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ROMAN CATHOLIC PAGANISM VS, PROTESTANTISM... A picture tells a thousand words

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REV 14:6-12 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.






MATT 5:18

New International Version
For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

New Living Translation
I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved.

English Standard Version
For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.

New American Standard Bible 
“For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.

King James Bible
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
For I assure you: Until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or one stroke of a letter will pass from the law until all things are accomplished. 

International Standard Version
because I tell all of you with certainty that until heaven and earth disappear, not one letter or one stroke of a letter will disappear from the Law until everything has been accomplished. 

NET Bible
I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth pass away not the smallest letter or stroke of a letter will pass from the law until everything takes place.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
Amen, I say to you that until Heaven and earth will pass away, one Yodh or one Taag and will not pass away from The Written Law until everything will happen.

GOD’S WORD® Translation
I can guarantee this truth: Until the earth and the heavens disappear, neither a period nor a comma will disappear from Moses’ Teachings before everything has come true.

Jubilee Bible 2000
For verily I say unto you, Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall pass from the law until all is fulfilled.

King James 2000 Bible
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

American King James Version
For truly I say to you, Till heaven and earth pass, one stroke or one pronunciation mark shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

American Standard Version
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished.

Douay-Rheims Bible
For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled. 

Darby Bible Translation
For verily I say unto you, Until the heaven and the earth pass away, one iota or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all come to pass.

English Revised Version
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished.

Webster’s Bible Translation
For verily I say to you, Till heaven and earth shall pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Weymouth New Testament
Solemnly I tell you that until Heaven and earth pass away, not one iota or smallest detail will pass away from the Law until all has taken place.

World English Bible
For most certainly, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not even one smallest letter or one tiny pen stroke shall in any way pass away from the law, until all things are accomplished.

Young’s Literal Translation
for, verily I say to you, till that the heaven and the earth may pass away, one iota or one tittle may not pass away from the law, till that all may come to pass.

1 John 3:4

King James Version (KJV)

Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

This corrupt idiot of a president we now have, has a grade 3 education and struggles to read the speaches Jesuits write for him… IT’S ALMOST LAUGHABLE… and he sacrifices animals to his forefathers. THIS IS SATANIC!

White protestants are being murdered on their farms left, right and centre. I COULD SHOW YOU PICTURES, BUT THIS IS VVVVERY DISTURBING and unfortunately our reality… I would love for you to start seeing the situation we face… /opinion-conservative/2013/11/why-everyone-should-support-the-afrikaner-struggle-2753266.html

…BUT GOD WILL PREVAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits:

“1, _ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ’s Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness’ right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers.

I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake the same.

I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness’ agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals’ doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise.

I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church’s interest, to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.

I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ.

That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me.

I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.

In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever!

All of which, I, _, do swear by the Blessed Trinity and blessed Sacraments, which I am now to receive, to perform and on my part to keep inviolable; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name written and with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy covenant.”

(He receives the wafer from the Superior and writes his name with the point of his dagger dipped in his own blood taken from over his heart.)



My parents gave me a good Christian upbringing. They set a beautiful example for me and I really can’t complain and am very thankful for my parents and the start I had in life.., but I did not understand why faith was important or why I needed God… My dad said that we were/are blessed and that was good enough for me. Plain sailing then, I thought… I WAS CALLED A CHRISTIAN OR CALLED MYSELF A CHRISTIAN, without grasping the concept. It was just a given in our house and I suspected that was how things worked in every household in South Africa.

Race wasn’t the issue it is today and our (South African) history struck me as kind of interesting with the Anglo Boer War and the Apartheid regime in later years and now what can only be described as reversed Apartheid under a very corrupt ANC government. Wasn’t keen on reading and definitely not interested in that old Bible gathering dust on my shelf. THINGS WERE SO SIMPLE THEN…

I strayed from my faith and the principals thereof and got into drugs because that was just part of growing up I thought. Got into lots of fights in clubs and totalled three cars the night of my matric farewell (can only thank God NOW that nobody was hurt then because I was drunk and SHOULD have gone to prison) and was hijacked a while after that on April fools 2000. Didn’t think that was funny!..

You see… I was now starting to question the road I was on and the friends I was with and for once in my drunken, drugged, meaningless and self-centred life, I felt the need and wanted to do/mean something for someone else and the opportunity presented itself one night in a parking lot close to the club I was heading to. A guy was mugged on his way to work (He watches cars for a living/car watch guard) and he was lying there beaten up and he wanted me to take him to his home in a township not too far from the city so I did as he asked and dropped him at his place. On my way back to the club, I stopped at a gas station to ask for directions out of the township and a youngster came to me saying that he needed a lift to the city and so, as I pulled away he unlocked the back doors of the car from the front seat and two more people joined us AND I KNEW THAT THAT WAS IT FOR ME…

Carjacking is a significant problem in South Africa, where it is called hijacking; there are some roadsigns warning people that certain areas are hotspots. There were 16,000 carjackings in 1998 (18 times the American rate per capita), and 60 murders a year resulting from these.
The statistics are beyond comprehension today and on average a woman gets raped every sixteen seconds and usually murdered after the act in my country. More people are killed here as a result crime than in many war-torn counties in the world.

Bottom line… a bottle was smashed over my head from the guy sitting behind me and as I struggled to get out of the car while moving, they were on me as I got up from the ground and wanted to slit my throat with what remained of the bottle… I woke up with a pair of socks, boxers and a blood-stained shirt not knowing where I was. People came to me from a nearby house and phoned the police who then took me to a hospital in the city… Went home with a concussion, broken cheekbone, a couple of cuts and bruises and a note excusing me from college for a month… I still get the odd nightmare, but this is how I came to remember what happened that night. I became VERY BITTER AND BLAMED GOD!!!

I began to distantiate myself from other people (including my family who only wanted to be there for me) and went for trauma counselling, drinking like it was going out of style… Two bottles of whisky a day (couldn’t every day but wanted to). I threw away all my friends and in violent fits of rage I wanted to kill myself because this world stopped making sense to me and the whisky stopped doing what it used to…I became a danger to others… DARK DAZE!!!

I wanted nothing to do with God, religion or His Word but finished seven years of studies somehow, which ended in Jo’burg and I wanted to become a 3D animater… You see,.. I REALLY WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS REALITY SO I FLED INTO A VIRTUAL ONE,.. one without laws or rules and it helped for a while until I realized that what I was fleeing toward is already there and it is REAL!!! We have a lawless world, so I kind of got back onto the horse and began searching any and everywhere except the Bible for answers which logically led me to those making these laws and those who are supposed to enforce said laws… I was still not too keen on reading so google and youtube it was for me then. I bought some hard drives and started to download everything (interesting) explaining why this world is the way it is NOW.

I stumbled upon this one video quite early on in my quest that really got me wondering. “The Illuminati” by Chris Everard,.. and since nothing I found came close to this, I started to use it as the measure for everything else I was sifting through. YOUTUBE IS CRAZY WITH THIS KIND OF STUFF NOW AND IT IS DIFFICULT TO DISCERN WHAT IS OFF/ON, but it was nothing like it is now. Not even close!!! WHAT IS TRUTH???…

I began to see everything that is wrong with this world (it was more depressing than myself), but at least now,.. I began to see myself as a little bit less of a threat to others and I came across a DVD (compliments of my mother’s brother) at a BBQ while trying to establish some sort of a relationship with my family again,.. who only after I brought up some of the discoveries I have made, told me about this DVD he received in his mailbox a while back… So I got it from him and checked it out… VERY RELUCTANTLY I MIGHT ADD, because this guy on the DVD was a professor of zoology and a evolutionist… I FOUND MANY THINGS SURROUNDING THIS “THEORY” on youtube, that just did not add up so these “evolutionist people” with their “THEORY” just irritated the living daylights out of me… AND THIS GUY WAS QUOTING THE BIBLE so much that I almost didn’t even watch ten minutes of it…

… but I endured and to my amazement,.. there was some of the footage found in my “standard for truth” video mentioned above,.. in his lectures, so I was a little less irritated and little more interested… but now the Bible and God became the main focus of my scepticism, BUT IT SOUNDED LIKE TRUTH… So, back to google I went…Found things that bothered me very much about this man, but some of the things in these lectures just asstounded me… So I called the number on the disc, payed a couple grand into his account and asked this man on the other end of the line to give me everything (DVD’s) he had… I SLEPT VERY LITTLE for a few weeks after receiving his package in the mail and watched it back to back and googled and watched and then googled some more…

TODAY I THANK GOD FOR EVERYTHING THAT WENT WRONG IN MY LIFE BECAUSE HE BROUGHT ME THROUGH IT (UNSCAVED AND BACK TO MY FAMILY AND PROVIDED ME WITH NEW FRIENDS WITH HOPE IN LIFE EVERLASTING) AND HIS WORD STATES THAT HE WILL NOT… 1 Corinthians 10:13-15 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say.

God has His faithful servants everywhere,.. but this man who is doing such a GREAT job to bring truth to a dying world, needs to be commended for bringing a worthless and dangerous, lost and hopeless man back to his CREATOR AND ONLY GOD IN THIS UNIVERSE…
Walter Veith. Lots of his lectures on youtube and I reckon that if you can manage to get through one, you will not stop until you are through them all. The topics of his lectures are so important in the time that we live, that I wish every single person on this earth would watch it!
Truth is independent of opinion. By its very definition, Truth is intolerant of error, every aspect petitioning the conscience for acknowledgement. The individual however, holds the key to admission or rejection.

Truth and error cannot be combined to yield something beneficial. Truth and error are as incompatible as light and darkness. “What fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?” (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).

All the truth that is necessary for our salvation can be easily understood in a true way by anyone who applies common sense and due diligence in seeking to understand what the Bible teaches. And that truth — the core message of Scripture — is incompatible with every other system of belief. We ought to be dogmatic about it.

I think that what I am trying to get at here,.. concerning the above article by “Alternative Right”, is that not much of what is happening in South Africa, is pure chance… and it is not even about race,.. but rather religion. This world is coming to a close and whether we survive this corrupt and hateful ANC regime or not, doesn’t matter!.. Tough times are ahead – NO DOUBT
… but nobody (speaking on a global plane now) is able to stop what is coming! THIS WORLD HAS GOT NOTHING TO OFFER US… Look to your Saviour!

Luke 21:10-22 Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name’s sake. And it shall turn to you for a testimony. Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake. But there shall not an hair of your head perish. In your patience possess ye your souls. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.




Come quickly Lord Jesus

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    Total 5 comments
    • coldcomfort

      There is only one religion founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ and EVERY Christian from 33 AD to the present belongs to it and that is the One, Holy Catholic Church. Every Protestant version was begun by individual heretical and in most cases very immoral men. Protestants do not deserve the name Christian because they reject one or several of the teachings of Christ, and also they do not understand the Bible but try to interpret it for themselves. They are blind leaders of the blind. They have no sacraments, sacramentals or any of the helps that Catholics have.

      The Catholic Church has been infiltrated by Freemasons and Jews. The founders of the different religions orders were and are saints but those orders have been corrupted by evil men bent on the destruction of the True Church. Why do you think that Satanists have their black mass? It is because the Devil seeks to ape God always. The Devil always wants to turn the truth on its head. Just as he uses the upside down crucifix to blaspheme God.

      The Catholic Church will last until the end of the world, that is God’s promise. And She will be purified, that is certain and foretold by Our Lady, God’s Holy Mother and our Mother. The chastisements to come will purify the Church and the Faithful. There is no excuse for not knowing that the Catholic Church is the ONLY one we must belong to or suffer eternal fire. Only a colossal ignorance of history and a total lack of interest as to which Church is true can explain why anyone would accept the paltry forgeries that the various Protestant denominations are. At best they are weak imitations.

      To find the truth we must seek and we must ask Our Lord to reveal it to us. We must find a traditional Catholic priest, one who has nothing to do with the New Mass, Sacraments and Catechism. They were inventions of Protestants, Jews and bad Catholics foisted upon all the Faithful at Vatican II. Pope John 23rd and Pope Paul VI and every pope since has been a liberal modernist pope seeking to make the teachings of Christ and His Church throughout the ages come into line with modern man’s self glorification.

      We are nothing, God is all. Mankind fell from grace in the garden of Eden and we lost most of the gifts we had there by sin. Adam and Eve lost for us our birthright, which was immortality. We must die, and we must suffer eternal fire or save our souls by adhering with all our hearts to the teachings of the Catholic Church. But only those teachings that were taught for hundreds of years continuously until Vatican II.

      Find a priest of the Society of St. Pius X. Pray the rosary every day and wear the Brown Scapular.
      Protestantism is an invention of Satan to drag souls to Hell. There is no one Protestant Faith, they all disagree with one another. There is no central teaching authority or teaching magisterium throughout the ages. They have no saints, no martyrs, no miracles. The only things that any Protestant Church has that is good was taken from the Catholic Church.

      Every word I am saying is true, there must be something inside of you that knows at a very deep level that it is true. Time is short. Prepare for eternity. God is all and we must know, love and serve Him in this world in order to be happy with him in Heaven. God have mercy on all of us.

      “One day through the rosary and scapular I will save the world.” This is Our Lady’s promise. There is no perfect happiness on earth and never can be. But being a devout Catholic is the nearest thing to Heaven we can have here in this valley of tears.

      • 3AM


        Your priests?.. Doubt that very much!

        Are you concerned with the growing number of politicians and governing officials, as well as church leaders that are getting a bit too chummy with the nation of Islam? Is it becoming more and more obvious that the desires of the Muslim are being preferred by the powers that be no matter what faith they claim to embrace?

        A couple or so years back I noticed something a bit strange going on in this area. In fact, it was so strange that I decided to keep track as best I could. I wasn’t looking by the way for any confirmation, or documented info on it at this time. Only an inkling as to what I perceived. I just wanted to see if my discernment was accurate on this. After a year or so of watching the news, especially in areas regarding the Pope, and Islam, I noticed in my last count that John Paul II had eleven meetings with Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat regarding Middle eastern peace, and NONE with the Jewish leader Ariel Sharon during their ongoing unrest. It was then I decided to start keeping track of any and all articles that connected the two together. All the while I am researching this, the thought kept crossing my mind that Roman Catholicism sports 1.2 billion people that claim the Pope their leader, and Islam has just as many claiming Arafat theirs. One would think a joining of the minds here would be VERY advantages in the Pope’s global aspirations, as well as his boss Antichrist. Especially if he starts to show desires of the land we call Jerusalem as Daniel 11:45 says he most assuredly will.

        This also became more plausible in my mind after researching how the Islamic faith came to be, and Rome’s obvious involvement in it. History show that the Vatican arranged the marriage of Mohammed and his wife who was a catholic, and the Catholic bishops help Mohammed write the Koran and gain his power. This was done by Papal Rome all in an effort to cause the Muslims to hate the Jews, as well as all Christians who were not catholic. Two birds with one stone if you will. Get rid of the Christians so that Rome could stand as the supreme moral authority, and rid the Jews of their land so that Rome can set her temples upon the holy land in triumph. Of course history proves it backfired for the Pope, which in turn caused him to growl across Europe in the crusades that saw countless deaths for centuries. However lately, it seems Jerusalem is finally within the grasp of Rome once again!

        Also keep in mind I have not put all ministerial duties on hold and immersed myself in researching this project. I wanted it to be that way so that I can see just how subtle this movement was going to creep upon us all. The media has been ever so gently programming the people of the World that the Islamic religion is good and we should all embrace them as friends that are just as wholesome as our Christian brothers and sisters. Not to mention the fact that all Muslims embrace the Koran (or Quran) as a holy book. A book literally drenched with words declaring the Christians worthy of death and damnation. Is it any wonder I ask, that Rome, a KNOWN Christian persecutor and killer would join forces with the nation of Islam?

        Think about this reality for a moment… During the persecutions of the Vatican where we see over 150 million Christians tortured and killed, we also see Rome having most of these murders performed by officials “outside” the Vatican itself so as to play the innocent card. It wasn’t until the “Mea Culpa” of John Paul II on March 12, 2000 that the Vatican actually admitted they did this. Seeing how we now have graphic proof that Islam sees no wrong in “killing the infidel” as their Koran states is the fate of all Christians. Was the Pope making nice with Arafat so as to assure he has a ready supply of henchmen hell bent on killing Christians or Jews for Allah? Fact is, this has always been the way of Rome. They kill in the background, and denounce the murders in the foreground. In fact, Rome actually invented what Politicians refer to today as “spin-doctoring.” Looking at what’s happening today in the Homosexual agenda should point that out nicely. Everyone knows that the Catholic priesthood is mostly Gay in orientation, and we all know for a fact they molest little boys, and we all know for a fact they hate the Bible. Yet when laws are passed in Canada, or the USA, helping the Gay agenda move forward as well as ban the Bibles, we see Rome acting as if they are totally against it. This two-faced, or wolf is sheep’s clothing theology works well. But it only works well on “sheeple.” Honest Christians are not the least bit hoodwinked by this! Especially Christians that have understanding of prophecy.

      • kender

        Defending the indefensible is the province of cowards. If the church is of God, then do explain why and how it was so EASILY infiltrated by unbelievers? Is God weak? Maybe He just doesn’t care, since He will eventually make everything the way it was supposed to be, why piddle around with details and technicalities? Being a just and fair sort of guy, maybe God stepped aside to let satan have his turn, you know, in the interests of fairness and all. However, there is that issue of the priests getting fresh with the little ones, really low, that was. And all the hush money the vatican has to offer couldn’t keep father peter down, no, why would a man of the cloth allow a little thing like accusations and allegations from spoiled brats who wouldn’t know the difference between phallic and fallopian if their catechism depended on it! Let father peter stand erect and proud! All those little brats really need is something sweet and turgid to suck on and all will be well. by the way, why is he called “father”? I distinctly remember Jesus commanding us to NOT call any man on earth “father”, and yet the catholic church seems to know better than the Almighty, why is that?
        Also, it looks very much like idolatry to have saints and statues in locked positions forever being bowed to as if they might convey some sort of blessing on the congregants, and WHY is it popular to have the Virgin Mary “intercede” for us??? Last time I heard, it was Jesus who would intercede on our behalf to God the Father, when did this change and why? And then of course there is the matter of the unholy inquisition. If it had just stopped, one could move on, but with every new generation, the popes seem to invent new methods that fascinate the masses into not investigating the matter, thus requiring an investigation! And one final query….If the pope is “infallible” why did pope benedict retire? health reasons? lolol.

    • 3AM

      I now see that I have made a mistake on the picture of the 1260 days/years (3.5 years, 42 months, and a time, times and the dividing of time in the Bible).., BUT I WOULD GLADLY RECTIFY IT in its context in a follow-up article if anyone were to be interested…

      I thought it good also,.. to give you a link to show that this is not only happening in South Africa…


      ROME CONTROLS THE WHOLE WORLD…(from behind the scenes)

    • Psalm56

      I really appreciate what you wrote/photos posted.
      After speaking to a devout catholic friend recently and discovering she didn’t believe any of the basic truths that Jesus taught, I started to investigate.

      I read former catholic Mike Gerdon’s articles (, read Two Babylons, Women rides the Beast and Did the Catholic Church really give us the Bible (NO). Wow-it all became crystal clear why none of my catholic friends seemed to have the Spirit I have witnessed in Christians I know who are walking in the Spirit. Of course, it is because they do not have truth.

      It is odd that people keep chant the mantra ‘the catholic church is the one true church.’ Reminds me of the crowd chanting “crucify him”, or Obama saying “you can keep your insurance’ or people who used to chant “the world is flat.” Words without knowledge.

      Catholics choose to turn a blind eye and ignore the new testament in favor of the man-made pagan religion. They defend it out of emotion, not logic. Logic would require reading the KJV Bible, reviewing history objectively. 50-150 million saints were killed for not bowing down to the catholic popes. This is the opposite of what Jesus stood for.

      I suspect the masses are more comfortable in bondage than accepting the freedom that Jesus offers, hence they cling to the catholic church like an abused child clings to the parents who have abused her/him rather than go with child protective service workers to safety and freedom.

      Jesus is the only high priest. The only mediator. To believe otherwise is to not believe Him.

      Mary-a virgin? She had multiple children and was a sinner like the rest of us, in need of the blood of her son for the forgiveness of sins.

      News flash-purgatory is hell.

      Communion is to remember Jesus-PERIOD. It is finished!

      To think any of our filthy works can be brought the the judgement seat of God is arrogant and prideful. Only our faith in Jesus can cover our wickedness.

      Come out of her!

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