.

16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty days;

What day follows the 7th day? The First day of the week.

1234567-(7); 1234567- (14); 1234567-(21); 1234567- (28); 1234567- (35); 1234567- (42); 1234567—“49”. And the First day following the 7th Sabbath is the 50th Day.

The 50th day after 7 weeks of Sabbaths are complete is always the first day of the week.

What day follows the 7th ?? What day is the 50th day? The first day of the week.

This is a proof Christ did not rise on a Sunday as the day after He rose MUST be the first day of the week. If Christ had risen on the first day of the week the count must then begin on the 2nd day of the week. The count begins on the day the wave offering is made which is the first day of the week.


The Feast of Trumpets:

God’s 4th Feast of each year and begins the third and final Holy Day season of each year.

The First Resurrection and The Return of Jesus Christ will occur when the sounding of the 7th Trumpets of the 7th Seal is complete; Christ returns on the day appointed long ago: The Feast of Trumpets: The 7th Trumpet is the 7th and the ‘Last Trump’ of the 7th Seal of Revelation.

The 7th Seal of Revelation begins the Day of the LORD which is the final year of the 3 ½ years. The Day of the LORD is God’s Wrath upon the gentiles and at the end of the Day of the LORD when the Last Trump which contains the 7 Last Plagues is complete – Christ returns — “IN THAT DAY”!

The Feast of Trumpets falls on the first of Tishri, the 7th month.


The Day of Atonement:

5th Holy Day.


AfterThat Battle of That Great Day of God Almighty, (Revelation 16: 14; Armageddon) Satan will be restrained for 1000 years.

The Day of Atonement: the 5th of God’s High Holy Days foreshadows that day Satan’s will be removed from earth and from the presents of God and His people. Atonement is a fast day; no food or water from sundown to sundown.

The Feast of Tabernacles:


This annual 7 day Feast foreshadows the rule of Jesus Christ of Nazareth as KING of kings and LORD of lords; ruling mankind for 1000 years.


The Feast of Tabernacles and all 7 Feasts of God will be observed by every man, women and child during the reign of Jesus Christ King of kings on earth, And they will rest and worship on the 7th day Sabbath.

Zechariah 14

16 And it shall come to pass, [that] every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.

17 And it shall be, [that] whoso will not come up of [all] the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that [have] no [rain]; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

Has Egypt ever kept the Feast of Tabernacles?? Do the gentile nations today now keep the Feast?? This is future!!!!

Jesus Christ joined by the resurrected First Fruits (Saints) now in their positions on earth as kings, lords and priests under Jesus Christ will rule the Whole House of Israel. Christ and His Saints will rule the remnant of all 12 tribes from Jerusalem after the 12 tribes are permanently restored to the physical land God promised to Abraham thousands of years ago. The 12 Apostles will each rule one of the 12 tribes ruling under King David.


Physical, but converted, Israel will finally become the Light to the gentiles. The remnant of the gentiles will be forced by The Rod of Iron to obey The KING of kings; Jesus Christ: keeping His Commandments, His Statues His Judgments and His Sabbaths (Isaiah 66: 23) including The Feast of Tabernacles, (Zechariah 14: 16).

Physical Israel living again in the Promised Land will have been “converted” (a change of their nature to God’s Divine Holy Nature) during the 3 1/2 years and will be able to finally follow and obey Jesus Christ.

The entire earth will soon be freed from the rule of Satan the devil the god of this world and from sin for the 1000 years of Rest promised from before creation;

The 7th Day Sabbath of Rest from SIN,a one thousand year day — after 6000 years (6 days) of man’s iniquity (lawlessness):


The Last Great Day:

The 7th and final Holy Day of a year.

The final and 7th Holy Day of God’s yearly Feasts is The last Great Day which is also called the 8th Day: That Great Day of the Feast.”

This Feast points to a time of judg ”ing” not judg=ment after the 1000 years of Rest. The Last Great Day foreshadows a 100 year period; a time when all that never had their one chance for salvation will be resurrected back to life as flesh and blood.

This is the 2nd Resurrection a time of judging lasting 100 years for flesh and blood humans, Isaiah 65: 20. The 2nd Resurrection is described in Ezekiel 37 and Revelation 20: 1 – 6.


This great Fall Harvest of possibly up to 100 billion men, women and children will include those aborted while in the womb; the men, women and children killed by war, disease, famine, natural disasters and accidents over the last 6000 years.

Stop and consider, what happens to those Jews killed by Hitler, the millions by Stalin and Mao, those drown in the flood of Noah and all the billions of heathen gentiles that have for 6000 years bowed to idols made by hands never even once hearing the name of Jesus Christ?

God will remember the Works of HIS Hands. God’s perfect plan includes


Every single human that has ever been conceived will be given their opportunity for salvation — none will be forgotten or cast aside. NONE!

The 3rd resurrection, occurs at the end of the Last Great Day, those that have refuse to obey our Father and His Son that have refused to live that WAY of God are restored to physical life.

Those that HAVE refused to surrender their will to the will of God the Father will be resurrected back to physical life by a third and final resurrection and will come before Jesus Christ to be judged and before the resurrected Saints and all God’s angels AND all of their sins will be exposed for all to see.

Each and every Sinner will be condemned and sentenced to death and cast into the lake of Fire which is the 2nd Death. The Lake of Fire burns to ashes all those made of dust: they are dead for all eternity.

Yet even now man continues to limit God to a single day of salvation. I remember trying to understand long before God Called why it was important for missionaries to be hurriedly sent out around the world to reach the ‘heathen’: what is the rush? Before they even stepped on board the ships to sail to foreign lands there had been men, women and children living and dying in those foreign lands for hundreds if not thousands of years and they never heard one word from a single missionaries before they died. I guess those folks that die just before the missionaries arrive and those in the past —don’t count?

On the very day the missionaries, mostly Catholics landed on that foreign land, folks died before the first night was over. Oh Oh? What is to happen to those unlucky ones that never got to hear the missionaries speak one word because they died the very day the missionaries arrived? Are they just out of luck?

Logic destroys the false doctrines of so called christianty.

The Plan of God has been hidden in plain sight for thousands of years. In Leviticus 23 God tells us each of HIS 7 Holy Feasts are to be kept year by year — forever;

God’s plan of salvation is Spiritual Perfection. “ 7 ” : God’s number signifying Spiritual Perfection and Completeness.

Year by year as the Seven annual Holy Feasts of God are observed by the People of God, these Feasts are a reminder of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ’s Spiritually Perfect Plan of Salvation. Observing God’s Holy Feasts year by year brings to the Body of Christ a deeper understanding of and appreciation for God’s Perfect Plan.

Ezekiel and the Prophets all have spoken of the time just ahead. It is their duty; they were commanded by The Eternal God to write this warning for us today.

Once cast into this coming fire, some of God’s Chosen People Israel, GOD’s Elect, will soon awaken to acknowledge and obey: our FATHER and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.

Ezekiel’s warning is for the Whole House of Israel: If you reject Ezekiel’s warning it is of no matter to God as it has been rejected from the day it was first given.

But what Ezekiel warned of –is coming – it is sure.

Ezekiel 3: 1

1 “Moreover He said unto me. Son of man eat that thou findest; eat this roll and go speak unto —- THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL.

Ezekiel 2: 3

3 “And He said unto me, Son of man I send thee to the Children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have

transgressed against Me ——- even unto this very day.”


This statement by God in Ezekiel verse 3 is the very reason for what is coming upon God’s people Israel and Judah and what is coming should now be a little clearer even to those that have made their heads hard as a rock.

And yet even knowing what is coming and why — the vast majority will still refuse to obey! The 99.9% will find a plausible “justification” why “they” no long must obey God Almighty and live under HIS RIGHTEOUS AUTHORITY — under HIS Government.

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    Total 3 comments
    • b4

      nice…the biggest nut job on bin,notruthseeker…another agent of satan states his case..wrath and judgement,the bible,satan’s best work–god has no wrath nor judgement-god is love-very few humans understand what that word means-god knows who we are,what we are,exactly how we will act–humans have wrath and judgement..humans are petty,immature,small minded little maggots like this guy chris to fer–a mental case aligned with satan,not god..all pieces of paper,bible,quran,etc were written by men—every single letter was placed on a piece of trash by a man…inspired by satan…god knows we all fools trying to find our place–the ego of such people will always cause us to seek comfort with the devil,not god–natural disasters have been going on since the beginning of time and always will-not directed by god-interpreted by weak minded men to be “acts of god”..bull shett–do you know 100 years from now 8/12 billion people will have died from this date? that is a lot of rotting human flesh!! but argue on jackasses,fools-preach on about salvation,wrath,judgement–show us you are a agent of the devil….fool–notruthseeker,what a total ego maniac spreader of satan’s word,got to be the son/daughter of the devil…

      • Truthseeker

        comings from you b4 what you wrote is a complement.

        Your logic and your scriptural proofs are brilliant and I am sure you read every word before making your earth shaking comment — right

    • Truthseeker


      print out this paper and save it — when things start to turn down, when the future become very doubtful — then read it.

      the Word of God will then become clear and you will know what is coming next.

      What is coming is far beyond any movie you have ever seen – many will become parallelized with fear.

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